My first question is "Where is Epstein?" There is zero evidence that I've seen that he was actually "suicided" or killed any other way.

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Corry's Digs had some pretty grim photos up of the apparently dead Mr E

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Maybe he's living with Ken Lay from Enron in one of SBF's Bahamas pads.

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Spinoff in bad taste, the 'Where's Epstein" childrens books series...(meme too mean to make)

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Yup. Spy agencies and gangs are experts in body substitution when a leader needs to get out of public view. Epstein owns all the politicians and bureaucrats, so the trick was easy for him.

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I believe his island is still in full swing here in the USVI and that he is absolutely not dead.... google earth lists St. Thomas,VI as the “gateway island”....

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Is Isaac Kappy still alive?

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Interesting you raise the question - why should he be? I understand he was spilling the beans.

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So you get that right? Who cares if Epstein is still alive, one way or another his death is surrounded by lies. Kappy's dead right? The camera's broke?

Why do we need what happened to Epstein?

The question is what happened to US?? Who needs more conspiracy theory. We're awash in it. You can't trust anything and that's by design.

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Guessing he's in the same place as Kenneth Lay! When have you ever heard of a prosecution being dropped after a person dies?

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hmmmm, well the story about Epstein did seem to fade quicker than a pair of chinese made Levis. That I can see. Thanks DKA

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Sorry, not buying this list for a second. There's no doubt that there's plenty of "there" there when it comes to Epstein and his pedo express . . . but this looks like someone's attempt to put together an easily debunked list that will then be waved around as evidence that it's all just a big right wing conspiracy theory.

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On that point I ask (sincerely), "Are there ANY Republicans on this list?" Being a pedophile or not isn't the question. I know Trump is an obvious (too obvious?) omission. Besides him, any Republicans, period?

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Trump on Epstein island? Very unlikely. It is good to remember he kicked out Epstein from the Mar-a-Lago club for lack of decorum.

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Ha! "Right wing conspiracy theory". Thanks for letting us know which side you're on. When it comes to children and pedophilia, political ideologies should play no part.

This list has been on the dark web since Epstein was arrested. It shows photos of actual pages of the Epstein/Maxwell's "little black book" and flight logs with contact names, addresses, titles and phone numbers, including scratched out old numbers, replaced by updated ones. It would've been virtually impossible to fake such documents in the short amount of time between his arrest and the docs showing up on the dark web.

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Thank you, and the nonsense spreaders are seemingly unaware that a federal district court judge recently ordered that the names be released. Even sexual deviant Zionist filth Ruppert Murdoch's FauxNews propaganda outlet reported it.


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Read the story jackass, it says "to be unsealed". Do you understand the difference between "unsealed" and "to be unsealed". Do you have a link to the unsealed document? No, you don't. So go back into your miserable hole and keep your ignorance to yourself.

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I read it. The judge noted much of the information has akready been unsealed. It was already ordered unsealed, and will be released, and might have already been which you could find if you're really a rather routine search engine user. Thus, it doesn't matter in the least whether or not you're buying the list as the court docs are, or will soon be, available. Not much to see here so move along. Thanks for playing though anonymous JohnS tough guy. Are you a great PS warrior too?

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Well Mr. Search Engine Expert, show us the list. Put up or shut up.

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I couldn't care less about the list anonymous tough guy, JohnS, or whether or not you're buying it as the judge said much of it was already released, and the newly ordered unsealed docs are, or will soon be, available. It's really largely an irrelevant story in the churn. Up next more churn on COVID19, and election theft.

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sadly I think they use the tactic you mention on everything ie election, safe and effective and so on. I believe they will try to paint all free thinkers in to the crazy category moving forward thats how they break people. Another example I just got a email from my dr wanting to make sure I had my flu it tells me with said shoot I will not get the flu, me I take the flu or any other sickness even death, lets forget how useless these flu shoots are you bring it up and I am a conspiracy theorist

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There needs to be some verification of where it came from before people buy into it, that's for sure.

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Agree. The discussion here concerns a tweet about the visitor list to the island. The Fox article cited previously and another I read on another site both report the soon-to-be-released documents are from a 2016 defamation lawsuit by Virginia Giuffre against Maxwell that was settled out of court. How do we KNOW before the release that this visitor log (assuming real) is among the documents from the lawsuit? If it's not from the lawsuit but is already publicly available, where can we find it and see it?

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You must be one of those left-wing loonies.

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Who would care at this point? The damage has been done.

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Are you unaware that a federal district court judge ordered the release of names?

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Dec 1, 2022
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Sure, whatever you say, but nonetheless it was released by order of a federal district court judge. Even presstitute media reported it.


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I know someone who wasn’t ever on this list. Me 🤣

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It's a big club, and you ain't in it.

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I'm very proud of you.

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Nov 30, 2022Edited
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Mark Twain said politicians are like diapers--they need to be changed often, and for the same reason.

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Kinda like Jury duty? That everyone tries to avoid? 😄

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doesn't have Australians a system of the kind ? I might be wrong

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I have met and or worked with eleven people on this list- (and learned more about them over time) and must say, to find them there is not much of a surprise.

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I’ve worked with a ton of them

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Ya? So what’s your honest opinion? Truth? False? Some are true?

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Some are along for the ride and play dumb, others are very aware of all the sick things they do to one another and don’t bat an eye. I worked with these people on Bway,Film /TV sets for decades. I’ve been to the parties and galas etc etc. private homes of these people. I truly believe that the reason why I was able to be an observer is that I was married with children from my early 20’s. I also didn’t do drugs and alcohol and I’m allergic to fake people.

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All of this was up on 8 Chan back in 2018-2019. I saved many posts and documents as PDFs. It seemed notable at the time. I was right, as usual. Message me if you want any of what I saved.

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This is likely different as it was a different list ordered released by a federal district court judge. Maxwell had a case a couple of years ago to keep some docs sealed which she also lost.

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Ya know, after looking again, Chief Justice John Roberts was on the original list that we saw. Oddly absent from this list.

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John Roberts us a very common name. The photo of men in a pool including Clinton isn't convincing.

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Exactly. We saw it too. As fast as it was put up after Epstein's arrest, and how detailed the scans were, it would've been extremely difficult to forge those documents.

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Every govt, every industry every corporation, every media outlet worldwide. Now tell me isatan is NOt the ruler and prince of this world? And its much deeper than sex trafoicking, try child sacrifice and more blatant out in the open in your face in hellyweird , and theyve sold their souls and will tell you they have. Its war people and time to choose ~the agenda is all in the scriptures, and only Jesus saves.

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So, when you say, "the agenda is all in the scriptures," are you speaking about when Moses commanded the deaths of all the men, women, and male children, with the exception of the 32,000 virgin girls, which they could keep alive for themselves, where then these poor children were divvied up amongst the tribal members with a tribute of 32 to the priestly class for a heave offering? Isn't that child kidnapping and trafficking? (Numbers 31). That's just one example.

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The fact that God commanded the killing of entire nations in the Old Testament has been the subject of harsh criticism from opponents of Christianity for some time. That there was violence in the Old Testament is indisputable. The question is whether Old Testament violence is justifiable and condoned by God. In his bestselling book The God Delusion, atheist Richard Dawkins refers to the God of the Old Testament as “a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser.” Journalist Christopher Hitchens complains that the Old Testament contains a warrant for “indiscriminate massacre.” Other critics of Christianity have leveled similar charges, accusing Yahweh of “crimes against humanity.”

But are these criticisms valid? Is the God of the Old Testament a “moral monster” who arbitrarily commands genocide against innocent men, women, and children? Was His reaction to the sins of the Canaanites and the Amalekites a vicious form of “ethnic cleansing”? Or is it possible that God could have had morally sufficient reasons for ordering the destruction of these nations? A basic knowledge of Canaanite culture reveals its inherent moral wickedness. The Canaanites were a brutal, aggressive people who engaged in bestiality, incest, and even child sacrifice. Deviant sexual acts were the norm. The Canaanites’ sin was so repellent that God said, “The land vomited out its inhabitants” (Leviticus 18:25). Even so, the destruction was directed more at the Canaanite religion (Deuteronomy 7:3–5; 12:2–3) than at the Canaanite people per se. The judgment was not ethnically motivated. Individual Canaanites, like Rahab in Jericho, could still find that mercy follows repentance (Joshua 2). God’s desire is that the wicked turn from their sin rather than die (Ezekiel 18:31–32; 33:11).

Besides dealing with national sins, God used the conquest of Canaan to create a religious/historical context in which He could eventually introduce the Messiah to the world. This Messiah would bring salvation not only to Israel, but also to Israel’s enemies, including Canaan (Psalm 87:4–6; Mark 7:25–30).

It must be remembered that God gave the Canaanite people more than sufficient time to repent of their evil ways—over 400 years! The book of Hebrews tells us that the Canaanites were “disobedient,” which implies moral culpability on their part (Hebrews 11:31). The Canaanites were aware of God’s power (Joshua 2:10–11; 9:9) and could have sought repentance. Except in rare instances, they continued their rebellion against God until the bitter end.

But didn’t God also command the Israelites to kill non-combatants? The biblical record is clear that He did. Here again, we must remember that, while it is true the Canaanite women did not fight, this in no way means they were innocent, as their seductive behavior in Numbers 25 indicates (Numbers 25:1–3). However, the question still remains: what about the children? This is not an easy question to answer, but we must keep several things in mind. First, no human person (including infants) is truly innocent. The Scripture teaches that we are all born in sin (Psalm 51:5; 58:3). This implies that all people are morally culpable for Adam’s sin in some way. Infants are just as condemned from sin as adults are. Second, God is sovereign over all of life and can take it whenever He sees fit. God and God alone can give life, and God alone has the right to take it whenever He so chooses. In fact, He ultimately takes every person’s life at death. It is not our life to begin with but God’s. While it is wrong for us to take a life, except in instances of capital punishment, war, and self-defense, this does not mean that it is wrong for God to do so. We intuitively recognize this when we accuse some person or authority who takes human life as “playing God.” God is under no obligation to extend anyone’s life for even another day. How and when we die is completely up to Him.

Third, an argument could be made that it would have been cruel for God to take the lives of all the Canaanites except the infants and children. Without the protection and support of their parents, the infants and small children were likely to face death anyway due to starvation. The chances of survival for an orphan in the ancient Near East were not good.

Finally, the children of Canaan would have likely grown up sympathetic to the evil religions their parents had practiced. It was time for the culture of idolatry and perversion to end in Canaan, and God wanted to use Israel to end it. Also, the orphaned children of Canaan would naturally have grown up resentful of the Israelites. Likely, some would have later sought to avenge the “unjust” treatment of their parents and return Canaan to paganism. It’s also worth considering the eternal state of those infants killed in Canaan. If God took them before the age of moral accountability, then they went straight to heaven (as we believe). Those children are in a far better place than if they had lived into adulthood as Canaanites.

Surely, the issue of God commanding violence in the Old Testament is difficult. However, we must remember that God sees things from an eternal perspective, and His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8–9). The apostle Paul tells us that God is both kind and severe (Romans 11:22). While it is true that God’s holy character demands that sin be punished, His grace and mercy remain extended to those who are willing to repent and be saved. The Canaanite destruction provides us with a sober reminder that, while our God is gracious and merciful, He is also a God of holiness and wrath.

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Nice summary!! A summary of your summary might go something like this:

1) God owes sinners nothing. But for His grace in Christ, EVERYONE--all of us, even the outwardly moralistic good-deed-doers not in Christ--are owed only His wrath.

2) OT history is a gracious preview of eternal torment--a vivid temporal warning all ought to heed in fear of God (which fear is the *beginning* of wisdom). Our proper reaction to God pouring out His wrath (via Joshua et al) on the protracted and high-handed Canaanite abominations should be to recognize how much like them we are, and to repent and beg for God's mercy.

3) Those who would decry the Canaanite "genocide" as wrong need to check their feet. If we are only meat-bags of fizzy chemicals (mostly water, evolved from pond scum & returning to nothing; and may the strongest win the right to reproduce, per Darwin), then what's the problem with massacres? Or stealing? Or adultery? Or pedophilia? Those things are horribly wrong, of course, but only from the unchanging stability of God's moral platform (His law, which we take for granted here, at the pinnacle of Christendom) can one begin to make such accusations.

It would be best for critics such as Dawkins, the late Hitchens, and the above commenter here, when standing on the holy God's very high ground, still breathing His air, to turn around and acknowledge our own untenable position, in Adam, mired in sin, starting with the first commandment, and bow to His Christ while there's still time.

Once time is up, it's too late. Eternity is forever, one way or the other.

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I can't upvote any comments in this thread but wish I could 1000 times!

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History is written by the victors.

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Indeed. Christ conquered sin and death.

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The Bible is nothing more than a projection of the minds of genetic psychopathy and mind controlling sorcery!! While keeping in mind that sociopaths are made and psychopaths are born, in Dr. Martha Stout's book, The Sociopath Next Door, she was asked by many of her patients, how to identify a sociopath. She said her answer was always surprising - they almost always play the victim - much like what is projected in the Bible by its psychopathic authors. As for the "spells" cast by the biblical rabbinical sorcerers in the Bible, take these few examples, and remember them whenever you say "their" spellbound words, (the "=" sign indicates that the word can also "spell" what follows):

Thessalonians = Holiness Satan.

Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani = I Heil Satan Michael Baal or I Satan Heil Michael Baal, (or any arrangement of the names. Matt 27:46, when Jesus cried out in the 9th hour.)

Barjesus Elymas = Jerusalem Abyss (Acts 13; the two names of a Jewish sorcerer, with abyss meaning primordial chaos or underworld; hell).

Moshiach = Him Chaos (Jewish messiah).

Messiah = Is Shame (what many will feel when they realize they've blamed their True Creator for such genetically sick atrocities).

Thyatira = Thy Atria (atria is upper chamber of the heart and is where this "lord" opened Lydia's heart; Acts 16).

Buryingplace = Buying Parcel (Gen 23, where Abraham buys a section/parcel of land to bury Sarah).

Deuteronomy = Money Detour/Routed, (Deut. 23:20 is about only charging usury/interest on loans to the strangers, but not their brethren, so they can possess the land wherever they go).

Simeon = Monies and Levi is Levy, (meaning to levy monies and enrich themselves, which is what Joseph did, when robbing the Egyptians of all their land and livestock, through starvation...Gen 41 & 47; Gen 2 even gives gold's location before Eve is created).

Leviticus = Is Evil Cut (Gen. 49, where Simeon and Levi are described as cruel murderers).

Christians = His Narcist, (what the psychopath trains their victims to be, whereby they become fervent supporters of these malevolent psychopaths/dictators).

Pithom and Rameses = "T" Ephraim and Moses (the Israelites were supposed to be slaves - playing the victim - building these two "Treasure" = "User Rate" cities/banks, which ultimately usury was enacted in Gen 47, via the portion of food the Egyptians grew, on their confiscated land, that they had to give the Pharaoh, at the behest of Joseph. The "T" stands for Treasure. So, how is it that the two names, Ephraim Moses, are concealed within those words, IF they were slaves? Also, the word "Pharisees" is concealed within Pithom and Rameses. Side note: Rameses is mentioned 5 times in the Bible, but only misspelled once in Exodus 1, where it matters. Why is that I wonder? What were they trying to hide? It becomes obvious when you use the correct spelling).

The above are just samplings of what I've uncovered. You see, being as I used to be a Christian, I decided to take the "Word was God," quite literally. Further, if my earthly dad was accused of only a fraction of the atrocities our True Creators (Mother AND Father) were accused, I would defend him to the death! So, all I can add, is Shame on You!

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There must be some mistake as our beloved maximum leader Blackface and the lovely Sophia Blackface would never do such a dastardly thing..... just joking of course. There was that mini-scandal a few years ago where he / him / her / it / them / gobshite had an all expenses paid visit to the Aga Khan's private island, which is not a million miles away from Epstein's Island. Other than a slap on the wrist the whole thing was quickly buried by the gutter press, which incidentally he bought off with some generous 'loans', ye know to help them through some difficult times, and remain 'impartial' throughout... yea right!!! Seems there are no reperussions for being a pedo.........

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Looks more like "I think the evidence is in" or maybe "hid". lol at Jim Carry leaving Twitter.

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If you do not trust this list, why did you post it? It is all too easy to throw mud, and maybe even most of it will hit the guilty, but innocent people will get caught in the crossfire. First, where did the list come from? Second, has it and can it be validated? Third, was every event hosted on the island a pedophile event? Fourth, did everyone who went to the island know what Epstein has been accused of doing? Was Epstein guilty of what he has been accused of doing?

You had better be able to answer a resounding yes to all of these questions, and prove it, before you join the lynch mob.

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I'll answer that but then you have to tell me if you listened:

In today's world, something coming out on social media, especially Twitter, is the beginning of a new story. "This was posted today." The duty is to frame it right. "Why now? Where did it come from?" The duty is not to ignore it until you can personally verify. My story is accurate: This happened today. What? These tweets were published on a publishing platform called Twitter. They were published. That means something happened. I reported on that something.

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Yes, and you have now addressed the issue I raised. I did not screen capture your original introduction to this post, so I cannot prove my point, but I recall you asked a question, but not as comprehensively as you now have, so congratulations on re-visiting it, and "re-framing" your approach. I followed one of your links to the Twitter hysteria interface, and was, as I usually am, appalled by that hysteria, and the now prevalent "guilty until proven innocent". We must always remember our civilisation is contingent on the "innocent until proven guilty" principle, and when we lose it, we lose our civilisation and regress to lynch mob mentality. We are dangerously close to that, which is why I call it out when I see it.

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"We must always remember our civilisation is contingent on the "innocent until proven guilty" principle, and when we lose it, we lose our civilisation and regress to lynch mob mentality. We are dangerously close to that, which is why I call it out when I see it."

We have moved far beyond this. Our governments are censoring information, lying enmass, paying out billions to spread propaganda, threatening the livelihoods of good people who call out those lies, and actually published lists of who they call 'disinformation agents' to the public.

The whole infrastructure of our civilization has been part of the suppression of dissenting voices - including academia and regulatory agencies and media - while the covid psyop rolled out.

We left the principals that underpin our civilization a long time ago.

I'm not advocating for doing the same - but clearly that's not what Celia was doing - she is reporting on a fascinating phenomena that this list was allowed on twitter.

Whether it's accurate or not - this is a change.

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'guilty until proven innocent'

Criminals also thrive on that same principle, truth and justice depend on law enforcement being allowed to investigate and disclose what they find. When that is not allowed then your 'civilisation' is already gone. And it clearly is not allowed in this case.

The list needs some verification and should be not taken as fact, that's for sure.

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More than likely, it will be yet another limited hangout. The story is released and then there is zero followup, like what has happened countless times in the last few years.

Whatever happened to anything and everything illegal revealed by Wikileaks? Edward Snowden? Zero followup on Epstein's 'suicide'. etc., etc., etc.

The beginning and the end of those new stories. The story will evolve into how awful it was to leak this information and never go back to the content of the information.

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Many people who went to the Island were young and gullible actors wanting to fit in. I was invited a few times and I simply had no desire to fly to an island to see what I knew they were doing here in America for many years. I can understand the ones who foolishly went one time and we’re mortified but %99 of them went back for more. The lure and the promises were too great.

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And the blackmail

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Who said anything about a pedo event ? She only provided a list. Or am I missing something here.

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A search engine is a powerful tool. It can pull up the information that a federal district court judge recently ordered the release of names of Epstein's visitors to his island. Maxwell lost a case a couple of years ago to keep some records sealed as well. This all made presstitute news. It's rather routine to obtain court documents so it's easy to verify the list. I bet if you out your search engine skills to good use you could even find a site that has a pdf of the docs.


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I hope you realize how difficult it is going to be to get the image out of my mind of someone actually having sex with Whoopi.

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I’m beginning to think no one can achieve fame or fortune without having some … issues, shall we say.

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Those in control, control Hollywood like they do DC. See CIA...you don't rise without their approval and your sacrifice.

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Imagine if this turns out to be true? The sicker thought is would anyone pay attention 😖😖

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I know I’m judging a person by what I think he’s thinking, which is both usually a bad idea that gets me into trouble with people who find me over-assuming; AND is something we all do to an extent several times a day to be considerate to others, but in that case we call it emotional intelligence. So with those disclaimers stated:

I found Bill Clinton’s expression upon being questioned to be incendiary --highly suspect. He didn’t look the way I would picture famous but innocent people thinking “Oh, THAT again. I’m moving on.” He looked like someone who does whatever he wants to, and CAN do whatever he wants to. Granted, I’m not famous nor am I famous and innocent. Even if he hears the question eight times a week, his expression was not dismissive of yet another sensationalized accusation, or even inconvenienced. It was more like “I look forward to going back this weekend.”

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Dec 1, 2022
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The history of the Rhodes Scholar program should be learned to fully understand your comment.

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More misdirection. In addition, all of these years most thought that Wikileaks was exposing big stories. It turns out that it controlled information by making it look like groundbreaking journalism. Even after the so-called Snowden revelations, what did that even do? Did he ever say anything about 911? He downplayed the obvious geo-engineering of our skies. How about Covid? This list seems mostly bogus along with Assange and Snowden. We are being toyed with by these satanic baby killing genocidal maggots. Please forgive my non-belief. In addition, I appreciate your postings Celia because I feel like you really give a s_ _t. One more thing. Who could tolerate Joy Behar for more than 30 seconds? She would have been thrown from the plane. Maybe Joe wanted to sniff her.

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I did a commercial with Joy and she played my mother. She’s a very rude person. Treated the crew like dirt.

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Garbage is as garbage does. Thank you for sharing.

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🤣 LMAO on so many of these comments.

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Don't see Trump either.

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Did Trump even really deny hanging out with Epstein? Don't know everyone on this list at all, but, gee, didn't ANY Republicans go to Epstein's Island?

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Many Republicans over time deeply implicated in child trafficking rings and pedophilia. The real story is how media quashes this story again and again, covers for pedo-rings. BBC is utterly appalling in this regard. CBS had the Epstein story years ago.

have to go now.

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Precisely, Celia. That's why I'm skeptical about the blatantly "partisan" content of this list. And a possible set up for debunking as people have mentioned. "ONLY Democrats and Hollywood are perverts and/or pedophiles,.etc., etc." Again, I might be totally off because I don't know much about a huge majority on the list. But that's my take until I learn more (if I do).

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As far as the islanders are aware, trump has never been here... Clinton on the other hand made a huge spectacle of himself. Biden’s brother owns property on Water Island where there used to be a submarine called the Atlantis that tourists could go on....

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Nov 30, 2022Edited
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They can't BOTH make this and think AND keep themselves and their crowd away from the stink of the thing. I hate hypocrisy.

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What I mean is: Haute media says "Trump! Trump Epstein!" That makes it a big deal. For their guys as well. Which is it?

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They were at a party together… Not the island.

Trump is no angel, but the lawyer for Epstein’s victims (Brad Edwards I think?) said in an interview that Trump was the only person who cooperated with him and gave him useful info.

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This insinuation is getting stale.

"... before anyone was going after Epstein, President Trump took action against him."


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