The U.S. State Department has irrefutable evidence that COVID was caused by 19 people with box-cutters.

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Is the evidence made of passports? 😉

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You write "emotion" when you mean human feeling...

Explaining the difference is understanding psychological time-

Fauci behaves emotionless as a presence who senses in order to maintain balanced positive aura like Bernie Sanders does so people believe the knit mittens could never hate them or want them dead-

They hate (emotions of egoic mind patterns of psycho past who CNTRL outcomes and always secretly HATE result)

They rarely outwardly worry which is the future falseness sameas in a departed from love emotional soul-

The reason emotions are circular separation from love and tru feeling is knot is because nothing ever happened yesterday, and nothing happens tomarrow, it happens NOW

God planted that adept skill of memory within all of us, unlike the bird, deer or cat, who can never become "emotional" because second density is knot third human-

Fauci knows all this much better than the most, and will exploit emotions inn most all people till his last increasingly fearful angre laden breath-

His devil is directly proportional to the pain and suffering his black demonic heart has caused-

Truly a powerful retribution indeed-

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Happy Thanksgiving Celia . . . I hope you can take a couple of days off, you've been pumping out the substacks for the past week at breakneck pace! And please know that many of us are incredibly thankful this year to have come across the likes of you and the other truth tellers who have not only informed us but done so while taking great risks to your personal well-being. It's appreciated more than you will know in this lifetime.

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Thank you John. I am unable to take breaks, it seems. But I did take Thanksgiving off. It's like we in the Book of Revelation. What's happening is so unbelievable. And my job is to at least keep up. But I worry a little, that I can't seem to think about anything else, which is what happens. I'm about to post something...new.

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C.W.O.D. Crazy Wrong Outside Dirty. I am a perma CWOD.

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there's no swamp, there's no virus and no new disease, it's all hype, spin and made up

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But trying to get "them" to "admit" that is a swamp. And most people need primarily to know who is trying to kill them, how, and what to do about it. ie don't take shots. ie. detox. nourishment. 5G avoidance. all we have.

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I don't think that 2020 showed a change in anything. The only moving part was the PCR with which they were able to whip up a fake pandemic.

The medical system has been deliberately keeping us sick and on drugs for at least 100 years. Since ww2 petrochemicals in agriculture, breeding animals to have loads of fat on them and factory farming have kept us fat as well as sick and on drugs.

Who is trying to kill us? The share holders of the companies enticed by Peter Dazaks 'pan coronavirus vaccine' promised in 2015? The complicit media? Corrupt politicians? Well meaning people who didn't do their homework who still thought the medical system was helping people? I see no evidence that the people working in telecoms, earning a living, feeding their families, making profits for their companies, introducing new technology to keep their jobs are out to kill us, but that doesn't mean they're not?

Up until 2020 I was advising people (not as a doctor) to get vaccinated for hPV etc.

I was definitely then in the swamp.

I think we're all in the swamp, Or no one is. It's just the way it is.

Get rid of Fauci you'll just get another one. The system/swamp has endless supplies.

We're just wasting time chasing our tales, who said what , who did what, I don't care anymore.

We have to change the way we live completely. Or the powerful will just keep on getting more and more powerful.


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pcr/asymptomatic spread


Never mind what they denied- look at what they pushed !

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I agree that "they" will never admit that it's all smoke and mirors. Our belief in their virology lies is their inner citadel of power. And the "what to do about it" is mostly unaffected by whether it's all smoke and mirrors (my view) or whether there was gain of fiction or a lab leak or both.

But it's not totally unaffected. Part of the worldwide harm is the fear itself. Once one realizes that all their virus fakery is just fakery, most of the fear vanishes. There remains fear of the sociopaths. But it has lessened for me as I see their desperation in risking their inner citadel.

I agree that people come out different from the virus/no virus/lab-virus/computer-virus bog. But it's possible to come out happier!

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The blown-up "virus" is a ruse. KW is one of the few who get it right: "Covid-19 information campaigns, Emergency Use Authorized masks, EUA diagnostic tests, EUA treatments and EUA injectables are components of a mass murder operation using fear-mongering, fraud, propaganda, censorship and unidentified biological and chemical weapons."

NB: UNIDENTIFIED biological & chemical weapons


PS: Love your gain of fiction! Fits like a glove.

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I cannot claim the credit for gain of fiction, which I have seen used by Sam Bailey and Mike Stone.

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No Swamp? The Swamp is the American Beaurocracy which is almost exclusively fueled by the Council on Foreign Affairs organization, a Leftist-infiltrated group that provides the malignant U.S. government with most all their woke soldiers & commanders. (By the way, Anarchists are just as deceived as the sleeping sheep.)

No virus? No novel sickness? Perhaps. But, the Swamp is not pouring billions $$ into Gain of Function R&D and delivery for nothing. Viral pneumonia deaths from the flu are very real. Viral flu symptoms are real. (I know first hand. And, I know HCQ works.) (My training in Biological Warefare in the military tells me it is not all hype & spin, even if the Plandemic was.)

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Prior to 2020 I would've called myself a government bad, all private sector good "anarchist." What an incredible wake up call the last couple years have been. 🥴

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Agreed, the last few years, especially since Obama have been hell on Earth, both figuratively & literally speaking. (And, Capitalism & Communism are just different sides of the same, deep state coin, IMHO.)

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Viral flu is real?

Since when did we rely on the tests to determine the cause of the sickness as the virus?

Let's take rsv for example... Most who have it had no symptoms. So, is something that is most of the time harmless a real cause?

If you were in biological warfare, didn't you wonder why these outbreaks of ebola etc tend to happen in areas that have bad nutrition or toxic water/land?



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For my part, I never said viruses are real or not real. And, I know no public, medical test so allegedly designed today can detect these toxins in the form of "viruses, whatever they truly are. (Rather, think in terms of common human expression; like the Sun is rising & setting over Earth. Not really, but how it appears.)

Yet, I know in fact "they" exist. What they are made up of remains for all us uninitiated as mere opinion & assertion. Fact is far from view.

However, shared sickness & death is very visible & quite common. We can split hairs, one way or the other of why. But, contracted morbidity is very real. Those pushing the "virus isn't real" concept seem to forget death by shared sickness comes upon all nations, whether healthy & clean or dirty & impoverished.

I don't think such corrolations of bad environment are ignored. Rather, such conditions are useful to those developing toxins. But, that does not disprove to me that viruses, as delivery vehicles don't exist. I, for one, have seen viruses (alleged) in the electron microscope.

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Spanish flu transmission experiments


And a general overview


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Virology needs to be dismantled. The people still pushing this ludicrous lab leak theory/bat origin nonsense are just as dangerous as the lunatics perpetrating the con. It really isn't difficult to see through the cargo cult science that calls itself virology. It's a pity the vast majority of humans are simply too lazy and too dumb to bother. To be honest the longer this nonsense continues the more sympathy I have for Klaus and Henry. No one can deny they have a point. Not anymore after three years of this complete nonsense.

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I unsubscribed to eugyppius because they would not consider that the virus wasn't real. And a virus would have to be real in order to originate in Wuhan. People who call it the Wuhan virus are not my people.

It makes no sense that some people disbelieve absolutely everything except for the one specific thing. They cannot even consider that the virus isn't real.

I could consider that it's real if shown any proof whatsoever. But there hasn't been any.

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Thanks Celia

The only thing I've ever been is an outsider, even on the inside...

Inside is jail.

As is outside...but less so

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Well I can only comment for myself. While I believe everything was hyped for a (or more than just one) reason, I do do believe we were hit with a virus. In December 2019 a colleague of mine’s young uncle -severely overweight I must add, did catch a flu for which he was hospitalized. Within a week he had difficulty breathing and passed away 2 days from that point. We thought it tragic as one would but didn’t ponder it further. Until the end of January 2020, when another co worker as well as myself came down with the flu as well. It got me good, making my asthma that I hadn’t had for 30 years come back with a vengeance. I was concerned enough to go see my doctor for an inhaler since my go to way back when, Primatene, was no longer made (or so I thought). The inhaler I was prescribed worked...just not to my needs. Luckily I was able to purchase primatene and that helped me a lot. Asthma is not something I’d wish upon anyone, and it puzzled me to no end that this flu had brought it back. I still keep an inhaler with me but haven’t used it in about a year now. Only after this I got back to work was there an announcement about Covid. I was glad I had it and knew, as we all once did, that since I got over it there shouldn’t be any problem on my end, I’d be immune. But fuck me if most others didn’t see it that way. It was at that point I knew this was being way overhyped. Sure there were people dying. People I just heard about. Then came the word that others I did know died, for a variety of reasons, all were labeled Covid deaths, regardless of what I knew to be true. So I can’t say Covid wasn’t real, it was a flu. But a pandemic? Only because people labeled it that way.

We hear about the number of dead, but with people’s deaths being falsely attributed to Covid, those numbers are literally skewed. Aside from that fact, numbers to me are just numbers. Just because we are told a number doesn’t prove anything. We know we are lied to day in and day out, why should anyone believe what they hear?

What would be the reason behind this? What was the end game? I honestly believe it was an opportunity ball that started rolling, plowing and crashing into different areas of society. It’s now become so big that we can’t separate and see clearly any one aspect to point it out. It’s beyond that. I suppose in that way it was that one loose rock in the dam that let the flood waters break free.

I am just an extraordinarily unremarkable individual, yet I have seen the charade from the beginning. It was as plain to see as a mountain on a cloudless day. Yet I’ve had to sit there listening to whoever talking shit under the guise of science for two years. That I am proven right now doesn’t make me feel any better though, it makes me feel worse. Because if I am of the few that saw and see the truth, this world is truly headed towards the inevitable. I used to see the world with wonder in my eyes, now it’s just a sad sad place filled with air breathing things I have no interest to even interact with that can’t stop multiplying, becoming less intelligent and having less common sense with every iteration.

Well that’s my 2 cents - not adjusted for inflation either.

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You were hit all right - with a bioweapon; no respiratory virus needed for that. Talking about asthma, you might be interested in looking up Dr. Bartlett, and his Budesonide treatment in connection with covid-1984.

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I have thought about that too. A bio weapon might be a possibility. I had an aging mother at the time, with cancer nonetheless who by all acccounts should have been very very vulnerable. She never wore a mask and really just never thought anything of it all. Honestly she was set in her ways. Her friends, all elderly and vulnerable went about their days in the same fashion - none were hit by it in the least. That to me is puzzling. A bio weapon would target specific people perhaps or at least mark them. This is how I can actually see this being used. Not a bio weapon that kills necessarily, although that might be a beneficial side effect, but one that changes people either physically or mentally. Alters them in either subtle ways to be affected later by some agent or physical trigger. I’ve noticed people seem markedly different. The youth are different. But at the same time, I know that’s what happens. So it’s difficult to put a finger on it all. Without something that is unavoidably visible, a bio weapon to me has to just seem a possibility. Personally I believe overpopulation is our biggest enemy. It is not just allowing something of a bio weapon to be considered but inevitable. Not just human made either. Nature makes its own bio weapons to counter the side of the scale that is weighing heavy. It does it on a small scale, and on one we have only read ancient stories about.

Thank you for the tip on Dr. Bartlett.

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What is the flu? Perhaps it is seasonal because it's related to vitamin D deficiency, which most Americans are chronically low in, and the winter just makes it worse with stress and less sunlight.

But hey, feel free to continue to believe viruses cause disease... It's the easy thing to blame instead of considering many other factors.

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Reading medical terrorism plots could be nauseating. Do we know exactly how covid came about? NO... because it's one fantastic fairy tale.

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Good. Now it would be interesting to read Fauci's emails between him, Klaus Schwab, the UN, the Vatican, and the Jesuit General.

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As an outside to this discussion, though somewhat related, and at the same time is central to the whole issue: how do we know that these public officials, and through their collusion with the MSM, really don't care about the American people in respect to the anti-Chy-na Virus vaccine-caused injuries and deaths?

If they did, they would not be actively hiding vaccine adverse reports or pretending related injuries & deaths don't exist and wouldn't be shaming those that report on the truth. If public officials in charge really cared, and are not harming & destroying American lives on purpose, they'd all be out putting an immediate stop to vaccines and would have done so from the very beginning. That they have let it go on shows us their malicious intent. (This is obvious but the fog of war often conceals what is in perfect sight before us.)

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Yep. That is well understood. My comment is to encourage such discussion & discovery as you have provided.

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they are doing a lot in the labs-and if you watch link i provide-- this is where i think all the money they stole has been going- when you watch the graphene oxide- in the cells and see the response to cellphone signals-- you start to see what the population around us is experiencing- it makes the info from desmet look like a coverups story--https://www.comusav.com/en/bluetruth/ there is an english version- this is about 30 minutes long- i highly recommend watching it if you haven't see it yet

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I like this approach of yours to the sheer overwhelm of the swamp: short, pungent, to the point, like a cleansing spell.

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one might find this relevant:


Hugo Talks

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The best seat in the house - indeed😎

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