Paging Canada....OH CANADA!!!!

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When His Highness was in Windsor this week his motorcade was stopped and had to be rerouted because of a large stalwart and angry crowd filling the streets and refusing to move. According to reports they were all shouting RESIGN repeatedly and in unison.

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He doesn’t need to resign he needs a length of rope

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Problem: We could replace WEF appointee Trudeau, but still have Sing, Freeland and the others working in the government. As Shakespeare put it, in MacBeth's mouth: "We've scotched the snake, not kill'd it."

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Freeland, on board, or trustee of WEF, apparently gave speech at Davos. How do Canadians feel about her having divided loyalties, or, alternatively only loyalty to WEF ideology.

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As far as I am aware Canadians know little to nothing about her WEF loyalties. It is not discussed in the mainstream press. The CBC calls the WEF a conspiracy theory and dismisses any conversation. The Conservative MP Rex Murphy writing for the National Post does comment on the WEF, not in this case Freeland specifically, https://nationalpost.com/opinion/the-green-druids-gather-in-davos-for-the-world-economic-forum. Global News does occasionally speak of her, but in terms that support her. Here's what Global News posted: https://globalnews.ca/video/9419449/global-economy-security-being-decided-on-battlefields-of-ukraine-freeland/ Since she is of Ukrainian and Nazi heritage, she of course supports Zelensky and Ukraine.

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Oooh...oooh...do the Biden & Harris one next!!

Except: who, or what, is replacing these people?? I wish there were a way to know what is real, and what is carefully scripted theater. Who’s pulling these peoples strings, and why the changing of the guard now?

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there is a real way to find out- and that is by doing the hard work of investigating her roots- where was she trained- W.H.O. educated and brought her into the fold for her brainwashing takeover of the people of New Zealand- who in New Zealand is speaking out -- i'll be investigating: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/new-zealand + Maria Zeee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgbNku6aAWY 'Your Digital Prison Is Pretty Much Built, & Will Be The Final Lockdown' an outline of how the WHO provides the funding for the mercenary actors - otherwise known as Our Governments- all of them- organized crime!!

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There is only a small window of hope for the escape from the prison without bars. Digital currencies is the jailer locking the door. Why can’t people see what’s going on. We may not know all the names but there actions are clear. People like Gates, Schwab and the wef are not at the top of the pyramid but must be destroyed, wealth taken and publicly hung. Let them tell us on the gallows who the real ring leaders that lurk in the shadows are. No Nuremberg II tribunals means no freedom.

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Yes, who's on the Blackrock Board, for eg...?

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easy to find that on line- but try to find who's on the board of vanguard- that is well hidden--lots of info from this article on CAF Solari.com https://home.solari.com/laundering-with-immunity-the-control-framework-part-1

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Yes you're right on the blackrock expert team. It's the quiet ones who are the menace. Will check the link. Thanks!

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Yes and their tv ads show them with bunnies and rainbows

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and our local library just adopted the RFID chip as a way to check out books!

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Jan 19, 2023
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The mark of the beast could very well be a chip. Something is definitely not right with the world. Our radio waves are killing life on the planet and 5G is worse, Plandemics and clot shots murdering billions. Chemtrails polluting our sky and the propaganda is so efficient the majority can’t see beyond their screens. Only God can help us now. The real great awakening to the true Power.

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Jan 20, 2023
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Royalty as a concept is hard for me to take seriously, but The Firm, as they call it, the tradition itself and its loyal adherents, its immense wealth and holdings, is more powerful than we know. If Harry and Meghan have been trying to destroy it, their idiotic "revelations" and behaviour have had the entirely opposite effect. Some headlines say Harry's brainwashed, which makes me wonder if Meghan is a contractor and not an erratic. Charles is a WEF with waves of support rolling his way while the rest of the world crumbles.

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Indeed. Cui bono as they say? Charles and William seem to be benefiting tremendously from Harry's behavior.

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Jan 19, 2023
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The video which outlines the evil of the digital ID and currency is a must watch for everyone. This will be upon us, everywhere by 2030. No escape from the prison without bars. I will die with my pistol in my hand.

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Something (even more) wicked this way comes...

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Exactly. Most people can’t think outside the box. Entire cultures in fact and now the Americans who can’t seem to think at all. Or at least those under 40

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The Guard is changing because of the Fuckup job they did!!

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that's what comes next?

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What a world, what a world.

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It is a fake unfortunately. This exact video was doing the rounds when Australia's NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian resigned.

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There was a recall notice from WEF HQ for all graduates to return for more training.

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Interesting. Yet some commenters are suggesting this is entirely fake (see below). (After all, why didn't they rise up earlier against this bloody fascist?)

"Totally fake. A sports bar at night. A score or win made. And you know it."

- Epi Curious, PhD @shagpokewhipple on Twitter

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I've read some of the comments also. "Rukshan" posted an edited video. This may be how some in NZ are thinking, but not how they are acting.


7h Replying to @therealrukshan

Fake video btw. This is from an Australian bar when Australia won against Denmark in the world cup.

and another one:

The cell phone screen shows a different picture on the TV.

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Yeah yeah but it’s still funny

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S(he) DID resign.. it’s just the sports clip reaction added for emphasis thats fake

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...as an aside, Jon Rappaport has some great postings these days, but you cannot even comment unless you’re a subscriber that is very shortsighted of him because I started out the same way with Celia and ended up subscribing because I enjoyed her posts so much ....why do some writers do that? You can’t comment unless you pay me ...come on Jon that doesn’t make me feel like supporting you

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Same here. This is the only substack site that I go to for both education and entertainment. From my view, Celia's one of a kind; and, selfless. (-: - Probably many writers start their substack with an eye toward the remuneration.

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Ironically it’s because of Jon that I even discovered Celia

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Well the bar scene is probably fake but I’m sure many Kiwis 🥝 are glad ole Horse Tooth is gone. She was definitely told ti step aside but by whom? Second question who will replace her? Maybe it’s a case of out of the kettle and into the fire. Unprecedented times we live in.

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Sadly it is fake but no doubt the real sentiments of the people! It was fun to watch nevertheless!

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This is the best thing I've seen in a long time. Totally made my day!!!!! Canada, California, Chicago, The White House....NEXT!!!!!!

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It doesn't bother me in the least that someone engaged in creative editing. The truth of the matter is still that the MSM and social media platforms are under the control of the 1%'ers.i.e., suppression and censorship=new/old normal. The good news is that she can no longer get away with the charade as an agent for the WEF-Reset con job.

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The jenga stack is crumbling?

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I love it ha ha ha of course it’s fake because they had the same clip when Trump won(had stolen) the 2020 (S)election... I’m so glad that S(HE) Jacinda resigned. His entire campaign was paid for by the Chinese. Of course, this is more good news Celia because I don’t think. S(HE)  resigned of his own accord. (Sorry I seem to be the first one responding all the time...maybe I should wait a few hours from now on ha ha.)

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We need to understand 'who' the chinese government is- please go to the corbettreport.com- china was inflitrated during the 'opium' war by england- and their claws have never been retracted- the rockefellers educated Mao- and they never left- this is a global transition- 'trans'-nationals-- the wording has been here for us to see for a very long time- the borders of countries are being dissolved as they are being bankrupted- the rockefellers were quoted- 'we like what mao has accomplished' ' we need to bring it to the west' -- us against THEM means we have to educate ourselves as to who the 'they' is - and it's NOT the leader of any country- or any country- it is the power that has woven a web around all the countries and into the leadership of every country in the world. all you have to do is to look at all the ways the transnationals reap the profits from every country- are eliminating and sickening the populations of the world-- the chinese people have been under the 'boot' for centuries- how they have survived is actually amazing-- i don't hate the chinese- i don't hate the vaccinated- but i do want people to wake up and educate themselves

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It's because there's an election this year and labour can't win with her in charge. They're hoping the people will forget the tyranny if Jacinda leaves.

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I agree with you, except it’s not a she

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Oh fayanne. I feel sorry you seem to have missed the great Trump years.

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While I share the excited feeling, it does appear that the video is a fake. Watch the right hand edge of the screen as the video plays. You can see that edge of the screen moving around as the video proceeds. Looks like someone superimposed the video of Arden over the video of...? Maybe a winning goal being scored in a football (soccer) game?

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She says she was always motivated by kindness - tell that to the widows and injured.

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Don't let her escape!


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