Madness imploding. And as when we fear a huge harmless spider, actually the spider fears us. And as when we think we cannot take another step, or whatever we fear we cannot, our fearless hearts and bodies prove us more powerful than we dared to dream. Love, gratitude and peace to all.

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maryamhenein.substack.com has written extensively on the subject of Floyd.

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My observation has been that when typing the word, “ President “ all suggestions never lead to Trump. One will have to type the full name. A deliberate slight planted in the Artificial Intelligence.

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Wow. But it isn't because trump is necessarily their enemy. They simply have to keep the hate and division coals forever burning.

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Who are the most racist people on earth? Who can or can't move to Israel? What language must you speak? What is the term goyim all about?

Now who is in favor of multiculturalism for everyone but them?

Barbara Lerner Spectre https://www.bitchute.com/video/3gUR9JsTDpuc/

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Thanks. I wasn't aware of that author. Are you familiar with this book published in 1890?


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You're fast. I deleted the link because, you know, anti-semantic. But he's a good researcher. Young guy but really knows the topic. I have heard of that book, might have it downloaded to read. Basically, the Rothschilds and other anglo-Zionist bigwigs run the show. Then and now. Add the Rockefellers, I guess. A cabal of nastiness.

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Antisemitism is projection of racism on the rest of us goyim.

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I know it. Very effective psyop.

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If it is not antisemitic(TM) it's zionistical propaganda

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Trump is part of the cabal.

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Racist 😄

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I like Thai food:).

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The voice-to-text feature also wrote words like REINHOLD and YOU when a user said “racist.”

Apple said they are aware of it and trying to fix it. Hope they are also trying to investigate who did it. Won't be surprised if Unit 8400 is involved. https://needtoknow.news/2025/02/apple-has-confirmed-that-iphones-are-changing-the-word-racist-to-trump-in-voice-to-text-feature/

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Wonder if it's an attack on Reinhold Fuellmich

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I hope Trump sues for defamation the way he did against ABC News and Stephanopoulos -- and won $15 million!

As opposed to some sort of censoring of Apple. One could almost imagine a big corporate company like Apple would be in on it if it went in that direction.

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I thought subliminal messaging was illegal in itself but I looked it up. Some countries have banned it but not the US

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Similar to how in 2014 I believe they inserted into the annual NDAA that is it now legal for the ABC agencies to disseminate propaganda in the US. Before that, it was illegal to propagandize Americans.

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True... I just tried it... Unbelievable.

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Once again Apple excels itself. Not only does Apple use a proprietary OS system that virtually precludes open access, Independent software and free to use software, but now it demonstrates inbuilt political BIAS that is not ordered, not commissioned nor consented, by the Purchaser.

A perfect Reason to Avoid this product and because of built in integration, Avoid this brand.

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Try writing president Trump using iPhone. Never is capitalized. When you just type president you always get the top three Dems. Clinton, Biden and Obama. Pisses me off. 😂

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Not happening on my IPhone 6 nor MacBook ...

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Years ago when there were outdoor theaters (and real box theaters also) the movie film was 'impregnated' with subliminal messages (mind control) to buy certain items when there was a break in the picture. Popcorn, candies, sodas. It was years before the industry admitted to it's ruse.

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Another reminder that high-tech conveniences are being used to track, record, and store everything we do - and to influence, even control us all. Our desire for convenience, and the pressures on our time, make it easy to 'herd' humanity wherever the globalist technocrats want us to go.


Our fascination with techno 'toys' leads us to PAY for the 'privilege' of being tracked & surveilled 24/7.


We all know that cellphones are electronic tracking & surveillance devices, right? And that everything we do on them- every call, every text, every search, every app, every transaction, every photo & video- is all recorded & stored. And that the microphone & camera can, and are, turned on remotely, without our permission or knowledge.


All that 'data' is being used to, 'train' machine learning models, aka A.I., among other things.


What did Benjamin Franklin say? "Those who would trade essential liberty for a little temporary convenience deserve neither liberty nor convenience." - 21st century version


It still works for "safety", too.


What can we do?

Get a landline. Get a VPN for our digital devices, and remember face-to-face is how humans were designed to interact. Use the post office, while we still have the option.


BTW, the most informed computer guru I know says ProtonMail.com has the most secure email (with automatic end-to-end incryption if sender and receiver are both using protonmail accounts), and the best VPN. ProtonMail does not store deleted emails, so they can't be used for 'data mining' or by others looking to dig around in your private life for any reason. I have no affiliation with the company.

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Well my iPhone did not do that. It just typed racist

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It was reported by perhaps 40%? of iPhone users. So it didn't happen with everyone.

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