Oct 15, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I am utterly in awe. You have a knack for finding the undeniable—I won't even use the overused word "truth," but the absolutely documented undeniable core of an issue, and present the evidence. This is an extraordinary and incredibly useful compendium... Thank you.

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I wish it was all that simple—there is no place to go in Gaza, no bomb shelters, no safe institutional buildings, nowhere to hide. People are crammed into very small spaces because, attack by attack over the years, probably about 30% of the housing stock has been destroyed & Israel will not allow rebuilding. The "Human Shields" business is, frankly, absurd. Schools have traditionally been targeted & bombed as well as medical facilities & medical personnel, & most of the victims are civilians. They have no army, no tanks, no air force, etc. In other words, they are, essentially, sitting ducks, & many many women & children & plain men will be flattened in the coming days & weeks. And nothing will come of it but more bloodshed & more hatred...

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Israelis blame gov’t for Hamas massacre, say Netanyahu must resign - poll


An overwhelming majority of 86% of respondents, including 79% of coalition supporters, said the surprise attack from Gaza is a failure of the country's leadership.

Four out of five Jewish Israelis believe the government and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are to blame for the mass infiltration of Hamas terrorists into Israel and the massacre that followed, a new Dialog Center poll released on Thursday found.

An overwhelming majority – 86% of respondents, including 79% of coalition supporters, said the surprise attack from Gaza is a failure of the country’s leadership, while a staggering 92% said the war is causing anxiety.

Furthermore, almost all the respondents (94%) believe the government must bear some responsibility for the lack of security preparedness that led to the assault, with over 75% saying the government holds most of the responsibility.

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Our infamous highway to Bagdad race - still unforgettable - had little to do with military operational theory. It was sport. There are monsters amongst us.

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The U.S. did it (target civilians) at Dresden, at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In Viet Nam at My Lai...

I'm at a loss...

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I'd invite you read Michael Buergermister's letters to Richard Medhurst (Letters from Vienna) on Substack. He talks about Operation Cast Lead. Aso, Dr Faiez Kirsten has a video on his stack today which is needed to be watched. In this video is a lot of info including pic of Bibi holding pic of "the new middle east" where Palestine has "disappeared" and Israel being 100% of land mass. This was just 2 weeks before.

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I am glad you followed your intuition. I had a similar intuition, but did not follow it. Just this morning I told my husband that what upsets me is civilian death and I didn't see why I needed to pick a side. This has ironically unfolded as a holocaust of civilians driven by terrorists and an Israeli government which is also acting as a terrorist. The cognitive dissonance on the reporting here has been off the charts but what I am left thinking is that this is a war on civilians, which this doctrine so deftly illustrates. My hope is that people will begin to reason this out and to consider the ramifications with respect to all of us living on the planet. And further, as we have been combating this one world global doctrine, and as it has felt both personal and murderous--particularly with Ukraine and with Covid, it is becoming increasingly clear that the real battle is between the people and the genocidal maniacs running the world.

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Thank you Celia. Another nefarious strategy behind Dahiya involves UK/US/Israeli intelligence covertly infiltrating certain Palestinian resistance groups to convince them to commit acts of violence ostensibly to promote the Palestinian cause, but then using it to demonstrate how evil the Palestinians are and justify use of overwhelming violence in retaliation. Former Israeli military intelligence operative, Ari Ben-Menashe describes how this worked during the Iran-Iraq war, in which Israel greatly profited from helping sell arms to Iran and used subterfuge to discredit Palestinians and Syrians. See https://swprs.org/ari-ben-menashe-on-israeli-black-operations/ Still relevant today.

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I never did grasp the "Palestine never existed" argument. Do people really think the land just lay there desolate?

Three of my four grandparents were Italian. My paternal grandfather was born in 1888; his mother was born in 1850. I suspect the word "Italy" didn't even appear in maps of 1850 Europe. Italy was a collection of city-states, kingdoms, principalities, etc., back then. It didn't "unify" to become a bona fide nation-state until 1861.

Does that mean Italians didn't exist before 1861? What does that make my great-grandmother? A non-feathered bipedal deplorable?

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Taking the war to civilians was used in the US Civil War by W.T. Sherman on the Southerners. It is a form of initiation into a blood cult of Satanic proportion which America was dragged into and has never fully recovered. Israel is an offshoot of very demented and occult beliefs which, hopefully, at least in the present situation, will be stopped before dragging the world into a catastrophic war which, believe it or not, the occultists want so as to bring about the rule of the antichrist from Israel. Who knows how many believers in this wickedness are in the world pushing for this agenda. True believers in Jesus Christ must pray for the Holy Trinity to hold back this catastrophe on all levels if life on this earth is going to even exist. Saying that, I also must admit in my own heart, it might be God's time to bring about the END.

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Today's Coffee and Covid has drone photos of roads blocked by Hamas to prevent civilians from leaving. It seems to me that Hamas is not doing the Palestinians any favors by using them as human shields. I honestly don't know what to believe anymore....

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Thank you for writing this Celia. It’s a difficult issue also because it seems to have split RFK and key supporters including Kucinich. I don’t know where MCM is on this but he just exited my Facebook group “navel gazing,” as we don’t have too many filters. I supported Dennis and he endorsed me too during the 2008 political season-with similar anti war platforms.

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Thanks for taking the time to look deeper.

Here is some more info I'd just received from a friends site about a cat cafe in Palestine at the top of the post.


the picture has a link to the story dated August 23rd, 2023

Inspired by her passion for the furry animal, Naeema Mea’bed opened the “MEOW Cat Cafe” in the Gaza Strip this week, hoping to bring cat lovers some joy, while boosting awareness over pet raising, which has become increasingly popular in the region.

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I just read your latest post about the

Dahiyeh Doctrine used by IDF as a means

of military response tactic , in urban settings.

It is reprehensible that such despicable war

fighting strategy is employed by Israel

indiscriminately against adversarial combatants!

It clearly would fall under the category of

criminal acts of war, by its very nature. I am in

no way condoning or making excuses for

the horrific acts of barbarism committed by

Hamas Militia Members , on their attacks on

multiple Israeli settlements on October 7th,

when these latest hostilities began. What Hamas did was inexcusable, definitely war

crimes, as this was inflicted upon unarmed

civilians, many of them children. Nothing would

justify such egregious behavior, and those

who perpetrated these horrific acts, should

be held accountable for their actions.

However, to employ collective punishment

against the civilians of Gaza, who bear no

responsibility for the killings and hostage

taking that Hamas Militia committed, is also

inexcusable. The attack aircraft of the IDF

are targeting civilian infrastructure, with the

intention of punishing the personnel of Hamas

as retribution for their October 7 attacks on

Israel. In the process, they are killing hundreds if not thousands of Palestinian civilians, laying

waste to entire neighborhoods , and with the

cutting off of water, electricity, food, medical

supplies and fuel from entering Gaza, Israel

will be responsible for causing a humanitarian

disaster of almost unimaginable proportions!!!

The world cannot stay silent as this continues.

Such disproportionate retaliations by Israel

against the population of Gaza, will only insure

that the cycle of violence will be perpetuated

without end. It may also widen the scope and scale of this conflict, well beyond the borders of

Israel, and draw in third parties that could turn this into a regional war, with potentially

catastrophic consequences ,for the region

and the world as a whole! This is not an

outcome that any of us can afforestation to

play out.

Hopefully some cooler heads can prevail and

negotiate a ceasefire, before things spiral

completely out of control. This area of the

Middle East, is a veritable powder keg, that

will not require much assistance , for it to

fully explode, and allow all hell to break loose.

Thank you Celia, for bringing this to our

attention. Clearly , Western Governments

and Mainstream Media, have no intention of

bringing such subject matter out into the

open. For them to do so, far too many people

would begin to ask questions, that they do not

wish to answer! It is disgraceful and incredibly

disturbing that circumstances have been

allowed to deteriorate in such an appalling

manner! Now more than ever, we need voices

of reason to be heard, and not suppressed

and relegated to the sidelines. Far too much is

now at stake! Let us pray that some rationale

and common sense is applied, before further

endless suffering , misery and deprivation

occurs. God bless you Celia for having the

courage to provide us with this critically

important information , on your sub stack

platform , and yet again uncovering the truth!

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Do people believe that the demonic murderers who committed atrocities in Israel crawled out from under rocks as fully formed terrorists? On the contrary. From birth and all through their childhood the Palestinian terrorists were embued with hatred of Jews, hatred of Israel, and an overwhelming desire to destroy Israel. These "innocent civilians" - fathers, mothers, grandparents, aunts and uncles nurtured hatred in their children and now are paying the price. Furthermore, the citizens of Gaza voted for Hamas to run their government. They voted to have a terrorist organization lead them - an organization that has taken foreign humanitarian aid money to buy armaments and to provide for Hamas leaders to live in luxury in Qatar. Nevertheless, the "innocent civilians" who were able to work in Israel should they wish and receive medical care from them, kept right on fomenting hatred of Jews. And now show no sympathy for the young innocents their hate-filled sons tortured, raped and murdered but expect the world to cry over their suffering that they brought

upon themselves because of their all consuming hate.

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Atlanta 1865, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden, Gaza 2023. 232 years of democracy murdering civilians!

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