From about 35 minutes in: Mass psychosis formation per PM et al

.groupthink mass psycho after



3. Constant incessant free floating anxiety

4. Single solution: hacksxxxination

Any vaxxxxxine no matter how absurd

So first solitary isolation IsoLa

Then jail lockdown

3. Viruganda campaign for Max fear

4. Murder is the only answer

We must kill our young to save them .

Just for a while...


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I'm reading RFK's sledgehammer of a book -

"Country by country, data consistently links broader access to HCQ to lower mortality. The very poorest countries—if they used HCQ—had far lower case fatality rates than wealthy countries that did not. Even impoverished African nations, where “experts” like Bill Gates predicted the highest death rates, had drastically lower mortalities than in nations that banned HCQ. Senegal and Nigeria, for example, both use hydroxychloroquine and had COVID fatality rates that were significantly lower than those experienced in the United States. Similarly, despite the fact that hygiene in those countries is often far inferior, in Ethiopia, Mozambique, Niger, Congo, and Ivory Coast, there are far fewer per capita deaths than in the US. In those nations, death rates vary between 8 and 47.2 deaths per million inhabitants as of September 24, 2021. In contrast, western countries that denied access to HCQ experienced numbers of coronavirus deaths per million inhabitants between 220 per million in Holland, 2,000 per million in the US, and 850 deaths per million in Belgium.

Dr. Meryl Nass observed, “If people in these malaria countries would boost their immune system with zinc, vitamin C and vitamin D, the coronavirus death toll would even further decrease.”

But some people we know would hesitate to credit HCQ with the advantage, and might suggest it was rather the absence of 5G radiation.

They are very reluctant to admit that it JUST MIGHT BE the HCQ and zinc blocking (ahem!) VIRAL replication in the cells.

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Poetically said, Celia

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Thanks for posting

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To the insane vaccinazis, no amounts under $1 billion are considered. The perps have had 2 years to prove a pandemic exists, by supporting their claims with verified truth and they have failed miserably.

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They generated one, by blocking obvious palliatives, all to inflate their agenda, the Great Reset, i.e., the Fourth Reich.

I appreciate Celia covering this very important conversation. McCullough is a very careful soul, and he doesn't let loose with the haymaker till near the end — haha!

But the perps did manage to make USA #1!! in needless deaths. Woopydoo!

They need to do a Mussolini finale now, to top it off.

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Heyyy girl, relax. Don't get defensive. I'm not sayin don't talk bout viruses 'n shit. If people want to be misled, let them die. It's a free country!

Now I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "but all life is sacred, blah, blah blah!" Hey, I agree! All I'm sayin is, is some people have to get dead is all. What's the big Whoop!

And it will be a teachable moment for us, as Obama might say! Now you watch: Celia is going to call me Hitlerian (not the grammatically incorrect, "Hitler.")

But I say thing which are too real for most people to say. Which is that if some people have to get dead, let them get dead. It will affirm their beliefs in the germ theory and there will be more stuff left for us. Win-Win!!

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I realize that "no-virus" is a big fad amongst the peripheral, but you really should consider this from RFK's new book —

"Country by country, data consistently links broader access to HCQ to lower mortality. The very poorest countries—if they used HCQ—had far lower case fatality rates than wealthy countries that did not."

What could be the cause? Apparently, the HCQ, by allowing zinc into the cell, blocks the action of RDRP (RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase), which is to replicate the VIRUS ad infinitum. But that's only apparent to the open-minded.

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I don't know what HCQ stands for, and I won't waste my time googling it. Correlation is not cause. Arguments based on the virus theory are losers. Efficacy and Injury should ACCOMPANY NH theory. Not supplant it. The fear from the public health threat, phony as it is, will trump civil liberties arguments in a courtroom. We see it happening already.

We're witnessing the triumph of the germ theory propaganda at its height. It was inevitable, given that there are no mainstream advocates for the terrain theory. And the short-sighted activists, who plead not guilty of being anti-vaccine, had invited this juggernaut.

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So be it. Knowledge is not to the taste of many.

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No one really knows how any drugs work- all of them have multiple effects. No one really know how Tylenol or Flonase (which I used to use) really work- the supposed mechanism for how they work are often just-so stories. This article for example says HCQ is an effective treatment for EMF poisoning:


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How easy and convenient it is to say "nobody knows".

I'd rather do a little study, but that's just me.

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Thank you, Celia!

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Dec 18, 2021
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The virus has been isolated and sequenced multiple times. Here is the genetic code https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/MT318827

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Dec 18, 2021
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Dr. McCollough and others, including Dr. Mercola and Dr. Zelenko all say nasal rinsing is a good preventative measure, but should be done ASAP after exposure. Once symptoms are felt it is not as effective since viral replication (If you believe in such a thing. I am agnostic about it, but know the remedies work.) has already occurred. From Dr. Mercola: I tsp of salt in 16oz of water (distilled is best). Stir until dissolved. Add 3/4 tsp of 12% pharmaceutical grade hydrogen peroxide. The solution is approximately the same salinity as your blood so it won't burn, and the hydrogen peroxide is about 3%. I add a little Sovereign Silver silver hydrosol and use it as a nasal rinse, mouthwash or nebulize it. Works great.

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I am confused only about 12% vs 3% hydrogen peroxide. How can one order or buy the right kind?

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Higher strength is used by industry for various purposes. The 3 Percent is what you want.

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I should also be careful about the teaspoon - use non-metallic since hydrogen peroxide is highly reactive.

With a nebulizer, only 3% peroxide is used, same as for gargling/mouth rinsing. In either case, it is further highly diluted with water.

When I had some sort of respiratory infection in March, 2020, colloidal silver (10 ppm) proved to be extremely effective nasally. It was just a bit tricky to apply.

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My mom always used to sniff salt water for a head cold — out of a teaspoon! Hey, it works.

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Dec 18, 2021
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How can this be?

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This is bullshit! That link is nothing about your statements about the CDC! I think that your posts are proof that bot's be bot'n.

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