“Hamas is not the Palestinian people; Netanyahu is not the Israeli people.” An eye for an eye is making the whole world blind, that’s why people can no longer see. 😔
Yes. But Netanyahu is far from blind. He has seen this coming, apparently for years. Why were the Palestinians herded into Gaza while Israelis were escorted out of Gaza? For how long has this been planned? Years apparently.
False flag psy-op? Is this a directed event to escalate it into WW3, by a pre-emptive strike on Iran so that the Islamic countries would erase Israel from earth?
Murdering all the Jews is one of the main objectives of the globalists, as proven by the Holocaust or the Pfizer-haccine-caust targeted to Israel… considering Netanyahu signed the exclusive deal with Pfizer to cull Israel through the injection of the bioweapon🤔
Rep Ritchie called 7/10: “the largest single-day mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust.”
Wrong! The largest mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust, single-day or not, is definitely the Pfizer-caust !!! Millions killed or handicapped with myocarditis, clots, turbo cancer...
How is it possible that Israel intel didn’t see that coming?
• In spite of border and sea blockade, smuggling and moving thousands of missiles into launch position…
• Hundreds of paragliders…
• A ship reaching the shores of Israel
• No warning to civilians about the wall and air breach...
• Hundreds of fighters without repeal… for 6 hours!
“I served in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces), 25 years ago in the intelligence forces. There’s no way, in my view, that Israel did not know what’s coming. A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this?
What happened to the “strongest army in the world”? How come border crossings were wide open?? Something is VERY WRONG HERE.
At least 300 Hamas terrorists breached the border fence in multiple places completely unimpeded… infiltrated a significant number of dryland outposts as well as a naval infiltration point in Zikim. As we speak, Israel is actively engaged in combat in n 22 outposts. This is from the IDF statement.
A year ago there was a military operation in Gaza to prepare for such events, and ongoingly there are trainings for these kinds of scenarios. This raises serious questions about Israeli intelligence.
Two years ago there was a successful deployment of underground barriers in with sensors - to alert terrorists breaches. Israel has one of the most advanced and high tech armies, how come there was zero response to the border and fence breaching? ”
“How did the iron dome fail in Israel and allow all those rockets through? How did so many Hamas soldiers get past the most militarized and protected border in the world to slaughter innocent civilians? Israel is incredibly advanced with some of the best military and surveillance technologies in the world.
Is there any chance this is like operation northwoods and the attack was orchestrated or allowed to justify an escalation of war? Could forces above both the US, Israel, and Palestine be manipulating them both for an agenda ahead of the elections?
There are levels and complexities to what's happening right now, and you all have to start thinking like they do with strategy and special interests in mind. You can't just immediately accept the narrative being spoonfed to you by governments, intelligence agencies, and MSM like it's the only objective truth that you accept without question.
Have none of you learned your lesson in the past few years with COVID?
THEY ALL LIE CONSTANTLY. All governments. All militaries. All news organizations. They all lie as a point of baseline policy and have worked in lockstep together throughout the entire pandemic psyop, but now that it involves war and conflict in Israel, we just forget all that and go back to believing them?”
I'm not falling for this charade again. I learned this lesson years ago investigating 9/11.”
Nothing condones killing innocent victims on either side. NOTHING! Yet, it's true that Israel denies a 2 state solution, backed by the vote of almost all nations in the world.
Don't get me wrong: nothing justifies terrorism but Palestinians don't deserve Israeli occupation and slow-mo extermination. If you want peace you need to seek justice first.
Severe injustice makes Palestinians claim that they are fighting for freedom, not revenge! A 2 state solution would bring peace and leave Hamas without a narrative for terrorism!
Hamas is not the Palestine, as much as Netanyahu is not Israel !!!
Why is he refusing peace? If Hamas doesn’t appear to be strong and very threatening, his government has a hard time keeping support to oppress and kill Palestinians.
According to UN documents, Palestinians have a right under international law to armed struggle against Israeli colonialism, just as South Africans did against apartheid. Prior to this war, Gaza suffered under an Israeli blockade that even a British PM admitted is a "prison camp".
“An eye for an eye”? Israeli retaliation is more like a head for an eye. The whole purpose of that biblical law was to prevent excess revenge, not to justify it!
Please pray for the innocent victims on either side and for the end of the global digi-tatorship:
"'An eye for an eye?' Israeli retaliation is more like a head for an eye.'"
I agree with everything you wrote above (I wrote my own post making a few similar points earlier today) and learnt some more things from you too (thank you). It's David Vs Goliath.
I wrote my comment above not to say that the injustice was equivalent on both sides but more to mean that after a while nobody involved in this war (including us) can see anymore. There's not a single person (civilian) who won't end up feeling grief and pain for their losses and, ultimately, feel anger and might seek vengeance. Some commenters below think I feel happy about the deaths of one side more than the other and that's not the case. I don't know if that makes sense but I am tired and I feel sad for all the innocents.
"THEY ALL LIE CONSTANTLY" ... yes, that is the truth.
It’s the people that ordered the false flag event that led to innocent lives lost. The deep state demons are the enemy of mankind. I might be wrong and it’s Satan in the flesh but I blame it on the banking cartel families. Rothschild comes to mind.
I hate to condemn and be wrong but for me the oligarch families that have existed for centuries and maybe even from the days of Babylon.
Chomsky has written many informative and well documented books and articles about the issue and its coverage in media. His magisterial works MANUFACTURING CONSENT and THE WASHINGTON CONNECTION AND THIRD WORLD FASCISM cover recent history—from about the end of World War II to the late 20rst century, and the woeful media biases toward Israel.
MARRIED TO ANOTHER MAN and THE QUESTION OF PALESTINE offer the perspective of Palestinian scholars Ghada Karmi and Edward Said.
"Paying Hamas for Dirty Tricks" is a half-truth. The Israeli government literally created Hamas to undermine the political progress that the PLO had fomented. This is common knowledge. Same as with ISIS, massacring civilians in false flags to justify military attacks against civilians by Israel/Britain/US is the evolution of what Hamas has been created to do.
Have you not seen the casualties from the other side all these years? Do you know that Israel funds Hamas? It's all about that old trick: divide and conquer. Stop asking ridiculous questions and trying to paint me as heartless... I'm sad about the deaths of all innocents.
No, I would have liked you, by your third post on the topic, to have at least made some vague token acknowledgement of the Israeli victims.
But such decency is clearly beyond you, as is the obvious reality that the Murder Bombers and the misery they have inflicted on Israeli innocents lo these many decades are not, in fact, drawn from the cast of Glee, but from those who you deem uniquely worthy of your concern.
The trouble is we are getting very mixed messages about the Israeli victims. John: Any photo evidence you post I vow to publish, by itself. It appears right now that the 40 decapitated babies were not real, or at least there is no source, and the charge is being walked back. Agree or disagree? Ditto the kidnapped from the music festival. I don't doubt there were victims but why were false atrocities mixed in? We all smell a rat. We are not short on empathy or sorrow for Israeli victims. 4 of 5 Israelis think Netanyahu did this to them. Reported by Jerusalem Post!
It blows my mind that you assume I, and others here, don't care about Israeli innocents when so many of my words above clearly say the contrary. It's what I've been saying all day even in my own post on the matter.
John, you said it well. I am not surprised that it took less than a week for the "moral equivalency" chatterers to chatter on.
Yes, we are manipulated by TPTB, but the acts of hamas are just what has been commanded of the faithful who follow the sick, twisted cult of islam. Read the koran, for it is commanded of them to kill the unbelievers, if they cannot convert, enslave, or make them pay the jizyah. No religion on Earth but the cult of islam commands their adherents to kill others who do not believe as they do.
Read your history of what islam does, & what sharia law actually proscribes....it should sicken you.
You must have been reading a different bible. The old testament is full of admiration for one tribe slaughtering another. One advantage of being an atheist (I don't refer to myself) is that they have to think properly for themselves about morals, rather than get them from Bronze Age thinking. People should have advanced somewhat since then .
That's without mentioning Christmas lights and dogs aren't allowed. Even the FJB German shepherd that he beats on in Mike Tyson fashion, wouldn't be allowed over there.
Your interpretation is NOT what Exodus inferred. How do civilized people defend themselves from a tribe that unapologetically glories in the blinding of a young woman who is set aflame in a public street to writhe and burn before large cheering crowds? As their Islamist tribe godlessly wages a war of terror, torture, and death, Israel (and all civilized people) wants nothing more but for them to stop. Those women and children suffer not from retaliatory strike, but because the Biden-funded Islamists use women and children to wage war.
I think (I'm not sure) that you are on the right track; but please correct "their Islamist tribe". It wasn't a whole tribe that committed the atrocities, was it? As always in wars, it's the majority who suffer from the power-hungry minority who set themselves up to speak for the whole, and tell them what to do. (Even if it wasn't a false flag episode). How did German Jews react in 1933 when Jews setting themselves up as representatives declared war on Germany?
How do civilized people defend themselves from a tribe that unapologetically glories in the blinding of a young woman who is set aflame in a public street to writhe and burn to death before large cheering crowds of women and children?
As that tribe wages war of terror, torture, and death, Israel (and all civilized people) only want them to stop. Those wounded women and children suffer not from retaliatory strikes, but because the enemy hides among women and children to wage war against civilization.
For Israel to rebuild, Gomorrah must burn. We can pray for those who suffer, but cannot allow our compassion to empower evil.
I would disagree if this was a one-off, but anti-social depravity has been the Islamist mandate for 1200 years. If the so-called "moderates" cannot (or refuse to) reform their crazies from within, sane populations will be forced to reform them from without.
The Koran and Hadiths are older than we are - their words and Islamist actions speak for themselves - so yes, I'm quite sure. Those who love God hate evil and the videos that Hamas posted make their depravity very clear.
No, Hamas is not the entirety of the palastinian people, but they did elect terrorists to be their political leaders. While that's not a reason to destroy the whole region, it is the reason for this little conflict.
It is. Those who oppose the regime have had time and resources to escape.
Islamic history speaks for itself. Their 1300-year history is reflected throughout the Koran, Hadiths, and their modern interpretation by today's theological authoritarians. Communists and Fascist adherents exploit Islam's primitive tenets in their ongoing war against freedom, capitalism, Israel, the US, all free nations, i.e., "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Once that is accomplished, Muslims plan to murder each other until the one true believer is left.
Don't get me wrong - the Koran is a beautiful book, but the Hadiths and pathologized clerical authoritarians have polluted it. They demand war and I pray that Jesus Christ and His Father will deliver what their clerics demand.
I call it little conflict, because it's been going since pre-biblical times. It doesn't concern me, it doesn't concern you, it shouldn't concern DC or 10 Downing Street.
It'd be like a little conflict between Mexico and Texas on the border.
They'll be fighting this year, and if there are any palastinians left after this little conflict, they'll be doing this for eternity.
Prior to 1945, that region was at semi-peace, until the Balfour Declaration that planted a "Jewish" state where it wasn't wanted.
The allies' narrative since 1945 is that Hitler was evil personified while we, the allies, and our leaders were saints. Churchill and FDR were flawed just as Hitler, while far from perfect, had some redeeming qualities. ( Yes, that is not a mistake.) The German people loved Hitler because he mitigated much of the punishment and suffering imposed by England and America on Germany through the punitive Treaty of Versailles.
Capitalism's incessant quest for ever more profit which lead to imperial expansion by Western countries was the true cause of WWII. (As well as WWI) To blame it all on one flawed man man (Hitler) is fatuous and covers up the myriad flaws of the entire Western capitalist system.
Do people want a scapegoat or do they want the truth?
I get what you are saying. There are a lot of healthy substances like niacin (B3) in mega doses that help your mind, heal schizophrenia, alcoholism, help stave off Alz. I don't think a substance like an HIV virus will control your mind.
Follow Celia Farber on substack for the truth about HIV/AIDS. She's written a book "Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS". She was one of the first to uncover Fauci's works during the 80s-90s.
I did my thesis on AIDS and nutrition so I know a lot about it. I knew how bad the fraudster was earlier than my thesis and then my paper confirmed it.
He should have been thrown out of medicine in 1986 for not allowing those poor AIDS victims to take Bactrim in place of his AZT. Maybe it would have helped and maybe not at all. Then maybe all 17,000 wouldn't have died.
Dear Celia, thank you for your courage. I am beyond horrified, how many are celebrating the extermination of innocent civilians, trapped in a concentration camp, especially children. These are very dark times.
Thank you sir. I don't think I have shown courage, by posting photos, but rather, the people living through this have more courage than I can imagine. But thank you in any case. I believe the Israeli people will OPPOSE this with everything they have. I have faith in them. Netanyahu showed them who he is, when he sentenced them and their children to death by bio-chemical attack in the form of "vaccines." He lost them.
My Dad is from Israel though he’s been here since he was 17. We still have family in Tel Aviv and Eilat. Even though my father has been open minded to everything I’ve been sharing since before the rollout, including Israel selling their citizens to Pfizer, he STILL continues to get jabs and I don’t think any of our family has a clue what has been done and is being done to turn. I hope you’re correct and that people are waking up to it but doesn’t look that way to me.
False flag psy-op? Is this a directed event to escalate it into WW3, by a pre-emptive strike on Iran so that the Islamic countries would erase Israel from earth?
Murdering all the Jews is one of the main objectives of the globalists, as proven by the Holocaust or the Pfizer-haccine-caust targeted to Israel… considering Netanyahu signed the exclusive deal with Pfizer to cull Israel through the injection of the bioweapon🤔
Rep Ritchie called 7/10: “the largest single-day mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust.”
Wrong! The largest mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust, single-day or not, is definitely the Pfizer-caust !!! Millions killed or handicapped with myocarditis, clots, turbo cancer...
How is it possible that Israel intel didn’t see that coming?
• In spite of border and sea blockade, smuggling and moving thousands of missiles into launch position…
• Hundreds of paragliders…
• A ship reaching the shores of Israel
• No warning to civilians about the wall and air breach...
• Hundreds of fighters without repeal… for 6 hours!
“I served in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces), 25 years ago in the intelligence forces. There’s no way, in my view, that Israel did not know what’s coming. A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this?
What happened to the “strongest army in the world”? How come border crossings were wide open?? Something is VERY WRONG HERE.
At least 300 Hamas terrorists breached the border fence in multiple places completely unimpeded… infiltrated a significant number of dryland outposts as well as a naval infiltration point in Zikim. As we speak, Israel is actively engaged in combat in n 22 outposts. This is from the IDF statement.
A year ago there was a military operation in Gaza to prepare for such events, and ongoingly there are trainings for these kinds of scenarios. This raises serious questions about Israeli intelligence.
Two years ago there was a successful deployment of underground barriers in with sensors - to alert terrorists breaches. Israel has one of the most advanced and high tech armies, how come there was zero response to the border and fence breaching? ”
“How did the iron dome fail in Israel and allow all those rockets through? How did so many Hamas soldiers get past the most militarized and protected border in the world to slaughter innocent civilians? Israel is incredibly advanced with some of the best military and surveillance technologies in the world.
Is there any chance this is like operation northwoods and the attack was orchestrated or allowed to justify an escalation of war? Could forces above both the US, Israel, and Palestine be manipulating them both for an agenda ahead of the elections?
There are levels and complexities to what's happening right now, and you all have to start thinking like they do with strategy and special interests in mind. You can't just immediately accept the narrative being spoonfed to you by governments, intelligence agencies, and MSM like it's the only objective truth that you accept without question.
Have none of you learned your lesson in the past few years with COVID?
THEY ALL LIE CONSTANTLY. All governments. All militaries. All news organizations. They all lie as a point of baseline policy and have worked in lockstep together throughout the entire pandemic psyop, but now that it involves war and conflict in Israel, we just forget all that and go back to believing them?”
I'm not falling for this charade again. I learned this lesson years ago investigating 9/11.”
Nothing condones killing innocent victims on either side. NOTHING! Yet, it's true that Israel denies a 2 state solution, backed by the vote of almost all nations in the world.
Don't get me wrong: nothing justifies terrorism but Palestinians don't deserve Israeli occupation and slow-mo extermination. If you want peace you need to seek justice first.
Severe injustice makes Palestinians claim that they are fighting for freedom, not revenge! A 2 state solution would bring peace and leave Hamas without a narrative for terrorism!
Hamas is not the Palestine, as much as Netanyahu is not Israel !!!
Why is he refusing peace? If Hamas doesn’t appear to be strong and very threatening, his government has a hard time keeping support to oppress and kill Palestinians.
According to UN documents, Palestinians have a right under international law to armed struggle against Israeli colonialism, just as South Africans did against apartheid. Prior to this war, Gaza suffered under an Israeli blockade that even a British PM admitted is a "prison camp".
“An eye for an eye”? Israeli retaliation is more like a head for an eye. The whole purpose of that biblical law was to prevent excess revenge, not to justify it!
Please pray for the innocent victims on either side and for the end of the global digi-tatorship:
In my opinion it is a case of Israel being heavily vaccinated and the easiest way to cover what is coming is to not have your defences on the ready which they have been for many years, it just seems to be quite the coincidence
I pray for all the lost love ones and for all the grieving families, No one deserves what has happened to them
The sanctimoniousness of Americans never fails to amaze me. Everyone beating their breasts about babies being decapitated seems unwilling to acknowledge that it happens a thousand times a day in our own country. Just ask any abortion practitioner.
That's a truly valid point. They are on record charging $550 per baby head. Also, David Daleiden exposed it all, got them all on video negotiating organ parts. Parts of the uniform babies. Planned Parenthood, that is. Kamala Harris had his home raided and he went to jail. I think he's out now but I'm not sure. I wrote about this a few years ago. The mind boggles.
When a breaking news story comes out, many people go to their televisions. Wrong response! TV is the perfect medium to shape a primal response with repetitive messaging and visual stimulus to evoke a calculated response. There is nothing like seeing death, destroyed buildings, and senseless acts of violence and cruelty to flood the mind with emotions and embed the images deep in your brain. Sometimes pictures are recycled for the last atrocity which is really cynical. I think it's prudent to wait read and listen to reasoned conversations from independent journalists to weigh in on what is happening. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate of The Grayzone, Glenn Greenwald, Scott Ritter, Jimmy Dore, Russell Brand, and Andrew Napolitano are a few I trust. The media manipulated people with tales of 9/11 and Covid, so we know there is an agenda with a goal of manufactured consent for war atrocities. What we don't need are freaks like Sen. Lindsey Graham wanting to bomb Iran, etc. Remember Netanyahu's involvement in 9/11 and how he sold out his citizens to Pfizer? I share Scott Ritter's view of Netanyahu. Pray for Peace.
I'm fine with whatever the Israeli people want to do about this - the people of Israel, that is, not their current government and security-military apparatus. It seems to me that the 80% of Israelis who suspect their leaders of complicity are onto something. I would be interested in how that figure breaks down between those who suspect mere incompetence, and those who suspect malfeasance.
Celia - great observation - It's truly terra incognito. Assume that: Israel was complicit in letting Hamas in, that they let that massacre happen, that it was an ad hoc false flag. Assume also that: Hamas knew a savage retaliatory attack would ensue, and that Israel was going to flatten the place and then, turn the water and power off. Hamas knows this Israeli playbook.
My only conclusion is that the only side to be on is the side of the innocent civilians and the victims of evil governments and terrorists alike. A truce / ceasefire must happen right now.
The lord of the flies is a dystopian nihilism fiction.
We create our own worlds through our philosophy. If your philosophy is evil your world will be evil. Your actions exist in your soul first then your material body actualizes your spirit.
No one in their right mind wants Israelis to suffer or those in Palestine to suffer more, captive and punished as they are for so many, many years, the walls created to be an open air prison to put away people who were not Jewish so that the Israel could be Israel.
Propaganda of babies' heads - no, they are not coming off. Babies were not thrown up in the air by Nazis to be then caught on swords; babies were not found in their glass incubators in Iraq (or anywhere.
We have to keep our heads about us.
It's so utterly appalling, wrong, awful, all the words I can think up are not enough. Murder begets murder. Hate begets hate. Fear begets fear. Imprisoning people leads to more imprisonment.
Human can be so despicable and without moral ground when greed, punishment of others takes over their thinking.
God. It is to Him that vengeance belongs. Revenge is not our right. How can anyone justify their appall at a terrible deed when they are willing to match the terror? It’s completely absurd. I am so sick of hearing peoples justifications for genocide. I renounce violence or from any group of people. Retaliation is wrath in action and it’s a deadly sin. When will the cycle end and we transcend this vicious cycle?
I find it REALLY strange, that conservatives LEARNED (during covid and beyond) that the MSM LIES constantly, but throw out "aliens" or a WAR, and suddenly MSM are nothing but "truth tellers". Social media has succeeded in reducing society's attention span and memory.
"Yesterday Greg Reese told me Christians are supporting this, and I scarcely believed him."
Oh I believe him, I am been heartbroken the last 3 days as I read my Christian friends Facebook posts, they have no idea. Just indoctrinated to love Israel.
God has called us to be “peacemakers” NOT warmongers. Somehow they have forgotten this and are spewing out false doctrine left and right.
The killing of innocent lives through war is a horrible tragedy, regardless of political or religious views.
Whatever happened to praying for our enemies whichever "side" you are on?
My sympathy is with innocent people who are just like you and me, trying to survive and live their life, make an honest living, and be left alone.
I DO NOT sympathize with the corrupt governments, military industrial complex, corporate interests, and obscenely wealthy bankers on either side that are propagandizing and subjugating their people into wars over ideologies, resources, or perhaps something far more sinister.
“Hamas is not the Palestinian people; Netanyahu is not the Israeli people.” An eye for an eye is making the whole world blind, that’s why people can no longer see. 😔
You nailed it! There is nothing more to say~
Yes. But Netanyahu is far from blind. He has seen this coming, apparently for years. Why were the Palestinians herded into Gaza while Israelis were escorted out of Gaza? For how long has this been planned? Years apparently.
False flag psy-op? Is this a directed event to escalate it into WW3, by a pre-emptive strike on Iran so that the Islamic countries would erase Israel from earth?
Murdering all the Jews is one of the main objectives of the globalists, as proven by the Holocaust or the Pfizer-haccine-caust targeted to Israel… considering Netanyahu signed the exclusive deal with Pfizer to cull Israel through the injection of the bioweapon🤔
Rep Ritchie called 7/10: “the largest single-day mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust.”
Wrong! The largest mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust, single-day or not, is definitely the Pfizer-caust !!! Millions killed or handicapped with myocarditis, clots, turbo cancer...
How is it possible that Israel intel didn’t see that coming?
• In spite of border and sea blockade, smuggling and moving thousands of missiles into launch position…
• Hundreds of paragliders…
• A ship reaching the shores of Israel
• No warning to civilians about the wall and air breach...
• Hundreds of fighters without repeal… for 6 hours!
“I served in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces), 25 years ago in the intelligence forces. There’s no way, in my view, that Israel did not know what’s coming. A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this?
What happened to the “strongest army in the world”? How come border crossings were wide open?? Something is VERY WRONG HERE.
At least 300 Hamas terrorists breached the border fence in multiple places completely unimpeded… infiltrated a significant number of dryland outposts as well as a naval infiltration point in Zikim. As we speak, Israel is actively engaged in combat in n 22 outposts. This is from the IDF statement.
A year ago there was a military operation in Gaza to prepare for such events, and ongoingly there are trainings for these kinds of scenarios. This raises serious questions about Israeli intelligence.
Two years ago there was a successful deployment of underground barriers in with sensors - to alert terrorists breaches. Israel has one of the most advanced and high tech armies, how come there was zero response to the border and fence breaching? ”
“How did the iron dome fail in Israel and allow all those rockets through? How did so many Hamas soldiers get past the most militarized and protected border in the world to slaughter innocent civilians? Israel is incredibly advanced with some of the best military and surveillance technologies in the world.
Is there any chance this is like operation northwoods and the attack was orchestrated or allowed to justify an escalation of war? Could forces above both the US, Israel, and Palestine be manipulating them both for an agenda ahead of the elections?
There are levels and complexities to what's happening right now, and you all have to start thinking like they do with strategy and special interests in mind. You can't just immediately accept the narrative being spoonfed to you by governments, intelligence agencies, and MSM like it's the only objective truth that you accept without question.
Have none of you learned your lesson in the past few years with COVID?
THEY ALL LIE CONSTANTLY. All governments. All militaries. All news organizations. They all lie as a point of baseline policy and have worked in lockstep together throughout the entire pandemic psyop, but now that it involves war and conflict in Israel, we just forget all that and go back to believing them?”
I'm not falling for this charade again. I learned this lesson years ago investigating 9/11.”
Nothing condones killing innocent victims on either side. NOTHING! Yet, it's true that Israel denies a 2 state solution, backed by the vote of almost all nations in the world.
Don't get me wrong: nothing justifies terrorism but Palestinians don't deserve Israeli occupation and slow-mo extermination. If you want peace you need to seek justice first.
Severe injustice makes Palestinians claim that they are fighting for freedom, not revenge! A 2 state solution would bring peace and leave Hamas without a narrative for terrorism!
Hamas is not the Palestine, as much as Netanyahu is not Israel !!!
Why is he refusing peace? If Hamas doesn’t appear to be strong and very threatening, his government has a hard time keeping support to oppress and kill Palestinians.
Please read:
According to UN documents, Palestinians have a right under international law to armed struggle against Israeli colonialism, just as South Africans did against apartheid. Prior to this war, Gaza suffered under an Israeli blockade that even a British PM admitted is a "prison camp".
“An eye for an eye”? Israeli retaliation is more like a head for an eye. The whole purpose of that biblical law was to prevent excess revenge, not to justify it!
Please pray for the innocent victims on either side and for the end of the global digi-tatorship:
"'An eye for an eye?' Israeli retaliation is more like a head for an eye.'"
I agree with everything you wrote above (I wrote my own post making a few similar points earlier today) and learnt some more things from you too (thank you). It's David Vs Goliath.
I wrote my comment above not to say that the injustice was equivalent on both sides but more to mean that after a while nobody involved in this war (including us) can see anymore. There's not a single person (civilian) who won't end up feeling grief and pain for their losses and, ultimately, feel anger and might seek vengeance. Some commenters below think I feel happy about the deaths of one side more than the other and that's not the case. I don't know if that makes sense but I am tired and I feel sad for all the innocents.
"THEY ALL LIE CONSTANTLY" ... yes, that is the truth.
It’s the people that ordered the false flag event that led to innocent lives lost. The deep state demons are the enemy of mankind. I might be wrong and it’s Satan in the flesh but I blame it on the banking cartel families. Rothschild comes to mind.
I hate to condemn and be wrong but for me the oligarch families that have existed for centuries and maybe even from the days of Babylon.
The genocide by Netanyahu must stop now.
Rothschild were bankers of the Zionists.
Chomsky has written many informative and well documented books and articles about the issue and its coverage in media. His magisterial works MANUFACTURING CONSENT and THE WASHINGTON CONNECTION AND THIRD WORLD FASCISM cover recent history—from about the end of World War II to the late 20rst century, and the woeful media biases toward Israel.
MARRIED TO ANOTHER MAN and THE QUESTION OF PALESTINE offer the perspective of Palestinian scholars Ghada Karmi and Edward Said.
I’ve been asking similar questions on my own post earlier today.
Netenyahu Confesses to Strategy of Paying HAMAS for Dirty Tricks to Undermine Palestinian Statehood - https://tinyurl.com/3pavbehr
"Paying Hamas for Dirty Tricks" is a half-truth. The Israeli government literally created Hamas to undermine the political progress that the PLO had fomented. This is common knowledge. Same as with ISIS, massacring civilians in false flags to justify military attacks against civilians by Israel/Britain/US is the evolution of what Hamas has been created to do.
Right you are. And US Tax dollars helped pay HAMAS for war crimes.
The qabal are laughing at humans. They got yall to kill each other again. So easy, watching their slaves entertain them
I saw your post (from the comment above ) and liked it earlier. I agree.
eye for an eye.... poke out your eye to justify poking out someone's
Generally agree, but in this case, and not just now but going back 75 years, it's closer to a hundred eyes for an eye.
That is true.
a lot of fake eyes
Hamas is not the Fakestinian People? Am I mistaken? Are the Murder Bombers actually drawn from the cast of Glee?
Was it actually the Will Rogers High School Marching Band cheering the returning terrorists with their Jewish captives?
Have you no trace of basic human decency?
It has not been one week, and the focus must already shift to the plight of the poor widdle People of Color?
Not even a week to mourn the Israelis?
You don't have a big heart, you have a tiny, shriveled highly dysfunctional one to match your Socially Programmed mind.
Have you not seen the casualties from the other side all these years? Do you know that Israel funds Hamas? It's all about that old trick: divide and conquer. Stop asking ridiculous questions and trying to paint me as heartless... I'm sad about the deaths of all innocents.
I post the chart comparing injuries and deaths on both "sides" in "How to Start a War and Why".
Governments have manipulated wars for millennia, it is irrelevant.
It has not been a week.
Your heart is shriveled and twisted and dysfunctional.
You think dead Jews make a prettier picture?!!
You are so screwed up you don't even realize it.
I promise, Murder Bomber victims are just as horrific.
Would you like me to make insinuations about your character so this kind of exchange can go on ad nauseum? Sorry, I won’t play.
No, I would have liked you, by your third post on the topic, to have at least made some vague token acknowledgement of the Israeli victims.
But such decency is clearly beyond you, as is the obvious reality that the Murder Bombers and the misery they have inflicted on Israeli innocents lo these many decades are not, in fact, drawn from the cast of Glee, but from those who you deem uniquely worthy of your concern.
The trouble is we are getting very mixed messages about the Israeli victims. John: Any photo evidence you post I vow to publish, by itself. It appears right now that the 40 decapitated babies were not real, or at least there is no source, and the charge is being walked back. Agree or disagree? Ditto the kidnapped from the music festival. I don't doubt there were victims but why were false atrocities mixed in? We all smell a rat. We are not short on empathy or sorrow for Israeli victims. 4 of 5 Israelis think Netanyahu did this to them. Reported by Jerusalem Post!
It blows my mind that you assume I, and others here, don't care about Israeli innocents when so many of my words above clearly say the contrary. It's what I've been saying all day even in my own post on the matter.
John, you said it well. I am not surprised that it took less than a week for the "moral equivalency" chatterers to chatter on.
Yes, we are manipulated by TPTB, but the acts of hamas are just what has been commanded of the faithful who follow the sick, twisted cult of islam. Read the koran, for it is commanded of them to kill the unbelievers, if they cannot convert, enslave, or make them pay the jizyah. No religion on Earth but the cult of islam commands their adherents to kill others who do not believe as they do.
Read your history of what islam does, & what sharia law actually proscribes....it should sicken you.
Know islam, No Peace.
No islam, Know Peace.
Miss Farber, I am now unsubscribed.
You must have been reading a different bible. The old testament is full of admiration for one tribe slaughtering another. One advantage of being an atheist (I don't refer to myself) is that they have to think properly for themselves about morals, rather than get them from Bronze Age thinking. People should have advanced somewhat since then .
That's without mentioning Christmas lights and dogs aren't allowed. Even the FJB German shepherd that he beats on in Mike Tyson fashion, wouldn't be allowed over there.
You can see and feel what others in this conversation cannot because their hearts and minds are inhumane.
You are right on, John.
The point of "eye for an eye" allows Israel to eliminate every Islamist in Gaza - including women and children.
Your interpretation is NOT what Exodus inferred. How do civilized people defend themselves from a tribe that unapologetically glories in the blinding of a young woman who is set aflame in a public street to writhe and burn before large cheering crowds? As their Islamist tribe godlessly wages a war of terror, torture, and death, Israel (and all civilized people) wants nothing more but for them to stop. Those women and children suffer not from retaliatory strike, but because the Biden-funded Islamists use women and children to wage war.
For Israel to rebuild, Gomorrah must burn.
I think (I'm not sure) that you are on the right track; but please correct "their Islamist tribe". It wasn't a whole tribe that committed the atrocities, was it? As always in wars, it's the majority who suffer from the power-hungry minority who set themselves up to speak for the whole, and tell them what to do. (Even if it wasn't a false flag episode). How did German Jews react in 1933 when Jews setting themselves up as representatives declared war on Germany?
Yes - it's an uncivilized TRIBE.
How do civilized people defend themselves from a tribe that unapologetically glories in the blinding of a young woman who is set aflame in a public street to writhe and burn to death before large cheering crowds of women and children?
As that tribe wages war of terror, torture, and death, Israel (and all civilized people) only want them to stop. Those wounded women and children suffer not from retaliatory strikes, but because the enemy hides among women and children to wage war against civilization.
For Israel to rebuild, Gomorrah must burn. We can pray for those who suffer, but cannot allow our compassion to empower evil.
I would disagree if this was a one-off, but anti-social depravity has been the Islamist mandate for 1200 years. If the so-called "moderates" cannot (or refuse to) reform their crazies from within, sane populations will be forced to reform them from without.
You sound very sure. I wonder how old you were when you were first fed this sort of narrative.
The Koran and Hadiths are older than we are - their words and Islamist actions speak for themselves - so yes, I'm quite sure. Those who love God hate evil and the videos that Hamas posted make their depravity very clear.
No, Hamas is not the entirety of the palastinian people, but they did elect terrorists to be their political leaders. While that's not a reason to destroy the whole region, it is the reason for this little conflict.
I did not vote for Biden (nor Trump) but he was (s)elected. Am I responsible for his appalling decisions?
It is. Those who oppose the regime have had time and resources to escape.
Islamic history speaks for itself. Their 1300-year history is reflected throughout the Koran, Hadiths, and their modern interpretation by today's theological authoritarians. Communists and Fascist adherents exploit Islam's primitive tenets in their ongoing war against freedom, capitalism, Israel, the US, all free nations, i.e., "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Once that is accomplished, Muslims plan to murder each other until the one true believer is left.
Don't get me wrong - the Koran is a beautiful book, but the Hadiths and pathologized clerical authoritarians have polluted it. They demand war and I pray that Jesus Christ and His Father will deliver what their clerics demand.
If "moderate Muslims won't reform Islam from within, Islam and it's pathological adherents will be reformed from without. https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/coughlin-thesis__final__8_aug_07-w-appendices.pdf
The same mistake that is responsible for all these wars.
Are you saying that all the people who were elected were terrorists?
(And do you really think that the populace voted for people they thought were terrorists)?
I call it little conflict, because it's been going since pre-biblical times. It doesn't concern me, it doesn't concern you, it shouldn't concern DC or 10 Downing Street.
It'd be like a little conflict between Mexico and Texas on the border.
They'll be fighting this year, and if there are any palastinians left after this little conflict, they'll be doing this for eternity.
Prior to 1945, that region was at semi-peace, until the Balfour Declaration that planted a "Jewish" state where it wasn't wanted.
The allies' narrative since 1945 is that Hitler was evil personified while we, the allies, and our leaders were saints. Churchill and FDR were flawed just as Hitler, while far from perfect, had some redeeming qualities. ( Yes, that is not a mistake.) The German people loved Hitler because he mitigated much of the punishment and suffering imposed by England and America on Germany through the punitive Treaty of Versailles.
Capitalism's incessant quest for ever more profit which lead to imperial expansion by Western countries was the true cause of WWII. (As well as WWI) To blame it all on one flawed man man (Hitler) is fatuous and covers up the myriad flaws of the entire Western capitalist system.
Do people want a scapegoat or do they want the truth?
And IBM provided their new computerized record keeping systems to help keep track of all those 1000s of concentration camps.
I don't wonder. I'm sure of it.
I get what you are saying. There are a lot of healthy substances like niacin (B3) in mega doses that help your mind, heal schizophrenia, alcoholism, help stave off Alz. I don't think a substance like an HIV virus will control your mind.
Follow Celia Farber on substack for the truth about HIV/AIDS. She's written a book "Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS". She was one of the first to uncover Fauci's works during the 80s-90s.
I did my thesis on AIDS and nutrition so I know a lot about it. I knew how bad the fraudster was earlier than my thesis and then my paper confirmed it.
Msybe fauci knows, he holds the patent on it.
His remdesivir today iz the azt of that "epidemic."
He should have been thrown out of medicine in 1986 for not allowing those poor AIDS victims to take Bactrim in place of his AZT. Maybe it would have helped and maybe not at all. Then maybe all 17,000 wouldn't have died.
Yes there is a lot to question in these events. I wrote about it too on my ‘stack earlier today. https://open.substack.com/pub/sanefrancisco/p/war-is-not-the-answer
Dear Celia, thank you for your courage. I am beyond horrified, how many are celebrating the extermination of innocent civilians, trapped in a concentration camp, especially children. These are very dark times.
Thank you sir. I don't think I have shown courage, by posting photos, but rather, the people living through this have more courage than I can imagine. But thank you in any case. I believe the Israeli people will OPPOSE this with everything they have. I have faith in them. Netanyahu showed them who he is, when he sentenced them and their children to death by bio-chemical attack in the form of "vaccines." He lost them.
My Dad is from Israel though he’s been here since he was 17. We still have family in Tel Aviv and Eilat. Even though my father has been open minded to everything I’ve been sharing since before the rollout, including Israel selling their citizens to Pfizer, he STILL continues to get jabs and I don’t think any of our family has a clue what has been done and is being done to turn. I hope you’re correct and that people are waking up to it but doesn’t look that way to me.
False flag psy-op? Is this a directed event to escalate it into WW3, by a pre-emptive strike on Iran so that the Islamic countries would erase Israel from earth?
Murdering all the Jews is one of the main objectives of the globalists, as proven by the Holocaust or the Pfizer-haccine-caust targeted to Israel… considering Netanyahu signed the exclusive deal with Pfizer to cull Israel through the injection of the bioweapon🤔
Rep Ritchie called 7/10: “the largest single-day mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust.”
Wrong! The largest mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust, single-day or not, is definitely the Pfizer-caust !!! Millions killed or handicapped with myocarditis, clots, turbo cancer...
How is it possible that Israel intel didn’t see that coming?
• In spite of border and sea blockade, smuggling and moving thousands of missiles into launch position…
• Hundreds of paragliders…
• A ship reaching the shores of Israel
• No warning to civilians about the wall and air breach...
• Hundreds of fighters without repeal… for 6 hours!
“I served in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces), 25 years ago in the intelligence forces. There’s no way, in my view, that Israel did not know what’s coming. A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this?
What happened to the “strongest army in the world”? How come border crossings were wide open?? Something is VERY WRONG HERE.
At least 300 Hamas terrorists breached the border fence in multiple places completely unimpeded… infiltrated a significant number of dryland outposts as well as a naval infiltration point in Zikim. As we speak, Israel is actively engaged in combat in n 22 outposts. This is from the IDF statement.
A year ago there was a military operation in Gaza to prepare for such events, and ongoingly there are trainings for these kinds of scenarios. This raises serious questions about Israeli intelligence.
Two years ago there was a successful deployment of underground barriers in with sensors - to alert terrorists breaches. Israel has one of the most advanced and high tech armies, how come there was zero response to the border and fence breaching? ”
“How did the iron dome fail in Israel and allow all those rockets through? How did so many Hamas soldiers get past the most militarized and protected border in the world to slaughter innocent civilians? Israel is incredibly advanced with some of the best military and surveillance technologies in the world.
Is there any chance this is like operation northwoods and the attack was orchestrated or allowed to justify an escalation of war? Could forces above both the US, Israel, and Palestine be manipulating them both for an agenda ahead of the elections?
There are levels and complexities to what's happening right now, and you all have to start thinking like they do with strategy and special interests in mind. You can't just immediately accept the narrative being spoonfed to you by governments, intelligence agencies, and MSM like it's the only objective truth that you accept without question.
Have none of you learned your lesson in the past few years with COVID?
THEY ALL LIE CONSTANTLY. All governments. All militaries. All news organizations. They all lie as a point of baseline policy and have worked in lockstep together throughout the entire pandemic psyop, but now that it involves war and conflict in Israel, we just forget all that and go back to believing them?”
I'm not falling for this charade again. I learned this lesson years ago investigating 9/11.”
Nothing condones killing innocent victims on either side. NOTHING! Yet, it's true that Israel denies a 2 state solution, backed by the vote of almost all nations in the world.
Don't get me wrong: nothing justifies terrorism but Palestinians don't deserve Israeli occupation and slow-mo extermination. If you want peace you need to seek justice first.
Severe injustice makes Palestinians claim that they are fighting for freedom, not revenge! A 2 state solution would bring peace and leave Hamas without a narrative for terrorism!
Hamas is not the Palestine, as much as Netanyahu is not Israel !!!
Why is he refusing peace? If Hamas doesn’t appear to be strong and very threatening, his government has a hard time keeping support to oppress and kill Palestinians.
Please read:
According to UN documents, Palestinians have a right under international law to armed struggle against Israeli colonialism, just as South Africans did against apartheid. Prior to this war, Gaza suffered under an Israeli blockade that even a British PM admitted is a "prison camp".
“An eye for an eye”? Israeli retaliation is more like a head for an eye. The whole purpose of that biblical law was to prevent excess revenge, not to justify it!
Please pray for the innocent victims on either side and for the end of the global digi-tatorship:
In my opinion it is a case of Israel being heavily vaccinated and the easiest way to cover what is coming is to not have your defences on the ready which they have been for many years, it just seems to be quite the coincidence
I pray for all the lost love ones and for all the grieving families, No one deserves what has happened to them
That is a really good point to consider.
Soul wrenching . I too just want to weep for all the evil in this world 😢
Me too.. I just do not understand how it repeats over and over and over. What is wrong with mankind. There is enough of everything for everyone. :(
The sanctimoniousness of Americans never fails to amaze me. Everyone beating their breasts about babies being decapitated seems unwilling to acknowledge that it happens a thousand times a day in our own country. Just ask any abortion practitioner.
That's a truly valid point. They are on record charging $550 per baby head. Also, David Daleiden exposed it all, got them all on video negotiating organ parts. Parts of the uniform babies. Planned Parenthood, that is. Kamala Harris had his home raided and he went to jail. I think he's out now but I'm not sure. I wrote about this a few years ago. The mind boggles.
Agree. Also I hear the decapitated babies story is one of three big lies they’re telling (atrocity propaganda): https://youtu.be/lX-GhMxuVi0
As Sage Hana repeats someitmes: "This deal will break everybody before it's over."
This: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/meanwhile-in-israel-8-year-old-vaccine
I cry when I see that the same people who NOW want to commit genocide are denying the Nobel Prize mRNA Genocide. Ukrainian flags galore.
Reality is optional. The consequences of ignoring reality are not.
When a breaking news story comes out, many people go to their televisions. Wrong response! TV is the perfect medium to shape a primal response with repetitive messaging and visual stimulus to evoke a calculated response. There is nothing like seeing death, destroyed buildings, and senseless acts of violence and cruelty to flood the mind with emotions and embed the images deep in your brain. Sometimes pictures are recycled for the last atrocity which is really cynical. I think it's prudent to wait read and listen to reasoned conversations from independent journalists to weigh in on what is happening. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate of The Grayzone, Glenn Greenwald, Scott Ritter, Jimmy Dore, Russell Brand, and Andrew Napolitano are a few I trust. The media manipulated people with tales of 9/11 and Covid, so we know there is an agenda with a goal of manufactured consent for war atrocities. What we don't need are freaks like Sen. Lindsey Graham wanting to bomb Iran, etc. Remember Netanyahu's involvement in 9/11 and how he sold out his citizens to Pfizer? I share Scott Ritter's view of Netanyahu. Pray for Peace.
I'm fine with whatever the Israeli people want to do about this - the people of Israel, that is, not their current government and security-military apparatus. It seems to me that the 80% of Israelis who suspect their leaders of complicity are onto something. I would be interested in how that figure breaks down between those who suspect mere incompetence, and those who suspect malfeasance.
Celia - great observation - It's truly terra incognito. Assume that: Israel was complicit in letting Hamas in, that they let that massacre happen, that it was an ad hoc false flag. Assume also that: Hamas knew a savage retaliatory attack would ensue, and that Israel was going to flatten the place and then, turn the water and power off. Hamas knows this Israeli playbook.
My only conclusion is that the only side to be on is the side of the innocent civilians and the victims of evil governments and terrorists alike. A truce / ceasefire must happen right now.
Agreed Robert.
Thank you, Celia. You are such a good soul
BOMBSHELL: Netenyahu Confesses to Strategy of Paying HAMAS for Dirty Tricks to Undermine Palestinian Statehood
This makes Israel and the US complicit in Crimes Against Humanity (AGAIN!) - https://tinyurl.com/3pavbehr
The lord of the flies is a dystopian nihilism fiction.
We create our own worlds through our philosophy. If your philosophy is evil your world will be evil. Your actions exist in your soul first then your material body actualizes your spirit.
Celia this was too hard to read.
No one in their right mind wants Israelis to suffer or those in Palestine to suffer more, captive and punished as they are for so many, many years, the walls created to be an open air prison to put away people who were not Jewish so that the Israel could be Israel.
Propaganda of babies' heads - no, they are not coming off. Babies were not thrown up in the air by Nazis to be then caught on swords; babies were not found in their glass incubators in Iraq (or anywhere.
We have to keep our heads about us.
It's so utterly appalling, wrong, awful, all the words I can think up are not enough. Murder begets murder. Hate begets hate. Fear begets fear. Imprisoning people leads to more imprisonment.
Human can be so despicable and without moral ground when greed, punishment of others takes over their thinking.
God. It is to Him that vengeance belongs. Revenge is not our right. How can anyone justify their appall at a terrible deed when they are willing to match the terror? It’s completely absurd. I am so sick of hearing peoples justifications for genocide. I renounce violence or from any group of people. Retaliation is wrath in action and it’s a deadly sin. When will the cycle end and we transcend this vicious cycle?
I find it REALLY strange, that conservatives LEARNED (during covid and beyond) that the MSM LIES constantly, but throw out "aliens" or a WAR, and suddenly MSM are nothing but "truth tellers". Social media has succeeded in reducing society's attention span and memory.
"Yesterday Greg Reese told me Christians are supporting this, and I scarcely believed him."
Oh I believe him, I am been heartbroken the last 3 days as I read my Christian friends Facebook posts, they have no idea. Just indoctrinated to love Israel.
God has called us to be “peacemakers” NOT warmongers. Somehow they have forgotten this and are spewing out false doctrine left and right.
The killing of innocent lives through war is a horrible tragedy, regardless of political or religious views.
Whatever happened to praying for our enemies whichever "side" you are on?
My sympathy is with innocent people who are just like you and me, trying to survive and live their life, make an honest living, and be left alone.
I DO NOT sympathize with the corrupt governments, military industrial complex, corporate interests, and obscenely wealthy bankers on either side that are propagandizing and subjugating their people into wars over ideologies, resources, or perhaps something far more sinister.