I have a thought, what if weather control is being used to promote the idea of climate change being responsible?

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Yah . & they call me / us crazy because I have heard of HAARP and DARPA & Dane Wiggington. they can’t accept the depth of evil involved.

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FM8 had a short stack on Friday

About energy patterns in Texas, pointing right at the storm for a few hours .

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

That depth of evil emanates from Psychopathy. Which used to encompass about 1% of the general population, but it seems to be growing.

Several of the most esteemed writers/thinkers on my list are starting to reach a consensus that Psychopathy is a severe imbalance between the brain hemispheres. And that it can be induced from the environment. Mattias Desmet would call it the result of "mechanistic thinking". Iain McGilchrist would say it is too little Right-brain perspective/too-much Left-brain.

You see this when there is a lack of empathy, leading to a serious diminishing of conscience. This is one reason they promote hate groups such as Pro-Hamas and Feminists and COVID Maniacs....always with a specific target of human hatred involved. It assists in de-activating the Right Hemisphere, folks.

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My personal theory about "Personality" disorders as that they each represent a stage of human growth and development that got glitched , like a skipping record , and re play that same behavior over and over again . The individual then reaches into LEARNED behaviors to be able to hide the glitch and be seen as normal -- which causes them to be extremely skilled users of the tools that they use . For example , Autism is when the infant is born , but the system remains in need of a womb like situation , muffled sound , no texture touch , and limited stimulation . The autist re creates the womb be it by staring at a spinning weight on a string , or humming -- now we move on to the psychopath . The emerged infant actually must eat the mother , like , chomp down , and thanks God babies are not born with teeth . In my opinion , the psychopath basically is stuck in this cannibalistic stage , which it learns is VERY BAD , ( no bite baby ) and becomes very linguistically adept - psychopaths are known for their extraordinary talking skills . Now we move on to the toddler who needs to go play in safety and freedom , and when that is glitched you get the irrational egoism that is naturally necessary to make the child brave enough to seek out new friends and explore new spaces . This , in a glitched state ( the record player on repeat ) is called Narcissistic Personality Disorder . - with your own imagination , journey forwards on the path of human growth and development , and you will discover that the ones that get stuck , learn to fake it , but the underlying logic is always identical to the small child and his natural impulse to develop . The hand that rocks the cradle truly rules the world , as excellent care partner focus , Mom , dad , nanny , teacher , fluffy the rabbit , can teach and guide a child who is stuck in a phase . Unfortunately , poor care can actually create the problems -- a child denied free play , or the untimed breast and natural weaning process . The infant never allowed to discover his experience gently . Great care can unglitch a pre born situation , such as the work of the mother of Temple Grandin , born with severe autism , and guided into a great human being by her mother's understanding .

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

Very interesting, Jennifer.

There are many ideas of human development and how it might go astray. I have been exposed to most of them. Those which ring the most true to me are the theories/explanations/approaches from John Bowlby, Peter Fonagy, Mattias Desmet, Iain McGilchrist. Daniel Hughes and his PACE Program comes in there too, for specific purposes.

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Yes , Add to that Jean Leidloff , as she was focused on kids in nature in a hands on tribe . As close the the garden of eden as one could get . Likewise , Judith Bluestone , an autist herself and an amazing researcher and scientist . What I am interested in is not the distortion of the individual , but the use of "AI " to mask that distortion , yet the communications , actions , and creations , all eventually reveal the original disturbance . One can decipher a sociopath via the language , even if they are sitting at a nice desk in an office , with a personal secretary . This is really important to catalog and make available as in a world where communication is now done without personal contact , I mean , zoom calls for court ? Yes . We need to seriously stare at the manipulation of language and it's effect on those around us .

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I read Liedloff's "The Continuum Concept' years ago, but it tends to be interpreted as support for the crazy destructive eco-activists. Much like Rachel Carson's book.

We need to move beyond that kind of interpretation.

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hate groups such as Hamas...."

And what do you know of Hamas that wasn't hammered into your skull by the world's two archetypal hate groups, the Ziofascists and the Ziofascist US govt?

The height of hypocracy would be for you to be pro Zionist/ Fascist. (Zionism being the Chosenites' own monstrous euphemism for Fascism. They mean the same thing.)

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

Here is the irony. You begin to hate the Psychopaths (with good reason, but....). Another trap.

For anyone interested, the book by Colin Tipping, "Radical Forgiveness" could be most helpful here.

I think that the Christian exhortation to forgive could be a direct hint that psychologically/neurologically, forgiveness does positive things to the forgiver's brain. It is not solely about moral virtue in the way we may think it is.

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they called me crazy when I was 5 and did a rain dance...

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see what I just posted. Patents for weather control

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Climate change must then also be the reason for this administration's disaster response ineptitude. And maybe the reason my dog ate my homework.

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Think that is one of the objectives. Along with picking winners and losers as far as crops and recreation. They create the monster storms then say lookie here we got us some climate crisis then

Spend the aftermath preaching net zero absurd

The earth is boiling in 12 years we all be dead.

F their create a crisis

Deliver the solution to their manufactured crisis.

And make money limiting our carbon footprint that is so touchy to interfere with Mother Natures sensitive balance.

All the while they are seeding chemtrails

Weaponizing HAARP NEXRAD 5G DEW And someone best stop this shit asap!!!

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Weather control was announced in 1987 NAARP , I think.

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haha! Yes, and we should really be glad now that they coincidentally are going to start mining a huge lithium deposit just up the road. Can’t have enough green electric cars.

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I wonder that all the time.

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Rampant wildfires in recent years too.....?

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Well....yes. Of course. Crisis fabrication.

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BlackRock land grab soon. Same as Maui. Opportunity to get best land east of Mississippi for cheap.

Plus gets rid of the white redneck gun-crazy bible-beaters. Getting them hooked on drugs and dead takes too long.

Lots of California refugees looking for another Eden to fuck up.

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"Drugs and Dead" as in the Grateful Dead?

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"...Let it be known, there is a fountain, that was not made by the hands of men..."

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Hurricane hunter, no match for Robert Hunter :- )

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The gorgeous town of Jasper, Alberta was burned to the ground recently too. The surrounding forest growth had been purposely left unmanaged for many years.

Just saying....

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22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs ago

What doesn't add up in this hypothetical is the places "they" are targeting aren't what you'd have traditionally called bitter clinger strongholds. Asheville is pretty much the Boulder or Berkeley of the East. I suspect plenty of Blackrock money is already there. Asheville is where the Biltmore is, where the Vanderbilts parked a ton of money a century ago, afterall. There's got to be more to it. Maybe it's a resources play to lock up the quartz mines at Spruce Pine.

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Jeff Childers’ Substack called Helene a Turbo Hurricane. I think he’s right. Something very unnatural about Helene’s behavior from where it was formed, how quickly it intensified, to the inland damage hundreds of miles from landfall. Now another tropical depression is in the western Caribbean and could form and follow the same track as Helene. What are the odds?

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I don't know that area well, but looking at a map, Asheville is in a mountainous region far from the coast. Seems unlikely for such a hurricane to hit there, naturally.

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What is the difference between unusual, unique, and unnatural?

They can't even accurately predict the path of a hurricane, but somehow they can magically discern a natural from an unnatural one.

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There are no climate change anything.

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There are many things that are not.

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It wasn’t friggin ‘climate change’ what dumped all that water on Asheville.

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We need carbon-neutral hurricanes:).

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We need "stupid" neutral people/sheeple.

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RemovedOct 1
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If you were infected, I would say yes.

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Vile, ludicrously predictable bullshit. Pure evil.

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I was just in Asheville and NW SC for a week in April. Seeing the pictures of the extent of the devastation is unbelievable.

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Call pope francis kamala & JD Jesuit. Lets fix it. Everything shuts Down on the SUNday. Its church & state!!!! We are 1 centimeter from a papacy

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OR? Maybe we are all Palestinians now.

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We are all Catholic now.

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Ahhhhhh, more Truth.

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RemovedOct 1
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Not for everyone

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Is human thinking naturally so irrational as to conclude that flooding proves climate change, or does this Pavlovian-like lack of discernment occur only after years of propaganda training? And, would such trained inability to reason properly extend into one's overall ability to function as an adult?

To our continuing shame, we've taken generations of children, children who are the great absorbers of knowledge, and subjected them to a machine which squelches knowledge and intellectual thought and, instead, preaches propaganda, a machine officially known as "public education."

And, I would argue that those who believe schools can be "fixed" are equally deluded- my grandmother retired 50 years ago following decades of fighting the same battles with her school administrators. As did my parents later. And me later yet. "Public education" was a bad model from its inception... if education were ever the goal.

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Hurricanes now traveling northwest rather than northeast, compliments of HAARP

[Video} Call: WARNING It's Man-Made HAARP Hurricane 'Helene' Season Right now!


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I am shocked! Not one of the usual suspects; Iran, Putin, Hamas, Venezuela, Trump or even Marjorie Taylor Green's injurious choice of words even mentioned as a potential cause of this disaster.

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Not yet, anyway. Give it time.

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It is very true. It is Climate Change.

IE the Fucking IMF owns UNITED STATES Inc. which every one has a all uppercase corporation created from their BC and the Constitution states only Federal employees owe taxes hence those Corporations are employees and link to your SS#.

Follow all that? Ok

Those same Mother Fuckers use those Giant Golf Balls ie Radar Stations and they point them where they want Climate to Change. Storms, Floods Death etc.

Hence Climate Change. Produced by fucking criminals called Politicians and Media owned by Criminals like Bloomberg.

Hahaha. Let's all shoot heroin. Call it Happy Hour.

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Bloomberg RINO Mayor of New York City....POS

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Because hurricanes never drop tons of rain..

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"He (Edgar Caycee) stated in the reading that the coastline of New York would disappear and along with it, New York City would slip into the ocean. This is one of the changes that would require another generation. However, the southern portions of the Carolinas and Georgia would disappear sooner. The shifts in the southern coastlines have accelerated over the past 20 years in part due to currents shifting and devastating hurricanes. Along the North Carolina beaches, many second and third row houses are now oceanfront homes."

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