I am packing, departing, in a rush, but I saw a YouTube headline, a row of O.J. lawyers on Piers Morgan and the pull quote was: “He should have died in prison.”
This thought came to me:
“PSY OP: The hypnotic dark art of designating one focal point, which pulls all observations toward it in the info and opinion-cosmos, swallows and incorporates them, spinning itself as itself, in perpetuity. Repetition. Pull all in to that one point of view, thus darkening all others, only that gets light, that which is the PSY OP’s preoccupying opinion/view/belief. We think it is our own but it is a trick of the light.”
One could program talking heads, with AI, to repeat these mantras, about O.J. into perpetuity. The disturbing thing is they say them with such relish, they come across as not aware they’ve said the same thing 10000 times before.
PSY OP—a form of mental battery. Insatiable entity, must be fed, fed, fed.
Was OJ really guilty? Who knows. The larger event was the trial, not the crime. How long did the trial last? I don't remember, but I bet there are soap operas that have shorter lives. The trial was ridiculous. My ex said her mother had a whole box of 6hr VCR tapes of the trial.
Does the US ever come to, look at itself, and ask what is going on here? It appears to me this media circus was a diversion from some more important event.
I suggest they remember the 1000 times they've previously said - and relished - the same words. Condemning another is savoured by unconscious souls, ideally declared as a mantra, "Crucify him!" "Crucify him!" "Crucify him!" ... applicable to anyone not following mob mentality.