Was OJ really guilty? Who knows. The larger event was the trial, not the crime. How long did the trial last? I don't remember, but I bet there are soap operas that have shorter lives. The trial was ridiculous. My ex said her mother had a whole box of 6hr VCR tapes of the trial.

Does the US ever come to, look at itself, and ask what is going on here? It appears to me this media circus was a diversion from some more important event.

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I suggest they remember the 1000 times they've previously said - and relished - the same words. Condemning another is savoured by unconscious souls, ideally declared as a mantra, "Crucify him!" "Crucify him!" "Crucify him!" ... applicable to anyone not following mob mentality.

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Thank you all for your comments and Celia for her insight. Sifting through the day of media mantras is more than I usually can bear. I try to avoid the vibrations as best I can. My 92-year-old father and I were discussing the effects of repetition yesterday. He’s been a voracious reader his whole life. He always talks about his grandmother telling him “book good” and over again as a child. Telling someone they’re smart or stupid or that they’re gifted or ugly over and over again has a deep effect. It’s s so pronounced and so obvious it’s a simple concept easily observed in both healthy and dysfunctional families. May God bless you all.

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Good morning Celia, I'm assuming you are preparing to return to Spain. Praying that you and Lewis have safe travel to your next point of operation. This OJ thing has been a real distraction for me, as has our Saturday zooms. The covid portion of this perpetually induced Psy-Op that began in Eden over 6000 years ago has done a great job of getting us to take our eyes off our Creator. He is the Bottom Line for me and I pray that He is for you as well. Keep looking up and be ready for Jesus 2nd coming. Love to All!

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Hard to believe that next month marks 30 years since the murders, the Bronco chase,the trial of the Century and our obsession with it all. I am,like so many who are part of this tribe, in a whole different state of awareness since that time. Back then we just assumed that the media were all about getting to the bottom of the truth. Now we see them as purveyors of lies and corruption. The government as well. Yes I do think that we were once again led astray- our perceptions were fucked with. But what are we going to do about it? I ask myself this question every day.

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yes to what you say, about psyops. Gaslighting is a cousin to psy ops. I just briefly listened to a piers morgan interview with crown prince of iran, followed by Cenk Uygar and some fanatical unceaselessly interrupting israeli so-called diplomat. Cenk aside, the entire segment would make the uninformed viewer believe Iran's attack on Israeli military installations a total failure, when in fact if you listen to scott ritter, it was an utter success in its purpose and execution. Listen to Scott here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU0vvFREehY

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The murder itself was a psyop as was the trial. Even at the time when I didn't know the word or concept, the narrative struck me as very strange. It's turtles all the way down.

The story doesn't add up ... and when the story doesn't add up - as it so often doesn't - that means psyop. They drown us in these things.

Miles Mathis goes through the anomalies - you don't have to agree with everything he says but he certainly makes some good points.


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Keep in mind that the same morons that thought oj should die in prison are cool with mass murderers like Dubya, Clinton, Obama , etc.

They love to focus on the individual murders so we don't see the millions dead from their "freedom wars"

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My brother studied under Rene Girard, and I was introduced to numbers of his books translated from French to English. How might the world be different if, before watching the nightly news, citizens read a quote from Rene Girard? Some wisdom from Girard, Hannah Arendt, or others who give us pause, is in great need for a populace on the receiving end of psy-op after psy-op.

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Your premise is 100% correct for sure. Psy Op = deception that can and does embody and utilizes the emotions as well as the mind.

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Same thing happening with the MSM PsyOp to prevent Robert F Kennedy Jr. from getting anywhere. Call him all those names, especially anti-vaxxer, fire up the hate and derision on every channel. Keep the electoral choice simple between a right or left half of the same rotten carcass.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

This brings to mind the abortion perturbation. I'm not downplaying the role, presence and priority it plays in peoples lives, be they pro or contra. It's just that for decades this hot potato has had a preemptive effect on other conversations that might otherwise have been had. But that's the game isn't it to keep the populace perpetually upset in a tight confined either/or narrative?

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They've made the entire pursuit of truth a psy op. A black hole with its own dark gravitational pull, flooding us with seeds of truth and decoys and distractions... more information than anyone can possibly process and distill. Our souls are the tether, I think, the only real intelligence.

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Also, people might consider reading "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare" by Michael A. Hoffman, if they truly wish to understand the depths to which PsyOps are carried out. I doubt many are aware just how deep these things go yet. This book will offer incredible insight.

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Ever since your piece on O.J. I haven't so much considered his guilt or innocence as I have considered how many I sense are truly guilty and go free without any consideration-hiding in plain sight and even giving speeches and getting awards. (Fauci) While chosen others are focused on incessantly- as you so brilliantly clarified here. You're helping me decongest my mind- the prozac piece of the O.J. story is the most effective decongestant.

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I vaguely remember my disgust when pundits were talking about school shootings, back when they first began happening, or bean happening frequently. Some point in the mid 90s maybe. They droned on about music, about video games, but I don't think they ever mentioned SSRI drugs or prescription drugs at the time. I was teaching at a college at the time and had been invited by a school principal to tour her high school. They called it a last ditch high school. All the kids were deeply medicated--it had a profound affect on me. I was so sad. The principal explained to me that it was important that they become socialized--that mattered as much as academics, she said. So I knew all these reports were lies--and that no one was willing to address the actual issue. And then I was angry too at the insane coverage. I was once running a truss spot for a large rock concert when a bomb threat was called in and we all had to evacuate. Bomb threats were never covered--that was a golden rule. I asked my boss if there was a bomb, and he said we wouldn't say either way. I think the show wouldn't have resumed if there had been, of course. But my point was that like bombs school shooting shouldn't have been covered. At least not on the scene. That all felt like a Psyop, and it is uncomfortable to say that for fear of misinterpretation. But it was just wrong--everything about how they covered it was wrong.

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