Good riddance to those who do not support free speech!

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How did we end up living in a world like this? Where and when did we drop the ball and stop paying attention to what was happening to us? In a way, we all are to blame for this, whether we want to acknowledge that blame, or not.

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Yesterday I sent a friend a recent post on Robert Malone's substack. She found the science quite compelling and sent it to her 3 adult children. They refused to read it and sent her a hit piece on Malone stating he was a liar and a quack and had nothing to to with inventing mrna technology. To prove them wrong, I sent them a Pub Med document from 1989 proving Malone did indeed invent this technology. I won't go into detail, but none of the 3 bothered to look at it and had horrible things to say to me (via text message). I've known these children their whole lives (they are in their 30s and 40s now) and always had a loving respectful relationship. Guess that's all down the tubes now....sad.

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Very sorry to hear that. That kind of relationship destruction has been going on almost since the first with this stuff. And I am struggling to understand how so many hearts and minds could have been snapped shut over this particular issue. Even at our worst, we could discuss almost any controversial topic, and we wouldn't turn on each other like cornered animals if friends and family had differing opinions. But not THIS one, and I would really love to understand why.

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This phenomenal is the reprobate mind people are given over to when their hearts get hardened to the point that they actually PREFER any old pack of lies to God's objective Truth. He is just obliging them by letting them proceed in going their own way

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The brainwashed ones given over to idiocy will scream and shout before disfellowshipping you utterly.

Sometimes you have no choice but to go all out following God's narrow way, because the price you have to pay to appease these unfortunates and get along with them is JUST TOO GREAT

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My 2 Australian sons - 31 and 41 - are just as brainwashed. One is Video game addicted and the other is prescription drug addicted. One is a tech bro and drives a Tesla and the other is a lawyer who took his Oath on Marx’s tome.

So much to unpack now as to what happened to tear us all apart. Social media/propaganda the last 10 years was the marinade for the C19 BBQ, IMHO.

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It's odd, but if we look back at all the events and institutions that helped to make all this possible (social media, phones in every human's hands, laws and regulations that make medical tyranny legal), it almost appears like this was part of a well-constructed and well executed plan to enslave all of humanity. But, if that is true, who is crafting and executing this plan? Is it even possible to have done all this with some sort of centralized control? So many questions; so few answers.

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Hey Joe - you might find some sign posts in this essay by Charles Eisenstein: https://charleseisenstein.substack.com/p/theres-no-one-driving-the-bus

It was a navigation signal that helped me to at least find a place to stand while I pondered all you speak of. Peace.

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Thank you. I have read some of his other essays; he is indeed a wise man. Take care.

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Wise man, you say? Eisenstein lost me by the fourth paragraph: "... whether the whole thing was orchestrated by a malicious, power-hungry elite." But of course it was not! It was orchestrated by a malicious, powerful elite.

Surely you are acquainted with the Protocols? If not, high time to read some (without getting sick). If ever there was a script, this is it, with Rank and Rockefeller outfits only working out the details. Eisenstein is but another deflector.

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Yes we brought this on ourselves. We turned away from God The Creator and Sustainer and worshipped materialism, entertainment, OURSELVES, "science" and high tech instead of appreciating the GIVER of the things we were blessed with by Him. Instead we cursed Him to His Face. We denied Him and shook our fists at Him. So He withdrew the blessings He had given and gave this country over to a reprobate mind.......you can see the.craziness and despair. We need Him desperately but our pride wont let many of us admit it. We did not want God in our lives as a country so we were given over to evil tyrants because we abused our freedom.

Time to REPENT of our sins and turn. back to God asking forgiveness and mercy. Everyone of us.

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Elon Musk is a transhumanist, so watch his moves closely. I am also of course enjoying the firings and the liberal temper tantrums, but please do not trust this guy. Whatever he is doing is part of the shit-show and global circus.

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I agree.... WATCH vigilantly and see where this goes.

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Blindly following Elon Musk or anyone else will result in absolute disaster.

We threw out God and His true principles and precepts in favor of believing a lie. Where has it gotten us? Absolute disaster!

We need Godly discernment to avoid entanglement with the lies and deception. Obviously we make a mess of things when we try to do it on our own. It's high time we admit that we were deceived and REPENT of it

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Funny--leftists believe in civil liberties, so no they are not left, they are fascists.

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end days people

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How do people get away with calling themselves “far left” when commies have caused more genocides than 200 holocausts put together. I mean, holy moly, the Nazis were a trip to Disneyland compared to what the commies have done for the past 100 years.

You’d think if we were in a sane society, far leftists would be met with the same scorn as neonazis..,

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The last guy was ‘priceless’...and those stupid Twitter employees don’t even know how to pronounce “project veritas”!

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Most people don't. Veritas is latin. The v is pronounced as w.

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Quite telling... don't know how to even SAY "truth". 😒

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The morphing of the public commons of Twitter into the CCP-TWIT which has power to destroy and censor thought has no basis in a republican democratic society. However it is a perfect mirror or reality into the authoritarian culture that the left has spawned throughout the USA.

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I still prefer Truth Social. Time will tell Re: Twitter. No matter any restored freedom of speech, the nastiness there is vile. There are dissidents on TS but not in droves

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Its not coming back. They kicked us out of the pen and we have way more freedom outside the bird cage.

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I think it will be a game of whack a mole with this crew. They will just pop up somewhere else.

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Bless Project Veritas because thanks to them we got the first hidden camera testimony of the slimy existence of Twitter shadowban, a word which I COINED after being test subject ONE. I do hope I get to have my existence back now, shit's been tough...

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Great to see leftists bite the dust. However, many of them will undoubtedly resurface somewhere.

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How they made social platform gangsters out of employees! But I guess they were closet pier drunk freaks with potential of immigrants out of their closets ! Good riddance

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Just wow

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Many of these children have no grounding in our politics and just view it as a game and while the "game aspect" of politics certainly exists, their lack of integrity and their naivete' about the roles they are playing to destroy our society and way of life is appalling.

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Crimes against humanities Brains !

Sickening ! Can’t wait till the movies end.

Its miserable out there 🤢🤢🤮

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