What a lovely story ... and what a powerful indicator that we need to be careful not to push the exit button too quickly and this experience will probably help you bear it better when he finally does go. I'll keep the Celtic salt water and egg yolk in mind.
This is the perfect metaphor for us, why we do what we do. If one person decides to avoid the “vaccine” if one person stands up and says “No” to tyranny, then it’s all worth it.
Sometimes the smallest thing, something you didn’t even think would work, ends up making the difference.
This is NOT JUST A STORY ABOUT A CAT!! That’s why you also wrote this to your crowd. It’s about our country.... It’s about HOPE. It’s about NOT GIVING UP.
Thank you for writing this. ❤️
Now about the acronyms, please explain what they are for the cat lovers (and does this work for dogs too)? What is CD? There was another one or two.... Why the egg yolk? All very fascinating....
YES, you're exactly right!! Thank you for saying that.
I just added some links and clarifications: CD is chlorine dioxide (linked to a place to buy it) and DMSO is linked now to a book one can buy about its healing properties. It's from tree bark. As for egg yolk, just super nourishing and full of fatty acids, minerals, vitamins...
Does it specifically have to be Celtic Sea salt, or would other sea salt help? How about the Himalayan Pink salt? --- Would this help with pet vax injuries? Any suggestions about what to give dogs for vax injuries? I have 4 dogs. 2 since their vaxes are not what they were before them this year. One is 15 with congestive heart failure. I was forced to have him vaxed to have him seen at all for his heart.
I'm so sorry. Vets are often even worse than MDs, in their allegiance to cult ideas. It's scary. For this reason I am very vet avoidant.
Sometimes they do great things though--also true. Put 1-2 drops of activated CD (purchase on amazon if you need to, "chlorine dioxide") in drinking water. Get DMSO and read the book on how it can heal humans and pets, by Amamdha Vollmer, and or others, but hers is easy to read. "The Healing Power of DMSO" And no it must be Celtic sea salt, not Himalayan. We need to find vets who know how to detox our animals. Are there any vets here? We have a few great doctors on this Substack, this I know. Dr. Ken Stoller, for one.
It appears Substack is blocking likes on your comment which is discouraging but not surprising due to the value of the information and the ruthless suppression of it.
🙏🏼 That bought tears to my eyes. I’m a fairly recent cat owner & our gang of 3 bring us so much joy. Being more of a dog person I didn’t realise how amazing cats are until I became an owner, they all have such unique personalities
It seems we can no longer trust any of them - I have not vaccinated my cats for at least 6 years. First thing I noticed is how they understand me more. They talk to me more directly. I don’t have specific evidence I can highlight but I just felt it. I felt like a block had been removed and it was also the first time that I ignored what the vet had suggested. Same reason as you C (financial) to begin with but then even when I could have paid for their jabs it was a no. And after all this I will never subject any animal or human that I can protect to go near any of that shit again. So happy for you darling and Jack looks amazing... they got it sooooo wrong!
the vet told my son that it is Maryland law to vaccinate your cat against rabies, even an indoor cat, and that if your cat bites a person and gives them rabies, then you are legally liable.....
So he is being very insistent that I vaccinate my cat, which I have not done beyond her initial "kitten shots" which were given before I was allowed to adopt her. She is an indoor cat, very healthy, about eight years old.....
..... the thing is, well-meaning people like my son who believe in vaccines and think I'm a fool have actually said that THEY would take my cat behind my back to get her vaccinated, because I'm doing cat abuse or something. They have no clue that vaccines are NOT harmless, and even if you were to do such a stealthy and horrible thing, you have no way of knowing that cat's history -- what if I DID "quietly" get my cat vaccinated, and then you go and do it again a week later, not knowing? I mention this partly because of the various jurisdictions where children as young as 12 or 13 can decide to get shots, or schools do this without the knowledge and permission of the parents. I know most of them are well-meaning but ignorant, and can do great damage because of trying to do good.
just lie to your son. it's sad to have to do that but it's also sad to know that he would have turned you in to the KGB if you had lived in soviet russia.
here's the thing about cat vaccines- they used to give them on the upper back/ base of neck but when they caused cancerous tumors there, the cat was done for. now they give those shots in the leg because if the cat gets cancer, they can at least amputate the leg and the cat can "manage."
That's exactly what happened to our dog: I'm convinced that the typical series of vaxxes caused the tumor which later developed at that exact spot and - long, sad story short - eventually killed her.
i'm so sorry about your dog. it is absolutely true that the pet vaccines cause cancerous tumors and all vets know this. most will admit it if pressured. my boyfriend's cat developed a tumor "right there" on his upper back. his then vet told him that the shot (administered by a former vet) caused the tumor.
we let it be and he was fine and died years later of something else. i never get my animals vaccinated, aside from the shots they came with. i adopted a cat once and the paperwork asked me to promise that i would get him his annual shots. i signed the contract, never intending to do it, without a flinch of conscience. an indoor cat! what bullshit. they make it up to insure a revenue stream!
but the solution is absurd. the vaccine causes cancer. let's not make a vaccine that doesn't cause cancer. let's simply move where we give the shot so that we will be able to amputate the limb when the cancer occurs. that way we get paid for the shot, paid for the surgery and paid for the future medical expenses required by the surgically disfigured animal. sounds like a plan
Had we known better, we could've added years to her life by doing what you did but we didn't; we had the tumor cut out which caused a firestorm of other tumors and it was all downhill from there.
ugh! i am SOOOO sorry. i guess it stems from my being fundamentally frugal and also distrustful of the medical system. i was chuckling when reading that Celia didn't have her cat euthanized immediately because of the cost. that's something i would do.
i was prescribed singulair for asthma years ago. the doctor gave me a 12 month renewable script. when i filled the first month and it was $90 for such tiny pills, i thought NO WAY! i never renewed the prescription. i tried diet, yoga, alternative medicine and every other modality out there- things that were far more expensive and way more time consuming than popping a little pill once a day. but it was my choice to do things i believed in and they all benefited my general health.
years later, the side effects of singulair started coming out- nightmares, anger problems, suicides. my cheapness helped me dodge a bullet.
in 1976, my cousin's wife got GBS from the rushed swine flu vaccine and spent a year in a wheelchair so no flu shots for me! saved 46 years (and counting) of flu shots.
limit your interactions with the medical profession to dire emergencies- you break a bone in a fall, your dog gets hit by a car, etc.
otherwise, stay away. baby wellness visits, annual check-ups, mammograms, colonoscopies, routine shots. it's all nonsense to keep you in a state of fear that your body might turn against you without continued (and expensive) monitoring and testing.
eat well, move your body and spend time outside.
hearing your story, i'm so glad- again out of cheapness and skepticism- that we let Spud's tumor be
Beautiful! We had a very old dog who lived to almost 20 who got sick, stopped eating and drinking, and then rebounded twice on her own. She still had a few more years left. I could never take one of my pets in to be euthanized. It feels like such a violation of trust.
That's a lovely and inpsiring story. Thanks for sharing. I too had never heard of the healing powers of Celtic Sea Salt and egg yolk. but I will look more into this subject.
I've actually watched this video before. But did not follow up after. But after Celia's story about on her cat, I now have a renewed motivation to follow this method.
I live in western France. The sea salt harvested at salt marches on Île de Noirmoutier and at nearby Guérande. They are very well known and exported all over the world. Not sure how they hold up to Celtic salt though.
That's what I thought. Have not looked into why this salt is considered better than others. It seems that if is easily available to buy on line. So must try it.
I have never heard that. But I do eat a lot chicken and find them delicious. I do often buy roasted chickens at my local supermarket and they're are amazingly delicious. So perhaps this is true.
That's so awesome! I'm so happy for you! As I was reading, I'm thinking of my comment -> "Chlorine Dioxide is great for animals." I was pleasantly surprised as I continued to read that you had used it (and DMSO) on your beloved Jack. Please keep giving CD to both of them. Just put it in their water. I do this with my dogs and chickens. It truly is wonderful. And exactly why the FDA and CDC have put out disastrous warnings about it.
I would have no way of knowing about your cats, as cute as they may be, and as nice a story as this is, as Facebook is an evil intelligence operation started by the CIA, and fronted by a dumb fuck, creepy asshole, weirdo Zuckerberg who had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with starting it, and it was funded by the CIA's venture capital firm so I don't use Facebook. I feel so deprived of enlightenment.
As a cat person, just ADORED this story and the photos. I don't take my cat to the Vet anymore, and won't get him jabbed jus as I will never get jabbed. Gargling with salt water will get rid of sore throats fast!
This is good info! About 15 years ago I learned that pureed Asparagus, yuk x 2, seems to slow cancers down. Long story but I currently have a 12 year old pup with 2 large anal tumors. In March they gave him around 3 months. I give him the steroid they prescribed and Asparagus about 4 times a day. As of today he is still with us. I have to give him a laxative but he handles that well too. He's still very happy pup, tagging along on walks up the driveway and rolling in the grass.
Thanks for the sea salt story, and howdy to your cats!
They're both linked now to info sources in the text and where you can buy. CD is Chlorine Dioxide, I really ought not spell it out again. It's NOT an ok word the the people running the death cults. You can see some documentaries on YouTube. And Amdahl Vollmer talks about DMSO. (and I've linked to her book in the text.) Good luck!
Great news! We have 3 cats, all rescues, the last rescued by myself, the other 2 by people were know. May I ask the proportions of sea salt, egg yolk and water you used?
I am CatJ there. My one and only thread is “Emotional roller coaster ride. If there is anything that did not go wrong it our attempts to rescue a cat family, I can not think what it could be.”
Tell your vet this story. Then send them a bill for $700.
What a lovely story ... and what a powerful indicator that we need to be careful not to push the exit button too quickly and this experience will probably help you bear it better when he finally does go. I'll keep the Celtic salt water and egg yolk in mind.
This is the perfect metaphor for us, why we do what we do. If one person decides to avoid the “vaccine” if one person stands up and says “No” to tyranny, then it’s all worth it.
Sometimes the smallest thing, something you didn’t even think would work, ends up making the difference.
oh, what a lovely story. thank you so much for sharing it. I’m so glad jack is still with you ♥️
This is NOT JUST A STORY ABOUT A CAT!! That’s why you also wrote this to your crowd. It’s about our country.... It’s about HOPE. It’s about NOT GIVING UP.
Thank you for writing this. ❤️
Now about the acronyms, please explain what they are for the cat lovers (and does this work for dogs too)? What is CD? There was another one or two.... Why the egg yolk? All very fascinating....
YES, you're exactly right!! Thank you for saying that.
I just added some links and clarifications: CD is chlorine dioxide (linked to a place to buy it) and DMSO is linked now to a book one can buy about its healing properties. It's from tree bark. As for egg yolk, just super nourishing and full of fatty acids, minerals, vitamins...
Does it specifically have to be Celtic Sea salt, or would other sea salt help? How about the Himalayan Pink salt? --- Would this help with pet vax injuries? Any suggestions about what to give dogs for vax injuries? I have 4 dogs. 2 since their vaxes are not what they were before them this year. One is 15 with congestive heart failure. I was forced to have him vaxed to have him seen at all for his heart.
I'm so sorry. Vets are often even worse than MDs, in their allegiance to cult ideas. It's scary. For this reason I am very vet avoidant.
Sometimes they do great things though--also true. Put 1-2 drops of activated CD (purchase on amazon if you need to, "chlorine dioxide") in drinking water. Get DMSO and read the book on how it can heal humans and pets, by Amamdha Vollmer, and or others, but hers is easy to read. "The Healing Power of DMSO" And no it must be Celtic sea salt, not Himalayan. We need to find vets who know how to detox our animals. Are there any vets here? We have a few great doctors on this Substack, this I know. Dr. Ken Stoller, for one.
God bless you! Thank-you so very much for answering and the additional info! I appreciate your time.
Watch the video at the end. She explains which salt and why.
Thank-you! I didn't even notice a video. 🤪
CD How To:
Thank you!!
It appears Substack is blocking likes on your comment which is discouraging but not surprising due to the value of the information and the ruthless suppression of it.
🙏🏼 That bought tears to my eyes. I’m a fairly recent cat owner & our gang of 3 bring us so much joy. Being more of a dog person I didn’t realise how amazing cats are until I became an owner, they all have such unique personalities
It seems we can no longer trust any of them - I have not vaccinated my cats for at least 6 years. First thing I noticed is how they understand me more. They talk to me more directly. I don’t have specific evidence I can highlight but I just felt it. I felt like a block had been removed and it was also the first time that I ignored what the vet had suggested. Same reason as you C (financial) to begin with but then even when I could have paid for their jabs it was a no. And after all this I will never subject any animal or human that I can protect to go near any of that shit again. So happy for you darling and Jack looks amazing... they got it sooooo wrong!
the vet told my son that it is Maryland law to vaccinate your cat against rabies, even an indoor cat, and that if your cat bites a person and gives them rabies, then you are legally liable.....
So he is being very insistent that I vaccinate my cat, which I have not done beyond her initial "kitten shots" which were given before I was allowed to adopt her. She is an indoor cat, very healthy, about eight years old.....
..... the thing is, well-meaning people like my son who believe in vaccines and think I'm a fool have actually said that THEY would take my cat behind my back to get her vaccinated, because I'm doing cat abuse or something. They have no clue that vaccines are NOT harmless, and even if you were to do such a stealthy and horrible thing, you have no way of knowing that cat's history -- what if I DID "quietly" get my cat vaccinated, and then you go and do it again a week later, not knowing? I mention this partly because of the various jurisdictions where children as young as 12 or 13 can decide to get shots, or schools do this without the knowledge and permission of the parents. I know most of them are well-meaning but ignorant, and can do great damage because of trying to do good.
just lie to your son. it's sad to have to do that but it's also sad to know that he would have turned you in to the KGB if you had lived in soviet russia.
here's the thing about cat vaccines- they used to give them on the upper back/ base of neck but when they caused cancerous tumors there, the cat was done for. now they give those shots in the leg because if the cat gets cancer, they can at least amputate the leg and the cat can "manage."
That's exactly what happened to our dog: I'm convinced that the typical series of vaxxes caused the tumor which later developed at that exact spot and - long, sad story short - eventually killed her.
i'm so sorry about your dog. it is absolutely true that the pet vaccines cause cancerous tumors and all vets know this. most will admit it if pressured. my boyfriend's cat developed a tumor "right there" on his upper back. his then vet told him that the shot (administered by a former vet) caused the tumor.
we let it be and he was fine and died years later of something else. i never get my animals vaccinated, aside from the shots they came with. i adopted a cat once and the paperwork asked me to promise that i would get him his annual shots. i signed the contract, never intending to do it, without a flinch of conscience. an indoor cat! what bullshit. they make it up to insure a revenue stream!
but the solution is absurd. the vaccine causes cancer. let's not make a vaccine that doesn't cause cancer. let's simply move where we give the shot so that we will be able to amputate the limb when the cancer occurs. that way we get paid for the shot, paid for the surgery and paid for the future medical expenses required by the surgically disfigured animal. sounds like a plan
I’ve noticed lumps on my dog where vaccines were given. No more! Lots of energy work and I will definitely research the mentioned therapies.
Had we known better, we could've added years to her life by doing what you did but we didn't; we had the tumor cut out which caused a firestorm of other tumors and it was all downhill from there.
ugh! i am SOOOO sorry. i guess it stems from my being fundamentally frugal and also distrustful of the medical system. i was chuckling when reading that Celia didn't have her cat euthanized immediately because of the cost. that's something i would do.
i was prescribed singulair for asthma years ago. the doctor gave me a 12 month renewable script. when i filled the first month and it was $90 for such tiny pills, i thought NO WAY! i never renewed the prescription. i tried diet, yoga, alternative medicine and every other modality out there- things that were far more expensive and way more time consuming than popping a little pill once a day. but it was my choice to do things i believed in and they all benefited my general health.
years later, the side effects of singulair started coming out- nightmares, anger problems, suicides. my cheapness helped me dodge a bullet.
in 1976, my cousin's wife got GBS from the rushed swine flu vaccine and spent a year in a wheelchair so no flu shots for me! saved 46 years (and counting) of flu shots.
limit your interactions with the medical profession to dire emergencies- you break a bone in a fall, your dog gets hit by a car, etc.
otherwise, stay away. baby wellness visits, annual check-ups, mammograms, colonoscopies, routine shots. it's all nonsense to keep you in a state of fear that your body might turn against you without continued (and expensive) monitoring and testing.
eat well, move your body and spend time outside.
hearing your story, i'm so glad- again out of cheapness and skepticism- that we let Spud's tumor be
I saw that somewhere, says it all. Vile.
Beautiful! We had a very old dog who lived to almost 20 who got sick, stopped eating and drinking, and then rebounded twice on her own. She still had a few more years left. I could never take one of my pets in to be euthanized. It feels like such a violation of trust.
I know how you feel. It's taking your best friend to be murdered.
That's a lovely and inpsiring story. Thanks for sharing. I too had never heard of the healing powers of Celtic Sea Salt and egg yolk. but I will look more into this subject.
Watch this https://youtu.be/cBuK73K7t_0
I've actually watched this video before. But did not follow up after. But after Celia's story about on her cat, I now have a renewed motivation to follow this method.
A big bonus is Celtic salt is very tasty!
I live in western France. The sea salt harvested at salt marches on Île de Noirmoutier and at nearby Guérande. They are very well known and exported all over the world. Not sure how they hold up to Celtic salt though.
Doesn't Celtic Sea salt come from The Celtic Sea?
That's what I thought. Have not looked into why this salt is considered better than others. It seems that if is easily available to buy on line. So must try it.
Is it true that France has the best tasting chickens in the world?
The closest I've come to tasting one is from this farm in North Carolina
by way of this butcher shop:
I have never heard that. But I do eat a lot chicken and find them delicious. I do often buy roasted chickens at my local supermarket and they're are amazingly delicious. So perhaps this is true.
That's so awesome! I'm so happy for you! As I was reading, I'm thinking of my comment -> "Chlorine Dioxide is great for animals." I was pleasantly surprised as I continued to read that you had used it (and DMSO) on your beloved Jack. Please keep giving CD to both of them. Just put it in their water. I do this with my dogs and chickens. It truly is wonderful. And exactly why the FDA and CDC have put out disastrous warnings about it.
I would have no way of knowing about your cats, as cute as they may be, and as nice a story as this is, as Facebook is an evil intelligence operation started by the CIA, and fronted by a dumb fuck, creepy asshole, weirdo Zuckerberg who had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with starting it, and it was funded by the CIA's venture capital firm so I don't use Facebook. I feel so deprived of enlightenment.
As a cat person, just ADORED this story and the photos. I don't take my cat to the Vet anymore, and won't get him jabbed jus as I will never get jabbed. Gargling with salt water will get rid of sore throats fast!
Beautiful story - thank you for sharing~
This is good info! About 15 years ago I learned that pureed Asparagus, yuk x 2, seems to slow cancers down. Long story but I currently have a 12 year old pup with 2 large anal tumors. In March they gave him around 3 months. I give him the steroid they prescribed and Asparagus about 4 times a day. As of today he is still with us. I have to give him a laxative but he handles that well too. He's still very happy pup, tagging along on walks up the driveway and rolling in the grass.
Thanks for the sea salt story, and howdy to your cats!
What a beautiful , success & uplifting story . One question please : what are CD & DMSO please ? ( we have two cats too )
They're both linked now to info sources in the text and where you can buy. CD is Chlorine Dioxide, I really ought not spell it out again. It's NOT an ok word the the people running the death cults. You can see some documentaries on YouTube. And Amdahl Vollmer talks about DMSO. (and I've linked to her book in the text.) Good luck!
Thank you Celia. Apologies, I read it when I woke up & didn't realise they were linked. Thanks a Bunch
no worries!
can't wait to watch this. Had never seen it!
magnanimity is manifesting: ":thanks to an anon. donor, the course fee is waived indefinitely" !
Thanks a million
Great news! We have 3 cats, all rescues, the last rescued by myself, the other 2 by people were know. May I ask the proportions of sea salt, egg yolk and water you used?
I used about 1/4 teaspoon salt in 1/2 small glass water mixed and squirted a few times with dropper into his mouth.
Thanks. The egg yolk was given later? The whole yolk?
You can also mix egg yolk into their favorite food. Good to mix into raw beef.
Thanks again.
Are you on TheCatsite.com?
No I will go look, thank you. I could easily spend my life on cat sites. :)
I am CatJ there. My one and only thread is “Emotional roller coaster ride. If there is anything that did not go wrong it our attempts to rescue a cat family, I can not think what it could be.”
Need to update it as it has been a while.
I used farm bought eggs, small, so it was a small yolk, and I used both squeezer and spoon and got maybe 1/3 of it into his mouth each time.
Raw, not at all cooked. I just separate the yolk.