I agree with everything which Gonzalo spoke except that NATO/USA will use the false flag to directly enter the war on (formerly) Ukrainian soil. As he points out rightly, they would lose logistically. This false flag will be real, massive, horrible, and carried out by the CIA. No low paid, bungling crisis actors like in Syria. They do not wish to entrust the op to Ukrainian amateurs. The purpose of the false flag is to enrage the Western sheeple to solidify the new cold war into permanency. Like their #4 “vaccine” boosters, touted today to the American people by the CEO of Pfizer (who incidentally is a veterinarian), their two minutes of hate assemblies so far are just not getting the attendance and enthusiasm wished for, as the massive inflation, intentionally caused by the Fed, is distracting them. Perhaps it is fitting that the American sheeple should get their medical advice from a veterinarian.

It is important that this war to be prolonged however as was the scamdemic, already a distant memory. So we will see much in the future to enable this. War is the most successful way to enable debt to be pulled into existence from the future. All wars are bankers’ wars. The global financial system is now in its final, exponential stage. The collapse is inevitable, but the bankers and central bankers are not finished using their balance sheets to buy up real stuff before they pull the plug on the hyperbubble.

Also bear in mind that the deep state and the nominal state, including the grifter-in-chief, is committed to the destruction of the USA as a “super-power” and is playing 3 dimensional chess to accelerate this reality. They are only stupid on the basis of a two dimensional chess viewpoint. And Putin is also playing his role.

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All good points and totally true except for the claim that the CEO of Pfizer is a veterinarian. Actually he completed the Vet college course but like an MD must do an internship, practical experience to become Vet - which he didn't do. So correct statement was he achieved the level of Veterinarian Trainee.

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Thanks for the heads up, FS, but so much the better. The CIA Handbook writes that:

"Bourla earned a doctorate in the biotechnology of reproduction at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki's Veterinary School in 1985.[2][7]"

So we might conclude that his expertise lies in preventing sheeple from reproducing through either death, disability, or sterilization. Perfect credentials for his position.

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We already know the Ukes are killing their own and others while blaming the Russians. The chemical FF wouldn’t surprise me at all.

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The biolabs scandal looks like a part of the script for the next global Plandemic

In 2021 Ukrainian Citizens Petitioned Zelenskyy: US Biolabs in Ukraine Are DEATH FACTORIES, CLOSE Them Immediately. Today: Russia Tells The US “We Have Found Your Biological Weapons”.


2009 LA Standoff. Joseph Moshe: Bioweapon Ukraine Baxter Lab and H1N1 Plague Warning


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I wanted to add that I feel we can't 'Put Boots' On the ground over there because we don't have enough left!...Only -High-heels and flip flops and he-She's with Rainbow hair maybe

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Let's hope it's not a biolab false flag with anything the Russians claim is in them.


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Why not stick with what worked before? A variant of Novichok will be fine. Come to think of it, whatever happened of the Skripals?

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I could see it. A good excuse for them to launch Plandemic #2, more lockdowns, more muzzles, more censorship, more deadly vaccines & mandates, more capture of property and other assets for nickels on the dollar. They won't be happy until they own everything and everybody. A Global Totalitarian Feudal state. And a good path forward to fulfill their stated objective of reducing world population to <1.5B people.

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The U.S is connected with those 'Bio- labs!... Schwab, Fauci and Gates to name a few.

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The last time Ukraine was on the verge of losing, they shot down a airliner ! I wonder what plans we are helping them with this time?

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Let's NOT FORGET that recently Mr. demon Bill Gates gave us Warning that More Pandemics and Diseases are most likely coming and will be worse!....Mr. billy goats should know, after all he's a smart doctor!

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Another Young Global Leader. I wonder if he took Trudeau on his visits to Epstein's child sex resorts.

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I wouldn't doubt it! He's a sick twisted worm.

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Meanwhile, Biden is paying off the Iranian mullahs, using Russia as a mediator.

God help us.

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The left needs all the terrorism, fear and confusion it can create.

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

Thanks Celia!.. I'm also afraid that these False Flags will start or happen soon RIGHT HERE in U.S. Then blame it on Putin & Russia!....Already people here in the U.S on Both sides want old man Biden to put boots on the ground over there and Kick that mean ol Poootins rear end! Power and Internet-Outages are coming and a good chance these Chemical Weapons ( in which I feel the U.S has a part in to start with ) will unleash it RIGHT HERE on U.S soil and then BLAME RUSSIA! Putin /Russia is Now The New Covid-Corona Virus and we Need desperately an injection of Major War!...(that part is what they want us to think!)...... What also makes me madder than heck is all my family members think I'm LoCo-Coo-Nutz ..their primary interests are daily jokes / recipes / and cute little kitty kats & puppy dogs!....I'm not sharing much anymore as I'm tired of trying to "Awaken the Dead"

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The Risk-Reward argument is a good one. Tell them if you're wrong and they're right they get a more responsible, democratic government of the people, for the people, by the people as an extra added safety precaution. Why would anyone be opposed to that? If you're right and they're wrong, they get a brutal Global Fascist Totalitarian Feudal state, quite intent on genocide on a scale Hitler, Stalin & Mao never dreamed of. And unlike for the Germans during WW2, nowhere to run, it will be the same worldwide. Ask them to think about that.

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I never thought Id see the day the US is the evil empire.

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Just heard the Ukrainian Nationalists they fired a missile into civilian area. Killing 20, injuring children, Russia says this is a war crime

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Thanks for sharing and keeping us uptodate and more honest

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You are looking at a yuge FF!

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