Oh ... it is going to get unplugged for sure... stand by

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I'm game... We are no longer a valid Constitutional Republic. There have been 3 coups in my life time and I'm only 67 yo. https://philberg.substack.com/p/american-brainwashed

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May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023

My first years were 1963, 1971, 2001, and then read the article ... 2020 of course also belongs in the list.

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There is always a place for good humor!

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Yes that one along with 'Compliance is the food of insatiable tyrants'

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Great one... simply Reboot!

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careful what you wish for

(reboot is akin to reset, imo)

imagine for but a moment that the dire tales of the world of the future as envisaged by the dark overlords as but a clever 'fear narrative' meant to stimulate a reaction , and create a seemingly different order, yet one that ultimately is governed by similar auspices...

(3-D Checkers and all that...)


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" The Great REBOOT " hahahahahaha

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Sounds like the tree of liberty needs a little "screen" refresh.

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

scuttlebut on the interwebz thinks they may try the unplug part this weekend. But if they do, I don't think they're planning on plugging it back in for a while....

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I hope it doesn’t have anything to do with the missing fertilizer. Trying to stay clear of any would-be targets. But since I don’t think like “them” I don’t actually know what I’m avoiding.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Any "deliberate fertilization of critical infrastructure" that might be FF'd this weekend would most probably be designed to take down large parts of the power grid, and/or internet & communications backbone... Hope like hell it don't happen, but it would probably be a good idea to refresh all your stored drinking water before Friday and make sure to get any important prescriptions refilled too, just in case...

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May 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

My nightmare was the Grand Canyon. Sounds odd but just as powerful an icon as Hawaii and Pearl Harbor. So. Icon. Environmental disaster. Water. Climate change. Holy hell.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

What’s happening this weekend? So out of the loop.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

This kinda sums it up. Lots more discussion out there of a similar nature. https://twitter.com/DonLagoTV/status/1661083683397222418

Too many cohencidences lately, what with the Senate being given satellite phones all of a sudden, govt officials spending their Memorial Day holiday in t the "underground Hilton", and the Bilderbergers just wrapped up their yearly meeting. I've seen a number of folks on social & the blogosphere opining that they've apparently decided that too many of the people in the US/world are waking up to their BS, and it's time to pull the plug on us...

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Love this. Love you. Thanks.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

That may be the problem... these organizations like FBI, CIA and others are so entrenched with "protecting the plug" that they are terrified anyone might do that...

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May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023

The FBI & CIA ARE the US gov't at this point. Have been for decades. But we've ALWAYS had a gov't of the 1%, by the 1%, and for the 1%.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Yes... the WEF! Still mid-process.

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Has anyone for that matter tried unplugging the resident and plugging him back in ?

Maybe that's what Herr Schwab means by "Ze Grreat Rezet"....

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May 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Where have all the Nations gone…Long time passing

Where have all the Nations gone….Tell me what you know

Where have all the Nations gone, gone to Davos everyone

When will we ever learn

Oh when will we ever learn

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May 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Trump tried . . . but then they handed him a fork and said it was the new plug.

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Yes a major “reboot”needed badly

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May 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Thanks, I needed that smile ≋⦂^☽

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I say leave it unplugged.

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