At work, where I interact w/PhD scientists, truck drivers & moving guys, today. The working class folk are talking about the vax causing Damar Hamlin's collapse. We'll see if that awareness crawls up the food chain to some of the elites, hopefully in the same buildings.

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No longer is what the elitists think relevant. Truckers, farmers, ex-dentists who escaped the woke-as-shit professions and lame-as-3-legged goat university scene are among those whose opinions are based in reality. And valued. See u in Winnipeg at Unity conference. In the street in icy cold February. Trudeau’s piss will freeze on its way down his leg.

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oh my. that picture will not leave me for days now Stevanovitch ! I hope it runs down both legs and he freezes to the street.

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University Grads appear to be lacking all critical thinking skills.

Question Authority used to be a mantra.

Now it’s verboten.

Without questioning, honest debate, and wisdom, only memorized propaganda is instilled.

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I pray that Damar Hamlin's very public collapse has not been in vain. And I pray that he recovers.

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This, thank you! Yes ma'am! It is possible to pray for the truth to come out AND for Damar to recover. I got called a hypocrite for that one. SMH.

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Would love to see a massive awakening of the whole population. At a minimum vaxed athletes themselves should all start asking the tough questions and demand to be screened for myocarditis and get whatever interventions (ideally recommended by someone like Dr. Peter McCullough!) that can prevent them from being next to collapse on the field.... And stop taking anymore jabs!!

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They have to be able to admit to themselves that the United States as it currently stands is corrupt....thats the first step

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I think the vaxed athletes could be a huge help.

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Please read my post in here if you can find it.

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yes !!!!!

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Is this the part where the people start to rise up, revolt, and beg for global governance so that they can be rid of their democidal governments?

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One could hope - hahahaha!

In another matter, look at scrappy Lauren Boebert fighting hard to ensure a tough conservative becomes Speaker. For her pains, Sean Hannity invited her on his show and ran roughshod over her, asking her questions, and then he would almost immediately talk over her. I was embarrassed for him. Precisely the sort of badgering journalism he might decry on another day. Or not.

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I haven't watched that bloviating clown SH in 6 years. Such a swamp dweller -

Paul Ryan must sign his checks

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Lol, remember when Paul Ryan was supposed to be the outsider 'tea party' candidate?

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Right now, they are what I always believed they were .... collaborators in a medical genocide

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They are all WEF members. They need to think that some of them are just useful....the 1% has no intention of expanding their numbers.

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From George Webb, reporting live from Racine a few years back, I got the distinct impression it was the heart of darkness, sorta Chicago writ small. Swamp city-ready now perhaps - err, I mean smart city.

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That's Hannity's MO.

Always was. Why is he on TV?

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I used to listen to Hannity. Now I can't stand him. All he does is memorize anti-whoever rants and repeat them for months on end. As soon as started asking for more tyranny for permission to attend a baseball game I realized that he was nothing but a deep state asset. "End the lockdowns. I will wear a mask. I will will take a vaccine. I just want to go to a baseball game." The lockdowns should have been ended with no conditions.

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The lockdowns should never have been started

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Ya by "chance" I just happened to see that "interview" between Hannity and Boebert. I was taking interest because I live in Colorado and support her, even as they tried to steal her reelection last year. She is new, but a fighter and REAL.

Anyway--- Hannity, Killmeade and many of the other FOX news people are the decadent leftovers at FOX. They kiss Murdoch's ass and spread the Lies from the phony Conservative party. I heard Hannity on the radio the next day, and he had to admit many of his viewers really thought he was RUDE and out of control.

It has taken far too long, but a LOT of conservatives are actually WAKING up (not "woke") and seeing the 2-party conspiracy, and the sell out of the GOP, that actually goes back before 911. Hannity and his ilk are keeping things covered up. Even Rush Limbaugh was originally a great investigative reporter exposing the deep state and all of its sinister workings and agents. But Limbaugh sold out, and that can be documented, to be the "establishment GOP" spokesman and Limbaugh NEVER went back to real and honest reporting. Hannity is on the same path. Big money in it from GOP donations and crooks!

But Tucker is good, along with Maria Bartiromo and Laura Ingraham, and a few others are gaining traction. Murdoch knows that if he loses them, FOX will collapse.

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Limbaugh was controlled from the gitgo

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She should have handled it better though :-(.

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No! Folks are aware the CDC was being led by the World Health Organization. Or, they will eventually remember. The last thing they are going to want is the WHO murderers in charge in even greater ways, having turned their national sovereignty over to the UN.

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I hope that you're right. In England TPTB seem more than happy to hand over power to the WHO via their Pandemic Treaty .

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Those are not TBTB. Those are puppets. TPTB are the ones who control the WHO.

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The CDC is in the vaccine business and is therefore horribly conflicted. At the very least, the CDC needs to be stripped of its role in making and implementing public policy; but, better still, it should be abolished and replaced with people of integrity.

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It was never about vaccines. You do realize it was all controlled by our very own Dept of Defense?

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Yes, of course, DTRA and DARPA at Fort Belvoir and Fort Detrick; but, sorry, I don't understand what you mean. What was never about vaccines, please?


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Watch that video for an explanation.

Various court cases have challenged the whole shebang and the FDA has filed to dismiss court cases alleging failure to properly monitor and regulate pharma companies with the argument that they were under no duty to regulate anything (and in fact weren't regulating anything - the cobtract for the trial was apparently for a "demonstration of a prototype" rather than a trial of a product), because the whole thing was done under an emergency declaration (still ongoing by the way after three years) and handled by the DOD under an "other transaction authority" contract for bioweapons/countermeasures.

I haven't checked out every detail myself - but it's worth listening.

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Great Link. Thank you!

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Davy, it is too late. The US govt has psuedo authorized the military to act within our borders.

The pretence of a Constitutional Republic is over.

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In practice, wasn't the Constitutional Republic effectively sidelined by The Act of 1871, when the District of Columbia was established as a democracy? When people talk about "a threat to our democracy," aren't they really talking specifically about DC, which is owned and operated by a foreign-controlled corporation, The United States, Inc.?

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Yes, to all. And, I have also commented the same things on this same blog. Their Democracy that is always at risk is code language for the Luciferian empire that already overthrew America. But, it is not yet complete. There is still time to take back the nation if the sheep wake up in time. But, that appears in doubt.

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Jan 5, 2023
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The collapse will end retirements and pensions as well.

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Right on schedule and just in time for your Universal Basic Income through Central Bank Digital Programmable currency.....you will never be able to save because your currency will have an expiry date.

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I can see people asking for their evil governments being overseen by a global entity though. It seems we're being groomed to think that is the best option, Macron's reference to a global government for example. CBDC - sadly, yes.

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Liked for the 2nd paragraph.

You're way off on the first.

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(The overlords create the) PROBLEM.

(The masked multitude wait for and beg for a) REACTION.

(And presto, the) Final Solution.

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High probability that this is the objective. They see themselves as an evolving central nervous system for the entire planet. I think their model of what life is just plain wrong. If there was one metric human evolution should be judged by, it would be, how well did biodiversity do with humanity at the helm? FAIL.

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We need to watch not to throw out the baby (democracy) with the bathwater (governmental murkiness).

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Don't throw the baby out with the "pod" water... :)

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See my comment above. They replaced it while we were all sleeping.

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Yes, we need some constitutionalists to head the military.

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Good one !!

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revolt has always started down the ladder. Very seldom does it start high up. I know of none, but history lesson is a long time ago

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The revolts are just warring factions. It always leads to the same place and we are there.

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Listening to Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying just now on the Dark Horse Podcast. They were addressing a recent paper that shows the more vaxes the weaker the immune system, meaning that minor inconveniences like the flu could become very serious.

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Bret was once on the scientific fence. He's gradually coming over to reality. That the vaccines destroy the immune system needs to be faced. Childhood illnesses will no longer be protected against, that were once immune to, by those that received the vaxes & boosters.

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This was first predicted by Geert Van Den Bosche in a paper posted on his website. I watched the podcast with Bret and Bosche and then spent some considerable time on Van Den Bosche's site reading his predictions. So far, I think all of them have come true. It's frightening stuff.

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They were really not clear on that one. The IGG4 is gonna make them all asymptomatic, or mildly symptomatic carriers as well as a virus factory for a Marek's disease virus which will wipe out the unvaxxed also. Not to mention Jessica Rose's find of connective fibrous white formations...i.e. it could be that is what is causing the white fibrous things in the dead now.

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"don't let them normalize myocarditis like they did Autism"

...is the IMAGE OF THE YEAR.

Thank you for posting!

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Too late

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I hope people wake up but the propagandists are working round the clock. But maybe now that people are seeing these tactics in real time, they will revisit the idea that babies suddenly die in their cribs and autism is some random thing that happens to kids. This isn't the vax pusher's first rodeo, and they use the same tricks over and over.

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I have to admit that I'm caught in a weird guilt hole over this.

I'm not a monster, I never hoped that something like this would happen.

May he make a full recovery.

But when they lie, and tell us that it was the specific hit that caused it, I'm not wishing him ill because I don't buy that.

I don't want to make the other players nervous.

I don't want to ruin sports for people.

That's why I'm opposed to the vaccine. Because I don't want people to die when their heart starts to pump harder.

That's it. That and the multifaceted attack on our liberties and our ...way of life.

I feel like they, the people who do these things, force experimental shots on people, they want us to feel bad that what they forced to happen happened.

I felt guilty because I was glad that this happened on a level. I'm not happy for the fact that it happened, I'm simply happy that more people are looking at it for what it is.

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I’m right with you Stephen. This young man didn’t deserve this. But it needed to happen in a high profile situation to wake the majority of people up. If his misfortune can open up millions of eyes his suffering will not be in vain.

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Sports (bread & circus) is a weapon used to distract society from what they have been doing to all of us for years. It would be sweet if it is what eventually exposes and brings them down. In the replay he was hit in the center of his chest. Read my post in this thread for more info.

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I see you.

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It's easy to blame Fauci et al. But:

‘As a famous statesman said before his assassination by those who were supposed to guard him, “Our way of life is under attack. We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations”.’ This was said by John F. Kennedy.

I copied this from an article on The Conservative Woman: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/holmes-confronts-the-covid-master-criminals/

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Bless you for this link. What we are experiencing, and having great difficulty in recognizing, is government-run murder. We ignored the evidence of JFK's assassination, the lie of 9-11, and now we get another chance. We cannot ignore the lethality of the bioweapon erroneously called a "vaccine" that has been perpetrated on us by our very own government.

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I was watching the game on Monday night. The play happened and while I wasn't paying full attention, I heard the audio and then was riveted. I only saw the reply one time and then after that ESPN never played it again. I thought that was very telling about the incident. Hamln did take a shot to the center of his chest in the only replay. A hockey player named Chris Pronger took a hockey puck in the chest and had a similar incident, but I do not believe that after his heart started, he was like Hamlin has been. In closing, I truly believe that in the 4 major sports they were not given toxic level shots. The engineers of the covid pLandemic knew largely that they could not have NFL, NBA, MLB & NHL players dropping dead during games. Lot and serial number jabs were strategically distributed to these organizations to control this from happening. The players need to ask questions amongst themselves and try to find out more. Aaron Rodgers said NO as well as Kyrie Irving and a few others. We need to find out if the sports teams were mass vaxxed via the NFL. I cannot imagine that they individually went to CVS or Walgreens to get jabbed. It must also be assumed that many vials were placebo because do this would open the door for future jabs to the same people that sought out the jab to do their part in getting us all back to normal (LOL). It is also possible that within each franchise they may have been given the option to not take the jab but say that they did. We also need to acknowledge that the talking heads at ESPN and other NFL approved talking heads are cowards and would never even bring up the topic. Look at Terry Bradshaw, he talked up the jab and he has been diagnosed with cancer and other maladies.

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Autism is caused by using aluminum-enhanced 💉jabs on infants.

Myocarditis is caused by these 🧬mRNA 💉jabs

Don’t let Evil-Gates/Big-Pharma pump you full of Bull💩Shit & Propaganda

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Finally. I took only about 1500 athletes to drop dead before people woke up. But they are waking up at a speed now, not yet the speed of science, but we will get there ! Thanks to people like you and the other Substackers, we will get there.

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I don't wish anyone any harm. I don't even wish harm on the NFL. But...I'm glad that the subject is here and it won't go away quietly.

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Oh, the NFL deserves all the harm that comes their way.

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The fans and players don't deserve this though.

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Who is saying they do? The players didn't deserve CTE either and it's not clear that the NFL is even now doing enough about that. If more people collapse on the field, they could lose their whole franchise and it would be entirely their fault. Extorting people to take untested vaccines because the Biden administration would pay the NFL money.....stupid, greedy owners.

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No doubt. It's just that I know so many football fans and it would be a real downer if the sport was damaged. I don't want that to happen.

It's weird. Sure I can say 'F the NFL' but...it's more than just that. It always is.

I think ALL of corporate America who terrorized workers with the shot should have to see what they've done...up close.

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Each sport crowned a champion in 2020. If the pandemic was so deadly, how did this happen? It happened because sports (and I watch frequently) is a bread and circus weapon like propaganda in movies and television. Maybe it should be ended but they will decide if it does.

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What is going to happen is what is going to happen.

I think corporate America and the politicians are going to find out how people feel when the cover gets completely blown.

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Not when they have drones and an army to deploy against us.

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I probably am not all that sympathetic because I used to be a fan of professional cycling but Lance Armstrong et. al. destroyed the whole thing by cheating. Drugs are going to destroy everything if we're not careful.

I watch football now and then. Baseball's the sport I watch but they wanted people to take the shot too. Let the chips fall where they may.

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So the poor US mountainbike champion who was so damaged by the jab he had to retire in his 20's??? He doesn't count? Or the Scottish Champion bike rider who won his race and died in his sleep that night?

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Honey, you need to be worrying more than about Sports right now.

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Lol, aint that the truth.

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Perhaps a big enough contingent of handball players (doesn't have to be close to a majority) who refuse to comply might cause a "cancelling" of this tournament:


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If I'm not mistaken, Iceland has a universal health record system, so, like Israel, they have probably been "encouraged" to push the Covid shots.

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Yes, this is big. Dr. Latypova, a 25yr CRO veteran details from publicly available govt. documents, how EUA legislation authorized US DOD (not HHS) to direct "Operation Warp Speed," including use of multiple DOD contract production manufacturers (but using Big Pharma labeling,) and how that same EUA legislation exempted DOD-directed "countermeasures" manufacturers from safety testing, GMP requirements, monitoring of adverse events, as well as exemption from liability. All done outside the purview of FDA and CDC which functioned only as figureheads to convince the public that normal processes were being followed.

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