Why does is this "US diplomacy"? It seems more like "Israeli diplomacy" if, in fact, Israeli had accepted. the ceasefie and THEN assasinated Nasrallah. The bottom line, of course, is that the whole Middle East problem was well-planned in advance by the same people who brought you the UN and WHO, the people behind "The Creature from Jekyll Island"; the people outed in "The 1916 Project" documentary like Margaret Sanger; basically all the people who, generations ago, set out to destroy Christendom so they can "Build Back Better." You know, just like Stalin, Lenin, PolpPot and the Chinese Communist Party. That worked -- not!

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U.S. diplomacy…Israeli diplomacy…is there any real distinction anymore? They’re posing as two different things but both governments are controlled by the same forces.

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Yeah "diplomacy" a word the left hasn't yet redefined, give the Marxists a little more time.

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I suspect most of us here know that both sides, besides the lies and deception, have a long murderous history toward each other.

For me the overriding criteria is that Israel is the tail that wags the American political dog, a vassal state, the brainchild of and whose loyalty is foremost to the Rothschild clan, the London Bankers and the Globalists at large.

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Israeli News Live on YT has a recent video questioning the bombing of Israel by Iran. They are saying that most of the missiles shot into Tel Aviv were actually shot into the water.

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Your analysis is spot on.

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Of course… I was shocked and angry when I discovered most of that… but I try to never calcify and I try to understand everyone and everything, especially my “enemies.” Hasn’t “Christendom” proven itself over and over worthy of destruction? I think it’s always been amoral materialistic imperialism with a thin veneer of religion. Like the conquistadors bringing priests with them as they informed the natives that they were now subjects of some idiot with a crown across the Atlantic. Or ‘Mericuh styling the toppling of an Iraqi regime unkind to the petro dollar as “Operation Iraqi Freedom.” I look around, and I look backwards, and I’m confused about when exactly this state worth preserving existed? The West is schizophrenic and psychotic. There is some unresolved and unacknowledged darkness in us. It makes great art and a minority of us are probably the best people who ever lived… but the majority are unconscious, bloodthirsty devils, trapped in ego and appetite. I’m also not convinced the Han Chinese deserve the often vapid criticism they receive.

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I think it depends on how you define "Christendom." If it is a collection of all institutions that call themselves Christian, and you focus on things like the Conquistadors, then it may come across as "amoral materialistic imperialism. But if it indeed is instead "the body of Christ" with true Christians serving as Christ's hands and feet, and you consider that body being instrumental in ending slavery, human sacrifice (remember the Aztecs and Incas?) then that "Christendom" is not merely worth preserving, but is itself preserving what is best and most honorable in human beings. That's my definition of Christendom, after years of listening to Relevant Radio, a Catholic radio talk show.

I only started listening to Rlevant Radio after experiencing two miracles facilitated by St. Therese of Lisieux, France, the Little Flower. I'm an attorney, a skeptic, not gullible, and after the second one I looked up and said, "It's real, it's true, I give up."

Before that, I didn't believe in God or Jesus. Now I do. I'm just lucky that something like that woke me up instead of me being knocked off a horse like St. Paul!

Here is what the hands and feet of the body of Christ are doing now: The 1916 Project documentary and The White Rose https://thewhiterose.life/

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If the international bankers and those in control globally want war, there will be No ceasefire and no peace.

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Yes and everything “news” will be propaganda trying to garner public sympathy and approval for the ensuing genocide.

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My Reaction to Habib is: Oh Yeah!!! Typical Arafat inflicted Propaganda by the PLO! & My Reaction to Amanpour is: You're still Crookedly part of the Propaganda Love!

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So does this mean America is pushing the war? Of course.

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The pattern is obvious now. You see the pre-strike event (like 9/11), the mass marketing of that event, then the “reaction” which is really the pre-planned agenda.

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Ah. So THAT was how the Israeli military knew precisely where their target was......

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Propaganda at worst and disingenuous at best. The man was an untrustworthy, evil terrorist leading a terrorist organization for 32 years, sworn to the destruction of Israel, and terrorized his own people. Long overdue.

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Is there any limit to Israel's actions before you say it's too much? Can they kill everyone on the planet except themselves while you call anyone who questions their actions Hitler?

They are not our friend and they are not your friend. They just take unlimited money and weapons because of all the dual citizens occupying Congress who just get replaced by more dual citizens. Israel is always right while acting like Hitler.

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strawman much? 🤣 not worthy of a response

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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago

So you denounce Israel's ongoing plan to eliminate all non-jews from Israel and surrounding areas? Here's your chance.

Netanyahu admitted he has funded Hamas to get Palestinians out of Gaza long ago.

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Too much energy wasted on people who are determined to hate Jews and see their complete extermination. You can give them facts, truth, reason and they will just froth at the mouth even more. Yes, perhaps it's a combination of Covid and AI madness but more than anything, the hatred was always there just waiting to be awakened.

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Considering the source and the participants? No chance.

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It's gonna be a few days of major league spinning!

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I fucking hate war! It turns kind loving people into monsters.

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So does liberalism/democrapism/stalinism/woke wankerism.

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As if any of the politicians not in your conveniently little labeled groups don't support Israel's genocide.

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Are you any relation to Toby? A son perchance?

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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago

Toby who?

Which non-liberals/non-democrats/non-stalinists/non-woke people in Congress don't support Israel's genocide?

There is no point in pointing out partisan nonsense when no one in Congress can stop giving 48 minute standing ovations for Israel in Congress. Stick to real partisan nonsense, which is not anything to do with Israel. They all support Israel, no mater how many children they kill.

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Palestinian terrorist groups started the whole thing. They are not named in manuscripts like Jews are. They are a social construct by Arafat created to give him a foothold of legitimacy until he died.

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So I ask again. Which non-liberals/non-democrats/non-stalinists/non-woke people in Congress don't support Israel's genocide?

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To be true to oneself, one must be nasty because the truth about the mother of all evils, dialectic secular humanism, runs rampant in every western nation today. It has ties to communism and the evil that word denotes. To insure one is on target, one must needs be the object target of the corrupt CYSTem, its minions, cowards and non descripts who are the enemies of all that is good. Unless one has seen and been targeted by a prejudicially biased court CYSTem, so called law enforcement, specific bureauCRAPcies, heads of state, and the most vile LIEberals God ever strung gut into, one cannot be sure he is making a difference in the pit of corruption, the head of the nation.

One must be aware that the devil will get his dues and I have seen ample evidence of that in my case.

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Once again great minds think alike. I could not help taking the opportunity to slam what is causing every problem in every western nation.

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"Ceasefire"? They mean, YOU stop, but WE will not. Israel did not accept a so-called ceasefire. Period.

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A priori, nothing the media tells us, especially about the deaths of alleged leaders of any kind, is to be trusted. Show me the dead body ... and make sure it's clearly the real dead body.

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You can't even trust a dead corpse at this point. Epstein?

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Exactly. It has to be a convincingly real corpse.

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Right 😆maybe he was ready to retire and enjoy his final years I am sure he had the means… haha just a thought on the theatre 🎭

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Yes, that’s what they always do. They attack Israel and cry for a ceasefire before Israel really hits back. The only ceasefire that can be is when the terrorist organizations are no longer capable of firing anything.

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Well, you’re skipping a lot of genocide and imperialism that has created a reaction that the west calls “terrorism” but ok. I don’t see how anything can justify the mass murder by Israel over the last several decades and especially the last year. Israel has caused all of its own problems from the beginning.

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Yeah yeah yeah, whatever. Israel began, what 3000 years ago?

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Everything began 3000 years ago. But the forces behind Israel started annihilating an entire race and land grabbed what wasn’t theirs in 1948. Since then it’s been a shitshow of imprisonment, medical experimentation, rape, torture and too many other crimes to type here. The stakes are higher now that the world SEES them. They need to disperse and return to the countries of their ancestry. Spoiler alert: it’s not Israel.

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That land did not belong to the Palestinians either. It was land the passed to Great Britain from the Ottoman Empire after WW1.

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Therefore, kill all the women and children so they cannot produce any more, right?

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If Israel did not care about inflicting civilian deaths, there would not be a single Palestinian alive in Gaza today. If Hamas would stop using civilians as shields, there would be far fewer civilian deaths in Gaza.

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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago

Give them time and you'll get your total genocide that you're rooting for while calling everyone who disagrees Hitler. That's why they allowed the attack to begin with, to justify the genocide. That's why they funded Hamas, to justify the genocide. And you help them justify the genocide.

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This is one of the reasons the arguments of those against Israel always fail, hyperbolic in the extreme. Whatever is happening in Gaza is not genocide. Every single Gazan could be killed and or die and it would be no more genocide than say, the rest of the US divided Oklahomans must be gotten rid of. Genocide has a specific meaning and it does not apply to what Israel is doing.

Besides, if wiping out every single Palestinian in Gaza was the goal of Israel, this war would have been over in weeks if not days with far fewer Israeli deaths.

Do you not know that there are Palestine’s who are Israeli citizens?

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If this story is not independently corroborated by the United States authorities and Israeli authorities, then we must consider it nothing more than Lebanese propaganda….

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I hope that’s sarcasm.

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Well, that is such a far fetched and hastily made up pile of garbage..........must be true, 😕 ( ok, I'll go with more verification needed, but the skullduggery aspect is spot on!)

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Assassinated and his family members and neighbors killed and/or burned.

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Just wondering why I am not allowed to 'like' any comments anymore.

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It is a glitch. Log out and back in again to rectify.

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thank you

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Nothing surprises me anymore. I'm sure Jake Sullivan had his creepy fingers involved in it.

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