Pavel Durov, Founder Of Telegram, Arrested In France, After Refusing To Buckle To EU Censorship Demands: French Authorities Not Cooperating With Russian Embassy In Paris Seeking To Ensure His Rights
"Dangerous Times," --Ed Dowd; "Literally No One On Our Side Gets It," --Mike Benz; Vladimir Bukovsky: Told You So
Pavel Durov, Telegram and Nine Eyes.
The EU is not “becoming” a dictatorship. It was conceived, designed and seeded as a dictatorship, and this is now becoming visible to people through its black blooms.
“It is really puzzling to me, that having just buried one monster, the Soviet Union, another, remarkably similar one, the European Union, is being built.”
—Vladimir Bukovsky
I just saw a video of the volcano in Iceland. Cars are cruising back and forth in the foreground seemingly unconcerned by the explosive force virtually next to them.
This strikes me as an allegory of humans in the world in present times. 🔥
Geo-politics is a massive psy-ops or maybe better expressed as a global soap opera!
Every day carries yet another trauma designed to demoralise and terrorise us all.
The message is clear.
If we raise our heads they will be chopped off.