Euthanasia Is The Next Big Thing: AIDS, Recycling, Climate Change, "Get Vaccinated," "I'm With Her," Abortion, No Children, Taylor Swift, Loneliness, Cancer And Suicide As Heroism (An Incomplete List)
They already say that openly. ("getting out of the way of the young" - ideally when arriving at pension age, if disabled or unable to work.) Strange how those that say it are well over their sixties, isn't it?
Another exmaple: Once you CAN edit your children genes, are you really taking the responsability (blame) upon you that many a future medical issue of your coming child was your actual willful decision? (irony!) - See how that works?
Can you also see how pushing this through an acclaimed artist makes it seem „our own“ idea?
„Legit“, even avant-garde?
And it looks nothing as dirty as your „old depop agenda“?
We need to keep the corporations and the state out of the process of creating a legal framework. This would however be the first thing that needs to be done before anyone is ever going to be soylent greened because we REALLY don't want the state, the government, a doctor or any other entity or individual to have the right to ask the ending of any life other than their own.
While I initially thought it should be free and legal to access (as in "my body, my choice"), I also know that - with reason and open discussion censored - everything becomes a black or white matter (as Petra L. said in a comment), so we now have to be careful, because once we will have a pain-free procedure "you wouldn't want to be a burdon to family members or society etc. right?". I read in the UK they already propose assisted suicide in hospitals together with a "diagnosis" even before discussing medical interventions.
IF we the people can come up with that framework, great, but I can't really see that happening as most we-s are no longer able to think outside of government issued guidelines or even debate over different opinions in a constructive manner.
Otoh, is there need for action at all?
It actually doesn't take so much of an effort to "quit".
We could need more truthful information on the 3 or 4 freely available „exits“:
• biological functioning of any given method
• security of functioning (not being left only wounded, disabled or in pain)
• speed of dying
• conscient or not
• pain involved or not etc.
• others involved or not
So, I guess there's no need to open the eugenics door.
For the weak-minded...yes, I can see them marching to the siren song of the almighty govt. Just like they marched, with sleeves rolled up, to get their DeathJAB.
Oh right! Jeeeez... sorry, I was a Vonnegut fan and had read everything by him but it's been 30 years. So my memory is not so good. I loved "Monkey House" and probably read that more times than anything else, if memory serves.
Cancer is reversible. It is possible, using simple sensible dietary and lifestyle changes, to clear the toxicity and sub-optimal nutrition from the body, strengthen the immune system to maximum efficiency and return one's body to complete wellness. If one stays with good habits, one can remain well and disease-free for a long healthy life, with, at the end, a quiet peaceful death at an advanced age, in one's sleep. This has been done many many times, but it never appears in corporate controlled media, rarely even in alternative media. Good protocols for healing cancer have been available for over a half-century, but the courageous intelligent practitioners who used them were attacked by the pharmaceutical and medical industries, and the medical boards which are their paid partners in medical thuggery. There is no need to choose to die, REALLY no need to do ANY of the poisonous horrible things the oncology industry tells patients to do. The expression "battling" cancer gives one the impression that cancer is something that has come from outside and "infected" the person, or that it is somehow the result of an inborn genetic weakness. Cancer is the result of bodily toxicity, the result of many many years of unfortunate dietary choices, lifestyle issues, and repeated poisoning from pesticides, chemical toxins in food and environment, vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs.
The Gerson Institute is an excellent place to go for help in reversing cancer. One must go there and stay for treatment, and education in self care. Another option is the Foundation for the Advancement in Cancer Therapies, FACT, This website has a great deal of helpful information, and a film which can be streamed or purchased as a DVD. The film shows interviews with former cancer patients who have recovered from a variety of cancers, and one patient who has recovered from a serious case of Lyme disease.
The FACT program can be done comfortably at home, using only good quality food and water. It is useful for many ailments. As a trustee and board member of FACT, I have given the information and the program to people and it has helped them to reverse diabetes, Lyme disease, breast cancer, and a case of collapsed vertebrae. I am not a doctor, nor a health care practitioner, and I do this voluntarily, as do others. The principles for achieving wellness are basic, and relatively simple. I suggest that before people decide to use highly toxic and problematic protocols ....chemicals, X-rays, traumatic operations which can permanently damage the body...or worse...or even more tragic, decide to die, give the Hippocratic approach a try. Try it faithfully for a couple of weeks. If the tumors get smaller, if the symptoms abate, if the blood work gets better, perhaps you will be encouraged to choose living better....and living for a long time.
Have you tried a keto diet long term i.e. five years or longer? Have your family members and friends? What has been the result, long term? Have you assessed whether it is appropriate for your particular blood type? Are you aware that different blood and body types can either thrive or fail depending on whether dietary choice is appropriate for their makeup and composition? I recommend an excellent book about the different diets of different ethnic groups: Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, by Dr. Weston A Price. This crusading dentist traveled the world, researching ethnic groups who thrived on extremely different kinds of diet, perfect teeth, rugged health, long life. A one-size-fits-all plan like the keto diet may not be the solution for everyone.
keto is well documented on youtube through Dr Berg, Thomas Seyfried, Robert Lustig and others. there's also backlash because high-fat, low-carb robs doctors of patients who reverse their chronic illness.
Okay...How long have you been on the keto diet, and with what results? What health problems cleared up, and how did it go? I am always curious about nutritional protocols, as I have had Vegan friends who were just as emphatic about Veganism as you are about Keto. One must be ready to learn from others, always.
Have you seen more than one patient use this approach? Have you tried it yourself? It would be good to get as much data as possible. Surely trusting "standard" medical treatment is a recipe for ongoing trouble and expense. I'd always look for alternative to it.
I went on the internet and looked up RBTI and found "RBTI is not for diagnosing or treating medical illness - you may consult a licensed medical doctor for that. The purpose of RBTI is to analyze and identify previously unrecognized electro-biochemical dysfunctions taking place within the human body, thereby allowing the creation of a perfect set of personal life-style recommendations that will address and reverse those unrecognized dysfunctional patterns. RBTI, when correctly applied, offers the highest potential for perfect health."
Sounds absolutely fascinating and useful....I wrote and asked for more information, maybe I will try getting tested to find out more. Important to remember, people have different kinds of bodies...generally similar, but with important differences in blood type, environment, habits, lifestyle. So the more individualized and precise an offered treatment or advice, the better.
Pedro used to be funny and original in his art. But he was always an insufferable prick hijo de mil padres outside of his field.
Artists are very often awful at politics, and people should definitely consider the art as different from the artist, if nothing else, to just save the art from the artist.
It's not surprising that men who hate women in general, and love women who hate themselves, also support doctors killing people under the permit of totalitarian politicians. These types of people are sadists and masochists for a reason.
They are shameless. I have very unkind words for the people who are pushing to popularize euthanasia, and, based on what I looked into, they are also pushing to demonize dissenting doctors similarly to how they try to do it to "antivax" doctors. YIKES
The World's best kept secret is that cancer IS reversable!! My cousin a nurse worked with a doctor from South America who was reversing cancer for MANY years naturally until he relocated to NY. Patients started giving him free (unwanted) advertising and he "died suddenly" in his office under suspicious circumstances. My cousin is still upset about it. Same thing happened to another doctor we knew who was treating cancer patients with success naturally. He treated a doctor who had called him a "quack" before his wife convinced him to go see him when he was terminal and other doctors sent him home to die. After treatment he was still alive 14 years later and cancer free. The last thing this doctor told us was that "pharma was after him." He also developed a case of "died suddenly." As for euthanasia we already have a shot for that, it's called the Covid Jab for those that don't know!
Does it have to be one extreme or the other? They kill us every which way but in principle I see nothing wrong with euthanasia and for myself I definitely want access to it should the situation arise. I think people are often "kept alive" when they should just be let die - I find it cruel. Ever since the shock and dismay of seeing everyone swallow the covid nonsense, including friends I would've thought would have more sense, I find it difficult to get away from the frame of mind, "When will it be over, this is not the world I want to live in."
I so agree with you! I've heard many insane reasons for euthanasia the past years but this doesn't mean there are no good reasons.
I've worked with people who couldn't be treated anymore and have had several among my friends, one of whom my best friend. I've been there with someone who had his poo coming out of his mouth, literally, it was awful. He bagged to die but back then it wasn't allowed to assist people with it. He had already suffered a lot and had to suffer another two weeks before he died, I was with him, he was afraid, not to die but the process as you can imagine how he felt. Pain medication was not working anymore (higher doses would kill him, which was not allowed). I've held his hand as he fought, his body fought, his heart was strong, bad luck for him. Finally he lost consciousness and slowly the grip of his hand loosened. I will never forget the fear, the stress, the pain I saw in his eyes, the suffering. I recall how I thought; if I do this to my dog, let him suffer so much, I'm a bad person although animals are not worth much in our society, here they are allowed to die in peace but not a human.
The man was kept alive by all medication, his body was given water.... okay, not doing that is also awful, not what you should want but the suffering took longer and longer. I was happy when my best friend had cancer and had tried everything, even experimental treatments as there was no way she would heal, she was allowed to go at a time she has chosen. We've said goodbye, she said not to cry as she would go to a better place without pain. We all knew her pain would only get worse and they could bring her into sleep so she wouldn't feel it but is that life? Being on machines until you die, why not give "that pill" then, what is the difference??
She got her medication and once she slept, the final drug that stopped her heart. What a huge difference with the man I described first.
This is something completely different from killing new borns because you don't want a child, kill elderly or the poor (what I've read about, some want to be possible) which is of course ridiculous. I'm happy I live in a country where I can choose if I want to be eaten alive by cancer or something or say it is enough now, that last month or two? not going to go there, not keep me artificial alive to just let me suffer and die anyway. Nice for big-pharma to sell another couple of pills but no thanks... let me go. I'm not someone who takes that decision lightly, I've had my share of illnesses and know to fight and survive and to appreciate even a raindrop because of the simple reason you are able to actually feel it; it means you are healthy enough to get out of bed and out of the door!! Dance in the rain and I don't waste time on any movies, I want to live!! But when there's no way to get healthy again, like without suffering AND the end is really really near; I decide and I hope by then I'm allowed to and I don't have to drown myself or something like that.
I get the impression that keeping people alive is only a good thing as long as SOMEBODY is making a profit from them. But if they are neither consuming or producing, they are a useless eater' and are a candidate for depopulation.
Unfortunately, keeping them alive with drugs and all that, makes them (us) also very profitable. I'm not talking about the ideas some have about the so called useless eaters who they want to kill as they are not very profitable. Having said that...even homeless people are profitable, that is why the problem of being homeless never has been solved, non-profit organisations get a lot of money to solve a problem they don't solve because they will lose their jobs....mankind, sometimes... :( But happy to know and experience most are good, its just these few who value money over all other more worth-full things which can't be expressed in dollars and are willing to anything to get more and more.
The food they make many of us eat, makes us sick, they earn money with the food and the drugs we need to get rid of the symptoms as we will not get better. We need drugs to deal with the side effects of the former drugs. If we get too heavy, they have the perfect diet that will not work but is sure bringing in a lot of money and when we are about to die, they either keep us alive to put more drugs in us or if we are just elderly, not sick enough to be profitable, just like you say hardly consume and sure not produce, we have to be helped to the end, and then the undertaker comes....
I always say; everybody contributes to everything, just by being. The system is sick but we are also part of it, only we can change it.
Could you please explain how "is poo coming out of his mouth", considering that from the stomach down, the valves only allow in one direction? Which diagnosis was that?
It’s one thing to have the choice to end your own life but we can see where this is going. Just like abortion was supposed to be safe legal & “rare” state sanctioned euthanasia will also lose the rare part of the equation in nothing flat. It will be made a piece of piss for depressed people (made depressed by Big Evil) to exit this realm. I can envisage suicide pods on the high street
"It’s one thing to have the choice to end your own life but we can see where this is going."
Animals in Australia have been given euthanasia for as long as I can remember, however, it is not the case that they are given euthanasia more and more. In fact, the opposite is happening. Friends of mine spent a few thousand dollars they could ill-afford to keep their dog alive for just a few days before he died. I think the vet was quite irresponsible in not suggesting that the dog be euthanised before the few thousand dollars as I would've thought he could tell the dog was going to die imminently.
Sure, it could be that euthanasia will be some kind of slippery slope - if we let it be. But the fact that it might be a slippery slope shouldn't be a reason to argue against it. We should just do everything we can to ensure it isn't.
Abortion has been around since ancient times. Abortion is a fact of life and it needs to be legal. My aunt nearly died from a backyard abortion. There is the issue of people simply valuing life differently. Those in power think of us as objects whose numbers are to be controlled at their whim. While I don't think of life like those in power I don't place the same value on it as others do, it's just not in my nature and I think this is where the problem lies. There are those of us who have a more pragmatic attitude and those who feel that even where life is tenuous, very strong efforts should be made to save it. We are simply not all on the same page about it although I do understand those who value life more than I do. I remember reading somewhere although I cannot vouch for its validity that 75% of the health budget is spent on the first six months of life and the last six months ... if so, I find that ridiculous.
"Therapeutic obstinacy" has nothing to do with Euthanasia (though they mix them on purpose to create acceptance with a foot on the door, just as with ethical "therapeutic" abortion, when doctors try to save the lives of both the mother and unborn child, which is mixed with procured abortion): it's immoral to artificially keep someone with a deadly incurable disease alive, against their wishes, with machines, except feeding and hydration (which are ethically compulsory, because you can't leave anyone dying of thirst and hunger).
That said:
There's no useless time to live.
Every single second is precious.
Pain can be dealt with anesthesia.
Depression can be healed.
Being old is no sickness.
Everyone is needed and loved.
No one is useless.
Anyone feeling helpless is precious.
In every single culture, suicide is considered a loss, while saving a suicidal person is considered an act of charity.
It's a contradiction that those supporting assisted suicide say that they are sad that one of their liked musicians/artists committed suicide. It's a loss... even a selfish act, considering all what they could have created if they lived longer. Yet, they entertain the idea of suicide for themselves.
Let's call bread, bread and wine, wine (Spanish saying). Euthanasia is a made-up word (like so many others) to cover the ugly reality of assisted suicide.
It's interesting that all of those supporting assisted suicide refuse to acknowledge that the word "assisted" makes someone accomplice of murder: the self-called doctors, nurses, clinics, death-machine builders, pharmacists, lawmakers, transporters, and everyone knowingly involved in such act of self destruction.
They refuse self-suicide, they want someone else to do what they want (just as as abortion supporters want others to be accomplices of murdering the unborn baby).
Are you afraid of depression? it can be healed!
Are you afraid of pain? it can be dealt with!
Are you afraid of loneliness? ask for help! we are all here to love you!
Are you afraid of being useless? Nobody is useless, everyone is cherished. God gave you life and keeps you alive because He still needs you for a mission!
Look at Jesus at the Cross: suffering is a blessing in disguise. All our physical and spiritual suffering has redemptive value for you and everyone.
Don't even believe in God?
Atheists and agnostics would start to find answers in peer-reviewed Near Death Experiences. Consciousness, intelligence, will, are all spiritual properties of the spiritual immortal soul. How do we know that? some of the blind from birth see in colors for the first time when they are brain dead (no electricity, no activity, no bloodflow, no oxygen) and also no heartbeat and no breathing. The same happens with some of the deaf: they listen for the first time to conversations around or if they go up, even celestial music!
“there are characteristic features that are commonly observed in NDEs. These characteristics include a perception of seeing and hearing apart from the physical body, passing into or through a tunnel, encountering a mystical light, intense and generally positive emotions, a review of part or all of their prior life experiences, encountering deceased loved ones, and a choice to return to their earthly life.”
"God is love" says the Bible, the Word of God (1 John 4:7-12) Do you believe in love? then you believe in God. How do you prove love to yourself? If you prove love, you prove God! There’s no love without God, the source of all true love. He’s not only the love of my life, He’s the life of my love!
Jesus said “I’m... the life.” (John 14:16)
“God gives life to everything.” (1 Timothy 6, 13)
Do you believe in life? You prove life, you prove God, eternal life, source of all life:
That is where you should start your journey of discovery, but first pray: "God, life of my love, if you exist, please show me the way to find the bliss of knowing You"
or even better:
Think this with your heart: “Jesus, if you are the Son of God, I consecrate my heart to your Heart. Please send me the Holy Spirit so I can see Truth and have the courage to convert and follow Him wherever He leads”
Mathematical proof of God’s mind
Who could have imagined that mathematical images could be so beautiful?:
If you want to find the true Church, among 40 thousand denominations, start reading the writings of the first Christians, before the Roman Empire, like Augustine of Hippo (start with Confessions):
You'll discover which Church is the most faithful to the Bible and early Christianity before the Roman Empire. Hint: which religion you would belong to, if you were born 600 years ago, continuing uninterruptedly the teachings held by the early Christians?
It's also important for their transhumanism: they will make people believe they could be uploaded for an eternal blissful life in the internet AI-assisted cloud, while really murdering them through legal "euthanasia".
I'm not sure, Professor, if you just whipped that comment off the tip of your fingers in a flurry of passion - my usual methhod - but it is perfection! If you haven't already copied it for posterity and re-posting when pertinent I recommend you do so. You said everything I wanted to say and more. May you be rewarded and a lives be saved by your faith and gift.
my grandfather had an event at 93 where all the calcium when out of his body and when he was stabilized he was not himself. shortly he didn't even recognize my mother, his daughter. A year later he stopped eating. My uncle thought he couldn't let his father starve to death. Grandad had to be restrained so a feeding tube could be put in. He died a couple of months later. When he refused to eat I would have gone along with assisted suicide. But I know what youall are worried about - like during covid when Do Not Resuscitate was put on by the staff to get the death numbers up. Although I don't believe in the gas chambers disguised as showers I do believe the Nazis did have an eugenics program where 70,000 Germans were "euthanized" - the chronically ill, the chronically mentally ill, homosexuals. The program was stopped by the general German population when they found out about it, protested and refused to go along.
This is currently a hot topic in the UK and its so obvious the timing of this movie will be used by the Lobby here to push this towards getting some sort of approval in Parliament.
As Dale says below then like abortion we will move towards putting pressure on the 'useless' eaters 'to do the decent thing'.
I actually think they are pretty cool with it for themselves, too. For both reasons, sacramental sacrifice and lack of moral courage. The more I think on it, it is from their "elitist towers" that the example has been sent out to the population.
I have no doubt he's a satanist. His scripts have turned darker and or more indigestible along the years and gets most of the funding from public grants, since (at least here in Spain) almost no one goes to see his films anymore so the gross profit is mostly thanks to his allegiance to the socialist party that is ( sadly) in power and that follows all the globalist rules to a T. As a Quid pro Quo he has to leave his yatch and pledge for the migrants invasion or euthanasia or trans rights or... Whatever to stay afloat.
Jack Kevorkian was a Hero of mine. I am the only person to decide MY fate. I may not share many of the other things you decry, but I stand firm on my RIGHT to decide my Life/Death in all it's aspects.
Nothing wrong with euthenasia, I want the option but it’s obvious where this is going. They’ll tell almost everyone they have cancer, they will rename conditions cancer and there will be pressure to take the pill and get it over with and no money for “treatment,” such as it is
It won’t be a huge step from the right to die to the duty to die.
They already say that openly. ("getting out of the way of the young" - ideally when arriving at pension age, if disabled or unable to work.) Strange how those that say it are well over their sixties, isn't it?
Another exmaple: Once you CAN edit your children genes, are you really taking the responsability (blame) upon you that many a future medical issue of your coming child was your actual willful decision? (irony!) - See how that works?
Can you also see how pushing this through an acclaimed artist makes it seem „our own“ idea?
„Legit“, even avant-garde?
And it looks nothing as dirty as your „old depop agenda“?
We need to keep the corporations and the state out of the process of creating a legal framework. This would however be the first thing that needs to be done before anyone is ever going to be soylent greened because we REALLY don't want the state, the government, a doctor or any other entity or individual to have the right to ask the ending of any life other than their own.
While I initially thought it should be free and legal to access (as in "my body, my choice"), I also know that - with reason and open discussion censored - everything becomes a black or white matter (as Petra L. said in a comment), so we now have to be careful, because once we will have a pain-free procedure "you wouldn't want to be a burdon to family members or society etc. right?". I read in the UK they already propose assisted suicide in hospitals together with a "diagnosis" even before discussing medical interventions.
IF we the people can come up with that framework, great, but I can't really see that happening as most we-s are no longer able to think outside of government issued guidelines or even debate over different opinions in a constructive manner.
Otoh, is there need for action at all?
It actually doesn't take so much of an effort to "quit".
We could need more truthful information on the 3 or 4 freely available „exits“:
• biological functioning of any given method
• security of functioning (not being left only wounded, disabled or in pain)
• speed of dying
• conscient or not
• pain involved or not etc.
• others involved or not
So, I guess there's no need to open the eugenics door.
For the weak-minded...yes, I can see them marching to the siren song of the almighty govt. Just like they marched, with sleeves rolled up, to get their DeathJAB.
I'm waiting for the Suicide Salons that Kurt Vonnegut predicted in his short story...
Ah, that's right! It was in Monkey House, not a short story. Thanks for the reminder. Love it.
Oh right! Jeeeez... sorry, I was a Vonnegut fan and had read everything by him but it's been 30 years. So my memory is not so good. I loved "Monkey House" and probably read that more times than anything else, if memory serves.
that's the vax racket.
Exactly the objective
And then forced to die.
How did you find out that I had those?!!
Cancer is reversible. It is possible, using simple sensible dietary and lifestyle changes, to clear the toxicity and sub-optimal nutrition from the body, strengthen the immune system to maximum efficiency and return one's body to complete wellness. If one stays with good habits, one can remain well and disease-free for a long healthy life, with, at the end, a quiet peaceful death at an advanced age, in one's sleep. This has been done many many times, but it never appears in corporate controlled media, rarely even in alternative media. Good protocols for healing cancer have been available for over a half-century, but the courageous intelligent practitioners who used them were attacked by the pharmaceutical and medical industries, and the medical boards which are their paid partners in medical thuggery. There is no need to choose to die, REALLY no need to do ANY of the poisonous horrible things the oncology industry tells patients to do. The expression "battling" cancer gives one the impression that cancer is something that has come from outside and "infected" the person, or that it is somehow the result of an inborn genetic weakness. Cancer is the result of bodily toxicity, the result of many many years of unfortunate dietary choices, lifestyle issues, and repeated poisoning from pesticides, chemical toxins in food and environment, vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs.
The Gerson Institute is an excellent place to go for help in reversing cancer. One must go there and stay for treatment, and education in self care. Another option is the Foundation for the Advancement in Cancer Therapies, FACT, This website has a great deal of helpful information, and a film which can be streamed or purchased as a DVD. The film shows interviews with former cancer patients who have recovered from a variety of cancers, and one patient who has recovered from a serious case of Lyme disease.
The FACT program can be done comfortably at home, using only good quality food and water. It is useful for many ailments. As a trustee and board member of FACT, I have given the information and the program to people and it has helped them to reverse diabetes, Lyme disease, breast cancer, and a case of collapsed vertebrae. I am not a doctor, nor a health care practitioner, and I do this voluntarily, as do others. The principles for achieving wellness are basic, and relatively simple. I suggest that before people decide to use highly toxic and problematic protocols ....chemicals, X-rays, traumatic operations which can permanently damage the body...or worse...or even more tragic, decide to die, give the Hippocratic approach a try. Try it faithfully for a couple of weeks. If the tumors get smaller, if the symptoms abate, if the blood work gets better, perhaps you will be encouraged to choose living better....and living for a long time.
youtube dr thomas Seyfried's holistic advice. change diet now. sugar is lethal. go keto and live.
Have you tried a keto diet long term i.e. five years or longer? Have your family members and friends? What has been the result, long term? Have you assessed whether it is appropriate for your particular blood type? Are you aware that different blood and body types can either thrive or fail depending on whether dietary choice is appropriate for their makeup and composition? I recommend an excellent book about the different diets of different ethnic groups: Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, by Dr. Weston A Price. This crusading dentist traveled the world, researching ethnic groups who thrived on extremely different kinds of diet, perfect teeth, rugged health, long life. A one-size-fits-all plan like the keto diet may not be the solution for everyone.
keto is well documented on youtube through Dr Berg, Thomas Seyfried, Robert Lustig and others. there's also backlash because high-fat, low-carb robs doctors of patients who reverse their chronic illness.
Okay...How long have you been on the keto diet, and with what results? What health problems cleared up, and how did it go? I am always curious about nutritional protocols, as I have had Vegan friends who were just as emphatic about Veganism as you are about Keto. One must be ready to learn from others, always.
Ellen, am I now your lab rat?
You must be kidding!
Have you seen more than one patient use this approach? Have you tried it yourself? It would be good to get as much data as possible. Surely trusting "standard" medical treatment is a recipe for ongoing trouble and expense. I'd always look for alternative to it.
I went on the internet and looked up RBTI and found "RBTI is not for diagnosing or treating medical illness - you may consult a licensed medical doctor for that. The purpose of RBTI is to analyze and identify previously unrecognized electro-biochemical dysfunctions taking place within the human body, thereby allowing the creation of a perfect set of personal life-style recommendations that will address and reverse those unrecognized dysfunctional patterns. RBTI, when correctly applied, offers the highest potential for perfect health."
Sounds absolutely fascinating and useful....I wrote and asked for more information, maybe I will try getting tested to find out more. Important to remember, people have different kinds of bodies...generally similar, but with important differences in blood type, environment, habits, lifestyle. So the more individualized and precise an offered treatment or advice, the better.
Thanks. I should read it. Every bit of new knowledge helps.
Pedro used to be funny and original in his art. But he was always an insufferable prick hijo de mil padres outside of his field.
Artists are very often awful at politics, and people should definitely consider the art as different from the artist, if nothing else, to just save the art from the artist.
It's not surprising that men who hate women in general, and love women who hate themselves, also support doctors killing people under the permit of totalitarian politicians. These types of people are sadists and masochists for a reason.
There is undoubtedly that self loathing and self loathers alliance.
“Artists are very often awful at politics…” Truth: and artists are very often shit at philosophy too.
They are shameless. I have very unkind words for the people who are pushing to popularize euthanasia, and, based on what I looked into, they are also pushing to demonize dissenting doctors similarly to how they try to do it to "antivax" doctors. YIKES
The World's best kept secret is that cancer IS reversable!! My cousin a nurse worked with a doctor from South America who was reversing cancer for MANY years naturally until he relocated to NY. Patients started giving him free (unwanted) advertising and he "died suddenly" in his office under suspicious circumstances. My cousin is still upset about it. Same thing happened to another doctor we knew who was treating cancer patients with success naturally. He treated a doctor who had called him a "quack" before his wife convinced him to go see him when he was terminal and other doctors sent him home to die. After treatment he was still alive 14 years later and cancer free. The last thing this doctor told us was that "pharma was after him." He also developed a case of "died suddenly." As for euthanasia we already have a shot for that, it's called the Covid Jab for those that don't know!
Does it have to be one extreme or the other? They kill us every which way but in principle I see nothing wrong with euthanasia and for myself I definitely want access to it should the situation arise. I think people are often "kept alive" when they should just be let die - I find it cruel. Ever since the shock and dismay of seeing everyone swallow the covid nonsense, including friends I would've thought would have more sense, I find it difficult to get away from the frame of mind, "When will it be over, this is not the world I want to live in."
I so agree with you! I've heard many insane reasons for euthanasia the past years but this doesn't mean there are no good reasons.
I've worked with people who couldn't be treated anymore and have had several among my friends, one of whom my best friend. I've been there with someone who had his poo coming out of his mouth, literally, it was awful. He bagged to die but back then it wasn't allowed to assist people with it. He had already suffered a lot and had to suffer another two weeks before he died, I was with him, he was afraid, not to die but the process as you can imagine how he felt. Pain medication was not working anymore (higher doses would kill him, which was not allowed). I've held his hand as he fought, his body fought, his heart was strong, bad luck for him. Finally he lost consciousness and slowly the grip of his hand loosened. I will never forget the fear, the stress, the pain I saw in his eyes, the suffering. I recall how I thought; if I do this to my dog, let him suffer so much, I'm a bad person although animals are not worth much in our society, here they are allowed to die in peace but not a human.
The man was kept alive by all medication, his body was given water.... okay, not doing that is also awful, not what you should want but the suffering took longer and longer. I was happy when my best friend had cancer and had tried everything, even experimental treatments as there was no way she would heal, she was allowed to go at a time she has chosen. We've said goodbye, she said not to cry as she would go to a better place without pain. We all knew her pain would only get worse and they could bring her into sleep so she wouldn't feel it but is that life? Being on machines until you die, why not give "that pill" then, what is the difference??
She got her medication and once she slept, the final drug that stopped her heart. What a huge difference with the man I described first.
This is something completely different from killing new borns because you don't want a child, kill elderly or the poor (what I've read about, some want to be possible) which is of course ridiculous. I'm happy I live in a country where I can choose if I want to be eaten alive by cancer or something or say it is enough now, that last month or two? not going to go there, not keep me artificial alive to just let me suffer and die anyway. Nice for big-pharma to sell another couple of pills but no thanks... let me go. I'm not someone who takes that decision lightly, I've had my share of illnesses and know to fight and survive and to appreciate even a raindrop because of the simple reason you are able to actually feel it; it means you are healthy enough to get out of bed and out of the door!! Dance in the rain and I don't waste time on any movies, I want to live!! But when there's no way to get healthy again, like without suffering AND the end is really really near; I decide and I hope by then I'm allowed to and I don't have to drown myself or something like that.
I get the impression that keeping people alive is only a good thing as long as SOMEBODY is making a profit from them. But if they are neither consuming or producing, they are a useless eater' and are a candidate for depopulation.
Unfortunately, keeping them alive with drugs and all that, makes them (us) also very profitable. I'm not talking about the ideas some have about the so called useless eaters who they want to kill as they are not very profitable. Having said that...even homeless people are profitable, that is why the problem of being homeless never has been solved, non-profit organisations get a lot of money to solve a problem they don't solve because they will lose their jobs....mankind, sometimes... :( But happy to know and experience most are good, its just these few who value money over all other more worth-full things which can't be expressed in dollars and are willing to anything to get more and more.
The food they make many of us eat, makes us sick, they earn money with the food and the drugs we need to get rid of the symptoms as we will not get better. We need drugs to deal with the side effects of the former drugs. If we get too heavy, they have the perfect diet that will not work but is sure bringing in a lot of money and when we are about to die, they either keep us alive to put more drugs in us or if we are just elderly, not sick enough to be profitable, just like you say hardly consume and sure not produce, we have to be helped to the end, and then the undertaker comes....
I always say; everybody contributes to everything, just by being. The system is sick but we are also part of it, only we can change it.
Your poor friend who suffered so much when he was dying.
Could you please explain how "is poo coming out of his mouth", considering that from the stomach down, the valves only allow in one direction? Which diagnosis was that?
It’s one thing to have the choice to end your own life but we can see where this is going. Just like abortion was supposed to be safe legal & “rare” state sanctioned euthanasia will also lose the rare part of the equation in nothing flat. It will be made a piece of piss for depressed people (made depressed by Big Evil) to exit this realm. I can envisage suicide pods on the high street
"It’s one thing to have the choice to end your own life but we can see where this is going."
Animals in Australia have been given euthanasia for as long as I can remember, however, it is not the case that they are given euthanasia more and more. In fact, the opposite is happening. Friends of mine spent a few thousand dollars they could ill-afford to keep their dog alive for just a few days before he died. I think the vet was quite irresponsible in not suggesting that the dog be euthanised before the few thousand dollars as I would've thought he could tell the dog was going to die imminently.
Sure, it could be that euthanasia will be some kind of slippery slope - if we let it be. But the fact that it might be a slippery slope shouldn't be a reason to argue against it. We should just do everything we can to ensure it isn't.
Abortion has been around since ancient times. Abortion is a fact of life and it needs to be legal. My aunt nearly died from a backyard abortion. There is the issue of people simply valuing life differently. Those in power think of us as objects whose numbers are to be controlled at their whim. While I don't think of life like those in power I don't place the same value on it as others do, it's just not in my nature and I think this is where the problem lies. There are those of us who have a more pragmatic attitude and those who feel that even where life is tenuous, very strong efforts should be made to save it. We are simply not all on the same page about it although I do understand those who value life more than I do. I remember reading somewhere although I cannot vouch for its validity that 75% of the health budget is spent on the first six months of life and the last six months ... if so, I find that ridiculous.
Correct Petra:
There are times when suicide is necessary. The GR8st man I know, took his life on April 30th, 1945. On the flip side, cervical cancer is curable.
This 17 minute ovation happened in Venice, you say? Wow. They took the film to the boss first then.
They really don't care that we know about them, do they?
Pride comes before a fall.....
"Therapeutic obstinacy" has nothing to do with Euthanasia (though they mix them on purpose to create acceptance with a foot on the door, just as with ethical "therapeutic" abortion, when doctors try to save the lives of both the mother and unborn child, which is mixed with procured abortion): it's immoral to artificially keep someone with a deadly incurable disease alive, against their wishes, with machines, except feeding and hydration (which are ethically compulsory, because you can't leave anyone dying of thirst and hunger).
That said:
There's no useless time to live.
Every single second is precious.
Pain can be dealt with anesthesia.
Depression can be healed.
Being old is no sickness.
Everyone is needed and loved.
No one is useless.
Anyone feeling helpless is precious.
In every single culture, suicide is considered a loss, while saving a suicidal person is considered an act of charity.
It's a contradiction that those supporting assisted suicide say that they are sad that one of their liked musicians/artists committed suicide. It's a loss... even a selfish act, considering all what they could have created if they lived longer. Yet, they entertain the idea of suicide for themselves.
Let's call bread, bread and wine, wine (Spanish saying). Euthanasia is a made-up word (like so many others) to cover the ugly reality of assisted suicide.
It's interesting that all of those supporting assisted suicide refuse to acknowledge that the word "assisted" makes someone accomplice of murder: the self-called doctors, nurses, clinics, death-machine builders, pharmacists, lawmakers, transporters, and everyone knowingly involved in such act of self destruction.
They refuse self-suicide, they want someone else to do what they want (just as as abortion supporters want others to be accomplices of murdering the unborn baby).
Are you afraid of depression? it can be healed!
Are you afraid of pain? it can be dealt with!
Are you afraid of loneliness? ask for help! we are all here to love you!
Are you afraid of being useless? Nobody is useless, everyone is cherished. God gave you life and keeps you alive because He still needs you for a mission!
Look at Jesus at the Cross: suffering is a blessing in disguise. All our physical and spiritual suffering has redemptive value for you and everyone.
Don't even believe in God?
Atheists and agnostics would start to find answers in peer-reviewed Near Death Experiences. Consciousness, intelligence, will, are all spiritual properties of the spiritual immortal soul. How do we know that? some of the blind from birth see in colors for the first time when they are brain dead (no electricity, no activity, no bloodflow, no oxygen) and also no heartbeat and no breathing. The same happens with some of the deaf: they listen for the first time to conversations around or if they go up, even celestial music!
“there are characteristic features that are commonly observed in NDEs. These characteristics include a perception of seeing and hearing apart from the physical body, passing into or through a tunnel, encountering a mystical light, intense and generally positive emotions, a review of part or all of their prior life experiences, encountering deceased loved ones, and a choice to return to their earthly life.”
5 peer reviewed experiences (among dozens):
Neurosugeon testimony:
Struck by lighting and came back from near-death to tell us about how we will be Judged:
"God is love" says the Bible, the Word of God (1 John 4:7-12) Do you believe in love? then you believe in God. How do you prove love to yourself? If you prove love, you prove God! There’s no love without God, the source of all true love. He’s not only the love of my life, He’s the life of my love!
Jesus said “I’m... the life.” (John 14:16)
“God gives life to everything.” (1 Timothy 6, 13)
Do you believe in life? You prove life, you prove God, eternal life, source of all life:
That is where you should start your journey of discovery, but first pray: "God, life of my love, if you exist, please show me the way to find the bliss of knowing You"
or even better:
Think this with your heart: “Jesus, if you are the Son of God, I consecrate my heart to your Heart. Please send me the Holy Spirit so I can see Truth and have the courage to convert and follow Him wherever He leads”
Mathematical proof of God’s mind
Who could have imagined that mathematical images could be so beautiful?:
Movie Review: After Death
Scientific proof of God and the soul:
Scientific proof of religion
What do you believe comes after death (Science backs religion)?
Which Christian denomination is more Biblical?
Why aren't atheists convinced by miracles which happened, and are scientifically proven?
If you want to find the true Church, among 40 thousand denominations, start reading the writings of the first Christians, before the Roman Empire, like Augustine of Hippo (start with Confessions):
Irenaeus of Lyon, etc.:
You'll discover which Church is the most faithful to the Bible and early Christianity before the Roman Empire. Hint: which religion you would belong to, if you were born 600 years ago, continuing uninterruptedly the teachings held by the early Christians?
This euthanasia will kill us all
Euthanasia is part of Agenda 2030: they want to kill the "excess" population or push us into suicide.
It's also important for their transhumanism: they will make people believe they could be uploaded for an eternal blissful life in the internet AI-assisted cloud, while really murdering them through legal "euthanasia".
I'll post a deep analysis of euthanasia here:
I'm not sure, Professor, if you just whipped that comment off the tip of your fingers in a flurry of passion - my usual methhod - but it is perfection! If you haven't already copied it for posterity and re-posting when pertinent I recommend you do so. You said everything I wanted to say and more. May you be rewarded and a lives be saved by your faith and gift.
You said it perfectly Amy.
God bless you and The Professor and everyone reading this message.
Romans 12:12.
my grandfather had an event at 93 where all the calcium when out of his body and when he was stabilized he was not himself. shortly he didn't even recognize my mother, his daughter. A year later he stopped eating. My uncle thought he couldn't let his father starve to death. Grandad had to be restrained so a feeding tube could be put in. He died a couple of months later. When he refused to eat I would have gone along with assisted suicide. But I know what youall are worried about - like during covid when Do Not Resuscitate was put on by the staff to get the death numbers up. Although I don't believe in the gas chambers disguised as showers I do believe the Nazis did have an eugenics program where 70,000 Germans were "euthanized" - the chronically ill, the chronically mentally ill, homosexuals. The program was stopped by the general German population when they found out about it, protested and refused to go along.
This is currently a hot topic in the UK and its so obvious the timing of this movie will be used by the Lobby here to push this towards getting some sort of approval in Parliament.
As Dale says below then like abortion we will move towards putting pressure on the 'useless' eaters 'to do the decent thing'.
Of course they don’t want euthanasia or abortion for themselves — they want it for us.
I actually think they are pretty cool with it for themselves, too. For both reasons, sacramental sacrifice and lack of moral courage. The more I think on it, it is from their "elitist towers" that the example has been sent out to the population.
I'm not talking about deluded liberals and useless idiots. I'm talking about the bloodline that rules the word.
Roman Polanski. 😆 Of course. I just finished reading Chaos by Tom O’Neill. They are in a bloodline cult.
I have no doubt he's a satanist. His scripts have turned darker and or more indigestible along the years and gets most of the funding from public grants, since (at least here in Spain) almost no one goes to see his films anymore so the gross profit is mostly thanks to his allegiance to the socialist party that is ( sadly) in power and that follows all the globalist rules to a T. As a Quid pro Quo he has to leave his yatch and pledge for the migrants invasion or euthanasia or trans rights or... Whatever to stay afloat.
Tilda Swinton is so obviously a man
uh, no.
Let us know when you finally see it.
omg. what is it that you have seen?why are you obsessed, attracted, compelled, terrified, threatened? and why are you an "us" -- creepy.
Stop trying to make other people look crazy just because you are fast asleep. Watch Candace Owens show last week about Brigitte Macron. Wakey wakey.
stop trying to make others conform.
Jack Kevorkian was a Hero of mine. I am the only person to decide MY fate. I may not share many of the other things you decry, but I stand firm on my RIGHT to decide my Life/Death in all it's aspects.
"Thems that die'll be the lucky ones". Quote by Long John Silver; Treasure Island by R.L. Stevenson.
Anyone else here need support from a cult sponsored 17-minute ovation? No? Me neither.
Another leftie losing it!!! (Hat Tip Sky News Australia)
Nothing wrong with euthenasia, I want the option but it’s obvious where this is going. They’ll tell almost everyone they have cancer, they will rename conditions cancer and there will be pressure to take the pill and get it over with and no money for “treatment,” such as it is