Hitler got his ideas about the Jews - and their extermination, including the use of gas chambers - from the Progressive Eugenics Movement in the United States: "Eugenics would have been so much bizarre parlor talk had it not been for extensive financing by corporate philanthropies, specifically the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Harriman railroad fortune. They were all in league with some of America’s most respected scientists from such prestigious universities as Stanford, Yale, Harvard and Princeton. These academicians espoused race theory and race science, and then faked and twisted data to serve eugenics’ racist aims.

Stanford President David Starr Jordan originated the notion of “race and blood” in his 1902 racial epistle “Blood of a Nation,” in which the university scholar declared that human qualities and conditions such as talent and poverty were passed through the blood.

In 1904, the Carnegie Institution established a laboratory complex at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island that stockpiled millions of index cards on ordinary Americans, as researchers carefully plotted the removal of families, bloodlines and whole peoples. From Cold Spring Harbor, eugenics advocates agitated in the legislatures of America, as well as the nation’s social service agencies and associations.

The Harriman railroad fortune paid local charities, such as the New York Bureau of Industries and Immigration, to seek out Jewish, Italian and other immigrants in New York and other crowded cities and subject them to deportation, confinement or forced sterilization.

The Rockefeller Foundation helped found the German eugenics program and even funded the program that Josef Mengele worked in before he went to Auschwitz.

Much of the spiritual guidance and political agitation for the American eugenics movement came from California’s quasi-autonomous eugenic societies, such as Pasadena’s Human Betterment Foundation and the California branch of the American Eugenics Society, which coordinated much of their activity with the Eugenics Research Society in Long Island. These organizations — which functioned as part of a closely-knit network — published racist eugenic newsletters and pseudoscientific journals, such as Eugenical News and Eugenics, and propagandized for the Nazis." https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/eugenics-and-the-nazis-the-california-connection/

So the US isn't exactly innocent in this, rather the reverse, it provided the basis for genocide by means of forced medical procedures - including sterilization and euthanasia... And perhaps this history is repeating itself on a worldwide scale, again spearheaded by eugenicists in the US.

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Margery Sanger also believed that the “Negro” race was inferior to Northern Europeans and so had to be sterilized. This was the more “humane” option compared to Germany’s final solution.

The Gates Foundation has continued Sanger’s work on population (meaning nonwhite) control with a worldwide tetanus vaccine that sterilizes women.

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As for forced medical procedures, over 60,000 American women were involuntarily sterilized between 1927 and 1978... "Three generations of imbeciles are enough" - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Chief Justice, US Supreme Court, in Buck vs Bell (1927) - the full opinion is here: http://useugenics.weebly.com/carrie-buck.html

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Dont forget Celia that Anthony Fauci is Jesuit trained devout Catholic who used Catholic orphanages and cemetaries to murder infants and children with AIDS drugs in the 80’s! Remember “Incarnation House” where they placed HIV positive children whose parents refused to give them AZT once they saw how horrible it was! Satanic!

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What a laughable woman.

The distorted face of envy.

What a bad way to live.

The life of a moral busibody.

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I watched this interview of Margaret Sanger with Mike Wallace and it brought back the reality of what we are up against when it comes to any concept that our bodies are our own and that we are no longer slaves to the whims of the some self appointed "Clergy". I felt she held up admirably as Wallace attempted to shove the Roman Catholic hierarchy's "view" of sexuality as NOTHING MORE than a means of reproduction.. reductionist theology that puts the act of love making on a level with two dogs rutting.. down her throat. Let me tell you absolutely what we are up against and it is not a "communist conspiracy".. it is the reintroduction of "Catholic values" into the law. The Catholic Church, of which I was a victim/member for 20 years, is the Greatest threat to Freedom and Liberty, not to mention "Nature" that is out there today and they will Never give up. As "The Only True Religion"...they are the ONLY spokespersons for God and ALL OTHER VIEWS are heretical or pagan and thus null and void. I agree 100% with Sanger when she speaks about the Nature of humanity and our God Given need to mate and express love and connection through our sexuality. The Catholic Church's dogma that sex is something "shameful" unless you are "making a baby" comes from the ultimate Perversion... the denial of our Human Nature.... and it was done purposefully over a thousand years ago to instill "shame" into the populace, shame which can and has been used for Centuries to control the lives of "good Catholics" who must "confess" their sexual experiences outside of marriage to the Priest to receive "absolution". Don't think for one minute that this confessional information was either kept secret or received with equanimity. JUDGEMENT was given by the Priest and penance for the sins were ordered. Penance for what, I ask? For expressing the very Nature of Human Adulthood... our sexual attraction in the pursuit of a mate. No matter, The Catholic Church will have NONE of it. "Deviance" "perversion" and other pejoratives have been concocted by the clergy to describe our very natural need for sexual and physical intercourse. Meanwhile it is no exaggeration to point to the Catholic Church as the "Largest Pedophile Ring on the Planet" as attested to by literally Millions of children turned adults Worldwide. And where did this "need" come from? The ONLY real perversion of the denial of the clergy's normal human nature and the accompanying physical/sexual needs and of course, the sick view of sexual intercourse as vulgar, sinful and "beneath God's Laws". I see you have included numerous alleged quotes from Margaret Sanger, who is no longer around to defend herself or attest to the validity of those "quotes" and that all of them come from the "Fatima Society" ...a Catholic Church organization for absolute certainty which is designed to "win over America". If you want to read who our Founding Fathers thought was the Greatest Enemy of America and our Freedoms and Liberty, look no further than the Catholic Church. It wasn't for no reason that it took 180 years for a Catholic to be elected President for those hundreds of thousands who came to the New World to practice their religion freely were nearly ALL running from the clutches of Catholicism. Do I believe what the Fatima Society has printed about Margaret Sanger? Not for ONE MINUTE. The Jesuits, Opus Dei, the Knights of Columbus, the Knights of Malta and dozens of other groups have been working for 200 years to subjugate America to the Rule of the Catholic Church and thanks to that businessman tool of the Federalist Society (another Church front organization) we now have 6 Catholic Justices on the Supreme Court ...a Super Majority as they might say.. all devoted to serving "God" as defined by the Papacy and the Constitution "as it was written" and they are just getting started realigning the Country to some 1789 "view of the Constitution"... sans women's rights, gay rights, sexual rights etc. Ironic that the VERY Catholic Justice Clarence Thomas would not only not have been allowed to marry his white wife but NEVER been allowed to serve on not only the Supreme Court but ANY court in 1789 America... where women were chattel and only land owners, ie the elite had the vote.

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I can't watch. It's so, so depressing.

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Yes, I often get that idea I know little or nothing of the origins of US in every issue that comes along. Abortion, child-rearing, protecting mothers, all women, and children, once upon a time, perhaps, was a classic Republican ideal and issue; no more. Indeed, finding any decency in either of the major US political parties requires extreme efforts; I speak from having studied them since 1972. In that election I voted for McGovern, because he was the only candidate with any common sense about taking the US in a direction of decency and public interests. For that, D elites one and all, voted for Nixon, while Nixon was raiding their silly Watergate headquarters. Unlike the GOP, Ds have been total clueless bumblers since 1828, when A Jackson, the Native American Genocidalist Freak POTUS, led the founding of that bumbling party. The GOP was forced by their own bumbling after Lincoln's assassination, and after Grant's pair of poorly administered administrations, Ds forced the GOP into accepting the Jim Crow regime that both parties have increasingly, with little questioning ever, followed since. Note that today the most likely US POTUS 2024 candidates are both radical Jim Crows.

If any of us wants to salvage whatever might be salvaged from the current US global imperial collapse, we are already late getting into the contests. They are all over; getting oneself prepared right where one lives is most urgently necessary right now. We will have NO climate mitigation to speak of until we do get locally organized; and this organization will not happen with any more decency lest we do it ourselves.

Thus my previous proposal for taking Zen seriously, without further delay, and thereby taking oneself more seriously without further delay as well. Alas, it is not popular, and may never be so. There are also many zen imposters. So be it; we have never lacked for hordes of democratic or republican imposters. Zen teaches us to live inside our own skins, with neighbors who also will come around as soon as we deliver the appropriate indications of how well it has improved our own examples for civic decency.


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Two excellent books for beginning study of Zen: Alan Watts, The Way of Zen; and R H Blyth, Zen in English Literature and Oriental Classics. Watts is a philosopher with broad experience translating Oriental classics; Blyth is showing us the universal characteristics and revelations of Zen in literature, not only English, but from several other European languages as well. Reading & Discussion groups advised; if we cannot create and cultivate these, politics will remain completely beyond our grasp. With understanding writings from these two books, we can create reading & discussion groups that will (are already) seeding other similar groups addressing particular issues, topics, and efforts. These are particularly urgent for environmentalists, for who dialogue remains a foreign language no matter whom among them speak of the environmental sciences. Even the pros are afflicted with far too much arrogance to be easily tolerated for long. Without humility, we remain isolated, vulnerable, and threatened by the globalist genocidalist movements enjoying widespread public funding & creating ever more billionaires daily.

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His hypocrisy…

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