Of course, we didn't just turn out to be correct about CV-19 & the vaxes.

RATHER, we KNEW going in. And, we stayed on top of being correct the whole journey. I ain't accepting this nonsensical idea I coincidently or by accident was correct.

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Exactly so

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I knew they would force a vax the day the lockdown started, I'm sure Celia did too, and apparently you did, along with probably millions of others. It was apparent to me what was in the works. And yeah, we are now "lucky" that we didn't get the jab. No, we knew why it was stupid to get it. Big diff.

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I was suspicious from the get go and feared they would rush a dodgy vax and force it on people. I still don't get why people took it and I don't think I ever will no matter how many explanations people come up with. The lockdown was a huge and crazy red flag for me and I guess my survival instinct kicked in.

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May your instinct continue to well serve you & others.

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Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather die than shut up.

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That may come to be a decision some of us will have to make if they start forcing the mark of the beast on us as a requirement to access our funds. - There was an article a week or so ago, where the author included a Biblical quote which stated something to the effect that those who choose to die rather than take the mark will enter the gates of the Lord. I should have saved that article to disk.

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I would rather die with dignity, my soul intact, and with integrity than on my knees, jabbed and Tracked.

I will not submit to a chip, a Digital Prison Passport, none of it.

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Revelation 13:16-18

New International Version

16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[a] That number is 666.

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Yes. I'm familiar with that and somewhat with the number 33 and so forth.

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If they dare to try, it then becomes a competition as to "how many of those bastards can we take with us".

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Intrinsically, I agree literally with the set intention of dying fighting. I'm considering that, even if someone tries to force vaxx me, which I also believe may be accepting the mark, if it changes our DNA to transhuman. But, how do we reconcile taking them out with the Commandment of "Thou shalt not kill"/"You shall not murder"? What happens to you if, at the end of your earthly existence, you are violating that Commandment?

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God allows self defense.

Jesus wasn’t a pushover to the money changers, he smacked them.

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But did Jesus kill any of the money changers? Or, does God allow us to kill, when asked to come peacefully, when we know they're going to mark us? - The reason I ask is that: if Bill Gates' WHO/UN soldiers knock on your door to either force jab you or to haul you away to a FEMA concentration/annihilation camp, to keep yourself from being jabbed with a likely possible DNA altering, transhumanizing mRNA vaxx and being implanted with a mark of the beast chip, I would think you would have to immediately kill all of those who came for you or die at their hand. I don't see any other way out of being marked.

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Yes. I would protect myself and family , we are at an us or them point.


Submit to evil


Die to Good.

I will never submit.

Do I want to die?


Will I live in the digital prison no.

We are at a choosing point.

I pray God steps in.

I pray it doesn’t come to this.

But I will not submit to Satan , to live a few more years in a digital hell

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I agree. But, here's the conundrum: It's been a long time since I religiously sat down and read the Bible. But, recently, I've read articles where the author was quoting scripture where, when facing Satan and/or his minions, God instructs us to pray; and, if we are truly virtuous and righteous, God or his angels will protect us. - My issue with this is one of faith, in that, in addition to praying, I would like the option of physically responding. But, I know that I can't simultaneously do both effectively. (-:

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There are lots of us in that boat.

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Now's the time to walk that love talk. Negative energy can originate in the positive. Life is the true Champion. It lives! Nothing can stop it. So just enjoy the reaffirmation. This experience has been a huge wake up call for many people, who wouldn't have "remembered" their inseverable connection to the Divine no matter how hard they tried...

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I screen shot your comment and sent it out to my ‘Circle’! 💗🙏🏼

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Thanks, Celia, for posting this. And thanks, Steve, for that comment.

Many, in an effort to keep their anger bridled, remind themselves that we were a society that golden-pedestal-ed our doctors (and many [not all] doctors rather liked the glowing admiration and fought temptation to take themselves too seriously).

This created a double whammy response when cvid rolled around. Folks unwaveringly trusted their docs and happily rolled up sleeves. Docs may have had their reservations, but their overseers put the thumbscrews on them, threatening loss of license, leading to loss of generous salary and prestige with their colleagues, and in their communities. They were the first to receive that pressure, and, to be remembered, they, too, are humans who were subject to the prevailing fear of the image of bodies on the streets. The unknown was the enemie du jour.

So, yes, hard as it is, let us shelve anger and lack of forgiveness. These injure souls as easily as a c-shot can injure a body. And when a biting comment rises to our lips, try mentally reminding ourselves three times: BE KIND.

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In 10th grade biology I learned that viruses were so tiny they could travel through the tightest woven fabric.

As an adult who had some life experience by the time the "rona" hit, I could see that the response to it was extremely unusual, unprecedented.

And "vaccines" developed in just months? Never happened before.

With no medical background, I did research that confirmed my intuition that the response by government and health care was completely wrong and strange.

So no, I don't give a pass to doctors or any health care professional, with far more knowledge than the average person, who completely caved to the outrageous narrative. And when your license and your livelihood is threatened if you don't toe the line, you damn well know for sure that something nefarious is happening.

These cowards were willing to cover their asses at the expense of innocent people who trusted them with their lives. What happened to "Do no harm?"

Every single one of them who complied with orders helped facilitate the nightmare that continues to this day.

No forgiveness from me.

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That doctor who used to care about you, he/she doesn't work there anymore. We can't, we were forced out. I refused to participate in the system that didn't care about patients. Lucky that I was able to retire, what are our young doctors left with?

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Doctor, I appreciate your comment and your refusal to compromise your ideals.

As to your question, without mentors such as yourself, I fear that a crucial element of training young doctors will be nonexistent. That doesn't bode well for the future.

"Covid" has separated those with common sense, integrity and a moral compass from those who are lacking those qualities. That applies to everyone, not just health care professionals.

We see each other with much more clarity now.

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Young Drs w integrity should get into Holistic Medicine.

That will be booming.

Same with Vets.

The wise will not get their animals shot up with eugenics shots. MRNA vaccines are now for all animals

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Yep, already worried about it. Had read they weren't being used yet in the US, but who really knows...

Up against that problem now.

Rescued a 7 month old kitten who needs to be spayed. Trying to find a vet who will do the surgery without at least 3 different shots is, no surprise, not easy.

I'm in the same boat as you. I no longer trust any shots, for any reason, for either animal or human.

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New study.

Animals suffer from being spayed or neutered before 6 mos.

They need their hormones.

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Considering how very many of the younger generations have been raised. (Me, me, me!) They will have very generous compensation and perks from the gross pharma companies. They won't care. They're not there or paid to care. Their job is bring in money to the Medical Industrial Complex, through their massive industry owned conglomerates from the equally corrupt Insurance Industry.

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I questioned a masker.

Can you smell a fart through your underwear, jeans and mask?

There is your answer to your Linus false Security Blanket of submission to a narrative of Slavery .

They also don’t like being reminded, Slaves were forced to wear masks to break their souls.

To look less human to the Masters.

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There are some that deserve the Hell they dished out.

Forgiving abusers too soon is soul abuse.

How many decades have us Jews said Never Again!

Never knowing our US Government, under Bush sr brought in Nazis under operation paperclip.

Nazism obviously has not gone away…

It just used a different tactic for eugenics.

So no, until this root of pure evil is pulled up and dispatched.

Until the vaxed who hated the vax questioners , wanted us dead, ask for forgiveness , to the depths of their very souls. Understanding how They Became The Good Germans who just went along.

No, no to some airy forgiveness trope when Righteous Anger and Godly Soul Cleaning must be honored.

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We are also patient Jesse. Soon there won't be any pro vaxxed cheer leaders left to be offended. Well, maybe the salined overlords.

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“salined overlords.” Good one!

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Jesse was quoting a pro vax muppet.

Not terribly clear though.

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Most people don't know yet how bad were the AIDS wars in terms of the number of people poisoned with fraudulent drugs.

Those on the "left" don't wan to admit they tacitly collaborated with the crime that AZT was, and beyond that. I doubt these people ever move from that, as they are too corrupt. Perhaps those under 20 may have a chance?

Those on the "right" are only one or two steps away from discovering the ugly truth: that monstrosity enabled the present monstrosity.

Will they finally connect the dots on WHO is their enemy and why?

There are a lot of normies fighting with all they have to never have to talk about the truth that the union of big pharma and big government have been murdering people for money for many decades, and most people never noticed it. I think it's funny to watch the normies squirming and changing topics while they defend themselves from the current assault. They really don't want to see why the covid fraud still exists.

As long as they allow the global bullies to insult them, they will keep trying to poison them and stealing from them. But standing up to these bullies require uncovering the truth about AIDS, and the criminality of all Western Governments since 1980s. The fanatics of science will never see that science is corrupt as collateral damage of the global fraud.

Everything about this is Historic.

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Awesome comment Roger.

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It goes back further.

When Rockefeller took over all the medical.

Schools, vaxes, text books, everything.

Lots of money to be made.

Destroying Holistic Medicine, having Drs arrested for misinformation back then….

Rockefeller also made money off of deadly pesticides and fertilizers.

Said they were safe.

Theory is, polio was from those poisonings, and the polio vax made it worse.

But call it a virus!

Virus can’t be sued.

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Virus is en English word that comes from the Latin word "Virus", which means "I am a fraud and I need a cover up so that my victims never discover I am a fraud and they are my victims."

Latin language is a very compendious language. Just five letters and you have all the info you need.

We need to study Latin again.


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Well played

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We will NOT shut up about global genocide, so get used to it!

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When being "right" meant not merely trying to save a life but standing up for all humanity- literally choosing to remain HUMAN rather than defaulting into a genetically modified version and handing over your soul, literally, like it was a hall pass, is NOT something to be ashamed of, or sorry for, and the abuse and complete dismissal (MICRO AND MACRO) and celebrity-endorsed insistence (embraced by most "friends and family") that your life should be terminated for noncompliance in my mind does not remotely illict a desire for vindication much less acknowledgement from the " Borg class". Go ahead and take your judgement to your grave as there is no remorse significant or sincere enough to remedy what has been collectively extended to all those who actually cared about "other" as much as about "self" and never attempted to virtue signal it while it was all going down; I believe out of genuine compassion for those we watched (arrogantly albeit ignorantly) self-sacrifice at our collective expense. The "conversation" needs to MATURE on both sides and the words 'murder'(premeditated) and 'complicit' must now be unapologetically applied if we are ever to secure a different future. Time to RISE and shift the collective consciousness to reflect the POWER and Universal Spiritual Truth of how precious it is to be Human-unadulterated no matter the social/governmental pressure to concede. Stand up for Source; Stand with God. May justice be swift and all encompassing, as long as we remain committed to it.

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Yep, feck 'em.

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Oh come on man. Learn to spell. It’s “Yep, Fauci ‘em.”

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No vaxnesty!

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My favorite has been Chris Bray demolishing Sam Harris for Sam wishing a lot more kids would have died so he could have been right about his authoritarianism.

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Sam Harris said that? I cannot stand that guy stopped listening to him years ago. I’m not surprised but… I’m surprised.

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He didn't say it exactly like that but that is the substance of it.


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Combination of smug self righteousness with ill- wishing virtue -signalling is distasteful in the least; , prideful and hateful at worst and not helpful. Unvaccinated have suffered, endured till now but at least are unvaccinated. The vaccinated have quite a scary journey ahead of them and we know some won’t make it.

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It is a number much larger than some who will be injured by the "vaccines". There are multiple mechanisms of injury for the spike protein toxin and no one is sure how long the victims will continue to produce spike toxin. It has been found in cardiac cells, endothelial cells, and skin cells at autopsy. Did I mention immune suppression, the inhibition of DNA repair (cancers such as T cell lymphoma and T cell leukemia), fetal demise in pregnancy? I understand that the list goes on....

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Face it, no one will make it. Life ends for everyone sometime.

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Keep getting those jabs, Jesse, and you won’t be screwing anyone. Just don’t ask for taxpayers to help you out with your medical bills when some “coincidence” happens.


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Jesse didn’t take them I don’t think that’s what he was saying read it again

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I think that you are right.

It looks like he was quoting someone else and then answering.

Good catch....

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That problem of on-line twitter type communication damaging the ability to express or perceive nuance, irony, sarcasm, subtleties, etc.

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Jesse is addressing the vaxxers and telling them to go screw themselves. He's not the problem.

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What would I do without your phenomenal posts Celia

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I have a hard time not wishing shame on people STILL believing the narratives...those that pushed for mandatory vaccination, lockdowns or even WORSE, wished internment or DEATH on people that didn't want to take a clearly dangerous, rushed-to-market, experimental gene editing vaccine (that in hindsight is to push a diabolical 4th industrial revolution transhumanist agenda). If they're quadrupling down on stupid at this point, and STILL believe the narratives, they have in-fact...become a threat to my health, safety and freedom that is in a way 100x worse, than it was before we knew what we know now. You have to be willfully ignorant and spiritually blind not to see what is going on at this point. This is now war -- intellectually and spiritually. The stakes are insanely high. With that said -- I am not their judge and jury -- I do pray that they'll still awaken and see the truth. It's clear however, that many will not choose to do so, and instead will choose the path of the Beast. I can pray-for and attempt to love them, but it is so hard, when they have no idea about the prison they are CHOOSING for me and my family. Really hard. God forgive and help me.

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How did you manage to protect yourself from all the propaganda, the programming, the corruption, the manipulation? We have remained free thinking sovereign beings.

They are going to wonder how we walked through the fire.

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Sadly, I woke up after two Moderna shots and getting sick...then one night it was literally like Nero waking up from the Matrix. What a shock that was. Additional months of study...then came the spiritual awakening. I'm just glad to still be alive and to be on the side of truth now. I couldn't fathom being in the hearts and minds of many around me -- still asleep -- still distracted -- STILL trusting those that are actively trying to enslave or kill them. May the critical mass awakening come...and please...come soon. May God give me the knowledge, discernment and strength to help others awaken. I "fear" that we have yet to actually walk through the true fire...it is coming though. God Bless Charles.

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i just love me a good rhetorical question. the answers to these are what i am most interested in...upon reflection of course. a great path forward. thanks doc.

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I count over 700 papers in the peer reviewed literature on the heart damage from Covid 19 "vaccines". It is overwhelming that the "vaccines" cause heart damage and that it is fatal by autopsy. Advertised as "safe and effective". Wrongful deaths. The experts were censored from sharing this information with the public.

Consider infectious disease expert, Dr. Christian Perronne, prosecuted for his comments on the vaccine; opinions on COVID 19 treatments. He was dismissed as head of the department of medicine, 2020. Now October 2022 the Ile-de-France disciplinary chamber of the French Medical Association presided over by a magistrate and doctors: dismissed all charges against him by the medical authorities who denounced him stating that as an expert he had an obligation to speak out about his expertise and what he saw as wrong. Too late now for the victims. Justice was delayed.

He is only one doctor among thousands censored.

Charles Van Norman, M.D.

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