I hope he lives--and speaks out against what we know is involved in this.
I don't care about football. Too many people care about football and high-priced ball players when they should be caring about their Communities, Food, Health and the incredible lies and manipulation they are surrounded by.
Cheer for the heroes that grow organic food and tell you how to heal yourself and avoid the doctors.
Even if people have sufficient evidence to wake up to the truth of thousands of elite athletes suffering cardiac episodes and the culprit right in front of their noses they will continue to deny reality. Like a gambler throwing good money into chasing losses they have invested far too much to have the courage, wisdom and humility to do a 180. They've spent two years pushing their loved ones, children even, to be injected with deadly toxins, and would have to face that heartache and their own mortality in the fact that they are walking around with the very toxic substances in their own system that caused Damar Hamlin to collapse in front of millions of eyes. The sad fact is, it will take more shocking episodes like that for enough people to stop denying reality and to begin the great awakening. Those Rasmussen poll results show the tide is turning, but we're not yet there.
Given how much the churches pushed folks to get jabbed as well, I have my doubts that 'organized religions' will admit any wrongdoing soon, by precedent. Look how long it took to get them to even acknowledge abuse by priests, 40 or 50 years of pressure and most of the priests still get off scott free.
I was so frustrated by this during the entire pandemic. What happened to Faith over Fear especially within the religious communities and churches. It was annoying and showed me how weak so many are. We all had access to the same research and disparate voices of reason and people still chose to yield to the propaganda. Giving up any TV 6 years ago was truly one of the best decisions I ever made. The amount of stress that left my life is priceless. (and I'm not being lied to on a daily basis) - Others should consider doing the same, and you save money on your escalating bills too!!!
Thanks Mark. Me as well, though I do not do any of the formal religions but am not suprised the church took the bait too, fear is their main tool and has been...forever as far as I am concerned.
With respect to access to information, folks who only see/hear NPR for instance were and are lied to there, and every other radio stations I tried to listen to, but would turn off when I heard a vax ad AND THEY ARE STILL PLAYING VAX ADS on ALL RADIO STATIONS! (am esp. angered over the local 'coop' radio and local food coops being fully sucked into the narrative as well.) Beyond sad.
No tv for 15 years. Without access to Rumble and Substack, and a few other private news sites, it was and is quite easy to be fully duped by the TNI narrative. I hold the NYT most responsible, folks still trust it, though it has essentially killed them. I hope they really die as a corporation, the NYT, perhaps as the employees kick off, which is already happening. 3 years. Will see.
Churches that want to appeal to young people think that means appealing to weakness and moral ambiguity, since weakness and disordered virtue are hallmarks synonymous with this young generatiom
The Nation is United in Prayer for Hamlin. The Nation is totally divided as to probable cause of this tragedy. I pray that the Nation will become United, if we ever learn the Truth behind Hamlin’s cardiac arrest. The NFL Players should demand to be prescreened for myocarditis before playing another game.
I’m praying for him; and I’m praying for all the invisible sufferers and victims of the totalitarians who mandated people get an experimental injection—still not FDA approved—that killed and tortured them. This event has shaken tens of millions, who saw something the media had hidden from them.
The “narrative” that it is due to something that has never happened before in the NFL, to obscure the truth, is laughable.
Loving attention and prayer are very powerful. May Damar recover fully! May the kindness and prayers enveloping him also benefit everyone involved, & may it move the needle on much, so to speak.
Even though, if I had a preference, I would prefer everyone lived, but I don't know this person and even if I did, he would make his own poor choices, and it won't affect me personally if he dies. Although I have immense empathy for his mother and the rest of his family.
People are dying all over the planet due to starvation, freezing cold, preventable diseases like dysentery, war, drought, etc....does anyone pray for these people, and, if so, does it help?
There will never be a connection between the poison mRNA and suddenitis, or other injuries in the minds of some because the powers that be that decide what we are to think and believe won't allow it to happen.
Look at Musk's twitter---filled with attacks against "antivaxxers" and jab-injury denial.
We NEVER stop trying to educate people, but if I took the jabs and the boasters, I sure as hell wouldn't want to hear about how dangerous they are. See no evil, hear no evil, but they speak PLENTY of evil.
When something good shows up, the father of the lie gets busy quickly to cover it up again with lots of ridicule and bitterness. Can be seen everywhere even in comments...
But there are some of you who do not believe.” (For Jesus knew from the beginning who those were who did not believe, and who it was who would betray him.) And he said, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father.” After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him. So Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?” Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, ...
I’m praying for him; and I’m praying for all the invisible sufferers and victims of the totalitarians who mandated people get an experimental injection—still not FDA approved—that killed and tortured them. This event has shaken tens of millions, who saw something the media had hidden from them.
The “narrative” that it is due to something that has never happened before in the NFL, to obscure the truth, is laughable.
Sad as it is to say, what we really need is this. Superbowl 2023, team B is behind 5pts, their star player has a breakthrough 10m left on the clock, wide open field, he gets the pass, running full speed, at the 10yd line, keels over flat on his face, dead as a stump. That one event could trigger a revolution.
Yeah, assuming he wakes up, what is he going to be left with if he has significant brain damage? And keep that prayer to yourself. Prayer doesn't do a damned thing. If he lives at all and is not a complete vegetable, you can thank modern medicine for that. It's high time people give up on that 2000+ year old myth of an invisible Sky Daddy who looks down on all of us. If there was one, he / she / it would not have allowed these atrocities to happen to begin with, so miss me with that shit.
Interesting that you should say “Modern medicine is what saved him.” Hopefully “ modern medicine “ can save him and bring him back to live a fairly normal life since “modern medicine” is apparently what caused his cardiac arrest in the first place. Personally I prefer to trust in my prayers and my faith in a supreme being more than “modern medicine”.
You can read all about bad things and good things happening in the Bible to get a better understanding of why. Atheists who haven’t studied the Bible usually make poor scholars and critics of the text. You don’t need me to email you all the reasons for God’s existence there are plenty of apologists who have made a career out of debating people like you. Go listen to Frank Turek (Cross Examined )or Cliff Knechtle (askcliffe) on YouTube there are literally hundreds of videos discussing the topic of why evil exists, and why people who have hardened their hearts towards the subject act the way they do- this is an ancient debate that isn’t really a debate at all for the Christian.
So with your circular logic, when good things happen, it's all because that's what god wanted to happen. Grow up, please and act like a thinking adult.
That’s cute but no educated Christian believes that. You are coming off as an angst-filled teenager who is mad at their parents for not getting enough of an allowance. Your existence alone is enough proof of intelligent design, most people don’t want to believe in God because if God is real, you are accountable and in a whole lot of trouble for the way you’ve lived.
Lol! The existence of all life is not iron clad evidence of intelligent design. We are products of evolution. Now whether or not evolution happened because of some higher intelligence nobody knows. But it is not up to me to prove that an intelligence exists in the universe. It is up to those who believe that an intelligent being exists in the universe to prove that to those of us who do not believe. If you only believe in a higher power because you fear hell and you fear the wrath of some god, you're already screwed. If you believe in this omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent being, don't you think he / she / it knows beyond a shadow of a doubt WHY you believe? If you believe because you are commanded to believe or else you will burn in an everlasting lake of fire with brimstone raining down on your head, then you've already missed the boat. Why is it so difficult for you to believe that people can be decent human beings without believing in a deity? It is possible and we do it every day. And you don't know how I've lived my life, so stop presuming that you do. You'd best pay attention to your own life before you start casting aspersions at mine. There are plenty of people who have read the bible from cover to cover and realize it is nothing but a book of allegories and it is filled with contradictions. It is a book of historical fiction at best. There is not even proof that Jesus Christ was a human being on this Earth, and if he was, he most certainly was not a deity.
You sound like someone who has never done research on the historical evidence for the existence of Christ and His claims. There is more evidence for the existence of Jesus than any other figure in the human records of history as a whole. If you don’t believe Jesus existed then you should throw out everyone from Shakespeare to Socrates having existed too.
Go ahead and go down the rabbit hole of trying to debunk him, if you are honest with yourself you will start to question some of those concepts you are throwing around. I didn’t easily become a Christian, I fought it off and stayed in the darkness with my hedonistic lifestyle for a long time before coming to faith. If you study Darwin and critics of his work, and pull on those strings you’ll see that the worldview you hold to and the evidence for it takes just as much faith as mine. It’s a house of cards built on faith for the atheist all the same. Except I have Hope. In this life and in the next, if there is one. You not so much, it’s darkness either way the line you’re currently walking. I don’t judge you for your lifestyle or beliefs, you are more than free to express them and stand firm on your convictions and you won’t offend me, I would still take you out for lunch and pick up the bill. I enjoy a dialogue with people who don’t hold the same position as I do, I miss the days of people just having conversations without it going into insults and people getting hurt and upset. However God does have a standard for morality and does hold people accountable for their actions according to the scriptures that are still holding strong after 2k years of being tested. It’s worth looking into, we didn’t build all these churches for nothing out here, we have our fair share of proof for the things we claim 😁
Also-What I meant above by your existence being evidence for God, is that you have a uniquely balanced set of circumstances as a human, living in an environment tailored to support your life. From the oxygen and carbon exchange all the way to the alignment of the solar system and the perfect distance we are from the sun- it’s all set in perfect harmony for your existence. That doesn’t happen by accident.
If you don’t believe in God, you don’t believe in morality at all, and nothing matters. You are more dangerous than the most faith filled Christian because you believe we evolved from primordial slime and all of this is just a random accident- what the hell do you care about damar for? He’s just a meat bag without a soul according to your non-beliefs.
Yes I can nutshell it for you. If you claim to have morals as an atheist what are they based on outside of your own personal opinion? Hitler believed he was a superior race of human, what do you have to prove him wrong? Morality is just a man made concept if you don’t have a creator that says we are all made in Gods image and have inherent value. Albert Camus more or less said it this way, that for the atheist the only only question that remains once you strip it all back is why shouldn’t you commit suicide? Life is one big random accident, and we are just purpose-less, soulless, bags of meat. The entire history of human existence is utterly meaningless and this ball of gas will eventually burn down into nothing and to dust we all shall return, everything that ever occurred is absolutely meaningless and will be forgotten.
Thanks for always being a voice of reason, my friend. I'll read you on Fascistbook and reply in 29 days. I'm back in the hoosgow. I've pissed off the censors AGAIN. 😆
Just sharing my hopes and dreams here that Damar somehow pulls through as the love and prayers reach and heal his badly damaged heart. And also the horrifying event millions of us witnessed in real time on Monday night becomes the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
I’ve known all along that ultimately the love of the Divine is going to win this war for truth. How this plays out remains a mystery. But at least a lot of people are talking about a very fit healthy young world class professional athlete collapsing with no apparent sign or warning. Maybe this will be enough to break the spell that has fallen over our land (at least for some of us).
this is beautiful...thank you celia for including the twitter feed, it really helped me to connect to damar's sweet spirit and tell him to 'never give up'. however tragic he is instigating something great toward the healing of a somewhat stupefied and spiritually incapacitated country...
Where was your Supreme Being when this covid psyop was rolled out huh? Either your Supreme Being is a psychopath who enjoys watching humanity suffer and die or he / she / it is not omnipotent, omniscient, or omnipresent and is merely an absentee landlord. Now which is it? It's funny to me how all so-called believers say it's god's will no matter what happens. How's that for declining to do a damned thing and just passing the buck to an invisible sky daddy. It's very lazy thinking and frankly, it's pathetic.
Modern medicine has done some good, and modern medicine saved my husband's life 10 years ago and also 17 months ago when he had a stroke that was not jab induced because we are both unjabbed. However, modern medicine has also killed a lot of people. I have no Illusions about modern medicine whatsoever just as I have no illusions or more aptly stated, delusions, about any deity up to and including the so-called Christian god.
My husband was also saved by “modern medicine” almost 20 yrs ago when diagnosed with CML, one of the chronic leukemias , so I also rely on the medical community when we become ill, but we need to see some drastic changes in our medical system if we want medical “miracles” to continue. The censorship of physicians and others in the medical field has been responsible for many deaths. I haven’t lived a life without tragedy. My only sibling was murdered in 1963 when she was 17 and I was 19 and it took me many years to come to terms with this. The only thing that got me through this was my Christian faith. Since God gives us a free will the evils perpetrated by man are their fault. If I am wrong in my belief no harm is done when I do leave this world. At least my faith has given me comfort and I hope made me a better person.
I'm sorry for everything you've been through in your life. I got up off my knees and on my feet 29 years ago when my father died at age 53. I've been on my feet ever since. There is no one who is going to save us. We have to save ourselves if we are savable.
I see you have scars. It’s easy to be mad at God for those things but there is nobody who can relate to what you’ve been through more than Jesus. I won’t push the issue any further with you, spirtual beliefs aside I fight for the same causes as you do pertaining to medical censorship and patient rights. I have strong faith but I also link arms with plenty of people who don’t share those beliefs and fight alongside them for the greater good. I’m sorry for what you have been through, I do understand the pain of loss.
Thank you. We shall agree to disagree. Thank you for linking arms with thiose who don't share your faith to fight against those who would see us all dead.
If you’re interested in the answers to these metaphysical questions, there are many religious apologists throughout history who have spoken to the issues you bring up in when you posit that God is either non existent or a psychopath. Just like the answers to the Covid psy-op, it will require an open minded inquiry, and a willingness to suspend initial judgment. It took me a while to be open to the possibility that those who have said they desire a population reduction might actually execute on it. But once you are open to this possibility it has much explanatory power....not saying it’s the “truth”. Blessings.
Down for 9 minutes of CPR, then coded again at hospital. We must be realistic as we hope for the best. Brain death usually occurs within 4 minutes tops if the heart stops.
I hope he lives, period.
I hope he lives--and speaks out against what we know is involved in this.
I don't care about football. Too many people care about football and high-priced ball players when they should be caring about their Communities, Food, Health and the incredible lies and manipulation they are surrounded by.
Cheer for the heroes that grow organic food and tell you how to heal yourself and avoid the doctors.
Even if people have sufficient evidence to wake up to the truth of thousands of elite athletes suffering cardiac episodes and the culprit right in front of their noses they will continue to deny reality. Like a gambler throwing good money into chasing losses they have invested far too much to have the courage, wisdom and humility to do a 180. They've spent two years pushing their loved ones, children even, to be injected with deadly toxins, and would have to face that heartache and their own mortality in the fact that they are walking around with the very toxic substances in their own system that caused Damar Hamlin to collapse in front of millions of eyes. The sad fact is, it will take more shocking episodes like that for enough people to stop denying reality and to begin the great awakening. Those Rasmussen poll results show the tide is turning, but we're not yet there.
Given how much the churches pushed folks to get jabbed as well, I have my doubts that 'organized religions' will admit any wrongdoing soon, by precedent. Look how long it took to get them to even acknowledge abuse by priests, 40 or 50 years of pressure and most of the priests still get off scott free.
I was so frustrated by this during the entire pandemic. What happened to Faith over Fear especially within the religious communities and churches. It was annoying and showed me how weak so many are. We all had access to the same research and disparate voices of reason and people still chose to yield to the propaganda. Giving up any TV 6 years ago was truly one of the best decisions I ever made. The amount of stress that left my life is priceless. (and I'm not being lied to on a daily basis) - Others should consider doing the same, and you save money on your escalating bills too!!!
Thanks Mark. Me as well, though I do not do any of the formal religions but am not suprised the church took the bait too, fear is their main tool and has been...forever as far as I am concerned.
With respect to access to information, folks who only see/hear NPR for instance were and are lied to there, and every other radio stations I tried to listen to, but would turn off when I heard a vax ad AND THEY ARE STILL PLAYING VAX ADS on ALL RADIO STATIONS! (am esp. angered over the local 'coop' radio and local food coops being fully sucked into the narrative as well.) Beyond sad.
No tv for 15 years. Without access to Rumble and Substack, and a few other private news sites, it was and is quite easy to be fully duped by the TNI narrative. I hold the NYT most responsible, folks still trust it, though it has essentially killed them. I hope they really die as a corporation, the NYT, perhaps as the employees kick off, which is already happening. 3 years. Will see.
Churches that want to appeal to young people think that means appealing to weakness and moral ambiguity, since weakness and disordered virtue are hallmarks synonymous with this young generatiom
The Nation is United in Prayer for Hamlin. The Nation is totally divided as to probable cause of this tragedy. I pray that the Nation will become United, if we ever learn the Truth behind Hamlin’s cardiac arrest. The NFL Players should demand to be prescreened for myocarditis before playing another game.
I’m praying for him; and I’m praying for all the invisible sufferers and victims of the totalitarians who mandated people get an experimental injection—still not FDA approved—that killed and tortured them. This event has shaken tens of millions, who saw something the media had hidden from them.
The “narrative” that it is due to something that has never happened before in the NFL, to obscure the truth, is laughable.
Loving attention and prayer are very powerful. May Damar recover fully! May the kindness and prayers enveloping him also benefit everyone involved, & may it move the needle on much, so to speak.
You are a better person than I.
Even though, if I had a preference, I would prefer everyone lived, but I don't know this person and even if I did, he would make his own poor choices, and it won't affect me personally if he dies. Although I have immense empathy for his mother and the rest of his family.
People are dying all over the planet due to starvation, freezing cold, preventable diseases like dysentery, war, drought, etc....does anyone pray for these people, and, if so, does it help?
There will never be a connection between the poison mRNA and suddenitis, or other injuries in the minds of some because the powers that be that decide what we are to think and believe won't allow it to happen.
Look at Musk's twitter---filled with attacks against "antivaxxers" and jab-injury denial.
We NEVER stop trying to educate people, but if I took the jabs and the boasters, I sure as hell wouldn't want to hear about how dangerous they are. See no evil, hear no evil, but they speak PLENTY of evil.
Happy New Year.
When something good shows up, the father of the lie gets busy quickly to cover it up again with lots of ridicule and bitterness. Can be seen everywhere even in comments...
John 6:64-69 ESV /
But there are some of you who do not believe.” (For Jesus knew from the beginning who those were who did not believe, and who it was who would betray him.) And he said, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father.” After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him. So Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?” Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, ...
I’m praying for him; and I’m praying for all the invisible sufferers and victims of the totalitarians who mandated people get an experimental injection—still not FDA approved—that killed and tortured them. This event has shaken tens of millions, who saw something the media had hidden from them.
The “narrative” that it is due to something that has never happened before in the NFL, to obscure the truth, is laughable.
Sad as it is to say, what we really need is this. Superbowl 2023, team B is behind 5pts, their star player has a breakthrough 10m left on the clock, wide open field, he gets the pass, running full speed, at the 10yd line, keels over flat on his face, dead as a stump. That one event could trigger a revolution.
Yeah, assuming he wakes up, what is he going to be left with if he has significant brain damage? And keep that prayer to yourself. Prayer doesn't do a damned thing. If he lives at all and is not a complete vegetable, you can thank modern medicine for that. It's high time people give up on that 2000+ year old myth of an invisible Sky Daddy who looks down on all of us. If there was one, he / she / it would not have allowed these atrocities to happen to begin with, so miss me with that shit.
Interesting that you should say “Modern medicine is what saved him.” Hopefully “ modern medicine “ can save him and bring him back to live a fairly normal life since “modern medicine” is apparently what caused his cardiac arrest in the first place. Personally I prefer to trust in my prayers and my faith in a supreme being more than “modern medicine”.
Bad thing happen so God must not exist.
What childish, stupid logic.
You think believing in the Sky Daddy is logical?
Show me your incontrovertible, mathematical proof.
My email is CindySheehansSoapbox@gmail.com.
If god does exist, he's a mean mo-fo with little regard for its "creation."
You can read all about bad things and good things happening in the Bible to get a better understanding of why. Atheists who haven’t studied the Bible usually make poor scholars and critics of the text. You don’t need me to email you all the reasons for God’s existence there are plenty of apologists who have made a career out of debating people like you. Go listen to Frank Turek (Cross Examined )or Cliff Knechtle (askcliffe) on YouTube there are literally hundreds of videos discussing the topic of why evil exists, and why people who have hardened their hearts towards the subject act the way they do- this is an ancient debate that isn’t really a debate at all for the Christian.
So with your circular logic, when good things happen, it's all because that's what god wanted to happen. Grow up, please and act like a thinking adult.
That’s cute but no educated Christian believes that. You are coming off as an angst-filled teenager who is mad at their parents for not getting enough of an allowance. Your existence alone is enough proof of intelligent design, most people don’t want to believe in God because if God is real, you are accountable and in a whole lot of trouble for the way you’ve lived.
Lol! The existence of all life is not iron clad evidence of intelligent design. We are products of evolution. Now whether or not evolution happened because of some higher intelligence nobody knows. But it is not up to me to prove that an intelligence exists in the universe. It is up to those who believe that an intelligent being exists in the universe to prove that to those of us who do not believe. If you only believe in a higher power because you fear hell and you fear the wrath of some god, you're already screwed. If you believe in this omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent being, don't you think he / she / it knows beyond a shadow of a doubt WHY you believe? If you believe because you are commanded to believe or else you will burn in an everlasting lake of fire with brimstone raining down on your head, then you've already missed the boat. Why is it so difficult for you to believe that people can be decent human beings without believing in a deity? It is possible and we do it every day. And you don't know how I've lived my life, so stop presuming that you do. You'd best pay attention to your own life before you start casting aspersions at mine. There are plenty of people who have read the bible from cover to cover and realize it is nothing but a book of allegories and it is filled with contradictions. It is a book of historical fiction at best. There is not even proof that Jesus Christ was a human being on this Earth, and if he was, he most certainly was not a deity.
You sound like someone who has never done research on the historical evidence for the existence of Christ and His claims. There is more evidence for the existence of Jesus than any other figure in the human records of history as a whole. If you don’t believe Jesus existed then you should throw out everyone from Shakespeare to Socrates having existed too.
Go ahead and go down the rabbit hole of trying to debunk him, if you are honest with yourself you will start to question some of those concepts you are throwing around. I didn’t easily become a Christian, I fought it off and stayed in the darkness with my hedonistic lifestyle for a long time before coming to faith. If you study Darwin and critics of his work, and pull on those strings you’ll see that the worldview you hold to and the evidence for it takes just as much faith as mine. It’s a house of cards built on faith for the atheist all the same. Except I have Hope. In this life and in the next, if there is one. You not so much, it’s darkness either way the line you’re currently walking. I don’t judge you for your lifestyle or beliefs, you are more than free to express them and stand firm on your convictions and you won’t offend me, I would still take you out for lunch and pick up the bill. I enjoy a dialogue with people who don’t hold the same position as I do, I miss the days of people just having conversations without it going into insults and people getting hurt and upset. However God does have a standard for morality and does hold people accountable for their actions according to the scriptures that are still holding strong after 2k years of being tested. It’s worth looking into, we didn’t build all these churches for nothing out here, we have our fair share of proof for the things we claim 😁
Also-What I meant above by your existence being evidence for God, is that you have a uniquely balanced set of circumstances as a human, living in an environment tailored to support your life. From the oxygen and carbon exchange all the way to the alignment of the solar system and the perfect distance we are from the sun- it’s all set in perfect harmony for your existence. That doesn’t happen by accident.
If you don’t believe in God, you don’t believe in morality at all, and nothing matters. You are more dangerous than the most faith filled Christian because you believe we evolved from primordial slime and all of this is just a random accident- what the hell do you care about damar for? He’s just a meat bag without a soul according to your non-beliefs.
Yes I can nutshell it for you. If you claim to have morals as an atheist what are they based on outside of your own personal opinion? Hitler believed he was a superior race of human, what do you have to prove him wrong? Morality is just a man made concept if you don’t have a creator that says we are all made in Gods image and have inherent value. Albert Camus more or less said it this way, that for the atheist the only only question that remains once you strip it all back is why shouldn’t you commit suicide? Life is one big random accident, and we are just purpose-less, soulless, bags of meat. The entire history of human existence is utterly meaningless and this ball of gas will eventually burn down into nothing and to dust we all shall return, everything that ever occurred is absolutely meaningless and will be forgotten.
What utter nonsense.
There's my Kris being real.
I prayed for Casey until I had broken blood vessels (figuratively).
He was still killed.
Does that mean the Sky Daddy hated Casey, who was a super-faithful Christina, or hated me?
I hope Santa brings Damar a new brain.
Thanks for always being a voice of reason, my friend. I'll read you on Fascistbook and reply in 29 days. I'm back in the hoosgow. I've pissed off the censors AGAIN. 😆
Just sharing my hopes and dreams here that Damar somehow pulls through as the love and prayers reach and heal his badly damaged heart. And also the horrifying event millions of us witnessed in real time on Monday night becomes the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
I’ve known all along that ultimately the love of the Divine is going to win this war for truth. How this plays out remains a mystery. But at least a lot of people are talking about a very fit healthy young world class professional athlete collapsing with no apparent sign or warning. Maybe this will be enough to break the spell that has fallen over our land (at least for some of us).
this is beautiful...thank you celia for including the twitter feed, it really helped me to connect to damar's sweet spirit and tell him to 'never give up'. however tragic he is instigating something great toward the healing of a somewhat stupefied and spiritually incapacitated country...
Where was your Supreme Being when this covid psyop was rolled out huh? Either your Supreme Being is a psychopath who enjoys watching humanity suffer and die or he / she / it is not omnipotent, omniscient, or omnipresent and is merely an absentee landlord. Now which is it? It's funny to me how all so-called believers say it's god's will no matter what happens. How's that for declining to do a damned thing and just passing the buck to an invisible sky daddy. It's very lazy thinking and frankly, it's pathetic.
Modern medicine has done some good, and modern medicine saved my husband's life 10 years ago and also 17 months ago when he had a stroke that was not jab induced because we are both unjabbed. However, modern medicine has also killed a lot of people. I have no Illusions about modern medicine whatsoever just as I have no illusions or more aptly stated, delusions, about any deity up to and including the so-called Christian god.
My husband was also saved by “modern medicine” almost 20 yrs ago when diagnosed with CML, one of the chronic leukemias , so I also rely on the medical community when we become ill, but we need to see some drastic changes in our medical system if we want medical “miracles” to continue. The censorship of physicians and others in the medical field has been responsible for many deaths. I haven’t lived a life without tragedy. My only sibling was murdered in 1963 when she was 17 and I was 19 and it took me many years to come to terms with this. The only thing that got me through this was my Christian faith. Since God gives us a free will the evils perpetrated by man are their fault. If I am wrong in my belief no harm is done when I do leave this world. At least my faith has given me comfort and I hope made me a better person.
I'm sorry for everything you've been through in your life. I got up off my knees and on my feet 29 years ago when my father died at age 53. I've been on my feet ever since. There is no one who is going to save us. We have to save ourselves if we are savable.
I see you have scars. It’s easy to be mad at God for those things but there is nobody who can relate to what you’ve been through more than Jesus. I won’t push the issue any further with you, spirtual beliefs aside I fight for the same causes as you do pertaining to medical censorship and patient rights. I have strong faith but I also link arms with plenty of people who don’t share those beliefs and fight alongside them for the greater good. I’m sorry for what you have been through, I do understand the pain of loss.
Thank you. We shall agree to disagree. Thank you for linking arms with thiose who don't share your faith to fight against those who would see us all dead.
If you’re interested in the answers to these metaphysical questions, there are many religious apologists throughout history who have spoken to the issues you bring up in when you posit that God is either non existent or a psychopath. Just like the answers to the Covid psy-op, it will require an open minded inquiry, and a willingness to suspend initial judgment. It took me a while to be open to the possibility that those who have said they desire a population reduction might actually execute on it. But once you are open to this possibility it has much explanatory power....not saying it’s the “truth”. Blessings.
Down for 9 minutes of CPR, then coded again at hospital. We must be realistic as we hope for the best. Brain death usually occurs within 4 minutes tops if the heart stops.
~ And then, there are also miracles and that is realistic too.
Thank you Celia for your work and humanity.