
I was at lunch, at this conference, and got several texts actually begging me to block A. Didn't have my laptop.

Raúl and I left the table, walked back to his house and my laptop, and now I did as was suggested.

I don't think this post is "navel gazing," and I have given many many "warnings" and indications that I am daring to focus on how un-addressed trauma wrecks lives. I am not vulnerable to criticism on that front. Many other sub stacks can tell you exactly what is in the serums, various other fact and science based approaches. I will ban anybody who gets nasty. Lesson learned. Nasty is an unmistakeable frequency. Nobody has to be here or read any of this! I'm happy with my new thinker skin, for the record. Going back to lunch now.

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I'm glad that you blocked A personally. I read some of the comments they posted. It was nasty. What is interesting to me is that I just had a talk last night with my 12 year-old son who I am home schooling. I told him that everyone has a devil and an angel inside of them and its up to him to choose which one he listens to. Does he see the worst in everyone, think that they are laughing at him etc or does he give people a chance, is he kind towards others? That is what I think about A, he or she or it (maybe its a bot) is channeling evil. A has chosen to listen to the devil inside of them. He is not kind towards others.

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I wish kids were given more information about normal growth and development , as well as disordered growth and development - so that they CAN recognize that a bully's repeated behavior is actually a psychosis .

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Celia, although we have never met, I feel like I know you fairly well from reading your articles and reading about you. You are a beautiful person, with an attitude of continually bettering yourself. As far as criticism goes, if you are putting yourself out there to the publicc, you sre going to get criticism. It does not matter who you are, or what you say, you will be liked by some and disliked by some. That's just life. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and He might not have blocked anybody, we don't know, but I don't believe He would expect you or anyone else to take endless criticism. It's just pointless to debate someone who will never accept what you say. Block them. You don't need that in your life. God bless you and please keep up the good work and take as many rest breaks as you need. It's important to look after yourself.

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Thank you Dutch, for the kind words. I feel that Anna Runkle has created a new "space" for so many people to be a little kinder to ourselves and accept that we have, yes, brain damage, and can't "read the room," like others can. I'm very happy we saw those sheep. I get very happy over all the small things. I want to live in a kind world. That also means BE more kind. Not get "triggered."

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You are most welcome Celia. I wish all the best for you. I don't know if you're one of a kind, but I think you are very close.

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I DMd you yesterday about this. I don’t know if you read it but I hope we get to talk soon!

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This is uncanny timely! I had a ‘nasty’ barb sent to me the past week and have been processing it every way I know including reading your posts on it. The recent full moon in Aries seems to have brought contention and bullying out for lots of folks!

But I got stuck with moving on about the ‘how’ to do that as it’s a close family member. Reading your comment just now, I realise that’s why they were reacting this way - they imagined I was the ‘bully’. 🤣

Well there it is - the Hall of mirrors. All I need to do is not engage. Period. They are dreaming an old past memory.

Thank you, Celia, for offering this timely topic.

May we all awaken each other up from our nightmares. 💨

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Whoa! I thought when one supports (financially or otherwise) a person it’s more symbolic than actually buying the right to criticize every opinion they express or action they take. When you love and respect another human being and are grateful they exist in your life you don’t need to agree with them on every point. It takes amazing courage to put yourself out in the world in print. I have been grateful for Celia since that fateful moment back in the 90’s when I found her article in SPIN magazine which taught me what not to fear and who not to trust.

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Liane, wow, have we been together in time and space (though we never met) that long? Back in the SPIN years I somehow never understood that anybody who did not work there read the magazine. Very strange idea, I know, but I never understood that, quite. Like…people are reading this? Life gets stranger by the hour.

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"grateful they exist" — yesh, some people actually change the course of our lives, our thinking.

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Celia, stand your ground and do what you need to do to heal. Please don't let yourself be gaslighted by a narcissist who is emotionally abusing you.

The progress you have made in becoming the person God always meant for you to be is commendable and important. Keep going.

Another book you may want to add to your arsenal is one that has been very important to me in my healing journey: "Boundaries and Relationships" by Charles L. Whitfield. In fact, most of his books are worthwhile.


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Cheryl, thank you—I never heard of that one, by Charles Whitfield.

I still wish I could have understood what I did to upset "A" so much. But it's not possible now, I'll let it go. Ralph told me it was getting really vicious so I didn't read it.

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You didn't do anything, Celia, and that was the problem. It sounds like "A" glommed onto to you in an attempt to get an unmet need assuaged: she wanted you to tell her, over and over, that what she shared with you was valuable, as that would make her feel valuable. Ironically, her behavior was almost an advertisement for the trauma she must have experienced somewhere along the line (most likely childhood) and the trauma responses she unconsciously fell back on to survive. It's sad, but it's important to not let our boundaries become enmeshed with those who would happily drag us down with them.

I speak from 54 years of experience: all of my relationships were enmeshed in some way because I did not get my emotional needs met as a child. If it had not been for Alice Miller and "The Body Never Lies," which I stumbled upon three years ago, I don't know that I'd have ever understood my issues or ever been able to overcome the neuroses that were taking me prisoner.

I've shared some of my own healing journey at my Substack publication, but this essay deals with "Boundaries and Relationships": https://cherylruffing.substack.com/p/boundaries-and-a-bill-of-rights

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A shows classic signs of malignant narcissism. I almost never say that. She aimed hate at anyone. You did nothing wrong.

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I must admit that part of me finds this contemporary world shocking. When I was young and poor, I sometimes dreaded getting the mail because of the bills. Now it's checking my email in the morning because there might be some shocking and upsetting communication. This is not how it is supposed to be! I wish I knew Siobahn, personally--my interactions with her have left me incredibly impressed. But, yes, I am glad you blocked this person too.

I spent last Saturday at an artist's compound in the woods pressing cider. We all sat around and peeled the bruises from the apples and threw them in the barrels of water which the kids fed into the press which the men operated. The cider was delicious. They don't have TV or phones and everything--or I mean everything, they built themselves. Art was everywhere. They had literally created and holistically absorbed their art. The neighbors came to help with the press. Not a phone in sight. In fact, I don't think there was reception. Everything about this felt right.

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That sounds heavenly. A.M. I dread email too. I want to be making cider with you! Raul and his girlfriend Greta they make vinegars and olives from their own trees.

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You're right. Jesus wouldn't block anybody. And he won't block you, either. So, I'd urge you to process your feelings through your Christian worldview. In other words, don't leave Jesus out of your healing process. He loves you. Heck, I love you and I've never met you before or exchanged a word outside of Substack articles. From my perspective, it's encouraging watching you evolve and work through your life issues. You are giving a lot of people hope for their own life transformation. I have no idea what the kerfuffle was that prompted this posting (nor do I really want to know), but from everything I've seen, you're an honest, stand-up person, and I think you want the best for everybody around you. I think you live a pretty cool life (I've never been to Alzaina, for instance) even if it seems like there is trouble. I happened to attend a men's Bible study this morning, and one of the verses we looked at was James 1:2-4. I think it applies to your situation right now: "2 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. 4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." It may feel rough right now, but you are being made "perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." So, soldier on and cling to Jesus, girl.

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I'm soldiering! "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.." I love that. Thank you David.

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My pleasure. Any time.

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Very good article! I'd have given you a 'like' but it doesn't work.

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it might work on phone but not laptop.

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Thanks! "Like" seems to work for me, for whatever reason. Celia said it was broken, but I seem to be able to click it and have it "stick."

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I see the likes, so I guess it works for some but not for others.

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what did you have for lunch? love how this internet-induced social awkwardness event is woven into your picaresque bus journey, including missed busses, to a small town near Málaga. this wrapping in context of service to a higher cause at furthest outposts adds such warmth and idiosyncracy.

I've never seen such an unfortunate comment situation handled with such grace. I'm grateful to the subscribers who asked Celia to cut the infamous A. I'd seen some of the comments on previous post and was dismayed by the tone, the disintegration.

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the world is full of assholes who want to beat you up and stop you. they've been after you for 40 years. maybe more.

don't beat yourself up. don't do their work for them

you have every right to ban trolls and/or cia/dod infiltrators

on a lighter note, i once got a fortune cookie which told me to "respond to criticism like an artist." i get the sense that whoever came up with that fortune had no idea how funny it was. or maybe the ambiguity stems from translation

i put it up on my fridge

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That's great.

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"But if I can stay in my skin, when somebody tells me I totally suck, if I can “sit with it,” and not catastrophize, and try to accept the truth of important feedback, and try to get better—there is maturity and healing in that."

THIS!!! 👆👆👆👆👆

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Querida Celia…on a more upbeat note, I was at a small gathering yesterday in Escondido, CA at a chiropractic practice, Future Generations, hosted by Stan Hom with Alex Zeck, who did a presentation about infectious disease.

(Basically the ‘false narrative’ that surrounds viruses, and how they are supposedly ‘isolated’ and have never been successfully ‘isoslated’.) The topic of the “HIV virus” came up. (Alex has a podcast The Way Forward and recently did a podcast “Episode 123 -Story-Time: HIV AIDS, The True History & Viral Delusion with Michael Wallace, which I linked below.)

I mentioned your name as being connected to the exposing of “the false HIV narrative”, and many people in the room knew of you and your writing. I see that as a SIGN, that though it may not seem so at present, with the tone and comments from your posts about CPSTD, there are many people out there that know of you and respect the writing you do (and the thinking surrounding it)! Even out here in Sunny SoCA!


So take a few deep breaths, cuddle your kitties, have a cup of te de manzanilla, and let go of the “commenter A’s” of the world. You don’t need them.

Speaking for myself, I so appreciate what you write about (all subjects) and look forward to your Substacks in my ‘in box’!

And I am a paid subscriber. You were the first Substack I subscribed to, and then after only a few ‘free’ ones converted to a paid subscription.

Con cariño…FL

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Oh, thank you dear Frontera, this cheers me up.

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What I so appreciate about you , Celia, is that you are truthful, honest, real. Blocking someone obnoxious seems like the right choice, as this is your site. About trauma: I thought that as I aged, and then became old, that trauma was over, no longer affected, over. Yet I have had huge trauma, and I STILL disappear, STILL must consciously regulate. Right now I am sitting after a terrible fall on my way to work, tripping over a lip of cement. I've unconsciously forced myself to stop and look and listen. AGAIN. Anyway, thank you very much.

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I hope you get better soon. Do you like bone broth? It can be incredibly healing and also soothing. Take a beef bone and boil it 2 hrs—salt, pepper, cayenne, bay leaves, onion, garlic.

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I’m very happy you blocked her/him. (No other pronouns!!). Whoever A was it was futile to try and help the arrogance, self obsession and denial A had… too boring to go on about it. Happy they have been jogged on!

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Celia, you are a lovely woman and this is your space to do with as you please. You do what you must. I do not like critical comments fielded by others about you. Nobody can argue against me that you have a pretty name. All they have to do is whisper it.

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Edward! Thank you. I'm about to pass out from exhaustion—I will reply to more comments here tomorrow morning. Sending love to the whole gang, thanks for staying with me today. phew!

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Celia, there would be as much of a chance of biDUMB getting a life than of me ever abandoning you precious woman. Of course you are emotionally exhausted. There was a song recorded in my day by Roy Orbison and it seems to have been referential to all women here, far before our time. It was called "Pretty Woman" but originally was titled "Pretty Women" to be inclusive before "inclusivity" was twisted like a pretzel. Thank you gal for being who and what you are.

Always Edward

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Celia, you are a breath of good air. Following not only your personal journey, but the work you do to enlighten anyone desiring to find truth. If a commenter does not resonate with your personal observations or what you find to be useful for you and wanting to share with others, you are learning to not take it personally. It's hard. Has been for me too. That's why I am one of your followers. As a subscriber I find it all quite resonant; as well as most of what others take away in their comments from your posts. I read all of the comments from A. At first I thought this person just wanted to share information, but it turned into something else. Attack mode took over and by the end I was hoping that A had exhausted all of her/his frustrations so I commented that 'nobody's perfect.' There was a rebuttal. I ignored it. A can't be satisfied. I'm not sorry.

Wonderful little video. People, animals, feeling love. What could be better. Have a wonderful day :)

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Not selling a book , not really aware of even who is Celia Farber , I think that maybe someone sent me something once - however , I had wanted to share a thought here that may help people looking to resolve recurring issues ( Problems that keep happening over and over again ) The temporal can only be explained by the infinite . When the infinite is experienced in an incomplete way , it has a tendency to skew the temporal reality , and show up like a skipping record , ground hog day , the same trouble , over and over . Imagine if you have a palette of watercolors , and one or two colors are missing . The painting you make is never going to satisfy , it will never accurately feel balanced . Because the palette is missing something . "Il manque quelque chose " is what the psychiatrist said to my mom , about my Aspergers father . At that time , in those days , they did not really know about this situation . But it never was right for her . Her life really was difficult . Finally , after a stroke , at the rehab , a darling nurse who had worked with autistic children said to me " Your father is high functioning autisitc , this is not the stroke , he IS this . " I nearly fell to the ground . When I told my mom , I said to her to sit down , before sharing the diagnosis . Suddenly , the world made sense , where as the missing information , like a missing base color in a paint set , was suddenly made aware . When you have trouble , sure , look to the roof to see if a tree fell on it , but also , go to the basement , turn a light on , and look around . See if there is a structural element that could have caused that crack in the roof that the rain is falling through .

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Once again, I am amazed at the things I can learn from you. I had no idea that the French had such an attachment for string beans. It had never occurred to me how much different life would be without them. Fortunately, on a recent trip to Costco, I was able to pick up several cases of both French cut and regular sliced cans of green beans. I also picked up some cases of cream of mushroom soup. Unfortunately, they did not have the crispy fried onions that go on the top of that particular casserole. I think it must be a holiday thing.

If you should ever find yourself in a position where you are unable to get a good string bean, I want you to know that you are welcome to as much of my supply as you would need. You are the best.

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Dearest Natalie

My best friend for decades is a woman abused from her childhood mentally, emotionally and physically.  I dare say like all abused women, they have a specific capacity to be highly intelligent and present as I see them in reality as inner and outer beautiful, and representations of God's most precious and uniquely beautiful character that embodies the nobler character traits above the "male" gender.

As we corresponded on a "Women and Abuse" BB, she carefully evaluated me and investigated me thoroughly until I sent her my CPIC (criminal record) issued by police with verifying address, name, and telephone number.

At that point she told me much as she trusted me completely and what I heard tore huge chunks out of my heart.  The empathy and trust, respect and validation I showered on her drew us close together and it has been almost three decades now.  I adore and cherish that gal and will to my end.  Yes, I expect she has an IQ in the top one percent of the population.  Stunningly beautiful, she needed affection and validation I gave her as well as gifts.

I regret your hurt, your pain and you are precious beyond configurative calculation.

I cannot comprehend how and why males are bullies and abusers of God's highest creation that in my estimation and correlative abilities, beggars description.  

Understand that any wrong choices do not mean one is stupid, but oft prove that trust has been misplaced.  IT appears you battled your way out of the quandary that was not of your making and you have come out of the other end of the tunnel shining and true to yourself.

I am a rough spoken man based on the corruption and injustice I see as well as the corruption all around me. You already know that if you do not look after yourself that nobody else will and it appears you did just that.

Keep on lovely woman, and never forget you are of infinite worth and incalculable value.

Always Edward

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beautiful inspiring comment Edward. I will write more tomorrow, after sleep.

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...and you are a beautiful inside and out inspiring woman Celia with the pretty name.

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