This morning I sent out a post about how AI spellcheck, despite my vigilance, had turned my “Jennens” in the headline to “Jennings” in the Handel’s Messiah Advent posting, for Dec.
Let go of the cellphone which was the worst offender to me for autocorrect, my term being 'hammer-smashing time'....similar to the nudge, 'do this do this do it this way' to which i responded, finally, by getting a landline. Its under fifteen dollars a month, (Ooma brand) my cell was closer to $50 monthly. Folks more than 50 yrs old have lived through so many tech changes (for example -records to 8 tracks to cassete tapes to CD's (large ones then small ones but the small ones didnt work out too much compression?) and finally back to records again, with CDs. too, to just online music (for some). See the pattern? By the end of this we might be using dixie cup telephones again!!! Technology has no opinion, in the truest sense. We must choose what works for us best, live music in a pub or victrola. They are so concerned with good spelling, but it can have so little to do with good thinking.
I assume you have an internet connection via a box? Maybe not. I've been using a virtual landline for 15 years from a European company called OVH. It works fine in USA, when I'm there and my clients call me from europe, they have no idea that I'm not in Europe if I don't tell them. The monthly fee is 1.19 euros. It works from anywhere on Earth where you have internet. You can either use a voip device and a telephone (or the two integrated in one device) or you can use it on your computer using a great piece of free software called "phoner lite".
It won't be easy for "them" to see where you are when you call or answer a call.
I'd be happy to help you figure it out if you're interested.
Even cell phone junkies seem to know that you just don't need to be accessible 24/7.
We can and need to create our own internet with cheap equipment and low bandwidth.
We can integrate the two together and send links with the low bandwidth in anonymity and watch the high bandwidth links on the internet which will soon be total poison as opposed to partial poison.
a low bandwidth method of communicating would be the worst nightmare of the horrible int'l bankers who have been laughing at us while also being scared to death of us.
Thanks macDuff, yes I have a box internet connection. This info is great, I will see. I am tending to want to avoid the wireless router altogether, for the 5g issues on the brain, vs finding a go around, but as you say we need all (esp. low budget) solutions. Iwill see about OVH. best
I have been using open source software on my routers for 20 years. This software makes a mockery of the crapware which is delivered on a commercial router. I can reduce the wifi output power to one milliwatt. The same is true about the more important device, your computer. Some wifi cards can be reduced in power output, some can't. If yours can't, turn it off and get one for 5 bucks that plugs into a usb port which can.
But something I bet most people don't realize, your computer or your cell phone has an oscillator in the same frequency range as "normal" wifi. Wifi is limited to 100 milliwatts, but the oscillator in the pc or telephone is orders of magnitude more powerful. So I'm skeptical about what "they" say about wifi, because to use wifi, you're necessarily using a device which is so much more harmful than wifi.
Why has this never been mentioned anywhere in the press that I've seen?
I should have known a long time ago, but it took until I met a person known to be sensitive to hyperfrequency. I told her no problem, I'll turn the wifi off on the box. (one can either have it off or at full power!). During the night I saw that she'd turned it off and I finally understood. It was the oscillator powering the processor in the internet box which was keeping her from sleeping. I bet the wifi wouldn't have bothered her!
I bought a device to measure the intensity of radio and magnetic fields. I saw that my older dell emitted 1000 times more emf than my newer dell. Simple, the newer one has aluminum foil all the way around it.
So people mocking regarding tin foil hats are doofuses (as though you needed to be told that).
My solution for the girl who couldn't sleep with the box on? I went to the dump and grabbed a microwave oven and put the box inside of it. Problem solved.
Well it was good that this conversation happened, because it made me realize that I actually missed a big conspiracy that's been going on for a long time. I think that they've been vilifying wifi for a long time to keep us from noticing that the thing that's doing us more harm is the computer itself, that goes for smartphones too. So we have people saying wifi is killing us and the makers of the wifi are denying it. We figure they're lying and taking advantage of the long period that would be necessary to properly prove it. Maybe we're wrong and it's the presence of the devices with the powerful oscillator for their central processing unit which is hurting us more.
Dell reduced the ghz emissions of their laptops 13 years ago with the aluminum foil, and they never mentioned that in any advertising. Seems like a selling point to me, but I guess you have to admit that you're still hurting people, only less.
All over the world the taxpayer has paid 100% (at least) of the costs to build that fiber network. Then they give away the rights to exploit it to lightly disguised fascist friends. Then when nobody's looking the congress forgives the operator's "debt". I've seen that in more than one country. It's a typical thing. Like make the taxpayer build the interstates, then turn them into toll roads and the money goes to the operator who doesn't even maintain those roads.
And yet this is a case where we could cut their profits down to almost nothing while working together on a project. I think that one of the things "they" fear the most is all of us working together on a project. Imagine the precedent that would set! Soon other people would find ways to do the same in their own domain. We could really stop almost all of these corporate profits from leaving our pockets.
I think they don't like the idea of people making their own wifi networks even if it seems to be authorized everywhere. No doubt they intend to crack down on it soon by making us all prove that we're vaccinated against fake virus particles in order to connect to the internet.
Wow again. Yes, the general conversation about wifi risks never mention the computer or phone, its the towers towers towers. I have a Dell stationary computer, and have had a Dell laptop in the past that did a good decade before timing out with wear and tear. I know the fiber optic networks were all the rage as I was growing up and now no mention of them and the above ground systems now, more insideous and ugly to boot. I am a fan of the Appropriate Technology groups, there are a few. I tend to laugh at what has become of our 'genius' replacement of the pencil and paper, how could so much new equipment represent any kind of money or time saving, or I guess who's money or time was being saved. Ha. And the toll booths you mention, which makes me think of how one must throw the quarters into the baskets as you roll by in your car, something so desparate about it with no human standing there. Re health, I have noticed that over the years my ears have increased in ringing, for which I make (cheaper) a Skullcap tincture which works wonders on the tinnitus. Also, for tinnitus, I have found drinking a glass of water with some grey natural Sea Salt can help alot, often Celtic salt but local better, if you live near a sea. Helps process potassium and gives trace minerals that all the chlorines and such take from us. Back to the dumputers, maybe I can get a meter and measure whats happening at my work station, as well. A good meter was about 200-300 bucks, last I checked. As Mom said, they get you 'comin and goin' these days. Best madDuff, glad to carry on in email, mine is my name (all one word) at, if you like. Thanks Celia, as well, for the opport to discuss.
Thanks Dawn, should add, it's actually a 4g phone, but stationary. Was the closest I could find to said landline. But they don't seem to exist as far as I know, in the old sense. Hope I am wrong, I am sure there are still quite a few of them out there, the old Bell wall phones. One bigger goal is to turn my computer connection into a wired one again, and turn off our wifi router; maybe my mind would think better if I did. I remember when cell phones came out and we were all worried about the effect of 3g on the brain....then, crickets.....yep, they want us ded. F'em. best from ORegon
I connect 50 families on one fiber optic connection in europe. That means my cost is about 60 cents / month / family.
Everybody can do this. I'd be happy to help anybody who wants to try.
I've been living off of this idea for 20 years now, and I've gotten good enough at it to where I don't know anybody who works less than I do. And I'm doing well in spite of having all of my time free. Not the worst problem to have.
most hacking takes advantage of the consumers ignorance. Your land line with no wifi doesn't reduce your ignorance of how they can get you. I haven't used an anti-virus program for more than 15 years. It's a scam. All you need to know is the same advice mommy gave you when you were a kid. Don't take candy from strangers.
Despite decades of profound errors and propaganda, I don't recall the legacy media making such a clear apology for important stories. If real journalism is taught anywhere anymore, you should either teach it or - at the very least - guest lecture. You won't because they aren't. What you do is no longer taught.
At this point in time , I call this the Tech Wall , the technology which was created to assist the advance of humanity can rapidly become a prison . I have had this experience with very specific words and its a bit frightening , as my question is , who is playing the game out there with us ? Obviously in terms of real heathy information , people rapidly moved to using code words , why >? Because there are real programming initiatives , its like propoganda , but it's reversed. An ecuadorian nanny who I chat with occasionally will instantly correct the two year old twins if they speak any words but spanish with her . I am sure she is "Doing her Job " but it is offensive to me as the children are just engaging with the power of speech , and are being radically dominated by this interruptive behavior . I leave my little rant with " It's only just begun. "
Her parents are home working , and I am sure that she was instructed to speak Spanish with the children . English is the treasure box of languages , as it has the largest compounded options , Spanish is a language that is not only dictatorial, but has a tendency to dominate any country that it is introduced into , because of its simplistic ( read Simplicated ) and dictatorial nature .
This is so funny, I noticed this kind of fuckery starting at least 12 months ago. So far it is mostly confined to my phone which constantly suggests incorrect spellings or words and never picks up obvious misspelling.
Either it is that the AI has gone insane due to constant fiddling with it's programming or it is deliberate attempt to fuck with dissidents and get them off platforms such as twitter.
Did you know that these programmers somehow are making the equipment more complicated than necessary? I read somewhere they are doing it on purpose probably ordered by business heads to keep us quiet and off their backs..
Never had I ever accumulated that much IT timeslip
Then (dos 6.22) db corrupt because pwr fail and smartdrv mem cache program stepped on open file because no write back, and upon reboot nasty errors trying to open billing db-
I knew what to do to repair- butt I was a basket weaver case and a half-
Handed task to peer who was really a vet supervisor in eyes back then; lot of trust-
Within moments he said "look" and I saw the splash screen for the money software open, and I wrote a script right then to always compact copy preserve state prior to open-
Problems like encountered then are still prevalent sneaky in different ways; so much changes toward an idiot proof all the while old traps persist ...
At the end of writing long or short wordproduct, advice is hand the human gaze and spell check over and pour a martini or lite a... (please don't hate niteshade plant)
All spellchecks pale in comparison to a well presencelit, paid honestly comfortable human who loves you-
This is a spoof of a hacker who has done too much acid who can't transpose clear thoughts into clear English, right? It's quite well done, although the reference to nightshades is beyond me as I find tomatoes, and eggplants quite tasty.
too bad that cat of yours can't proofread your work. Of course maybe he can and you're just not understanding when he makes the gesture to indicate that he senses that you're making and repeating a silly error. Try to remember what he was doing while this was going on, maybe you can learn to access his wisdom eventually.
That's okay, just don't repeat your use of the word "nauseous" applied to yourself, as you did in a post some weeks ago, describing how you felt, when you should have used "nauseated." If you pull that stunt again I'll have to report your post for making me feel ill. Or, just blame it on an autocorrect spellchecker. I wish there were, not was, a way to disable autocorrect spellchecker on my Android phone but Google, a Fascist front company creation of the Criminally Insane Assholes, as is Farcebook, wants total control of our minds even what words we use, and how those words are spelled. It's odd because I doubt asswipes like Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, and Brin, all dumb fuck fonts, know how to write or spell above a 6th grade level.
(Somehow, in the fury to demonize ivermectin this little ditty slipped by the wayside)
'In January 2021, NIH upgraded its ivermectin stance from ‘not recommended’ to ‘neither recommended nor not recommended’ based upon a limited set of randomized controlled trials (RCT). If only considering RCTs, the ongoing meta-analysis found a 64% observed improvement in 27 studies involving 4,489 subjects. '
Let go of the cellphone which was the worst offender to me for autocorrect, my term being 'hammer-smashing time'....similar to the nudge, 'do this do this do it this way' to which i responded, finally, by getting a landline. Its under fifteen dollars a month, (Ooma brand) my cell was closer to $50 monthly. Folks more than 50 yrs old have lived through so many tech changes (for example -records to 8 tracks to cassete tapes to CD's (large ones then small ones but the small ones didnt work out too much compression?) and finally back to records again, with CDs. too, to just online music (for some). See the pattern? By the end of this we might be using dixie cup telephones again!!! Technology has no opinion, in the truest sense. We must choose what works for us best, live music in a pub or victrola. They are so concerned with good spelling, but it can have so little to do with good thinking.
I assume you have an internet connection via a box? Maybe not. I've been using a virtual landline for 15 years from a European company called OVH. It works fine in USA, when I'm there and my clients call me from europe, they have no idea that I'm not in Europe if I don't tell them. The monthly fee is 1.19 euros. It works from anywhere on Earth where you have internet. You can either use a voip device and a telephone (or the two integrated in one device) or you can use it on your computer using a great piece of free software called "phoner lite".
It won't be easy for "them" to see where you are when you call or answer a call.
I'd be happy to help you figure it out if you're interested.
Even cell phone junkies seem to know that you just don't need to be accessible 24/7.
We can and need to create our own internet with cheap equipment and low bandwidth.
We can integrate the two together and send links with the low bandwidth in anonymity and watch the high bandwidth links on the internet which will soon be total poison as opposed to partial poison.
a low bandwidth method of communicating would be the worst nightmare of the horrible int'l bankers who have been laughing at us while also being scared to death of us.
Thanks macDuff, yes I have a box internet connection. This info is great, I will see. I am tending to want to avoid the wireless router altogether, for the 5g issues on the brain, vs finding a go around, but as you say we need all (esp. low budget) solutions. Iwill see about OVH. best
I have been using open source software on my routers for 20 years. This software makes a mockery of the crapware which is delivered on a commercial router. I can reduce the wifi output power to one milliwatt. The same is true about the more important device, your computer. Some wifi cards can be reduced in power output, some can't. If yours can't, turn it off and get one for 5 bucks that plugs into a usb port which can.
But something I bet most people don't realize, your computer or your cell phone has an oscillator in the same frequency range as "normal" wifi. Wifi is limited to 100 milliwatts, but the oscillator in the pc or telephone is orders of magnitude more powerful. So I'm skeptical about what "they" say about wifi, because to use wifi, you're necessarily using a device which is so much more harmful than wifi.
Why has this never been mentioned anywhere in the press that I've seen?
I should have known a long time ago, but it took until I met a person known to be sensitive to hyperfrequency. I told her no problem, I'll turn the wifi off on the box. (one can either have it off or at full power!). During the night I saw that she'd turned it off and I finally understood. It was the oscillator powering the processor in the internet box which was keeping her from sleeping. I bet the wifi wouldn't have bothered her!
I bought a device to measure the intensity of radio and magnetic fields. I saw that my older dell emitted 1000 times more emf than my newer dell. Simple, the newer one has aluminum foil all the way around it.
So people mocking regarding tin foil hats are doofuses (as though you needed to be told that).
My solution for the girl who couldn't sleep with the box on? I went to the dump and grabbed a microwave oven and put the box inside of it. Problem solved.
I knew none of this. Again, thank you macDuff, no one talks about these solutions and info re wifi.
Well it was good that this conversation happened, because it made me realize that I actually missed a big conspiracy that's been going on for a long time. I think that they've been vilifying wifi for a long time to keep us from noticing that the thing that's doing us more harm is the computer itself, that goes for smartphones too. So we have people saying wifi is killing us and the makers of the wifi are denying it. We figure they're lying and taking advantage of the long period that would be necessary to properly prove it. Maybe we're wrong and it's the presence of the devices with the powerful oscillator for their central processing unit which is hurting us more.
Dell reduced the ghz emissions of their laptops 13 years ago with the aluminum foil, and they never mentioned that in any advertising. Seems like a selling point to me, but I guess you have to admit that you're still hurting people, only less.
All over the world the taxpayer has paid 100% (at least) of the costs to build that fiber network. Then they give away the rights to exploit it to lightly disguised fascist friends. Then when nobody's looking the congress forgives the operator's "debt". I've seen that in more than one country. It's a typical thing. Like make the taxpayer build the interstates, then turn them into toll roads and the money goes to the operator who doesn't even maintain those roads.
And yet this is a case where we could cut their profits down to almost nothing while working together on a project. I think that one of the things "they" fear the most is all of us working together on a project. Imagine the precedent that would set! Soon other people would find ways to do the same in their own domain. We could really stop almost all of these corporate profits from leaving our pockets.
I think they don't like the idea of people making their own wifi networks even if it seems to be authorized everywhere. No doubt they intend to crack down on it soon by making us all prove that we're vaccinated against fake virus particles in order to connect to the internet.
Wow again. Yes, the general conversation about wifi risks never mention the computer or phone, its the towers towers towers. I have a Dell stationary computer, and have had a Dell laptop in the past that did a good decade before timing out with wear and tear. I know the fiber optic networks were all the rage as I was growing up and now no mention of them and the above ground systems now, more insideous and ugly to boot. I am a fan of the Appropriate Technology groups, there are a few. I tend to laugh at what has become of our 'genius' replacement of the pencil and paper, how could so much new equipment represent any kind of money or time saving, or I guess who's money or time was being saved. Ha. And the toll booths you mention, which makes me think of how one must throw the quarters into the baskets as you roll by in your car, something so desparate about it with no human standing there. Re health, I have noticed that over the years my ears have increased in ringing, for which I make (cheaper) a Skullcap tincture which works wonders on the tinnitus. Also, for tinnitus, I have found drinking a glass of water with some grey natural Sea Salt can help alot, often Celtic salt but local better, if you live near a sea. Helps process potassium and gives trace minerals that all the chlorines and such take from us. Back to the dumputers, maybe I can get a meter and measure whats happening at my work station, as well. A good meter was about 200-300 bucks, last I checked. As Mom said, they get you 'comin and goin' these days. Best madDuff, glad to carry on in email, mine is my name (all one word) at, if you like. Thanks Celia, as well, for the opport to discuss.
I am seriously considering this. we have a 2 year old house and I don't think there is any way to connect a landline phone.
Your computer company's box should have a connection on the back (meaning, somewhere)
Thanks Dawn, should add, it's actually a 4g phone, but stationary. Was the closest I could find to said landline. But they don't seem to exist as far as I know, in the old sense. Hope I am wrong, I am sure there are still quite a few of them out there, the old Bell wall phones. One bigger goal is to turn my computer connection into a wired one again, and turn off our wifi router; maybe my mind would think better if I did. I remember when cell phones came out and we were all worried about the effect of 3g on the brain....then, crickets.....yep, they want us ded. F'em. best from ORegon
I connect 50 families on one fiber optic connection in europe. That means my cost is about 60 cents / month / family.
Everybody can do this. I'd be happy to help anybody who wants to try.
I've been living off of this idea for 20 years now, and I've gotten good enough at it to where I don't know anybody who works less than I do. And I'm doing well in spite of having all of my time free. Not the worst problem to have.
We have an ATT land line. It ain't cheap, but AFAIK it's much harder to hack.
most hacking takes advantage of the consumers ignorance. Your land line with no wifi doesn't reduce your ignorance of how they can get you. I haven't used an anti-virus program for more than 15 years. It's a scam. All you need to know is the same advice mommy gave you when you were a kid. Don't take candy from strangers.
Despite decades of profound errors and propaganda, I don't recall the legacy media making such a clear apology for important stories. If real journalism is taught anywhere anymore, you should either teach it or - at the very least - guest lecture. You won't because they aren't. What you do is no longer taught.
At this point in time , I call this the Tech Wall , the technology which was created to assist the advance of humanity can rapidly become a prison . I have had this experience with very specific words and its a bit frightening , as my question is , who is playing the game out there with us ? Obviously in terms of real heathy information , people rapidly moved to using code words , why >? Because there are real programming initiatives , its like propoganda , but it's reversed. An ecuadorian nanny who I chat with occasionally will instantly correct the two year old twins if they speak any words but spanish with her . I am sure she is "Doing her Job " but it is offensive to me as the children are just engaging with the power of speech , and are being radically dominated by this interruptive behavior . I leave my little rant with " It's only just begun. "
Where are her parents (not sure if they are your kids)? Unfortunately, all joking aside, you might be better off having them learn Spanish now.
Her parents are home working , and I am sure that she was instructed to speak Spanish with the children . English is the treasure box of languages , as it has the largest compounded options , Spanish is a language that is not only dictatorial, but has a tendency to dominate any country that it is introduced into , because of its simplistic ( read Simplicated ) and dictatorial nature .
It ruins many of my posts. I think my mind and a second read is better than auto change.
This is so funny, I noticed this kind of fuckery starting at least 12 months ago. So far it is mostly confined to my phone which constantly suggests incorrect spellings or words and never picks up obvious misspelling.
Either it is that the AI has gone insane due to constant fiddling with it's programming or it is deliberate attempt to fuck with dissidents and get them off platforms such as twitter.
Did you know that these programmers somehow are making the equipment more complicated than necessary? I read somewhere they are doing it on purpose probably ordered by business heads to keep us quiet and off their backs..
On a similar note, that would certainly tally with how difficult it is becoming to access platforms and systems.
Problem - security issues around logins, hacked passwords
Reaction - Over complicate = too many and over-complex passwords
Solution - Digital Biometric ID
I just turned off spellcheck.,it works fine!
I have to undo spell check. Click and it goes away.
Eight grand in one month billing...
Never had I ever accumulated that much IT timeslip
Then (dos 6.22) db corrupt because pwr fail and smartdrv mem cache program stepped on open file because no write back, and upon reboot nasty errors trying to open billing db-
I knew what to do to repair- butt I was a basket weaver case and a half-
Handed task to peer who was really a vet supervisor in eyes back then; lot of trust-
Within moments he said "look" and I saw the splash screen for the money software open, and I wrote a script right then to always compact copy preserve state prior to open-
Problems like encountered then are still prevalent sneaky in different ways; so much changes toward an idiot proof all the while old traps persist ...
At the end of writing long or short wordproduct, advice is hand the human gaze and spell check over and pour a martini or lite a... (please don't hate niteshade plant)
All spellchecks pale in comparison to a well presencelit, paid honestly comfortable human who loves you-
This is a spoof of a hacker who has done too much acid who can't transpose clear thoughts into clear English, right? It's quite well done, although the reference to nightshades is beyond me as I find tomatoes, and eggplants quite tasty.
and dam hard to smoke.
It is nice to be of such a vintage that you still feel bad about your errors.
Is there some way to turn off the Harmacide, or is it prebaked liked spellcheck?
I'll check it out. Thanks.
Hey, it happens!
too bad that cat of yours can't proofread your work. Of course maybe he can and you're just not understanding when he makes the gesture to indicate that he senses that you're making and repeating a silly error. Try to remember what he was doing while this was going on, maybe you can learn to access his wisdom eventually.
That's okay, just don't repeat your use of the word "nauseous" applied to yourself, as you did in a post some weeks ago, describing how you felt, when you should have used "nauseated." If you pull that stunt again I'll have to report your post for making me feel ill. Or, just blame it on an autocorrect spellchecker. I wish there were, not was, a way to disable autocorrect spellchecker on my Android phone but Google, a Fascist front company creation of the Criminally Insane Assholes, as is Farcebook, wants total control of our minds even what words we use, and how those words are spelled. It's odd because I doubt asswipes like Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, and Brin, all dumb fuck fonts, know how to write or spell above a 6th grade level.
Celia!! Did you know about this? :
(Somehow, in the fury to demonize ivermectin this little ditty slipped by the wayside)
'In January 2021, NIH upgraded its ivermectin stance from ‘not recommended’ to ‘neither recommended nor not recommended’ based upon a limited set of randomized controlled trials (RCT). If only considering RCTs, the ongoing meta-analysis found a 64% observed improvement in 27 studies involving 4,489 subjects. '
It is amazing the words that get printed when you are writing. And you can go back 3 or 4 times and still miss a few.