Antifa are the Brown Shirts of the Davos Bankster Psychopath overlords who also own the Biden regime. Tesla is in the bad books of the Psycho Parasites. They never did like Musk, because he actually makes things, he actually is creative, whereas they are only good at destruction. In fact there is a parable that describes Davos gang perfectly:


When the body was first created, all the parts wanted to be Boss. The brain said, "I should be Boss because I control all of the body's responses and functions."

The feet said, "We should be Boss since we carry the brain about and get him to where he wants to go."

The hands said, "We should be the Boss because we do all the work and earn all the money."

Finally, the asshole spoke up. All the parts laughed at the idea of the asshole being the Boss. So, the asshole went on strike, blocked itself up and refused to work.

Within a short time, the eyes became crossed, the hands clenched, the feet twitched, the heart and lungs began to panic, and the brain fevered. Eventually, they all decided that the asshole should be the Boss, so the motion was passed. All the other parts did all the work while the Boss just sat and passed out the shit!

Moral Of The Story: You don't need a brain to be a Boss----any asshole will do.

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I love your post... when I was a teenager... a few decades ago, I bought a poster and hung it in my bedroom... it was You Don't Need Brains To Be The Boss! :-) Thanks for posting this.

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The Democrat Party controls Antifa. They can make it quiet whenever they want to.

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I think it should always be referred to as “Antifa, the terrorist wing of the Democratic Party”. Over and over and over.

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Antifa doesn't plan anything. They are mercenaries and they take orders. Now guess you gives them orders?

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I know they don't plan anything, in a real sense.

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In response to the Antifa threats, the most perfect response imaginable would be for Elon to hire Kyle Rittenhouse as his new head of corporate security.

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HAHAHAHA “ANTI-Fascists” right? This is exactly what Hitler’s brown shirts did.

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That tweet thread is full of the usual awful people twisting the world to fit their agenda.

It also appears that these celebrities all support paedophilia.

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It's been quite obvious for years that Dem cult members' favorite attack strategy is to accuse others of exactly what they're doing, to divert criticism. They created the nazi government of Ukraine, they vehemently support the most racist, nationalist state on the planet, the apartheid state of Israel, and they are historically the party of racists here in the US. But because they dominate the media, they've completely flipped the public perception via that accuse/divert strategy.

I'm not defending Musk, but the accusers are no better, and probably far more guilty.

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I think it's refreshing that the ruling class here has finally shown themselves. They've been doing this on a much more awful scale in other countries all over the world for a long time, in order to facilitate 'regime change', and Americans have largely applauded it. Why should we not get the pleasure of experiencing the real face of our government?

Elon will not get any help from the feds. In fact the feds are running Antifa. He will have to hire private contractors for security, if there's any capable security outfits not already controlled by the deep state.

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You know you are right. This Plandemic has opened my eyes and even though the horrors I am seeing are probably giving me an ulcer I know what you mean.

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I hope you all spread this point far and wide.

Antifa dot com leads directly to the Whitehouse.......... Try it.

Before Bidens installation, Antifa dot com led directly to Bidens campaign website.

That should tell you a great deal about Biden.

So for the tweet author to say that Biden should clamp down on his own Sturmabteilung, is missing the point entirely.

They own Biden.

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thank you EH. very interesting. some person or organization perhaps purchased rights to the name or hacked into the domains and created a redirect. Perhaps one of the few remaining good guys is trying to make a statement.

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As I have heard in the past....

Antifa --> Anti-F-A ==> Anti-First-Ammendment

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Antifa, the Dems goon squad. Nah, they're involved in mostly peaceful stuff.... right!

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need to pray for Elon's protection.

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So sad if true

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Call Alex Stein, professional antifa troller.


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Send in the robot dogs.

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A handful of well armed ex special force personel could wipe out a platoon of woke antifas.

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