The fact they admitted it was Gov.inc, Data may be a huge gift as now they have no real crime and it's their data, however, they invent the crime(s) to use against us.

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It is great that people like yourself are prepared to look into it and keep us updated as more info comes in, whereas MSM will tell us the version that the globalists have decided we should be told ie total fabrication to further their agenda of deceit

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The more mistakes we make, the better we become in everything. No one is perfect, and the only role models we should have is the one in the mirror.

Thanks for the update Celia.

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Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Thank you for reporting.

On another note-- For the record, I don't know Liz Gunn personally, but since about 2022 I have been aware of her many extensive interviews with the jab-injured in New Zealand. I believe that these interviews stand as vitally important contributionsto the historical record, for informing citizens about the dangers of the jabs, and towards helping the jab injured. For some time now I have had a batch of transcripts in-progress of selected excerpts from some of these videos. On my own intiative, since 2021 I have been transcribing selected censored and shadow-banned videos (and excerpts therefrom); my not having posted anything by Gunn was simply a reflection of the fact that there are so very many vaccine injury testimonies out there in this sorry world. In short, though I post daily, I simply had not had a chance yet to finish up and post these. In view of the "MOAR" New Zealand data drop, I believe that that Gunn's 2022 interviews with the jab-injured are especially important to watch, so that one may get a better idea of her personality, style, dedication, her stance, and more.

Yesterday I posted a transcript with annotations, a lengthy excerpt from Gunn's 2022 interview with Toni Crengle. It's too long to paste here into the comments section, so I'll just offer this bit-- interested readers can click on links to go to the transcript and, more importantly, watch the source video on rumble. There on that rumble channel, you will find many more of Liz Gunn's videos. Most of her videos there are for her recent campaign for parliament-- scroll down in there for the jab injury interviews, which are earlier.

"Toni Crengle is in the burns ward due to her traumatising jab-injuries"

FreeNZ Media, posted July 1, 2022




LIZ GUNN: Toni, a friend, a mutual friend of ours from the Freedom Village has set up this interview and the way she describes you is so glowing, you'd just, you'd just would love to hear how she talks about you. She said, she's just the kindest person, she's got such a great personality, she's such a lovely human being. That's how she talked to me about you. So on that alone I wanted to interview you. But beyond that, I want to find why you are in [inaudible] Hospital and what has been going on. I'm so sorry to hear what you've been going through. Tell us what's happening.


TONI CRENGLE: So since my first vaccination that first week I came up with reactions coincidentally, rashes on my, on my skin, my throat, my mouth. And then it just progressed from there. I got my second vaccination so I could still keep teaching at the end of January. And then the rashes never went away, but just progressed. They were manageable. And then just progressed from there to be debilitating. And so I ended up communicating with my GP and them not being able to do anything else for me, so telling me to do to the [inaudible] and so I went there but they turned me away because they don't do skin and the waiting room was full. [starts to cry]

LIZ GUNN: Toni. Toni. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I can't believe this is happening to our kiwis. Are you, are you OK to keep going? Because we can pause if you want.

TONI CRENGLE [wiping eyes]: I'll be alright.

LIZ GUNN: I don't want to put you through more suffering. Why don't you just breathe? Just breathe.

TONI CRENGLE: Yeah. So yeah. So I got in touch with my dermatologist and they, the next day they took me back to the hospital and got me admitted into ED and transferred to Waikato, and now the care's been really really good. And I've got people—

LIZ GUNN. Toni, and this was how long? When did all this start? When did you have that first jab and get the first reactions?

TONI CRENGLE: My first reactions were in November. So I left it til the very last weekend of our deadline for losing our jobs. So that's when it first happened but it wasn't like it was manageable but it was being treated as eczema. It was misdiagnosed. Eczema and plaque. The doctor sent me to the dentist saying I had plaques, I was going to the dentist and [inaudible] treatments to try and eliminate that. And it wasn't that. And yeah, and then finally had a dermatologist appointment, finally got a — um— what do you call it—

LIZ GUNN: Diagnosis.


TONI CRENGLE: [inaudible] dermatologist, yeah, I mean, they come once every two weeks [inaudble] so, finally saw them and he started to diagnose it. And yeah. And then from there it just got worse.

I went to, because it got really bad, my daughter caring for me at home full-time because I couldn't work any more. And so she was helping me with my blisters and bathing me and changing my bedding and everything at home.

... continue reading at


Source video:

Toni Crengle is in the burns ward due to her traumatising jab-injuries

FreeNZ Media, posted July 1, 2022


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Ms. Celia, don't forget about me! God Bless

https://welcometheeagle.substack.com/p/p5-new-zealands-whistleblower-datavalidations. Comments in my "Part 5" are interesting. I even texted Kirsch myself to confirm certain dates are true.

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steve kirsch who banned me for 99 years for mocking him when he lost his debate regarding the existence of pathogenic virus particles. There is no way provided to ask him why I'm banished. And today he's crying about being banished from elsewhere? puhlease.

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The walls are closing in on them. Billions of people now KNOW! They are hiding how many people actually know and people are careful not to discuss it since there has been so much division. I say bring it up any which way that is palatable. It MUST be discussed.

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"It’s commendable when people adapt their positions as stories unfold.

I do not believe that “responsible journalism” is sitting on the sidelines until fog clears

and thing are more clear. You have to jump in and give your best assessment, as the

story breaks, (when possible.)

Truth is messy.

It’s important to be willing to get messy along with it."

Celia, in my view, these ^^^ are *such key observations* ~

Journalism has decayed to it's current sorry existence in part due to the insidious acquiescence of so many who avoid rocking ANYone's boat (particularly corporate sponsors who dictate the news and the newsrooms, of course, but not only them), and who sidestep messy altogether!

Hello?! Welcome to earth, where things are perpetually messy!

Participate fully in this existence or pay the high cost of being owned by interests who do not have your well-being in mind, ever.

Thanks for your willingness to jump in swiftly and as responsibly as possible, then deal with consequences later as needed.

In other words, thanks for being an independent journalist and a sovereign being who's willing to get messy.

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The Preeminent exponent of medical Junk Science- a Kiwi herself, Sam Bailey , MD warns that a new SCAM DEMIC - CONVID 2024 - is being concocted in Liaoning , China . Beware. 😳😳😳😳😳

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Some serious stuff happening to people who touch that data from Steve. Hope they are able to get back their OWN data that has been locked away or nuked by their data providers. Hope Igor doesn’t get hit. This is some real commie stuff coming out of NZ. (If the stories are true.) What a mess.

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This is great news. I think they know they're screwed and the data was legit.

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It's funny that Kirsch immediately jumped in to question the veracity of Young. (I was personally skeptical because the interview seemed a little staged to me, and my first line of thinking anymore is "what new psyop is this!" but I keep an open mind). Kirsch has relied on his own "audience polls" and various people's refusal to accept his million dollar dares to PROVE the vaccines are harmful. I would say Young and his data are far superior to any of Kirsch's false premises even on Young's worse day.

As I understand it as of today, the data is real. It's just Young's interpretation of some of that data that may be off and that the data set itself is not complete. That doesn't mean it's not real. I agree wholeheartedly that true journalism must a pursuit of the truth even if that means recanting a previous take. Failure to keep an open mind about any of it is to fail.

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Good to err on the side of caution - note the oddities then wait and watch. We're on a journey of discovery here and I appreciate this venue to hash out our thoughts.

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I can't understand Steve Kirsch's argument; it's too complicated and requires expertise I don't have. I wonder how many civilians would be honest enough to say what I just said.

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"It’s important to be willing to get messy along with it. "

As long as the analyst controls their impulse to make claims without adequate evidence (or worse, insists -- without an argument -- that their inadequate evidence is in fact adequate), it's all good.

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