Dear Stephen,

One of the many difficulties we face is knowing with any confidence how receptive the world beyond the media bubble is to what the media bubble puts out. Just because it repeatedly pumps out a particular message, doesn't mean that message is greeted with open arms and minds right across the board; by some, yes, but by how many and how deeply? Collapsing trust in mass-media outlets is real, 49% of US voters being ready to stand behind any party as long as that party is against mandates is real, Draghi resigning in Italy is real, the fomented Ukraine-Russia war slipping out of Biden and Co's grip is real, etc.

But it is indeed more than galling to watch the perpetrators grinding on and on and getting away with murder, over and over again, while apparently we are not able to do anything but simply watch on passively. The desire for positive results, changes of heart, of policy, for the complete collapse of the narrative is totally understandable – I share it –, but we must acknowledge that we can't tell how much progress we're making, not really. The truth is slow, but it is relentless. And just because the Powers That Be out there don't buckle and fold as we would like, we are fighting back, millions upon millions of us, in millions of different ways, and it IS having a profound effect. We are, as a species, going through a deep transformation, one part of which is bringing all our toxins to the surface for examination and expulsion. It is ugly, it is terrible, it is necessary. I don't see how it could be any other way.

And part of all this is, also necessarily, the pain, the rage, the frustration. Sharing it is vital. More vital still is sharing it as part of how we learn to transform it all into love. This is no small task, and takes time.

So I see your work and words as both vital and effective, and thank you for your courage in sharing them.

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You summarise the situation so well. We have no alternative but just to keep on chipping away at the narrative bit by bit although I must admit that there are days when I am simply exhausted by it all. I get so discouraged when friends who have succumbed to 3 shots state that they want no more but you can see that they feel that they’re almost admitting heresy with these admissions and that they are as pliable as rubber - that the slightest threat of the government taking away their freedoms again for non-compliance will have them scuttling off for that 4th shot. I am disappointed in them - they are not weak people, one has suffered years of pain and suffering after a horrendous car accident - but something seems to have been switched on in them and they no longer seem to have any control over their bodies and lives.

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Your description of the need for the great awakening is precise. 20 months ago (seems like a lifetime) I was well aware of the scam that was being unleashed on people far and wide. The feeling was both scary and lonely since it seemed like a lot of intelligent folks were buying into it. If I dared comment on social media, the attacks were ruthless and many. Now things are turning around. Even on the cesspool that is Twitter, the arrogant brainwashed CoVidiots get rebuked when they trash talk those who stand up for freedom and integrity. And every day the balance is tipping more in favor of empathy and reason and away from mass formation scientism Its a welcome sign.

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What a beautiful response, Toby.

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You give me hope

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100% and beautifully put Toby !

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Absolutely. We must never stop, and yes, we're winning people at the edges. Once those people see, they can't un-see.

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I was recently discussing "winning" with my wife but, more specifically, "we need to envision what it looks like us to 'win', for God to 'win'" or we will never get there. We need to dream and we need to activate heart to have any such vision.

And, along those lines, that vision can't be predicated on changing things like the mainstream media for example. They deny that they're in perpetual denial and cannot be reached with any amount of reasoning. That's just one example.

What does it look like? Once we know what it looks like maybe we can better figure out how to get there.

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I agree we can't change the mainstream media. So someone - or a lot of someones - is going to have to start their own real investigative journalism site that reaches a large enough audience that would be considered "mainstream." If they aren't going to do their job, someone else will just have to do it for them. Some say this couldn't happen, but I think it could. There is a huge demand for real journalism and journalists who are not afraid to challenge authorize narratives. The growth of Substack sites shows this. The problem with these excellent sites is that they aren't reaching enough people or there is no "one stop shop" clearinghouse of important or taboo journalism. But whoever controls the narrative ultimately controls the world and makes policy. Nobody with a large enough audience is challenging all the faux or dubious narratives.

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I'm certainly aware of all this - how could I not be? - but at this point, I ignore it. (not over it though) It's a dying narrative and a larger paradigm is coming down with it. Time to align with those people going around this mess and looking to create something new.

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Ignoring the mainstream news, which is really the mainstream propaganda machine, allows you to filter through everything else that you know is fairly trustworthy. Fact checking is the new global warming...a complete scam. I don't know what level of rage will matter until it gets to the pitchfork and firebrand variety. This would be more meaningful than the blm faked "happy" riots.

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The funny thing is, all they are actually doing is dehumanising themselves. The only thing they ever got infected with was evil.

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That clever video should have included leftist idol Noam Chomsky who said: “People who refuse to accept vaccines, I think the right response for them is not to force them to, but rather to insist that they be isolated. If people decide, ‘I am willing to be a danger to the community by refusing to vaccinate,’ they should say then, ‘Well, I also have the decency to isolate myself. I don’t want a vaccine, but I don’t have the right to run around harming people.’ That should be a convention,” said Chomsky.

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Chomsky has some unfortunate views on other topics as well. 9/11 for instance.

As for isolation, it makes much more scientific sense (now) to isolate the vaxxed so they don't endanger those who got it right from the start!

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Sweet irony.

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I have read so much Chomsky, it's really puzzling to me that this is where he has ended up (position wise). The same man that co-authored "Manufacturing Consent" in particular and has written extensively on the corruption of our entire political and corporate system, ends up becoming an enabling voice for it. The above quotes are actually the milder side of what he had to say about it IIRC.

I learned a great deal about "How the World Works" (one of his books as well) from him and I appreciate his contributions to that end. Currently his points on the Ukraine war are more palatable but I just can't get around his position on government mandated and big pharma directed absolute tyranny.

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Yeah, me neither. As someone who literally wrote the book on how governments indoctrinate the population , you'd think Chomsky would clearly see the covid narrative fraud a mile away. I think the more you have to lose, the harder it is to recognize. Sadly, his mind has become feeble and his legacy will be tarnished. He could have been the most credible voice of all pushing back against this fascist takeover by big pharma.

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Chomsky just lost any regard I might have had for him.

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No amount of pain and suffering is enough to stop the madness.

Revelation 16:10-11

The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness. People gnawed their tongues in anguish and cursed the God of heaven for their pain and sores. They did not repent of their deeds.

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On being surrounded by crazy people:


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That is a great article Mark, as usual. It's good to see you on this substack.

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You probably all saw how the unvaxxed were demonized in a recent post at Pierre Kory’s Medical Musings. The post was rather long and some may have not got to the part about the demonizing, so I reviewed it here:

The Unvaxxed Demonized: How the medical establishment got it totally wrong


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Money quote from Bill Maher: “at some point acceptance becomes enabling”.

Maher happened to be talking about obesity, but how many other abnormal/deviant practices can those words be applied to?

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" How we are tortured by media..."

By the media, or by ourselves? Are we being coerced to "consume" the said media? Who are being coerced to read the NYT, or watch the main media?

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A combination.

Today i found out that i am one of less than 500 or so in my age group, out of a state population of 2.3million who is totally non mRNA injected.

Feels good right?

Everyone else who is mRNA injected is being tortured by the media.

Feels great to not be.

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Do you really trust those numbers, though? I still think they inflate the vaxxxed numbers to psychologically intimidate the unvaxxxed. "YOU'RE NOT PART OF THE GROUP". It feeds on the basic human need for "acceptance".

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True...many seek out their own tortures without realizing it.

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In the last week I've been getting very triggered by the #msm onslaught, the blank-faced shameless falsehoods & baby-talk pandering to the masses. So I'm trying to change my perception & see them all as babies, needing to suckle and give sustenance to each other.

Hard to surmount all the grievous wounds caused to my beliefs in the greater good

of humanity and the integral part journalism once played in providing a better society. When I look back at it now, it's like looking back at a carpet bombed East Ukrainian township...

Substack helps me, a lot. :-) I think it's gonna help me much more as time goes on.

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Substack won't let me "like" this comment!

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for real?? It comes up in my notifications (screenshot: https://ibb.co/17mv4W1). I find that when I "like" via mobile device, sometimes it doesn't appear instantly as usual.

I've been listening to a bunch of your older interviews recently as I needed to understand how similar that #plandemic was to this one. Jon Rappoport is 100% right - it's uncannily the same. They're all the same?

The enormous criminality of the HIV / AIDS #plandemic not being brought to justice is a terrible burden and a probable reason as to why we now have the #covid-19 #plandemic (and a monkeypox stigmata upon a new generation of gay men).

I have so many questions, too many! Drove myself a bit mad and had to take a step back. Hope ya well Celia!

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Another thing is that the idea that every single thing that we say or write must be validated is a massive guilt trip. We have the same people that are not just perpetually "wrong" demanding our continual validation but they are actually trying to undo objective reality by claiming polar opposite positions.

We can't allow that guilt to shut us down or they have won. We have to speak and write with one another outside of that framework. It isn't ours, it's theirs and it's unloving. That is holding down our ability to process and move forward. It must be abandoned in my opinion.

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When the majority realize this vaccine wizard of oz was a well planned, well executed culling. I will have to find another cause to fight because I can never be in the majority.

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"Propaganda does not want an argument" said once Mark Crispin Miller.

The more obvious the lie, the more strongly they push it.

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Well I’m one of the unvaccinated and for the first time I’ve been infected by covid! Brought to me by a lovely triple vaxxed relative who we paid to fly to our home. Yep. This relative came to our house hacking and coughing and spewing germs everywhere but insisting that they only had allergies although this person brought no allergy meds so I supplied them. After several days of coughing and smoking cigs I suggested Mucinex. Again I had to supply. On day 3 I drove in car with this person for 2 hours as I took them to see Tahoe. By Eve if day 4 I was coughing and had fever. Long story short my hubby then drove us all to San Jose. We were in car for 4 hours. By the next day hubby had fever. Our guest still insisting. Allergies. Or maybe she got covid on plane on way over even though she masked the entire flight. Anyways. I went since 2019 without even a cold. I was exposed to covid several times as my kids had it but never got it. My husband tested for covid. I wouldn’t as I refuse to. He has it so I know for sure now we both do. I’m on day 5 of ivermectin. Still achy but better. It’s a crime that we can’t chose to medicate ourselves with otc drugs and fight this covid with our natural immunity. Ivermectin does work!! But they want you to inject. I’ll never get over that a vaccinated family member is the one who I think knowingly brought this man made disease into my house!!!

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Shedding is real, too. My body "tries" to get sick after close-contact, family get-togethers where hubs and I are the ONLY non-jabbed. Ivm, zinc + extra vits have always arrested it upon getting home. Hope you feel better soon!

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Day 5 of IVM. Fever gone. Did lose my smell today but I’m fine. Head very plugged up. Hubby seems worse but of course he is vaxxed. Oh yes. Those vaccines don’t do shit to stop you from getting covid!! I’m sure everyone on here already knows that!!

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Don’t think for a single minute they won’t be reigniting this Nazi style propagandised persecution of the unjabbed. There’s no room in this plan for noncompliance.

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Your last sentence is interesting to me Celia. Often times rage is essentially "bottled up" or denied anger that finally comes to the surface because it cannot be held any longer. But more importantly, heart break, sorrow, and grief have some amount of anger and vice versa. You have to feel into it to know. Getting to the point of rage and continuing to avoid it results in denied rage. That causes people to act out in violent ways some times. So if you've processed your feelings, then you're not likely to have a whole lot (or even any) "rage" but it's good to feel into things to know.

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Frank, it's almost always I who write, but this post was created from a comment left here by Stephen Ericson, one of our family.

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Oh sorry, I missed that! For some reason, I thought your words started at "Years before..." but that the words above were from Stephen. My bad!

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In fact, reading it back, I'm still confused because it refers to Stephen in the 3rd person. 😆

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