I can't stand Hollywood, I can't stand the Pharmaceutical Industry, I can't stand the for profit Healthcare Industry, I can't stand the for profit Prison Industrial Complex, I can't stand the Military Industrial Complex, I can't stand the Real Estate Market, I can't stand the Injustice Judicial System. I can't stand the Music Recording Industry, I can't stand the 501c3=666( The number of man, not God) CORPS,Roman Catholic Church. As much as I love the God of Heaven and Earth and all creation, and this land, and the ideals of freedom and justice for all,

Basically I can't stand anything that America stands for, it truly is the government of Satan, who is the god of this world, the father of lies, darkness and death, who does nothing but to come to steal kill and destroy the living.

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I can't disagree. I sort of slipped out, flew to Spain, found myself (for the second time) unable to return. I am shell-shocked to my core about the US. It's impossible to process.

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you really have to live in the boonies like I do, to be able to stand America. Thankfully we recently got a european store in town, now it feels like I am in Europe - the Europe before the EU and before the scamdemic

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Of course, this demoralisation is exactly what they are aiming at.

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Agreed, and it saddens me because I remember when things were different, never perfect but better. The United States has become a disgusting toxic dump. Thankfully, good people are not the country. There are real Dorothy Gale's and George Bailey's out there. They just happen to be surrounded by this toxic dump that was created around them without their consent. Those people need to be the basis of a new nation.

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For sure, I have been standing against and protesting all these evil agendas for many years, and been hated, despised, shut down, shut up and shut out everywhere. But I'm still standing strong. And I will not stop protesting against this Great Satan until my God, the giver of Life, takes me out of this Godforsaken world. I'm a true Protestant, a true heretic according to the god of this world, aka the Antichrist Papacy.

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Feb 6
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Yes, they have been intentionally destroyed in movies and television as part of the colonization of our people.

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Oh I forgot, I can't stand the very wicked indoctrination schools, Universities and colleges either.

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Vickie, thank you for saving me the time with your list. Lol. I feel the same way. Trying to figure out now, how I can keep myself informed without having the anger and heartache. I don’t want to read or hear any more of what is going on. I’ve been consumed for the past 4+ years - going down the rabbit hole and shamefully discovered how naive I had been. I must admit I was much happier then. I now understand, “Ignorance is bliss”. It’s been quite the emotional roller coaster. Living in S. Cal makes it much worse. When I try and speak of the corruption, no one wants to hear it because they say it’s not true or they don’t want to talk about anything “negative”. I remind myself, I need to meet people where they are, as I was there once. I will say tho that I am a curious person and have disdain towards the injustice of any kind. That and my intuition are what drives me to investigate and go down rabbit holes. I’ve had more than my share of injustice and I know it served me well as I’ve helped others avoid the same injustices and for that I am grateful. There are silver linings. This I know.

Celia, thank you for your integrity and morals and following your heart. I believe you would not participate in something you don’t believe in. That is the impression I have of you/work and is why I subscribe. Bless you 🙏💚🙏

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Thank you Audrey, sounds like we have had a similar path, mine just started a little earlier. Peace and Blessings to you.

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The USA needs to butt out of everything in other parts of the world. We have our big nose and send our our cannon fodder to fight in everyone's business.

I don't think there would be many wars going on if Israel, or the Ukraine didn't have a big dog (US) to sic on any other country.

Since many are waking up to these facts, they are short on enlistments and talking about redoing the draft. This time the warmongers will also draft women.

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"butt out" indeed!

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Feb 6Edited
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Actually, there was an anti-war rally (Rage Against the War Machine) last year, but it didn't get much attention--this was back when Tulsi was still pretending to be anti-war.


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Feb 6
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Yes, small- just a rally in DC w/some speakers.

And my recollection is that there might have been some drama w/Code Pink (Medea Benjamin lady?)--I think she was supposed to go, but then didn't because she didn't want to be associated w/"right-wingers." I think she does good work on the Palestine/Israel issue, but I think she's controlled/maybe funded by George Soros money.

Plus, I think the focus was on Ukraine/Russia (which the left supports) and getting troops out of Syria (I think the left might have been in support of that too). I think a lot of Libertarian groups sponsored it.

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This weekend will be the real Amerikan dump shit spectacle The GLORIOUS SUPER BOWL !!!1

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I couldn't agree more.

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I’m not American (Australian/British), but I love the ideals your country was founded on and the Constitution. I can’t stand the America of today either, if you think of it as all those institutions you mentioned. But I think it helps to think of it as there being two Americas. The slime there is today, and its noble essence. Try not to forget your love for the ideal America - it’s still buried in there, somewhere. Don’t let them demoralise you (that is clearly the aim). Your fellow citizens need you, the world needs you.

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The politicization of everything implies the corruption of everything.

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Stay tuned, they are imploding. Super-stupid eras in government never last (the so-called 1000 yr reign of the Nazis was just 12 years). Call a spade a spade and watch it tumble down, like the invincible USSR, etc. This is a great time for productivity and creativity, so let's work on what we'll replace it with, with great trust and faith in God -- "I have already overcome the world." They want us pessimistic, but there is reason for great celebration! In praying about the extreme evil Jews are conducting worldwide (there are thousands of Jeffrey Epsteins operating, and many revelations pending about the human trafficking hub in Israel) I actually felt they are a snake whose head will very soon be crushed. More 1940s technology that Jews apparently stole or bought, like the holograms: https://youtu.be/rckecs0PKI4 . Pass it on. Pass it on.

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"Why can't we unlearn our prejudices against Arabs?" Indeed!!

Having grown up among Palestinians (therefore having more of a Palestinian national identity than any other) I have never understood why and how all Arabs could be thrown into a sorcerer's cauldron, be scooped out at random, and declared as 'evil'.

If Palestinians hadn't been the kind, generous, hospitable and peace loving people who they are by nature, I don't believe the state of Israel could have been founded on their homeland.

Thank you for sharing 💕🙏

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A month or so ago my girlfriend nailed it on the head.

The Palestinians are like the native Americans that were driven out so the settlers could expand their "empire".

It explains why the citizens of I nation are supportive of the current genocide. They want to expand and see the natives as backwards.

The nation of I is like the US was in the past. If we're the eptome of Joe Biden etc, they're the crack head son, like Hunter Biden 😂.

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that sounds about right. And very terrifying. Because the I nation has far more cruel and sophisticated weapons of mass destruction than the European settlers had in the 'good old days'.

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There's a good reason to condemn the culture of the vast majority of Palestinians -- mainstream Islam -- and by extension those who continue to fervently uphold that diseased culture. The only good Muslims are the ones who disagree with Islam, which most often they have to do in secret (lest their own family try to honor-kill them, not to mention the fierce social ostracization that would likely ensue).

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Feb 6Edited
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I find no exaggeration in what you have said here, Teresa.

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precisely. I remember being in East Jerusalem in the 1980s. Once we were walking past a Palestinian house which had just been bombed a couple of days earlier by the Israelis (this was NOT a war, just some random shit going on). The family were working on the ruin, sifting through the rubble, perhaps taking a break the moment we walked past. When we greeted them, they immediately invited us for a coffee!!! Saying "El-Hamdulillah, we are still here, nobody got hurt..."

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Feb 6
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Palestinian doesn't necessarily equal Muslim. Most of my Palestinian friends are Christian, but that's a minor detail. A Palestinian friend (who I have known since childhood) visited us a couple of years ago, and it was fascinating to hear about the occupation of the Westbank from his perspective. I was a child then, he is ten years older than me. When leaving his home (Palestine) and studying in Germany with a scholarship, he had to sign an agreement that he would "go back to serve his country." Before signing the contract he added "if circumstances allow." By the time he got his degree he could only return home with a visa(!) because it had become Israel by then. He told me couldn't go home for 20 years. It was simply too painful to apply for a visa from Israel to get permission to enter his own homeland.

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Feb 6
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It's heartbreaking

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I do not consume anything from Hollywood except The Wizard of OZ and It's a Wonderful Life. This is a simple act of cultural secession that all of us can do. Please use your great Substack to encourage your followers to boycott all things from Hollywood.

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Hollywood ... is only one of the 'tools' they have used to destroy us ... for over a century ...

Planned for at least 40 years ... 'Covid' is the start ...'Act I' ... of their 'endgame' to finish us off ... to remove the threat we pose to them ...

'Acts II & III' are coming ... in 2024 ...


'Goldfish' ... are a big problem!


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Plissken: I agree with you, but Covid was a horrible opening act. Too many people are wise to it.

On the other hand, I'm not a psychopath, so 'they' are probably miles ahead of me.


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Yes ... they may be aware ... they may be 'wise' to it ... but the 'Deep State' is still pulling America's 'strings' ... Blinken, Nuland, and Netanyahu are still on target to 'strike it lucky' with one of their attempts to ignite WWIII ... and over 8 billion people are staring down the barrel of losing this insidious war being waged on us (actually, not staring down the barrel!)

And yeah ... unfortunately ... the psychopaths are ... and have always been ... at least four steps ahead of us ...


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If Hollywood is one of the major tools of 20th century subversion (and I agree it is, especially if by "Hollywood" we include TV/Cable), then those who are anxious to avoid being "anti-Semitic" will have a more difficult time twisting into yoga pretzels trying to walk oh so carefully on eggshells around The Jews.

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And Finance, the News and the Holofrost...

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Decades of propaganda work, even after knowing that’s what has been done. Destroying the Arab state has been in the works for a long time. Too much wealth to be extracted there. I’ve read a lot on how this new, sudden war against Palestine is just the start of the bigger agenda. (Or in addition to our many attacks in the Middle East over the past few decades).

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God help us.

To think that in 2023, it would become a point of hateful scorn and rage to express "sympathy" for children being bombed in their homes. To think that would TRANSLATE into "anti-Semitism."


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Does it surprise you though? Up is down, down is up. When there’s an agenda, the media will craft and perpetuate the big lie until the operation has been successful.

Using the Jews to perpetuate this agenda is brilliant. What logical person couldn’t see their points of view after decades of abuse snd a history of genocide? We fall for it every time.

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Feb 6
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20'000 Israelis have applied for a Portuguese passport last year. They don't even live here. Most of them probably don't even want to live here. They claim citizenship based on some ancestors who lived in Portugal 500 years ago ~ the persecution history works like magic. And a passport of any European country is the 'Open Sesame' into the EU.

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But the magic is in the way they brainwash on BOTH sides. Hate Islam and the Arabs, and hate the Jews. Sound familiar? Black vs. white that never ends only because it is perpetuated by the media. The actual people on all sides are the victims, while the government plays their money laundering and wealth stealing behind the scenes.

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here's a longer clip- i agree with everything you say--https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnQND1g_y3Q this one is about 50 minutes This groundbreaking documentary dissects a slanderous aspect of cinematic history that has run virtually unchallenged form the earliest days of silent film to today's biggest Hollywood blockbusters. Featuring acclaimed author Dr. Jack Shaheen, the film explores a long line of degrading images of Arabs--from Bedouin bandits and submissive maidens to sinister sheikhs and gun-wielding "terrorists"--along the way offering devastating insights into the origin of these stereotypic images, their development at key points in US history, and why they matter so much today. Shaheen shows how the persistence of these images over time has served to naturalize prejudicial attitudes toward Arabs and Arab culture, in the process reinforcing a narrow view of individual Arabs and the effects of specific US domestic and internationl policies on their lives. By inspiring critical thinking about the social, political, and basic human consequences of leaving these Hollywood caricatures unexamined, the film challenges viewers to recognize the urgent need for counter-narratives that do justice to the diversity and humanity of Arab people and the reality and richness of Arab history and culture. Director: Sut Jhally Biographical Summary: Dr. Jack Shaheen, Professor Emeritus of Mass Communication at Southern Illinois University, is a leading scholar of Arab representations in US popular culture.

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Hollywood is the factory of lies--it has perpetuated (and perhaps created) stereotypes for every sort of people--I could add Russians, Germans and South Africans to the mix--the cracker, the redneck, the biker, the pimp, the housewife, the corporate white male--everything under the sun. After all this--which has been a staple since 1915 forward, we get the sanctimony and the shaming and the overt agenda about

'issues' concerning sexuality, immigrants, racism, et al. Sickening. I used to be a film critic, and I find it hard to believe I ever liked going to the movies.

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Feb 6Edited
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That's exactly where I am. I loved genre films (film noir, screwball comedies esp) and art films, particularly European. I started having problems in the 90s--think of the husband in Thelma and Louise, or the simplistic messaging in Slingblade and the comparison between the Billy Bob character and Christ, or the out and out BS in River Runs Through It, which presents a Montana that never existed (shame on Norman McLean for his seal of approval). But even as a kid, literally I recall shaking my head at the movies. What was with Chariots of Fire and all that hoopla? Lately I have been watching more Japanese movies--old Kurasawa and Ozu.

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I was black-pilled on Hollywood by the time I entered my teenage years. I now see that far from being a challenge to the political establishment, it is deeply intertwined with accomplishing its agenda, whatever the agenda happens to be at the moment.

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I don't know how old you are, but if you're my age (50+) then kudos to you! I didn't get it until the Trump presidency -- that 'Russian collusion' things was... something else...

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I’m 55. Something about both sides of family’s worship of popular culture and television turned me off at an early age.

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Absolutely, if the dollars are high enough Hollywood will make a movie on anything...

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I bet you a billion billion dollars that they won't ever do an honest portrayal of holofrost denial.

Here's something I'd like to see, since we kill sheep anyway for their meat: Put 2000 sheep in a tightly packed room. Gas them to death. Then try to get them out through one door. One door! Without chainsaws. Did all of the engineers leave the building?

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Thank you Celia for this. Something must break the spell. The powers-that-be have always had to have a bogey-man the for masses.

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I think Arabs have been portrayed as bad because of Islam. Islam is all about world dominance through Sharia Law. Sharia Law is incompatible with the U. S. Constitution. No thanks. I think women should be allowed to drive, own businesses, dress pretty much as they like to dress.. so that may have something to do with it.

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Dee, do you really think that's why? I have to ponder this.

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Please watch this video at the 1:40 mark where Allen West starts to explain the history of islam. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkGQmCZjJ0k

Islam (muslims) are to be docile in lands that they are not the dominant "religion". As they gather more and more population in a land they start to cry discrimination and over change the laws to be compatible with sharia. As muslims become more dominant then there will be no U.S. Constitution. There will be more violence etc..

In Sharia lands women can' t work, run for office, have a right to vote, have an education and never are considered equal in a marriage to their husbands.

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Celia, Dee is clearly wrong. Islam are portrayed as enemies because... there *are* no enemies, but the Islamists attack each other/Christians with impunity, so they make a great story.

World domination is clearly an American/Talmudic project. Emphasis on Talmudic.

Who else would want that!?!? The Mongols conquered for sport, and fell apart because of a succession controversy. The Muslims were relatively happy with India as their jewel. Will they conquer the UK -- yeah, probably, but only because the UK is surrendering.

Hitler, the greatest exemplar of world domination only wanted his famed 'Lebensraum' because he had see the Talmudist/Bolsheviks starve *their own people*, and hence wanted food-independence from the Talmudists. He, himself, was against colonization of Africa, because it *made no sense*.

As for Dee's comments on what women should be allowed to do... the real issue is with the third 'dress pretty much as they like...'. Yeah, so I bash out deadlifts at a high-end gym in Cambodia, and the chicks are... basically hookers. They wear that spandex that rides up into theirs assholes... Why? This is insane! Why would you do that? It's a game of 'look at my ass/don't look at my ass'.

As a Catholic who grew up in the 70s/80s -- no self-respecting woman would ever do that.


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Perhaps you are equating 'Arabs' with Saudia Arabia. Not every Arabic country has Sharia Law. In the 1980s the laws in Tunisia (for example) for gender equality have been more advanced than Europe (if I remember correctly). There has been a massive retrograde since then.

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I can't speak for every land and every war fought over the years with muslims. I just know that sharia seeks to be the world dominant "religion". Muslims don't care if it takes ten years or ten thousands years as long as there is creeping sharia.

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True, but haven't the Christians and Jews claimed the exact same supremacy? This seems to be a problem shared by all three Abrahamic doctrines, who then try to pass the buck, pointing the finger at each other ~ typical sibling behaviour...

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Yes in every "religion" there are some dark stuff. Goodness what some nuns did a century or so ago was horrific. So they all have some hidden very dark stuff in their closet, which is why they all should be examined under a mircoscope. We are blessed with a lot of history to see what they are about though.

Islam very openly believes in child marriage. I mean they "marry" girls as young as 9 years old to older men. That isn't marriage. That is just sick to me. Child molestation is very much part of islam. It isn't frowned upon. It is core of the "religion" to molest kids.

I say look at the core of each religion. What they openly support. What is in their laws that they openly abide by. After that there will always be "crazies" in it too that are not really following the rules of that religion.

With that being said I do like that Christianity pretty much follows the U.S. Constitution as there is no conflict to follow the Constitution and Christianity at the same time. With that being said I feel Christianity today is very much corrupted as in the leaders did not punish the child abusers like they should have done. Also examining the Bible there are some things that I do not believe should be part of Christianity but I never see that are practiced.

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I fully agree. Child molestation, unfortunately, also seems to be very much part of our Christian history.

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I don't think you got my point on that one. Child molestation is NOT the core of Christianity though of course it did happen. Does it happen. Yes. But it isn't the core of the religion.

I remember years ago when it came out that priest were indeed molesting kids, that my fellow Catholics were ANGRY. They didn't say oh well. That is the core of our religion. We molest kids. They held meetings and wanted these priest kicked out and jailed. That didn't always happen so they were more angry.

Actually the Catholic Priest that married my husband and I stood in front of the congregation and told everyone "YOU OUGHT TO BE PISSED." They kicked this priest out and he started his own church. People were not happy about this priest getting kicked out. Molesting kids is not in the Catholic Religion's core. Though there are other things that I don't agree with.

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Please watch Bridgitte Gabriel and "peaceful Muslims" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYjiSaV5VoE

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Thanks for sharing. I agree with everything Brigitte Gabriel is saying here, and it is indeed worrying. However, you are mixing up Arabs with Muslims. I think this thread started in response to Celia's article about 'How Arabs have been portrayed...'

Not all Arabs are Muslims, and not all Muslims are Arabs.

Unfortunately it's true what she says about the "irrelevance of the peaceful majority" ~ which applies to all fascist and tyrannical humans, not just Muslims. It applies to the Zionist Jews, the National Socialists, the Taliban... the (Christian) Desert Nationalists ~ see this article https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/aug/09/deznats-religious-extremists-mormon-vision

Maybe we (the peaceful majority) should focus more on finding new ways of becoming more relevant?

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Islam is a Patriarchal Organized Religion that is in the truest sense demeaning to Women.. In the Middle East they are treated like cattle sometimes much worse.. a woman can be beaten daily and severely if the Father or husband choose to do so.. even to death with little or no real consequences for the Male.. thank God most Arab men no longer endorse this behavior.. but an enormous number in the middle East still do.. Fact..

That being said it does not excuse Hollywood's exploitation of the Arab community.. Most Arabs and followers of Islam are good people, but women are at best second class citizens..

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Once again muslims are to be docile in a land where sharia is not the main religion. Only when they start to dominate the land do they introduce islam more and more. Islam is not compatible with a civilized society.

If you don't believe me then go vacation in Mecca and see how they treat you. Wear jeans and t-shirt with a cross necklace or Jewish symbols.

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Feb 6
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I think the elites of the world used islamic jhadist to do 9-11. That is the elite knew that there were crazy jhadist that wanted their 72 virgins in heaven and were willing to fly some planes in a building to get it and so...

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This brings back a bunch of memories: Michel Moushabeck used to have a bookstore in Brooklyn, along with the press, that I became familiar with in the 1990s. I got to know Phillis Bennis at the time & she had been, if I remember correctly, shot at by members of Meir Kahane's Jewish Defense League, for her outspokenness on the issue of Palestine. It is instructive to note that I just did a cursory internet search & couldn't find any reference to that incident. As for Jack Sheehan, that was very important work & came in tandem with work other people were doing, such as filmmakers Elia Suleiman & Jayce Salloum's "Introduction to the End of an Argument," which I got a "thank you" on—it was a brilliant Orfalea-like mash-up of mainstream imagery of Arabs. Then there was old friend Ella Shohat's excellent & important East/West & the Politics of Representation, on Israeli cinema & later on Melani McCallister's superb Epic Encounters: Culture, Media, and US Interests in the Middle East since 1945. Anyhow, thanks for jogging this stroll down "memory lane"!

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I wonder sometimes if the Devil invented Hollywood. It seems full of his disciples. Those with good common sense are shunned by the majority.

Somewhere over the last few decades it has grown worse.

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Feb 6
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Can you give some hints before I dig?

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I don't know what period of Hollywood Celia is referring to, and whether she includes major TV & Cable shows as part of it, but in my experience, Hollywood has been whitewashing Muslims for at least 24 years, if not much longer. I have analyzed on my blog about two dozen movies and TV/Cable shows in which Muslims and/or Islam (and/or "terrorism") are featured, and the pattern is always the same: egregious whitewashing of Islam and of Muslims, and an anxious need to telegraph that "most Muslims just wanna have a sandwich" (in the immortal words of Ben Affleck, who went on a Leftist rant on the Bill Maher show after Sam Harris dared to utter the infamously politically incorrect statement, "Islam is the motherlode of bad ideas").

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Thanks for your clear-headed thinking. Do you have a link to where you analyze those two dozen or so movies and TV/Cable Shows? Ironically it's the Israeli TV shows that present a multi-dimensional portrait of Palestinians/Muslims. Fauda comes to mind.

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I'd have to root around in my blog, which I stopped writing in 2018 -- the analyses I did are spread out over a few postings. I'll see what I can find. For now, I can give you one link to one analysis (from 2008):


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My theory is that it's "residual liberalism" which causes some seemingly bright medical freedom people to idealize and embrace a culture that's bent on destroying them.

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Great stuff. I'm sorry you stopped in 2018. I particularly liked what you said here which reflects the denial of reality we see too often here among the denizens of this blog.

"...that if we take these stronger measures in our self-defense, it will not only “irreparably damage” our Constitution, but will also offend, alienate and “radicalize” the Muslim community and thereby jeopardize the effective cooperation of the vast majority of “moderates” who are axiomatically presumed to exist among them. Such a counter-argument not only rests on the absurd assumption that truly moderate Muslims would be so easily “radicalized”, but also presumes a vast majority of harmless Muslims abstracted from their unusually cohesive and trans-national sociopolitical religious culture whose defense against perceived “attacks” and “oppression” in Islamic tradition no less than in Islamic psychology is of far greater importance than individual concerns or non-Muslim national loyalties."

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Here on Substack, Medical Freedom activists by and large are PREACHING TO THE CHOIR. But is that really a bad thing? Check out my latest music video: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/new-video-preaching-to-the-choir

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They sure do, even worse!

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Shaheen is name in titles, not Sheehan

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