Sitting at a restaurant bar. Conversation with couple next to me. Trump supporters. They could tell I was, too. Celebratory. I am too. But I'm cautious. As you describe. No reconciliation from Trump over what happened in 2020, his history of poor appointments jade me. So I'm cautious.

I didn't downtalk Trump. I simply said I'm cautiously optimistic. And I wasn't optimistic at all about the other option. They asked me why, what I thought about Elon. I said I generally like him. But he has things I'm not a fan of. They were stunned at my reply. As if I shattered their image of him. I said just like Trump says he likes RFK Jr for health policy, but not energy policy, I can recognize what I like about Elon and what I don't like. They couldn't register my response.

Then they asked me about Vance. I had a similar response. Met with the same disbelief. Asked if I trust them. I said I generally like them, but both have flags for me. So I trust, but verify. I said we have to stay engaged, make sure the Rino's, Uniparty don't hijack Trump's administration. They became quiet and polite and that was pretty much that.

No, people, Trump supporters don't want their buzz killed. I didn't think I was a buzzkill, just practical, one man can't do it alone. Too many people think victory was achieved, they're spiking the football in the end zone, and want to go back to their life they understood the world as pre-2020 as if the election solved it all.

We have a lot of work to do. Inside our own camp, not just overcoming our tormentors these past four years. Sigh.

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Nov 12Edited

I appreciate your post and share your sentiment. I would encourage anyone who thinks Trump is a savior to watch a recent Icke video, and research what he has discovered about Musk.


Trump already appointed someone with huge ties to Pfizer and vaccines. Vance’s political career was funded by Peter Teal. Musk wants to microchip everyone and is basically soft selling the push to merge humans with AI.

I am glad Trump won, as it seems, at least of the surface, that he will slow the pace of the insanity.

But, to blindly trust him and his administration, as Icke would say, is extremely naive.

I am happy that he won, but to me it’s not about him. It’s a declaration of THE FACT that there is more awareness on just how much the left lies.

BUT, now it’s time to recognize that the Trump and the “right” are not all

what they seem to be either.

I would love nothing more than to be completely wrong and watch Trump deliver on his promises. But until

he does, I think it’s vital for us all to remain open minded.

As one of my favorite spiritual teachers has said, I may have beliefs but I don’t believe them. Detachment is what enables us to grow and evolve.

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Well said, Dan.

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Freedom Fox and Dan. It's the curse of being able to think critically. Some of Trump's appointments, as you note, are not so good. I believe that Israel is committing genocide. Stefanik for UN ambassador is a confirmed Israeli sympathizer. I do not like having Netanyahu as my de facto president. Why are all the politicos so subserviant to Israel? Pulling out my tin foil hat, I wonder if 9/11 was a US/Mossod joint project.

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As to your question re: why are all the politicos so subservient to Israel? Here is one possible answer (from former US lawmaker Cynthia McKinney who I am not really familiar with other than this whistle-blowing post) with the link for the source at the end:

Former US lawmaker Cynthia McKinney says every candidate for Congress must pledge to support Israel’s military superiority in the region and continued large-scale US funding for the Zionist state, or risk losing the ability to raise funds for election campaigns. “If you don’t sign the pledge, you don’t get money,” she says in this interview with Marzieh Hashemi, an American-born journalist who lives in Iran. “You make a commitment that you would vote to support the military superiority of Israel, that the economic assistance that Israel wants, that you would vote to provide that,” she adds. If a candidate does not sign the pledge or perform accordingly, “then you do not get money to run your campaign,” McKinney says. After she made the pledge public, she says, the tactic changed, but the basic requirement remained. Runtime: 9:51 mins.


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Thanks. Yep, it's a catch22, huh? I still sometimes think we should all give up voting. How much worse could things get? Actually, probably a lot worse.

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She also wrote a book.

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Is it the curse of being able to think critically OR the ability to see and accept unpleasant reality? The same feeling one gets when far back in the sticks isolated and suddenly your car makes funny engine noises and stops?

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Interesting idea.

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The tail doesn't wag the dog. Think critically about that.

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That depends on who the dog is.

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Suannee, I'd go further on Stefanik. She's not merely a sympathizer, she's a mouthpiece for the Israeli government. She disgraced herself during those dog and pony Capitol Hill bitch slappings of the hapless college presidents who had the audacity to not go jackboot on student protestors.

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Take it for what it is: millions of Americans giving the finger to the leftist globalists. Now just hang with it and see how it plays out … or else get sucked into the negative psychology. Your choice, but remember that our perceptions really do help shape the world.

Is everyone morphing into Sage Hanna or what??? I don’t buy it.

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Exactly! Don’t let your guard down but ever so grateful the psycho Dems got trounced!

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If you haven't already, go read Clif High's latest here- clifhigh@substack.com- Shoot-out at the QFS Corral. You are correct, of course, and your intuition is spot on, I'd say. Given Trump's recent history, we have every right to be skeptical of his appointments. No wriggle room this go round.

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Well said Freedom Fox. I'm amazed at how the people who so clearly recognized that Obama was an unproven, unknown smooth talker accept Vance as if he's the Second Coming. When I point out that 40 year old, unaccomplished first term senators (less than two years in office!) don't get to the #2 spot on a national ticket without powerful and possibly nefarious backers, they look at me like I'm crazy. And when I ask how Musk went from an unknown to possibly the most powerful man on earth in less than a decade they just say "he's really smart". Yeah, no shit, but so are a lot of people. Is his rise really organic, or is there something/someone/some three letter agency behind him? I don't know the answer, but I'm not going to blindly assume they have our best interests at heart until they prove it.

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Agree ... read my post 'Don't dream it's over'


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Great Post. The reason I'm ambivalent and find it hard to be happy is that everything I've ever been happy about ending up turning out bad somehow, someway. I was a life long Democrat, before I stopped voting altogether in 2008 when I saw that Obama was turning out to be different than he assured us he was. I left the U.S. in 2010. When I returned for a few months in 2018, the Democratic Party was unrecognizable. For all intents and purposes it seemed to me that they'd turned into the former Republican Party, which had changed beyond all recognition too. No one seemed to have noticed either change. I'd been teaching English for many years overseas. When I saw the U.S. again, it was as if I'd not only stepped into an airplane, but a time machine as well. And, the people in the new time and place didn't notice the change. I couldn't relate to anyone, except people who had just gotten there from Africa, Asia or somewhere - like me. I felt a need to leave again, so I did. I'm relieved that Trump won, but after the Plandemic, I don't have any faith anymore that ANY official sources are telling us anything true. That's why it's hard. I love the way you communicated your thoughts - your personal form of poetry. It speaks to me. Thank you!

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They will never see it until they get out of it for some reason and turn to look into what they have left. Within its like they are those happy frogs in a cold pot of water that is gradually getting hotter and hotter as the flame turns up. That had to happen to me. It was sudden and shocking. But one realization could turn some. It’s hard to explain. I believe God got me out and turned me around to see it all. I couldn’t sleep for some time.

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You're a good writer.

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Lucky you to be able to escape somewhere.

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Is it not like walking in the woods and rain starts with no shelter within miles?

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There is yet the apprehension, as we face cornered rats with their clocks running out. But such the sigh of relief that commie lala's steal could not be pushed through. This really all came out in the open when the covid psyop broke so many minds (apparently, permanently). Makes one wonder if these people literally are brain damaged now and partly lobotomized? Nothing but a bag of amygdala bad feels, resentment, and self-loathing. But the real people.... people with the confidence to stand their ground in the Truth, we've been fighting this our whole lives. We never buckled under to the bullying in the schools. We shook off the validation seeking of others, and retreated into the growing strength of solitude and close friends (even if sadly so many of them, including family, eventually succumbed to the death cult). Keep lighting fires, so no matter what they do their dictatorship will burn to the ground and become unrealizeable. Long live Liberty, Conscience, Natural Law and the Sovereign free thinking individuals!

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"...a bag of amygdala bad feels, resentment, and self-loathing...", how dawu talk of my sistah in this tone!

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We take one day at a time. We do everything we can to push back on this darkness. Let Trump be President, make his appointments, wrangle with the corrupt. We’re all responsible for this mess. We all need to keep doing everything we can to set things right. We rejected open borders, we rejected lawlessness and corruption, we rejected most everything the Dems stand for. What do they stand for now? Who’s going to bring them together? They desperately need a leader with a message. They have none and can’t defend their bad behavior. Shrieking about blood sacrifices when it’s no longer under Federal jurisdiction, a total lie, shrieking about Trump is evidence of mental illness all of it brought to these people by a Dem campaign that did nothing but lie and incite. You think you’re going through a slump, imagine what they’re going through. They’re finally completely and totally exposed.

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Yes, we’re on the same page. I was in a bit of a slump as well. I’ve been writing every day, for hours, on media for the past 4 years. The slump lasted about 8 hours before I realized we still have a tremendous amount of work to do. We can still be fired up about keeping this momentum going, we must be. We can never let our Country slip in to a totalitarian nihilism ever again. We need to move our country as far away from this sick mentality as possible.

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Distraught, and desperate. So, dangerous.

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it's all been in your face for a reason, and that is to bring you to this place/moment, and it will all slip away...how soon we forget.

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Nope. It will not slip away. It must be faced, stared down and destroyed. The only way to destroy it is to expose it.

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Who are you? The messenger of doom?

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That's funny!

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Are you sure you responded beneath the right comment? Seems she's perfectly echoing what Celia's essay pointed out.

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Thank you, Celia. You, like Elizabeth, eloquently and graphically expressed what many of us are feeling.

“I think, since 2022, my nerves just do not register “the good” anymore. Shock and trauma will do that to people.”

I had been mentally preparing to blast YMCA and do my best (but pitiful) Donald Dance in relief and joy. And, yet, my reaction was the same as yours. We had waited so long, but I cannot permit myself to rejoice.

Why? As you suggest, in the last years we have seen, not Paree, but the Dante-ian rings of Hell. We have looked upon and experienced an insidious evil that is cloaked in smiles, smooth talk, and slick - oh so slick - lies. Their power is formidable.

We know a decisive victory has been won, but the war goes on. The heart of the enemy has not been vanquished; it has not been pegged by the wooden stake. Can this happen? Actually, no, for we know that the devil, like a roaring lion, ever prowls, seeking to snatch souls. It is the story of history. Good v evil. Sin crouching at every door. And so, the victors of this battle must not permit a false compassion to cloud decisions. There are consequences for evil actions. Hard decisions must be made.

The Donald is uber-confidant. This eccentric man knows many, many things we don’t know. He is driven by a vision. May God protect him; may his plans bear plenteous fruit. May he buy enough time to laboriously turn this massive, leaky ocean liner around and head for quiet waters and safe harbours. There, we and our children and grandchildren may enjoy stability, prosperity, peace … and souls that are calm in the Lord.

So much hope - and perhaps we can actually learn to accept this good, but, yes, you are right about this current PTSD reaction: when will the other shoe drop? After all, the author is Lucifer. The answer, as always, is biblical: Pray unceasingly. Prayer is the bucket of water that melted the Wicked Witch of the West.

I am finding inspiration now as I read Rod Dreher’s recent book, “Living in Wonder: Finding mystery and magic in a secular age.” He reminds us we have been caught in the Machine that has shaped us for 60+ years (and, yes, centuries; but for us, more specifically, those six decades). We have lost wonder, awe, mystery and the sense of the beauty of the majesty of creation, ourselves, and our Maker. He urges us to breathe deeply and open ourselves to it.

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"They can post a photo of a baked pear on Facebook and hundreds of people will express adoration, approval, emotional support, and delight. They’re people.

Does anybody know what I mean?"

I know exactly what you mean. My one weekly social activity is as a recently new member of a choir of about 60 men and women. At the same time that I look so forward to it (and practice our songs several times a week), I feel an "outsider" because I KNOW that not a single one of them shared or shares my knowledge/hatred of what they all complied with.

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I’m joining a curling league… need to meet new people and I’m not going to talk about politics. I expect to be the fringe minority and hope to be surprised that I won’t. Either way it’s ok because I’m going to be exactly what and who I want to be.

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Speaking of the devil:

$710 million not enough: Fauci's ongoing $15 million bonus! (small change for him)


The reason you feel like that is that deep inside, you know they can't let the truth go out to the masses: they will try to murder Trump and Bobby no matter what, even if it means killing many around them, disguised as an accident.

I'll soon post this and would love your comments in advance:

Which pill identifies your status?

Red-pilled = someone who is awakened to terrible truths that the-powers-that-be don't want to be known.

Blue-pilled = someone who doesn't tolerate the truth and prefers a self-delusional but happy life.

Black-pilled = someone bitter, who has lost hope and will/joy to live, after taking too many redpills coated in black lies. Every single good-news is drowned by all the things that may go wrong and the huge check-list that still needs to be done. Every bad-news is bitterly celebrated by “I told you so”. They hate the answer “nobody’s perfect, at least he is walking in the right direction.” Though they can be toxic sometimes, bringing everybody down, at least they keep the troops on red-alert so that nobody claims a false victory and relaxes, like those celebrating Trump’s victory as heaven on earth.

It’s a paradox that some of the most informed and awakened voters, are the ones who gave up voting. They know how much the system is rigged towards evil. They think that voting only makes it stronger and makes the voter an accomplice of the enslavers and that the only way out is a bloody revolution, civil war or secession while prepping to live alone in their self-sufficient (they think) homestead, as if they wouldn’t be hunted down like the Amish.

White-pilled = someone who keeps fighting after taking the antidote to the blackpills: peaceful measures which can unwind the death machine, destroying layer after layer built along centuries, based on a deep understanding of:

• how the iron-curtain really fell

• the dark human condition after original sin

• the real power of real truth, beauty and love

• the spiritual-warfare (war on sin through prayer) where God always wins over demonic regimes

Grey-pilled = someone between being black and white-pilled, who has lost some but not all hope, still hanging/clinging from a big/small thread. Some think that the white-pilled are naive, irrational and unrealistic.

Placebo-pilled = someone who doesn’t care about pills, or can't even process one, and still thinks the world is OK and not downhill speeding towards a cliff.

Back-pilled = “I'm not entirely sure what color the pill was, but it was definitely a suppository.”

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I'm more of a pink pilled person - red pilled with a bit of white pill mixed in. I can only go so far into dark territory, and then I need to seek the light and find some beauty and joy. As dark as it looks sometimes there is still a lot of goodness to be found; like how the communities in Appalachia showed up to pitch in and help their neighbors any way they could. For me, that is light and beauty at its best.

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Beautiful! I'll quote you if you don't mind =)

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Colour me grey (besides the hair).

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Dear Celia,

Your foreboding is warranted but please cap it soundly when it comes upon you. Remember, that we humans are a collective soul. We need ALL of our positive power to make the outcome we desire possible. I say this to bolster you and all of us. We can be vigilant and victorious at the same time. Stay strong. You lift me. I lift you. Do not despair. 🩷

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We must singularly lift ourselves.

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It helps me Celia, to read the Bible. The Book of Revelations promises that Babylon is going to fall in one day, one hour.

And then?

Every good thing prophesied by all of the ancient and modern prophets is right in front of us. 1,000 years of peace and no more dead babies.

My dearest friend Sherri Kane worked for years as a journalist with Dr. Leonard Horowitz trying to warn everyone about vaccine mandates.

She was completely demoralized by Covid and in our final conversation before she died of a brain bleed, she told me she was not willing to stick around and watch everything unfold.

That was three and a half years ago.

Several times over the years since she passed into the spirit world, I must confess to being jealous that she was resting comfortably while I had to watch my adult children and all four in-law kids roll up their sleeves.

They all knew that I, as a long term vaccine activist/abolitionist was not going to submit, but it did crush my mama heart to see these precious souls that I gave birth to and protected from vaccine damage by not allowing them to be vaccinated for anything when they were little children, willingly cave to the psychological operation.

I wondered if I would have any more grandchildren and if I did, would they be healthy?

So much of the loss we are all feeling revolves around babies that will never be conceived and/or babies that die in the womb because of side effects from the clot shots.

I am a Christian and the Lord spoke to my grandmother heart a few years ago when I was fretting about all of this.

What I “heard” from him is that he, as the master healer, has the ability to heal all of it.

And couples who desire healthy children need to humbly petition the Lord in Faith to fully heal them.

They need to be married and bound in loving relationships and ready to nurture and love their children before he will heal all of the broken reproductive organs spike proteins ravaged in their bodies.

The pregnancies will restore and regenerate both the moms and the dads!

I believe we have barely scratched the surface of the swaths of humanity about to perish from Turbo Cancers.

And all young parents should be preparing now for hospitals overwhelmed by sick people to stay home and give birth in safety alone.

I grasp joy wherever I can find it. Being in reality can overwhelm, but we can coexist with the conflicting visions as the whore of the earth falls and families rise in health and glory.

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The War between Good and Evil is just getting started. Evil suffered an unexpected loss on Election Day. But, Evil still holds the reins of Power. They will not lay down their arms. This is the unease I feel.

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Evil also gained an unexpected (?) win on election day- I submit that you are participating in an illusion...

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Nov 12
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"Evil doesn't win or lose any supposed battle."

The record of history has just exposed you as a liar.

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Nov 12
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Extant. Here we go again. Your dictionary must be unto nigh worn out. Depositions? You strain at gnats and ignore camels that trample you. My point? Nobody likes a fake and someone who self imposes on his wretched carcass he is a "poet" who cannot rhyme is as phony as a three dollar bill. Your existence is as a living creator of fables, a legend in your own mind, an intolerant educated mental midget who is as deep as he is wide in an existent play world of your own creation. The real men I worked with would listen to your whining but once and silence you with a backhand. You are without a doubt a walking contradiction, a forest of dead trees, an orchard of non fruit bearing fruit and a flower garden with no flowers. You are foolish, thinking that from a distance you can spew your tripe at one who you THINK is far away. I told you once it is a small world. And mouthing off arbitrarily to someone you do not know is a fool's game and you play the part well.

You are of those who think that a Believer raised by a Salvation Army mother and a Methodist father is harmless and targeting me tells me you are a coward. I can find out who you are with a hundred dollar bill paid to a computer scientist of whom in my business I have many over 33 years.

But go your way, you have a lot to learn yet and it appears you will have to learn the hard way. You said I had a reputation and it is true. But I came by it honestly which is something you have never done and never will. You do not have the beans! Nor the intelligence, nor the humility.

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Nov 13
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There are various ways to embrace the Good and to resist the death cult and to defeat the woke, psychotic and psychopathic Bolsheviks. I don’t believe that politics is one of those ways. I guess that I’ve lost faith in the system.

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Politics is as vital as compost. Both need periodic aeration.

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You could be correct. I think of politics pretty much exclusively in the context of the power of one set or class of people to dominate (aka aggressively coerce) another set or class of people. Domination will never result in freedom or liberty.

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For once, I am not reading any comments because I don’t want to be influenced.

I certainly can relate to everything you wrote in this Stack, Celia. I am feeling elation, but no where to express other than here, on Substack!

Thank you for expressing almost everything I am experiencing!

Having said the words above, I love Elizabeth Nickson’s enthusiasm. She is a gem. Immeasurable.

Let’s keep talking and you keep writing, Celia. I am sure I speak for all your subscribers, you are a gem 💎

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Hahaha your sleeping cat ... that's happiness.. also found in the childlike marvelling attitude of Quixote

There is no permanent winning over the fallen angel in this life on earth... as you beautifully described, it has staying power, tenacity, and zombie like apparent immortality.

Happiness is a decision to look in the direction of true light (not synthetic) and a discipline to keep doing so. The glass only needs to be half full for life, love and hope to survive.

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Profound unease …⛓️‍💥 earlier it was profound nostalgia. We are all in for this ride.

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I didn't buy a ticket for this ride, I was bequeathed it, and I want off...

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I feel it is both a duty and an honor to be here now. Leaning into the discomfort has always been worthwhile.

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I should clarify-soon after birth, I was contracted without my consent, with an E-ticket safety-pinned to my blouse.

I am happy to explore the park in the absence of corporate minders...

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The vehicle is moving fast. Out of control. You can jump out and suffer injury or let the vehicle crash while you are in it. Make your decision and choose wisely.

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Hope you're ready for the ride of your life.

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Demon rats vs. Republi-cons is Coke vs Pepsi. An illusion of choice.

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Celia - this is your thoughtful writing at its best, thank you. Yes, we are trying to adjust to "winning", after the deep state bully was defeated. But was he? Not entirely, yet. The next two months will be difficult, the corrupt criminal organization of the entrenched administrative government will not leave peacefully.

What is FEMA planning in Michigan? Very suspicious. What is McConnell trying to do with the Senate, in order to sabotage Trump's new admin?

But we do see firm plans and good people being put in place quickly.

As you said: "Still—let’s stay in the reverie mode for a bit.

I believe we owe it to one another to be optimistic, realistic, and confident. Not to over-indulge in our private collections of distrust in various figures. That’s infantile."

I embrace the win, and stay optimistic.

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