Not To Be Missed Article by Our Colleague Pèlerine About The Woman Who Exposed Alfred Kinsey and Hugh Hefner As The Marx and Lenin of the Attack on America's Children & Families
The whole subject of sex in the classroom and the covid shots for an unreal flu that came from a lab are totally ridiculous. Get your kids out of K-12 schools and most universities. All the Globalists are looking for is more and more power.
It's sexual grooming and assault essentially. To raise sex with a child is to sexualize the child. It's the same with women but children are powerless whereas women are heavily conditioned but not powerless. I believe men should understand not to make sex conversational, at all, ever. Ever. I'm a TOTAL "prig" that way.
Judith was a gift from God. Another great American was Charlotte Iserbyt (The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America). Judith and Charlotte were good friends. I knew Judith through Charlotte. Judith got vaccinated in order to travel and died shortly thereafter. My beloved friend Charlotte died in February. I miss her everyday. She has done more for our children and our country than most people ever knew. She sacrificed her entire life to fight for our children and our country. Judith opened our eyes to the evil that has perpetrated our society and what we see today in our schools and in our society are all a result of the work of that perverted Kinsey. He wanted us to believe babies are sexual from the day they are born in order to legitimize his pedophilia. And now Judith and Charlotte are gone and we are left to carry on their fight. Thank you for this tribute to Judith.
Karen thank you for sharing this and I'm so very sorry for your loss. I want to to encourage you to write more, write freely, about Charlotte and Judith. These two incredible women to whom we are so indebted. Let's keep talking about their work.
Reisman was/is my hero too, she is remarquable How was she made to take an injection she didn't want? I can't believe the level of evil.How will we survive spiritually in this dismembered world?
Judith Reisman's courage and perseverance is admirable. I respect her thoroughness. As a woman in her 60's who was raised in a home with sexual violence, I appreciate her work from a personal vantage point as well.
And while (in the 80's) I wrote a Master's thesis on healing from childhood sexual assault, I never identified the piece of the jigsaw puzzle that was Kinsey's work. My focus rested on Freud's abdication of what he knew to be true from the revelations of his clients who were sexually violated as children.
So thank you, Celia, for this post. Exploring Kinsey's research more fully is quite revealing even with regards to my own experiences as a child and adolescent.
For clarity, I want to add that Judith Reisman's perspective that ”All pornography is homosexuality” (her words, not mine - I just spent a half-hour watching videos and reading her own words repeating this hypothesis repeatedly) is, in my opinion, misguided.
I recognize that her biblical perspective confirms this hypothesis. I respect her right to hold whatever religious views she wishes. I simply and strongly disagree with the legitimacy of the view. It misses the mark entirely - again, IMO.
I do not diss Christianity's view of homosexuality. Every religion is free to their belief systems, and I have no 'homosexual agenda' against Christianity or any religion that believes homosexuality to be a sin. I do think they're wrong, but I have no wish to censor them or try to change their views. We're all entitled to believe what we wish.
The only part I find really unfortunate is that this aspect of her work lends itself to further division. Among the 1 in 3 children who have been and will be sexually assaulted before adulthood (yes, I believe this figure is more accurate than the percentages most often quoted by researchers) are many gay men and lesbians. The strong and central presumption in Judith Reisman's work that ”All pornography is homosexuality” (which, I believe, she came to later in her years, but I could be wrong) does diminish the remarkable overall value of the vast majority of her research.
Yeah, I don't quite understand what she meant by that statement. I do not believe homosexuality is necessarily from trauma. I actually have no idea. But again: KINSEY.
Nor do I know precisely what Judith Reisman meant by that statement, Celia, and I would love to have been able to have a cuppa tea with her and a conversation about it.
It's clear from listening to several more recordings of hers now, that it was - for sure - a staple phrase in her presentations, so it isn't a one-off thought.
She also becomes quite descriptive in one of the recordings your friend posted in the original post to which you linked about non-face-to-face sexual encounters (i.e., anal sex) which she appears to believe are (a) wrong / immoral, and (b) exclusively homosexual.
We're all entitled to our opinions, and I do not begrudge Judith Reisman hers. I do happen to know that plenty of straight folk enjoy non-face-to-face sexual intimacy, so ... she missed the mark there.
I thoroughly appreciate Judith Reisman's research on Kinsey, and her views on homosexuality don't diminish that appreciation.
i can find her thorough and persevering research on Kinsey to be courageous, inspiring, and of great benefit - and simultaneously perceive her views on homosexuality as misguided, misinformed, and technically inaccurate.
Pretty sure we would've been able to have a respectful discussion about these things without seeing eye-to-eye, and enjoyed one another's company as well.
Really appreciate and resonate with your comment, Heidi Lynne. Don't have time at the moment to say more, but I share several of your observations - and my curiosity is piqued by some of them I've not considered previously. Thanks!
OK, sorry. I could not get past the first paragraph of Pelerine's article.
"...encouraging transgenderism" "...mainstreaming homosexuality and pedophilia"
You see, this is getting very scary. Because a number of very vocal people against the covidmania and injection tyranny are spouting these same phrases. And some of them who have been vocal from the beginning are now running for office. So what will happen when they are elected? Will we have bodily autonomy, which they are so ardently fighting for, against "vaccines" - but not bodily autonomy should someone choose abortion or sex change???
How could you possibly, and dangerously, connect homosexuality with pedophilia in the same sentence?? Do you see what you did there? Are they one and the same?
Many people actually think so and this just feeds it.
Encouraging transgenderism? Can you not see that all this wokeness (which looks like encouragement) is yet another subtle devious way of dividing us again, at the expense of a certain group of people? Transgender people. I cannot tolerate the whole identity paradigm, but it is what it is and I make sure that I do not associate it with the tyranny of the past two years.
I do not agree with what's going on in schools and school books regarding sex in all it's forms. But I see that for what it is. It is a sneaky way to get people to hate homosexuals, transgenders and all the folk who do not fit into the American Christian way of life.
I know many homosexuals and some transgender human beings. Do they not deserve the same right to choice that all of us "normal people" do? In all aspects of life?
Am I missing something here? I had listened to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny who is brilliant when it comes to explaining the dangers of vaccines, and her fight against the present tyranny. But I had to stop when I listened to her Christmas message about the Bible - that marraige is one man and one woman, and that gay men and women should not be able to adopt children! Yes, that's her opinion, and she has every right to express it - but she and others are now insinuating this kind of thinking and preaching into the fight against mandates. It does not belong there.
To me this is frightening and unfair. And I cannot believe more people are not speaking to it.
When will LGBTQ lobby stop pushing hatred of Christians? That's my question. Are Christians ever going to be accepted and allowed to believe what they believe? No, of course not. There is a clear agenda to terminate Christianity.
Maybe the official LGBTQ lobby is being controlled by the same people behind BLM. Maybe there is an agenda behind pushing hatred of Christians.
In any case, I know many homosexuals. Some ARE Christian. I have never met any - and I'm 68 years old, who have expressed a hatred of Christians.
Same with the transgender's I know.
I don't believe, and am very upset when I see it, that people should associate transhumanism with homosexuality or transgenderism or anything else that is a person's very personal choice.
Let's focus on the transhumanism. Machine and humans. Nanoparticles and humans. Control over humans. To me that has no connection to a person's sexuality.
Celia, I believe in freedom of expression, religion, lifestlyle, etc. And would fight for that right. I try to live a "live and let live" approach toward everybody and their beliefs whether I agree or not. I try to know that people's beliefs are as deep as my own. So if some Christians believe in a fundamental view of the Bible, fine.
My concern is when those views are brought into politics and are stated AS FACT. Not personal belief - FACT. And I have witnessed that a good deal over the past year.
I dislike having ANY agenda rammed down my throat - whether it's Christian or LGBT.
Or CDC, WHO, WEF, FDA, the UN, or my own local, state and national goverment.
Yes, so true. I also know many homosexuals, often the most advanced people around, morally. And many of my foremost Christian teachers have been gay men. The Trans Lobby is its own phenomenon. And it's sexualizing children, and it's a catastrophe. It's the end, if they are not stopped.
Love between men takes many forms and is ancient. I just also wish heterosexuals could a thing. Also. Gay men got all the love. But it wasn't love. This culture elevates gay men because IT hates women; But that is not the same as that gay men do.
Now, Reisman's target was sadistic pedophilia dressed up as science. ie: KINSEY.
A Christian believes that God made males and females and each has an ordained life purpose. A Christian can believe in God or believe in gender reversal, but not both. They are for a Christian irreconcilable.
A progressive believes the opposite and generally abhors Christians.
Many contemporary Christians connect LGBTQ Inc with the transhumanist agenda.
I would expect ANY of my Christian/Catholic friends or colleagues to embrace any transgender person with love before I would expect a progressive radical to repress their hatred of a Christian. In my experience, Christians tell everybody God loves them; Leftists tell everybody why exactly they deserve to be hated.
The paradigm is simple, and there is no need to overthink it: Sodom (thus, sodomy and sodomites) + Gomorrha = perdition. Should that be too ancient an explanation, read Kipling´s The Gods of the Copybook Headings, for a touch of modernity. The lesson remains the same, and as valid as ever.
There are so many therapists trained and guiding people in polyamory, “healthy” porn use etc. While everyone has their path of getting lost in order to discern or perhaps hit bottom and choose to be found it’s sickening that those of us meant to help, hurt in these ways. ... in addition to destroying bonds, family, crippling people wit addiction, scientizing sex takes the spirituality out of emotional and physical Union.
Judith Reisman, wow a true hero. I did not know her name but thank you for this incredible piece Celia.
I started to “wake up” to the evil going on in the world when Epstein, Weinstein and all those perverts started to make news. I went down the Rabbit hole and then when COVID hit I new everything was bullshit. So the depravity of Kinsey eventually hit my radar but how far his influence went/is going!?!? Are humans really so sick, so easily fooled? And now we are allowing the NWO to hunt our children?!?! NO.
Celia. Please watch ‘ WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING II - THE GENDER AGENDA ’. Judith Reisman is featured prominently in it. It is a couple of years old. You will find it informative and you will walk away baffled how Kinsey’s name can still be on a building at Indiana University.
Hi Celia, I'm interested in the reference to Crowley, which suggests that you friend had found an aspect to his activities that is not clear from what I've read, including the books about him by his son Amado. I'd be very interested in any steer you can give on that. Very best wishes.
Crowley is the mainspring, the beginning of widespread cultural evil as "culture." I will try to research and get concrete facts about how the three of them intersected through the timeline. I know exactly who to commission if I could just focus a little better.
I’ve been listening to several versions of Purcell’s “Dido’s Lament” and pondering why some performances move me deeply while others do not. My musings range from “When is an original song abused by deviation, and when is it improved?”, to “Opera-style singing evolved without microphones and needed to be resonant, even shrill, to be heard above the musicians/orchestra.” In other words, change keeps grinding on. Which reminds me of the Socratic question on whether a ship is still the same ship if, after decades at sea and countless repairs, every single piece of it is no longer from the original ship. There’s a pithy joke version of this idea from the British sitcom “Only Fools and Horses”, when the character Trigger muses about his broom: “It’s had 7 brushes and 5 handles, but it’s still the same broom” (or words to that effect).
If things do stay the same, how? How does this train of thought impact conservatism? My own view is that change is the only constant, but patternings repeat. “Patternings” because there are no Discreet Things as suggested by atomism or materialism. Which means there are no objects as such, except that we perceive them as such, as filtered into our perceptions by the reflexes of our belief systems, which run incredibly deep.
And all this brings us – gently I hope – to the thorny issues of sexuality, abuse and innocence.
I’ve given a lot of thought about whether I should respond to this article, because my sensibilities around sex diverge significantly from the dominant view here at The Sound Barrier. As do my recent musings on monstrosity at my extravagantly unvisited blog.
There are versions of Dido’s Lament that meddle with the original melody (e.g. by Simone Dinnerstein). Some of us receive these as innovative and therefore good, others as abusive and therefore bad. But surely, either way, without experimentation there’d be no evolution. Our innate curiosity, which I believe comes straight from soul, from God, is part of this urge to play, to try things differently. Free will is thus part of this. Unconditional love is part of this. And it’s unconditional precisely because free will is sacred, ours to learn to use wisely. The old chestnut, “Why do Bad Things Happen if God is good?” is easily answered by referencing free will and unconditional love. It’s up to us how bad or good our realities are, not God. If we were puppets wholly controlled second to second by God, sure, maybe there’d be no suffering. But without free will, which is slightly synonymous with perception itself, God’s only audience would be God, so the puppet theatre would be a pointless reality, all in all. (None of this precludes planning or fate, neither of which mutually excludes free will; we incarnate with a purpose, but are free to deviate from it.)
We like certainties. They are the ground we stand on, the ground that gives useful meaning to orienting notions like up and down, left and right. Certainties orient us, do a lot of the work for us, mean we can get by on autopilot most of the time. Life’s hard enough as it is! Without any certainties, well, what could we accomplish? It’d be chaos! But we use certainties to tribalise (new word!) ourselves, to dehumanise others who don’t share our certainties, to condemn those who deviate too much as monstrous. And certainties inhibit creativity, slow down our maturation, distort science into $cience, turn us into robots going through the motions, etc. They are the very stuff of groupthink. And groupthink so often leads to war. Does it lead to community too? I think so. So this is not at all straightforward. Much as childhood sexuality is not.
I remember being sexually attracted to my babysitters as a pre-pubescent boy. An aunt told me once that, walking past a shop window together, I confided in her that manikins turned me on. I think I was around seven or so. I recall a repeat sexual dream from my very early childhood. It’s one of my earliest memories, in fact. (I apologise if my intimate sharing offends some people, but it’s the simple truth, and none of it makes me a monster. And if we can’t talk openly about these ordinary events, why not?)
One of the members of my larger family masterbated – if that’s the right word – as a toddler. She would curl over a bean bag or big cushion and rock back and forth on her hand. Luckily – in my view – her mother was not bothered by this and let it be. The child grew out of the habit at some point, and may not even remember it now. How would the child have fared had her mother been angry with her, or slapped her? Would that not have been abusive, would that not have been sexual abuse of a kind? I ask this, because I read in the article linked to at the top of this post a quote from Judith Reisman stating she grew up in a “delightfully repressive” community/town. That phrase chilled my bones.
I could list many other examples of infant sexuality. All of them would tell us plainly that we are born sexual. And yet this is a VERY different thing from sexual maturity and readiness for consensual sex with a partner. There’s some sort of important difference between infant sexuality and mature eroticism, I think. But, unexplored or repressed, it’s this part of our nature that can lead to sicknesses like pedophelia. (Interestinlgy, just as with “masturbated” above, the spell-checker on my MacBook Pro did not know the word “pedophilia”!)
Repression most often leads to sickness, not to lasting delight. Yes, certainties orient our behaviours and actions, and make life easier in many ways, but they come at a cost, just as all things do. Repression of that which threatens or deviates too far from our agreed certainties, in the face of constant change, is part of that cost. Which is why history is so turbulent.
Pain is the mark of meaningful change, a truth which is multiplied in impact when deep cultural transformation is needed as a consequence of all that unstoppable change. Yes, not all change leads to healthy outcomes, but that’s how it has to be if we hold free will and unconditional love sacred. Which again cuts both ways, because repression is a tactic we are free to choose, and has significant survival benefits in extreme situations. Again, none of this is cut and dry.
I always chose to be honest and open with my children verbally, and answer any of their questions as fully as I could. I tried my best to give answers to their insatiable curiosity that were both age appropriate but also challenged them forwards into more and more of the nature of reality. I have never chosen repressive tactics like Do Not Do This! My approach was: If you choose this sort of path, these are the sorts of consequences you can expect. (Results: They just had a couple of internet friends around for a week, one from Sweden, one from Ireland. Both want to move in and live with us forever. Not a huge amount of data, but not nothing either.)
Sickness, tension, stress, can come from unexpressed desires, fears, hopes, etc. Repression exacerbates that. I don’t think pornography alone produces rape; rape is far older than Playboy or pornography. Look at the illustrations of Aubrey Beardsley or the art of the Kama Sutra. Where does art end and pornography begin? What forms of titillation are acceptable, and who decides? How do you instruct every boy and girl on earth to be aroused only by those things that some authority deems palatable? How could such a thing be done healthily? So if you put Playboy suddenly into a “delightfully repressive” community, it could cause tragic explosions. The blame, however, does not lie with Playboy alone, rather any tragedy would arise from a complex constellation of factors, and blame is too easy a way of not dealing with the mote in our own eyes.
I came across pornography one summer in Richmond Park: a bundle of magazines stacked together in some tall grasses. My brother and a friend of ours took them to a tree, which had a hollow at its top in which we sat, and leafed through them for hours. Our friend died of ‘AIDS’ aged about 26, but none of us became rapists, none of us were driven to abuse women by the pictures in those magazines. And when people are indeed driven to abuse others, the reasons are going to be complex, not simple. Banning pornography, castigating it, issuing decrees on what constitutes acceptable sexual preferences, will do nothing but prolong these sorts of difficulties, and the tragedies that follow in their wake.
As for innocence, why do we so idolise it? Partly, I think, because we want to protect our children. But from what? Do we live in an ‘adult’ world whose cynicism and vacuity shame us? Do we want to keep our children children for as long as possible because adulthood is horrible, something to be postponed indefinitely? I think that’s part of it. And yet I personally rage against the infantilisation that bedevils all of us, that turns us into mindless groupthink consumers addicted to safe certainties and any number of narcissistic habits. I yearn for a society whose top priority is doing its best to raise children into true adulthood, responsibility, civic pride, unconditional love, etc. I do not want to perpetuate a world of cynicism and spiritual vacuity, and believe the path to something more heavenly is not repression or any other form of authoritarianism, but patience, wisdom and openness in a far slower system that gives people the space and freedom to explore what they are, and what they can become.
Toby, all your reflections are Toby-esque, very human, very alive, but they don't really have anything to do with industrial, CIA driven pedophilia as part of trauma based mind control, or the Kinsey PSY Op, or any of the things Reisman and Iserbyt devoted their lives to documenting. Pornography is without a doubt immensely destructive, deadening, and part of the Big Plan.
TODAY. It's readily available on the internet to children, and it's very violent. Hugh Hefner ran a cartoon in Playboy about a pedophile called "Chester The Molester." He published full nude photos of Brooke Shields when she was 12. It's mind boggling. How about we both agree to watch "Wolf In Sheep's Clothing: The Gender Agenda." And then we can keep talking about it.
I’m well aware of the horrors, Celia. When Pizzagate broke, I saw some of those images and it took me a long time to recover. I watched Out of Shadows. And I find those bizarre beauty pageants where little girls are dressed up and heavily made up profoundly upsetting. And there are so many other horrors, too many. Please consider me sufficiently informed on this.
I disagree: My reflections have everything to do with the things you list. What I argued was that repression is not the solution; surely repression leads to tyranny. That there are horrors to address is not what I disagree with. But meeting those horrors with hatred and revulsion isn’t the way through. Unconditional love is unconditional, not conditional. If we have to kill a sick tiger that’s been attacking our village, it should be a functional and spiritual duty rather than a hate-fuelled Us Against Them war on tigers. I feel the same way about the CIA, Klaus Schwab, Fauci, etc., to the degree killing is what is needed here. Probably it’s more that humanity has to deal with a whole bunch of stuff that’s gone too long ignored and repressed.
As below, so above. The means are the ends. The journey is the destination. If we come at parts of reality with hate, how will our journey shape out? Will we not end up feeding the things we hate?
How do we deal with perversion? I’ve argued before that evil perverts. Sexuality becomes pornography, fatherhood becomes tyranny, friendship becomes narcissistic cliques, etc. But how does this happen? What soil in us is capable of nourishing those perversions? Why are we not better able to see them coming and carefully, lovingly, avert that process, openly and transparently bring things back to healthier ways? I don’t have detailed answers to all this, but feel confident that repression is part of the problem, not the solution.
If I’m wrong, I suspect it would mean unconditional love must fail as a guiding principle on earth. Could that be true? Would that mean Christ’s incarnation was a cruel taunt? “I am the way and the light.” Doesn’t that mean unconditional love? Can there be such a thing as conditional love? What does “I don’t love you anymore” mean? What about “I love you, but I’m not in love with you”? It seems to me we have a lot to learn about love.
I know I’m a stuck record on this, but unconditional love, which I’ve not heard anyone really argue against, has the most profound implications if we see it as that which we should aspire to.
Celia, "I can't believe Judith Reisman in not an household name". The J-ish people have controlled the sex-industries from times of antiquity, i.e. days of Babylon. Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung etc, etc big players in our sex-industries.
I think it's all a trap. Clif High calls them Khazarian mafia. That they name-stole from the real Jews and became imposter Jews who were not Jews. I avoid this whole thing because I have great respect for Judaism, Jewish culture, literature, the Jewish soul, morality--it's not something to dismiss, cast out, or belittle in any way. My father was Jewish. I believe evil is evil. No race color creed--evil is a spirit, a person. Like Derek Prince says. We are ruled by wicked spirits, infiltration people, overtaking them. Prayer is critical.
le berber, I did sleep, last night and the night before. Thank you for your tips. I took ascorbic acid, and magnesium. And I was shattered tired. Insomnia is unpredictable. Night before last when I was afraid I would go into a second night of insomnia, I started praying to Mary. I felt so comforted right away. The only reason I didn't take baking soda was that I'd left the box in my car. Tonight I will try your exact recipe. Thank you again!
Many have decided their best choice is to play Russian Roulette with the vax perhaps because they don’t know anyone else who was injured/killed they can attribute to the vax, or they haven’t encountered the banned voices that have been peeling back the layers of the onion on these mass-genocide shots. I am determined not to do so but I don’t lose respect for those who have. Throughout humanity us peons have been jerked around and forced to imperil our lives/health with countless wars, mandates, and suppressions.
I had not heard of Judith Reisman until now but I like anyone who works to expose wrongdoing in spite of not being a perfected human.
yes, precisely. Drastically wrong. Ms. Eilish took a big risk, it was huge what she said. They ignored it. Demons all of them. I always wondered why her eyes were dead like that. She's trying to TELL US something.
The whole subject of sex in the classroom and the covid shots for an unreal flu that came from a lab are totally ridiculous. Get your kids out of K-12 schools and most universities. All the Globalists are looking for is more and more power.
It's sexual grooming and assault essentially. To raise sex with a child is to sexualize the child. It's the same with women but children are powerless whereas women are heavily conditioned but not powerless. I believe men should understand not to make sex conversational, at all, ever. Ever. I'm a TOTAL "prig" that way.
Me too. I’m open but there are things I do not talk about “conversationally”
Women are worse sometimes!
Men/women, Whoever, if it feels gross it’s inappropriate.🤮
Thanks. I will virate this article.
How do we know it was covid faccine, and not a whack job?!
How very sad. What a demonic world
Judith was a gift from God. Another great American was Charlotte Iserbyt (The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America). Judith and Charlotte were good friends. I knew Judith through Charlotte. Judith got vaccinated in order to travel and died shortly thereafter. My beloved friend Charlotte died in February. I miss her everyday. She has done more for our children and our country than most people ever knew. She sacrificed her entire life to fight for our children and our country. Judith opened our eyes to the evil that has perpetrated our society and what we see today in our schools and in our society are all a result of the work of that perverted Kinsey. He wanted us to believe babies are sexual from the day they are born in order to legitimize his pedophilia. And now Judith and Charlotte are gone and we are left to carry on their fight. Thank you for this tribute to Judith.
Karen thank you for sharing this and I'm so very sorry for your loss. I want to to encourage you to write more, write freely, about Charlotte and Judith. These two incredible women to whom we are so indebted. Let's keep talking about their work.
Reisman was/is my hero too, she is remarquable How was she made to take an injection she didn't want? I can't believe the level of evil.How will we survive spiritually in this dismembered world?
Judith Reisman's courage and perseverance is admirable. I respect her thoroughness. As a woman in her 60's who was raised in a home with sexual violence, I appreciate her work from a personal vantage point as well.
And while (in the 80's) I wrote a Master's thesis on healing from childhood sexual assault, I never identified the piece of the jigsaw puzzle that was Kinsey's work. My focus rested on Freud's abdication of what he knew to be true from the revelations of his clients who were sexually violated as children.
So thank you, Celia, for this post. Exploring Kinsey's research more fully is quite revealing even with regards to my own experiences as a child and adolescent.
For clarity, I want to add that Judith Reisman's perspective that ”All pornography is homosexuality” (her words, not mine - I just spent a half-hour watching videos and reading her own words repeating this hypothesis repeatedly) is, in my opinion, misguided.
I recognize that her biblical perspective confirms this hypothesis. I respect her right to hold whatever religious views she wishes. I simply and strongly disagree with the legitimacy of the view. It misses the mark entirely - again, IMO.
I do not diss Christianity's view of homosexuality. Every religion is free to their belief systems, and I have no 'homosexual agenda' against Christianity or any religion that believes homosexuality to be a sin. I do think they're wrong, but I have no wish to censor them or try to change their views. We're all entitled to believe what we wish.
The only part I find really unfortunate is that this aspect of her work lends itself to further division. Among the 1 in 3 children who have been and will be sexually assaulted before adulthood (yes, I believe this figure is more accurate than the percentages most often quoted by researchers) are many gay men and lesbians. The strong and central presumption in Judith Reisman's work that ”All pornography is homosexuality” (which, I believe, she came to later in her years, but I could be wrong) does diminish the remarkable overall value of the vast majority of her research.
Thanks again for posting this, Celia.
Yeah, I don't quite understand what she meant by that statement. I do not believe homosexuality is necessarily from trauma. I actually have no idea. But again: KINSEY.
Nor do I know precisely what Judith Reisman meant by that statement, Celia, and I would love to have been able to have a cuppa tea with her and a conversation about it.
It's clear from listening to several more recordings of hers now, that it was - for sure - a staple phrase in her presentations, so it isn't a one-off thought.
She also becomes quite descriptive in one of the recordings your friend posted in the original post to which you linked about non-face-to-face sexual encounters (i.e., anal sex) which she appears to believe are (a) wrong / immoral, and (b) exclusively homosexual.
We're all entitled to our opinions, and I do not begrudge Judith Reisman hers. I do happen to know that plenty of straight folk enjoy non-face-to-face sexual intimacy, so ... she missed the mark there.
I thoroughly appreciate Judith Reisman's research on Kinsey, and her views on homosexuality don't diminish that appreciation.
i can find her thorough and persevering research on Kinsey to be courageous, inspiring, and of great benefit - and simultaneously perceive her views on homosexuality as misguided, misinformed, and technically inaccurate.
Pretty sure we would've been able to have a respectful discussion about these things without seeing eye-to-eye, and enjoyed one another's company as well.
Really appreciate and resonate with your comment, Heidi Lynne. Don't have time at the moment to say more, but I share several of your observations - and my curiosity is piqued by some of them I've not considered previously. Thanks!
Jesus H Fucking Christ what a cesspool this thread is.
I love this thread. MacGuffin, I need to remove your comment. Please don't take it personally. Just house rules.
My apologies Celia. I shouldn't have expressed that so rudely.
you can't use words like "faggot" here.
I find this beautifully stated. Thanks.
OK, sorry. I could not get past the first paragraph of Pelerine's article.
"...encouraging transgenderism" "...mainstreaming homosexuality and pedophilia"
You see, this is getting very scary. Because a number of very vocal people against the covidmania and injection tyranny are spouting these same phrases. And some of them who have been vocal from the beginning are now running for office. So what will happen when they are elected? Will we have bodily autonomy, which they are so ardently fighting for, against "vaccines" - but not bodily autonomy should someone choose abortion or sex change???
How could you possibly, and dangerously, connect homosexuality with pedophilia in the same sentence?? Do you see what you did there? Are they one and the same?
Many people actually think so and this just feeds it.
Encouraging transgenderism? Can you not see that all this wokeness (which looks like encouragement) is yet another subtle devious way of dividing us again, at the expense of a certain group of people? Transgender people. I cannot tolerate the whole identity paradigm, but it is what it is and I make sure that I do not associate it with the tyranny of the past two years.
I do not agree with what's going on in schools and school books regarding sex in all it's forms. But I see that for what it is. It is a sneaky way to get people to hate homosexuals, transgenders and all the folk who do not fit into the American Christian way of life.
I know many homosexuals and some transgender human beings. Do they not deserve the same right to choice that all of us "normal people" do? In all aspects of life?
Am I missing something here? I had listened to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny who is brilliant when it comes to explaining the dangers of vaccines, and her fight against the present tyranny. But I had to stop when I listened to her Christmas message about the Bible - that marraige is one man and one woman, and that gay men and women should not be able to adopt children! Yes, that's her opinion, and she has every right to express it - but she and others are now insinuating this kind of thinking and preaching into the fight against mandates. It does not belong there.
To me this is frightening and unfair. And I cannot believe more people are not speaking to it.
When will LGBTQ lobby stop pushing hatred of Christians? That's my question. Are Christians ever going to be accepted and allowed to believe what they believe? No, of course not. There is a clear agenda to terminate Christianity.
Maybe the official LGBTQ lobby is being controlled by the same people behind BLM. Maybe there is an agenda behind pushing hatred of Christians.
In any case, I know many homosexuals. Some ARE Christian. I have never met any - and I'm 68 years old, who have expressed a hatred of Christians.
Same with the transgender's I know.
I don't believe, and am very upset when I see it, that people should associate transhumanism with homosexuality or transgenderism or anything else that is a person's very personal choice.
Let's focus on the transhumanism. Machine and humans. Nanoparticles and humans. Control over humans. To me that has no connection to a person's sexuality.
Celia, I believe in freedom of expression, religion, lifestlyle, etc. And would fight for that right. I try to live a "live and let live" approach toward everybody and their beliefs whether I agree or not. I try to know that people's beliefs are as deep as my own. So if some Christians believe in a fundamental view of the Bible, fine.
My concern is when those views are brought into politics and are stated AS FACT. Not personal belief - FACT. And I have witnessed that a good deal over the past year.
I dislike having ANY agenda rammed down my throat - whether it's Christian or LGBT.
Or CDC, WHO, WEF, FDA, the UN, or my own local, state and national goverment.
Yes, so true. I also know many homosexuals, often the most advanced people around, morally. And many of my foremost Christian teachers have been gay men. The Trans Lobby is its own phenomenon. And it's sexualizing children, and it's a catastrophe. It's the end, if they are not stopped.
Love between men takes many forms and is ancient. I just also wish heterosexuals could a thing. Also. Gay men got all the love. But it wasn't love. This culture elevates gay men because IT hates women; But that is not the same as that gay men do.
Now, Reisman's target was sadistic pedophilia dressed up as science. ie: KINSEY.
Great point Stephen.
Rock and roll demonizes women. I guess that's another discussion.
Just let me do some basic clarifying of taxonomy:
A Christian believes that God made males and females and each has an ordained life purpose. A Christian can believe in God or believe in gender reversal, but not both. They are for a Christian irreconcilable.
A progressive believes the opposite and generally abhors Christians.
Many contemporary Christians connect LGBTQ Inc with the transhumanist agenda.
I would expect ANY of my Christian/Catholic friends or colleagues to embrace any transgender person with love before I would expect a progressive radical to repress their hatred of a Christian. In my experience, Christians tell everybody God loves them; Leftists tell everybody why exactly they deserve to be hated.
Why I've said for decades
Everyone has always hated my guts
These so called liberal progressive haters have always hated on me, just for having
My own mind
Now I can't tell folks I was born in Russia no more
Well WE love you.
The point at which one would cry halt is when it crosses to transhumanism
What is the connection betwixt
Transsexuality in all its forms
And evil Kalousey transhumanism ?
Will the transwomanists be actually test tube pregnant males?
Will a baby be born out my ass? Poor thing....
The paradigm is simple, and there is no need to overthink it: Sodom (thus, sodomy and sodomites) + Gomorrha = perdition. Should that be too ancient an explanation, read Kipling´s The Gods of the Copybook Headings, for a touch of modernity. The lesson remains the same, and as valid as ever.
Brain damage indeed. Compounded by video games which shape neuro pathways for novelty and conquering.
What fires together wires together.
There are so many therapists trained and guiding people in polyamory, “healthy” porn use etc. While everyone has their path of getting lost in order to discern or perhaps hit bottom and choose to be found it’s sickening that those of us meant to help, hurt in these ways. ... in addition to destroying bonds, family, crippling people wit addiction, scientizing sex takes the spirituality out of emotional and physical Union.
Judith Reisman, wow a true hero. I did not know her name but thank you for this incredible piece Celia.
I started to “wake up” to the evil going on in the world when Epstein, Weinstein and all those perverts started to make news. I went down the Rabbit hole and then when COVID hit I new everything was bullshit. So the depravity of Kinsey eventually hit my radar but how far his influence went/is going!?!? Are humans really so sick, so easily fooled? And now we are allowing the NWO to hunt our children?!?! NO.
Celia. Please watch ‘ WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING II - THE GENDER AGENDA ’. Judith Reisman is featured prominently in it. It is a couple of years old. You will find it informative and you will walk away baffled how Kinsey’s name can still be on a building at Indiana University.
I WILL absolutely watch it. Thank you Will.
Hi Celia, I'm interested in the reference to Crowley, which suggests that you friend had found an aspect to his activities that is not clear from what I've read, including the books about him by his son Amado. I'd be very interested in any steer you can give on that. Very best wishes.
Crowley is the mainspring, the beginning of widespread cultural evil as "culture." I will try to research and get concrete facts about how the three of them intersected through the timeline. I know exactly who to commission if I could just focus a little better.
A little focus from you will eat a row of lenses!
I’ve been listening to several versions of Purcell’s “Dido’s Lament” and pondering why some performances move me deeply while others do not. My musings range from “When is an original song abused by deviation, and when is it improved?”, to “Opera-style singing evolved without microphones and needed to be resonant, even shrill, to be heard above the musicians/orchestra.” In other words, change keeps grinding on. Which reminds me of the Socratic question on whether a ship is still the same ship if, after decades at sea and countless repairs, every single piece of it is no longer from the original ship. There’s a pithy joke version of this idea from the British sitcom “Only Fools and Horses”, when the character Trigger muses about his broom: “It’s had 7 brushes and 5 handles, but it’s still the same broom” (or words to that effect).
If things do stay the same, how? How does this train of thought impact conservatism? My own view is that change is the only constant, but patternings repeat. “Patternings” because there are no Discreet Things as suggested by atomism or materialism. Which means there are no objects as such, except that we perceive them as such, as filtered into our perceptions by the reflexes of our belief systems, which run incredibly deep.
And all this brings us – gently I hope – to the thorny issues of sexuality, abuse and innocence.
I’ve given a lot of thought about whether I should respond to this article, because my sensibilities around sex diverge significantly from the dominant view here at The Sound Barrier. As do my recent musings on monstrosity at my extravagantly unvisited blog.
There are versions of Dido’s Lament that meddle with the original melody (e.g. by Simone Dinnerstein). Some of us receive these as innovative and therefore good, others as abusive and therefore bad. But surely, either way, without experimentation there’d be no evolution. Our innate curiosity, which I believe comes straight from soul, from God, is part of this urge to play, to try things differently. Free will is thus part of this. Unconditional love is part of this. And it’s unconditional precisely because free will is sacred, ours to learn to use wisely. The old chestnut, “Why do Bad Things Happen if God is good?” is easily answered by referencing free will and unconditional love. It’s up to us how bad or good our realities are, not God. If we were puppets wholly controlled second to second by God, sure, maybe there’d be no suffering. But without free will, which is slightly synonymous with perception itself, God’s only audience would be God, so the puppet theatre would be a pointless reality, all in all. (None of this precludes planning or fate, neither of which mutually excludes free will; we incarnate with a purpose, but are free to deviate from it.)
We like certainties. They are the ground we stand on, the ground that gives useful meaning to orienting notions like up and down, left and right. Certainties orient us, do a lot of the work for us, mean we can get by on autopilot most of the time. Life’s hard enough as it is! Without any certainties, well, what could we accomplish? It’d be chaos! But we use certainties to tribalise (new word!) ourselves, to dehumanise others who don’t share our certainties, to condemn those who deviate too much as monstrous. And certainties inhibit creativity, slow down our maturation, distort science into $cience, turn us into robots going through the motions, etc. They are the very stuff of groupthink. And groupthink so often leads to war. Does it lead to community too? I think so. So this is not at all straightforward. Much as childhood sexuality is not.
I remember being sexually attracted to my babysitters as a pre-pubescent boy. An aunt told me once that, walking past a shop window together, I confided in her that manikins turned me on. I think I was around seven or so. I recall a repeat sexual dream from my very early childhood. It’s one of my earliest memories, in fact. (I apologise if my intimate sharing offends some people, but it’s the simple truth, and none of it makes me a monster. And if we can’t talk openly about these ordinary events, why not?)
One of the members of my larger family masterbated – if that’s the right word – as a toddler. She would curl over a bean bag or big cushion and rock back and forth on her hand. Luckily – in my view – her mother was not bothered by this and let it be. The child grew out of the habit at some point, and may not even remember it now. How would the child have fared had her mother been angry with her, or slapped her? Would that not have been abusive, would that not have been sexual abuse of a kind? I ask this, because I read in the article linked to at the top of this post a quote from Judith Reisman stating she grew up in a “delightfully repressive” community/town. That phrase chilled my bones.
I could list many other examples of infant sexuality. All of them would tell us plainly that we are born sexual. And yet this is a VERY different thing from sexual maturity and readiness for consensual sex with a partner. There’s some sort of important difference between infant sexuality and mature eroticism, I think. But, unexplored or repressed, it’s this part of our nature that can lead to sicknesses like pedophelia. (Interestinlgy, just as with “masturbated” above, the spell-checker on my MacBook Pro did not know the word “pedophilia”!)
Repression most often leads to sickness, not to lasting delight. Yes, certainties orient our behaviours and actions, and make life easier in many ways, but they come at a cost, just as all things do. Repression of that which threatens or deviates too far from our agreed certainties, in the face of constant change, is part of that cost. Which is why history is so turbulent.
Pain is the mark of meaningful change, a truth which is multiplied in impact when deep cultural transformation is needed as a consequence of all that unstoppable change. Yes, not all change leads to healthy outcomes, but that’s how it has to be if we hold free will and unconditional love sacred. Which again cuts both ways, because repression is a tactic we are free to choose, and has significant survival benefits in extreme situations. Again, none of this is cut and dry.
I always chose to be honest and open with my children verbally, and answer any of their questions as fully as I could. I tried my best to give answers to their insatiable curiosity that were both age appropriate but also challenged them forwards into more and more of the nature of reality. I have never chosen repressive tactics like Do Not Do This! My approach was: If you choose this sort of path, these are the sorts of consequences you can expect. (Results: They just had a couple of internet friends around for a week, one from Sweden, one from Ireland. Both want to move in and live with us forever. Not a huge amount of data, but not nothing either.)
Sickness, tension, stress, can come from unexpressed desires, fears, hopes, etc. Repression exacerbates that. I don’t think pornography alone produces rape; rape is far older than Playboy or pornography. Look at the illustrations of Aubrey Beardsley or the art of the Kama Sutra. Where does art end and pornography begin? What forms of titillation are acceptable, and who decides? How do you instruct every boy and girl on earth to be aroused only by those things that some authority deems palatable? How could such a thing be done healthily? So if you put Playboy suddenly into a “delightfully repressive” community, it could cause tragic explosions. The blame, however, does not lie with Playboy alone, rather any tragedy would arise from a complex constellation of factors, and blame is too easy a way of not dealing with the mote in our own eyes.
I came across pornography one summer in Richmond Park: a bundle of magazines stacked together in some tall grasses. My brother and a friend of ours took them to a tree, which had a hollow at its top in which we sat, and leafed through them for hours. Our friend died of ‘AIDS’ aged about 26, but none of us became rapists, none of us were driven to abuse women by the pictures in those magazines. And when people are indeed driven to abuse others, the reasons are going to be complex, not simple. Banning pornography, castigating it, issuing decrees on what constitutes acceptable sexual preferences, will do nothing but prolong these sorts of difficulties, and the tragedies that follow in their wake.
As for innocence, why do we so idolise it? Partly, I think, because we want to protect our children. But from what? Do we live in an ‘adult’ world whose cynicism and vacuity shame us? Do we want to keep our children children for as long as possible because adulthood is horrible, something to be postponed indefinitely? I think that’s part of it. And yet I personally rage against the infantilisation that bedevils all of us, that turns us into mindless groupthink consumers addicted to safe certainties and any number of narcissistic habits. I yearn for a society whose top priority is doing its best to raise children into true adulthood, responsibility, civic pride, unconditional love, etc. I do not want to perpetuate a world of cynicism and spiritual vacuity, and believe the path to something more heavenly is not repression or any other form of authoritarianism, but patience, wisdom and openness in a far slower system that gives people the space and freedom to explore what they are, and what they can become.
Toby, all your reflections are Toby-esque, very human, very alive, but they don't really have anything to do with industrial, CIA driven pedophilia as part of trauma based mind control, or the Kinsey PSY Op, or any of the things Reisman and Iserbyt devoted their lives to documenting. Pornography is without a doubt immensely destructive, deadening, and part of the Big Plan.
TODAY. It's readily available on the internet to children, and it's very violent. Hugh Hefner ran a cartoon in Playboy about a pedophile called "Chester The Molester." He published full nude photos of Brooke Shields when she was 12. It's mind boggling. How about we both agree to watch "Wolf In Sheep's Clothing: The Gender Agenda." And then we can keep talking about it.
I’m well aware of the horrors, Celia. When Pizzagate broke, I saw some of those images and it took me a long time to recover. I watched Out of Shadows. And I find those bizarre beauty pageants where little girls are dressed up and heavily made up profoundly upsetting. And there are so many other horrors, too many. Please consider me sufficiently informed on this.
I disagree: My reflections have everything to do with the things you list. What I argued was that repression is not the solution; surely repression leads to tyranny. That there are horrors to address is not what I disagree with. But meeting those horrors with hatred and revulsion isn’t the way through. Unconditional love is unconditional, not conditional. If we have to kill a sick tiger that’s been attacking our village, it should be a functional and spiritual duty rather than a hate-fuelled Us Against Them war on tigers. I feel the same way about the CIA, Klaus Schwab, Fauci, etc., to the degree killing is what is needed here. Probably it’s more that humanity has to deal with a whole bunch of stuff that’s gone too long ignored and repressed.
As below, so above. The means are the ends. The journey is the destination. If we come at parts of reality with hate, how will our journey shape out? Will we not end up feeding the things we hate?
How do we deal with perversion? I’ve argued before that evil perverts. Sexuality becomes pornography, fatherhood becomes tyranny, friendship becomes narcissistic cliques, etc. But how does this happen? What soil in us is capable of nourishing those perversions? Why are we not better able to see them coming and carefully, lovingly, avert that process, openly and transparently bring things back to healthier ways? I don’t have detailed answers to all this, but feel confident that repression is part of the problem, not the solution.
If I’m wrong, I suspect it would mean unconditional love must fail as a guiding principle on earth. Could that be true? Would that mean Christ’s incarnation was a cruel taunt? “I am the way and the light.” Doesn’t that mean unconditional love? Can there be such a thing as conditional love? What does “I don’t love you anymore” mean? What about “I love you, but I’m not in love with you”? It seems to me we have a lot to learn about love.
I know I’m a stuck record on this, but unconditional love, which I’ve not heard anyone really argue against, has the most profound implications if we see it as that which we should aspire to.
Celia, "I can't believe Judith Reisman in not an household name". The J-ish people have controlled the sex-industries from times of antiquity, i.e. days of Babylon. Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung etc, etc big players in our sex-industries.
I think it's all a trap. Clif High calls them Khazarian mafia. That they name-stole from the real Jews and became imposter Jews who were not Jews. I avoid this whole thing because I have great respect for Judaism, Jewish culture, literature, the Jewish soul, morality--it's not something to dismiss, cast out, or belittle in any way. My father was Jewish. I believe evil is evil. No race color creed--evil is a spirit, a person. Like Derek Prince says. We are ruled by wicked spirits, infiltration people, overtaking them. Prayer is critical.
It is amazing isn't it? That The Kinsey Institute is allowed to exist.
Ok, so then don't read it.
Everything Ms. Farber says and does come from the heart. That’s why when she presents controversial issues you should at least listen. It’s worth it.
Thank you Ikeprop.
Your welcome.
No it's fine! We are all crabby and I for one can't sleep at all anymore. It's not 8 am. Not a wink. I hope you stay.
I meant it's "now 8 am." Never did sleep.
Since you follow Clif High, why not try his stuff? Pure Sleep! Just those words make me dozy ...
le berber, I did sleep, last night and the night before. Thank you for your tips. I took ascorbic acid, and magnesium. And I was shattered tired. Insomnia is unpredictable. Night before last when I was afraid I would go into a second night of insomnia, I started praying to Mary. I felt so comforted right away. The only reason I didn't take baking soda was that I'd left the box in my car. Tonight I will try your exact recipe. Thank you again!
11 pm next evening and I still have not slept. I have baking soda. And I have ascorbic acid. Here I go...
wow. I'll try this. Thank you.
Many have decided their best choice is to play Russian Roulette with the vax perhaps because they don’t know anyone else who was injured/killed they can attribute to the vax, or they haven’t encountered the banned voices that have been peeling back the layers of the onion on these mass-genocide shots. I am determined not to do so but I don’t lose respect for those who have. Throughout humanity us peons have been jerked around and forced to imperil our lives/health with countless wars, mandates, and suppressions.
I had not heard of Judith Reisman until now but I like anyone who works to expose wrongdoing in spite of not being a perfected human.
yes, precisely. Drastically wrong. Ms. Eilish took a big risk, it was huge what she said. They ignored it. Demons all of them. I always wondered why her eyes were dead like that. She's trying to TELL US something.
My memory of reading all I could find was that as is the case with millions of families--as an elder, she was pressured.