RFK Jr. Has Exposed The Black Heart Of The American "Health Care System," The Political Class' Shameful Complicity, The Grim Truth About "Autism," And The Money Laundering Mill They Call "Science."
When He Said "By The Way Bernie..." It Was Check Mate, Game Over, No Matter The Vote
Link here to the moment history switched tracks.
“By the way, Bernie…” [Bernie called him “Bobby.”]
My good friend Paul Murray just texted me from Australia, and I called him. We struggled to find the words to describe these Kennedy hearings. I told him I needed to try to write something, even though I am wordless and helpless, as it is all beyond the beyond. Still, I’ll try.
Who can believe that these people are our Senators? It’s impossible to stomach. Not one sane, true word emerges from them, individually or collectively. The only thing they’re “good at” is inflicting abuse on live TV to people whose only sin is departure from their stone tablet talking points: Abortion, cheaper drugs, access to drugs, faith in “science,” and not touching a hair on the angel daddy head of Big Pharma. They don’t even understand that red faced tantrums are off-putting.
How are they still flying?
We’re “governed” by deadly, stupid, dangerous, abusive hyenas, screaming their heads off at a man who sits there stoically and takes all these lashes for the crime of wanting Americans to be “healthy again.” He’s maneuvered them to the point where they are openly screaming at him as a representative of the apparently (to them) un-American notion that any poison in food, air, water, or veins could be “harmful.”
The Democrats are so stupid, so deeply stupid, and narcissistic (twin features) they believe their gaslighting, scolding, and virtue signaling tantrums will save them from being nakedly exposed as bought and sold cultists of the Black Cult of Perpetual Poison. (BCPP.)
The party of “feminism” and a “woman’s right to choose,” are outraged that mothers might choose not to chemically assault their newborn child’s brain.
They’re also outraged that mothers should be listened to, at all.
RFK Jr. is the patron saint of that lowest of all castes: Mothers.
It’s this simple, as Tom Kudla put it in this piece:
Why do we still not have in place a ban on pharmaceutical whoring by our Senators, or at least, an insistence on disclosure of “conflicts of interest,” WHILE they berate RFK Jr. for earning money from litigation against pharmaceutical companies?
You want madness? Here’s madness, (as Vladimir Golstein phrased it recently:)
My father used to say of certain Jews that they seemed to be getting paid to manufacture anti-semitism.
“Are you supportive of this clothing, which is militantly anti-vaccine?” [link to historic and hilarious clip]
What are they all so angry about? They have their mansions, their cushy jobs, they can have all the injections they want. They pretend they’re furious because Bobby set off (they say) a measles outbreak in Samoa. When did measles become a deadly disease?
Bernie Sanders should be taken to an ADL training camp and re-engineered to not amplify every Jewish stereotype (except intelligence.)
Crabby, nasty, histrionic, wrong—he leaps from one gaslight to the next, like a cartoon character hoping his wild hand gestures and wagging forefinger of indignation will save him from plunging over the cliffs. All of a sudden, he charges at Bobby like a bull, demanding Bobby resurrect “universal health care,” and making all its ills Bobby’s fault, before he has even been approved for the job of HHS Secretary. (See the above linked clip.)
It’s been shocking and not shocking to watch them dig their graves deeper and deeper. They apparently planned their strategy as sheer indignant invective, relentless accusation, and zero interest in any of Bobby’s proposed health reforms, counting on their constituents to be as wild about sick, autistic, murdered or aborted children as they are. Because all of the above is, now, the “Democratic platform.” Bobby maneuvered them into that dark corner masterfully, over time. Every rational, humane, common sense, life affirming principle he ever laid out was vehemently opposed by the rabid Dems, who are the party of resentment, of accusation, destruction, death and mansions.
How any American can support the Democrats at this point is incomprehensible.
Here’s what happened when the hearings were over, in the room—a reflection of the sentiment of the American people.
Clip here.
I fell asleep crying, at 3 am, unsure the source.
Tarkovsky said that “evil” is all that is not necessary.
I say he is correct. But also, evil is disinterest.
Lack of humility. Failure to listen, failure to respect, failure to wonder if one is right after all.
And the infinite mass graves created by the narcissistic compulsion to “save lives,” which can be simplified as “plunder.”
Thank you for including the mothers who knew , and did not need to be doctors or scientists . We mothers knew , and lost much for standing up for our children - I don't regret my fight - If in question , just delay -- the later the better - the less the better - the more spaced out the better - The difference in the childs outcome is real , the insanity of the brainwashed "professionals " is actual . After my youngest was taken from me , I went into the school , to fight the mandatory vaccine - I said " they cause autism " and the principle of the NJ school that I was speaking to said " Both my sons have autism " - I did not know what to say to him . I felt terrible to be the bearer of the truth -
Hopefully, many viewers are like the people in the room that cheered RFK Jr when the hearing was over. This event has forever sealed my dismay toward Senator Sanders and Warren, who I once had good things to say about.