Thank you for including the mothers who knew , and did not need to be doctors or scientists . We mothers knew , and lost much for standing up for our children - I don't regret my fight - If in question , just delay -- the later the better - the less the better - the more spaced out the better - The difference in the childs outcome is real , the insanity of the brainwashed "professionals " is actual . After my youngest was taken from me , I went into the school , to fight the mandatory vaccine - I said " they cause autism " and the principle of the NJ school that I was speaking to said " Both my sons have autism " - I did not know what to say to him . I felt terrible to be the bearer of the truth -

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Jesus God is this bringing back memories - This

Doctor with LONG red fingernails , and anyone knows how unsanitary that is , is going to pick up my baby , nails going into her little skin , and tell me that basically I am a terrible mother because I am hesitating to vaccinate the new born infant . She had no idea what I was dealing with at home , she had no idea where I came from , which is a family with my two baby brother's who died in infancy , she had absolutely no interest in anything but have the experience of her red nails on my baby's skin . When I look back , my god . Now , my adult children who all survived childhood and are having chldren know to make conscious decisions , at a variety of degrees . But they are aware . I am not a dictator , and understand that one day , a shot may save our lives for some reason , but mostly , I just don't trust these monsters .

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So sorry this happened to you. I am afraid every decent intelligent person speaking out n the devastating "covid vaccines" (there was no covid--see Denis Rancourt substack} is in this quandary right now. My entire family got the "vaccines" except for one daughter....I tried and tried to tell them and then I provided books...lots of books. It was no use...

They are frozen in their minds. Sucharit Bhakdi said this would happen....the "vaccine" would cause a change in personality and an inability to process information...

It's here folks....and the "tsunami of death" promised by Geert Van denBoosh is likely not far off. The world is indeed divided into two camps as the Yocinda Arden the witch from Australia...said...there are two kinds of people...

How you want to describe them is up to you....I think it is "the doomed" and those with a chance to survive this horrifying "war on humanity".

Do I want to survive it?

YES!!! if only to stymy "their plans" for us.

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Jacinda Adern was the Prime Minister of New Zealand, not Australia. Yes, she was and is a complete monster who did massive damage to New Zealand, and not just with the clotshots!

We also had, and still do have, a lot of damaging monsters in Australia.

I agree 100% with everything else that you have said.

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Just opened this



Furthermore, infant mortality factors other than vaccination are highly variable and overwhelmingly more important than any presumed vaccine benefit; predominantly, deleterious effects of nutritional deficiencies and of relentless exposures to challenges from toxic living environments. The underlying cause is so-called failed-state extreme poverty due to structural financial exploitation that is not being addressed. There is no known example of a drop in measured infant or child mortality temporally associated with the rollout of a childhood vaccination programme.

Independent studies suggest that, contrary to dogma, excess infant mortality (not averted infant mortality) is associated with vaccine programme rollouts and maintenance. Using yearly infant all-cause mortality rate directly, I estimate approximately 100 million vaccine-rollout-associated infant deaths 1974-2024 worldwide, with the caveat of concomitant largescale economic transformations.

I conclude, overall, that the longstanding industry of infant vaccination programmes is a baseless fraudulent enterprise of exploitation.

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This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.

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how how how can these dramas play out daily across the country and somehow no one's ever heard of them?

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This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.

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Hopefully, many viewers are like the people in the room that cheered RFK Jr when the hearing was over. This event has forever sealed my dismay toward Senator Sanders and Warren, who I once had good things to say about.

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It's hard to believe that senator Sanders and Warren still have a following.

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Not so hard when you realize their wretched followers are super-indoctrinated robots who have no mind of their own.

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Sick deranged weirdos can apparently be very loyal to sick ,deranged weirdos like themselves. The old "birds of a feather-flock together" still holds true.

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Never underestimate the power of denial. There is no way I believe the election was as close as the final count purported it to be, however, it probably was at least 45% who voted that chose a candidate who was so bad she had to practically be hidden for almost four years before suddenly being slipped in and anointed by a corrupt political machine and slavish press. That was only possible due to pure ideology and/or vitriol due to mind control.

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BTW The Candice Lee comment in your post regarding the possibility of 3 dna lines in the Autistic s blood samples is fascinating. This needs to be further looked into and understood

Thanks Celia!!

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Jon Rappoport has written about this issue on his NoMoreFakeNews blog:

Was COVID vaccine fetal tissue obtained by the murder of an infant? Oct 18, 2021


The vaccine: A religious exemption for the whole world. Oct19, 2021


New evidence for infanticide in the creation of the fetal cell line used for COVID vaccine testing. October 20, 2021 https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/10/20/infanticide-in-creation-of-fetal-cell-line-used-for-covid-vaccine-testing/

America’s Frontline Doctors agree: murdered infants at the heart of vaccine research. October 21, 2021 https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/10/21/murdered-infants-at-the-heart-of-vaccine-research-doctors-agree/

The murdered infant comes to the virology lab; the ivory tower is befouled. October 22, 2021


Murdering infants to obtain fetal tissue for vaccine research. An interview with AnnaMaria Cardinalli. November 4, 2021


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Celia, this is some of your best. I ask myself why I smiled and even laughed as I read this, and I think it's a kind of relief from hearing my own sentiments spill out from someone else's heart and keyboard.

I was able to watch much of the first RFK hearing before the Finance Committee. Starting to watch on day 2, with RFK, Kash, and Tulsi, I simply could not bear it for long. In the last 24, I've thought again that we're looking at a three-way battle of narratives: the nominees'; the GOP's, the opposition's. No honesty or truth required by the latter two, just posturing and prostitution.

I also asked myself again how we got here, to the point of civilizational ruin. How is it that we look to Trump as political messiah? Is it really all on him? Who are these people in all of these institutions who have so poisoned our minds that we can no longer see what is plain before our eyes? How have we been maneuvered into such mass passivity? That is the power of the psy-op. I hope I live to see these shadowy ghouls dragged into the light.

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Khazars .....they are the “THEY” hiding everywhere in plain sight ....DEEP STATE 😳👹

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Phrygians...Lee Merritt/ Brian Ardis interview.

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Very, very mixed feelings here. To hear him say things like "I believe that vaccines play a critical role in healthcare," and "Parents should follow the CDC vaccine schedule" is bordering on the shocking. Not to mention, "Yes," to whether he would push the "bird flu" vax.

So is he lying or -- just pretending?

It's only food that's okay to say poisons us? When does he tell Americans the full truth about that madness?

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Agree 100%. Who has the cahonas to say the truth? Michael Yeadon, JJ Couey Gigaohmbiological.com.

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Bernie Sanders said Wall Street will hate him and therefore the powers that be made him unelectable. RFK Jr is more politically correct because, all is fair in Love and war. Therefore, he has to pull his punches until he gets in to position and then, like a Trojan horse, he will release the battalion of Truth and the saints will go marching in. He will protect and serve the life that we share, even of those duped.

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Hope so, but ain't holding my breath. He speaks with "forked tongue." Often.

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I am not holding my breath because of the corrupt system, but not because I don't trust RFK jr.

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His blanket statement on being ok with vaxxes is they must be properly safety tested and pass double blind placebo trials.

We all know they won’t pass!

Strategically, he is setting the terms of reference for the scientific proof of vax safety and efficacy to win using their own weaponised science.

I don’t get why this is hard for some of us to understand.

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Sanders completes the self-destruction of his perceived (at least) standing as one of few Senators of integrity. Great work, Bernie - you also made yourself look very stupid. But you took the money!

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All I care about is that RFK goes on record, by way of public testimony to the world ,that he sees, cares, and will do what he is saying he will do.

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This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.

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We can only hope it will wake more people up to the corporate madness within our government that I think way too few people actually understand.

Like the fact they are treated as commerce throughout the system.

I'm afraid few too people will hear what actually happened and only hear the regurgitated versions by MSM.

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I'm not antivax, I just don't think we should be injuring/killing people so big pharma and politicians get rich.

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“I just don't think we should be injuring/killing people so big pharma and politicians get rich”

Well said. 👏

I have become anti v since 2020, prior I had bad trust issues about them like I do with most of pharma and much of the med industry.

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Im on your team. Its a shame, Im not a doctor, yet I am compelled to problem solve on my own all my medical issues . I no longer trust Doctors and Medicine. The Medicine "business"

I was even thinking of buying my own microscope to look at my blood etc! lol Thats how bad it all is.

This referral scam from one doctor to another is a train I am not boarding

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last time I took my disabled husband to a "real" doctor he tried to "vaccinate" him. The swine.

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deplorable bunch of money driven shills.

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So, so sorry!

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I have no science background and this point I wonder if we who don’t are ahead in this game.

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Their lying reign is over. People are wising up. Vax uptake is down.

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Sadly many people want to believe in them still, and are adamant not to hear anything negative about them.

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hey Id like to believe in them. They are not all bad. But get this; I did a small favor for my local doctor and he was appreciative, but i was taken back when he then said, come by next week and I will give you a prescription that will take care of your issue, then you DONT have to go to the specialist I originally told you to see. ! WHAT ! ? Why did he not tell me that in the first place ???? Ahhh, now I was a friend, an insider. B S!

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Like you said in your other comment, I don't trust most of the medical industry anymore and vaccines even less. However if other people want them who am I to tell them they can't . I hate to see their children have them forced on them, and why we need serious trials as there are way too many adverse events, and likely even more that have gone unreported.

Yes, we have to be our own medical advocates!

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We are so conditioned by fake science and marketing news, that we can't have a conversation with anyone that thinks differently. Is there a life and Truth outside of the box?

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I agree. there is no 100% across the board broad brush rule . Mandates were the real crime. Firing people, ruining lives for those who chose not to get the jab. If there was a successful mRNA cancer jab that worked, I would certainly consider it if I had cancer. no one is going to blanket mandate a cancer jab . They are not mandating chemo and radiation to everyone w cancer or not. Free choice!!

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Sadly, they are in some cases with minors. Medically kidnapped from parents who said no to radiation and chemo. The parents who had other options to try first.

People get cured of cancer All.The.Time - in other countries. No mRNA crap.

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true. and there is our other problem, medical censorship .

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The pandemic was like war, they fill the marketplace, our minds and hearts, with fear in order to sell they are marketing plan and they mandate the war in order to extract trillions of dollars.

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No vaccines "works". They are all poison, and they all have bad health effects. We have all been so brainwashed for so long.

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Try watching JJ Couey Gigaohmbiological.com. Michael Yeadon. Anti poison injections of any kind?

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Dr. Bradstreet was the doctor working with a team of doctors who found conclusive evidence that the vaccines cause autism. Some of these doctors were suicided. I believe he is the doctor who shot himself in the chest, then ran down to the river and drowned himself just to make sure. When my wife started teaching special Ed, she had one student in all her classes with autism. 25 years later when she retired HALF her class had autism. This all reminds me of the vaccine scientist who's wife said he has NOT taken ANY kind of vaccine in 40 years. Smart man!

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Yes...Dr. Bradstreet's "suicide" was an incredible feat....

Even more incredible is that people seemed to "believe" it...

Apparently they did not want to confront the powerful people who own all the "machinery" of our civilization.

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Celia, EXCELLENT post. This is especially great: "Bernie Sanders should be taken to an ADL training camp and re-engineered to not amplify every Jewish stereotype (except intelligence.)"

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Love it! Celia is fantastic with words....

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only thing I can imagine is that these people are possessed by demons who are eating them from the inside out. ripping at their guts, shrieking in their heads, threatening them with worse. as tho anything could be worse than trading your soul for gain.

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truly...they are. The covid "vaccines" are a demonic tool as DEW weaponry.

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Classic definition of the Khazars ....👿

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Well put, though I'd put it more forcefully, with more outrage and condemnation.

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once upon a time, I admired Bernie immensely. and I still give him credit for all those initial rallies. whatever got to him happened about the time of the convention.

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Exactly, they beat him up, and threatened him, and bought him a house. Guess we call all be compromised. Your life, or your life!

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not sure how much courage I'd have

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RFK Jr dredges up all the money received by Congressional members from Big Pharma.

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Someone should get the calculator out , and compare the number of vaccine injured , divided into the pay out to the congressional member , compared with the cost of caring for a vaccine injured child to his family , to society , as well as the added to the calculation of the loss of a valuable member of society and the healthy family they would have created . And then , show this number up for what it is , peanuts in the face of a monster .

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Senator Cassidy's closing statements in yesterday's hearing showed him to be a true silver-tongued devil. His automatic-weapon-like attack demanding yes or no answers to complex questions about our unhealthy and failing health care system (the binary structure is the work of Ahriman) allowed us to witness dark narcissistic or possibly even psychopathic forces at work. Dangerous and shameful. And this from a senior senator in a lead role for this hearing. Tough, tough, tough.

Senator Sanders more than once tried to railroad the conversation to get RFK Jr to agree to installing a forced government-ruled "universal" human test lab system of unwellness masked as a health care system. Once again, dark forces spewing out all over the place.

What a den of writhing vipers.

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Bernie is a COMMUNIST ALWAYS HAS BEEN ‼️Communism provides universal heath care their way or the highway no choice for treatments ... mandated much like our “standard of care “ useless toxic pharmaceuticals .... 😵‍💫😳🤬🤬

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Sanders has become sad and pathetic. Caught in his own webs of compromise and self-loathing.

That circus we saw was so revealing of the huge pit of corruption that is our "government."

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He's a self-hating... wait for it... wait... millionaire, a self-hating millionaire!

His psychotherapist is a millionaire too!

And the conctractors who do the landscaping in his mansions will also become millionaires if he lives long enough.

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And he shouts over them when they try to tell him how to trim his conscience ?

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Every job has its perks.

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With all apologies to actual vipers, I'm guessing 😜

~~ j ~~

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Celia! This is another thing of beauty.. Truth baby! That's your program.. Keep it up!

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I watched the first day's hearing and by the second day I had to turn it off. It's absolute theater. The DemoRat Senators don't give a rat's ass about the people they "serve." The only masters they serve are their position of power (in their own mind) and their money. They have no authority over my life, my body or my choices.

I pray RFK gets confirmed. He stood on the steps of the capital in Olympia, WA in 2019 beside me and hundreds of mothers fighting to keep the philosophical exemptions for the MMR vaccine. We lost that battle, and confirmed for me that the war against Big Pharma and the politicians would be long.

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