The irony is that a measles outbreak actually supports the anti-vax position. Children in America in 2025 are overwhelmingly vaccinated for measles. The MMR vaccine is on the schedule and mandated in school districts. Most adults up through at least age 65 have been vaccinated for it. So, if ninety-whatever percent of us are vaccinated, we should have "herd immunity" and there should be NO measles outbreaks. It should not be possible. So, why was there a measles outbreak? Were any of the kids who got sick vaccinated with MMR? Yes. From the op-ed: "At least five had received an MMR vaccine." So, if the vaccine is "safe and effective," how could that happen?

Personally, I used to be tepidly pro-vax, simply because I hadn't ever thought about it. COVID forced me to look and it changed my mind. Now, I don't think you should put anything in your body but nutritious whole food (and maybe some wine and whiskey 😉).

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Some of those cases are vax failures. I am worried that will be used as evidence to switch it to the mRNA platform, which would be catastrophic.

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The unknown factor in the room is the adverse effects on the immune system from the c shots. We know that there are more cases of sepsis in the young, and more polymicrobial and previously rare infections. Have you noticed the endless listeria outbreaks that used to affect only the uncompromised...oh wait...

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Excellent point. Thanks.

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I think they started up the measles Vaxx in the 60’s. I’m 72 and there was no measles Vaxx in the 50’s. I was never vaccinated for the measles.

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Yes, It started in the early 1960s.

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Bear in mind that it's only been a bit more than two weeks since he was confirmed, and his community of supporters would be well served to have patience and trust that his process for bringing truth to light, and fostering acceptance of that truth, will take a little time.

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Agree! It is a dicey dance he is doing as he maneuvers through so many minefields. We cannot shoot him when he needs time to do the job. And that includes wooing, education, more wooing, tiny steps at a time, etc. in order to not push the opposition too much too fast.

He is on the right track. But just know he is not going to do this “your” way. ( not you Beth, speaking in general)

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Now that the horse is out of the gate the best we can do is ask how to keep this fiasco from reoccurring?

Can't RFK start a Substack where his follow the evidence and the data is the central theme from which everything else would follow?

Next level control beyond that would find him editing all things written about him, stating in advance that if he hasn't approved it then the report is not authentic. He would keep a signed dated, hour stamped copy that front runs the mass media release. Anything released that departs from verbatim in the signed agreement would be subject to liable damages.

The Substack would be a permanent default position. If that data shows evidence supporting terrain theory, reveals bad clinical trials, has quotes from respected mainstream experts like, for example, Paul Offit and Stanley Plotkin expressing caution or uncertainty then it would be there for all his Substack readers to see.

Maybe a few anecdotes from the past like the time those 4 vaXX experts all failed to show up for their scheduled debate.

Giving permanence to otherwise fleeting notions and hearsay would alleviate the ephemeral news circus.

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Check out Children’s Health Defense and The Highwire websites. CHD is where RFKJr. Was affiliated with and Del Bigtree, from The Highwire produced the movies VAXXED and UNVAXXED. Terrific sites. My bumper sticker from The Highwire says “Get Facts-inated “ 🤣

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Thanks. I'm no stranger to either site. Have donated several times to both. Funny, I thought factsinated was one of my own homegrowns.

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“ an orgasm looking for a wedding” RFK is still our man!! The enemy is still playing fuckery, every inch is worth fighting for. Thanks for insights!!

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Agree 💯 Fox News is controlled opposition. I never watch them. Only slightly better than the rest of legacy media. Turn them off. Give RFK JR a chance. Otherwise you might as well join his dearest cousin Caroline and her nasty opinions.

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I don’t watch TV or read legacy media. I know let them get in the saddle and do their jobs. Jesse Waters on Fox is good. RFK will be great!! Lots to contend with.

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Interesting analysis Celia, thanks for taking one for the team, reading the actual source, and debunking the hysterical exaggerations surrounding RFK pushing measles shots (I was very relieved to see him pushing nutritioun instead).

But here's the thing, where is his evidence for this, from the article:

"Tens of thousands died with, or of, measles annually in 19th Century America"

History shows that untold numbers of people have died of COVID, which is of course nonsense. History is as real as a 3 dollar bill, as Yuri B says:

"If the news is fake, imagine how fake history is."

And RFK no doubt knows those measles death numbers are fake and were only fabricated to push the vaccine narrative, so ... why mention them at all? At some point these lies have to stop because they are highly damaging to children lining up for vaccines. And Not to sound like a broken record on measles but:

How the measles was once viewed: Brady Bunch on the measles: ‘slight temperature, a lot of dots, and a great big smile.’

——Brady Bunch, S01-E13, Dec 26, 1969——


‘He’s off school for a few days.’

’Boy this is the life isn’t it?’

’Yeah, if you have get sick you sure can’t beat measles’ —Brady Bunch, S01-E13, Dec 26, 1969

Reference: https://old.bitchute.com/video/sK3eTB38YtWL [1:17mins]


So while his article was one thing, he's still pushing death tally lies which is akin to endorsing vaccines... He needs to pick a lane.

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Ditto! Couldn't have said it better myself.

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Respectfully disagree. RFK Jr's. worldwide figures were indeed correct. There are still significant numbers of deaths from measles in third world countries. Lost two healthy classmates in a very small school (as in, all grades in one room) from measles pneumonia and encephalitis back in the day. As for Covid, the numbers are so compromised (in no small part by the compensation given to hospitals for the diagnosis, and the 2 week window of 'unvaccinated' sudden deaths), that we'll never have hard data. Well before the iatrogenic hospital "treatments," those who were told to, "stay home until you can't breathe" did indeed die, often enroute to the hospital. I will add that the genetically manipulated virus did have a completely different skill set, and activation of the inflammatory complement cascade was deadly. Of course, steroids that could have treated this were forbidden. C was a disaster on all fronts, but it would be a mistake to call it a benign disease, even though it was in many.

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In what country did you live in where your school mates died from pneumonia and encephalitis? And what grade/age?

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Does taking anabolic steroids = MAHA?

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I don't even know that that is.

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I posted here, but comment went to top. There are huge benefits to TRT for aging men, not just "being buff" as soul asserts. RFKJ does TRT, at 61 YO I find that i can keep my T around 800 with a healthy diet which include 4 ounce of beef liver per week.

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Are synthetic hormones considered Pharmakia? (really asking, not being sarcastic). How do we trust those that alter what our Creator has designed and have already lied under oath? Steroids, particularly topical and inhaled forms, can cause purple skin discoloration known as purpura.

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for sure I would rather do it naturally through nutrition. Beef liver, research it.

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Mrna free range organic beef liver, oh yes, that is wonderful. It just seems that the synthetic hormones are in line with so many other technocratic and depopulation plans... and I wonder why he would be taking things like that... then he is also part of the pharmkia program...but I also wonder why so many of us are also so easily deceived (self included). Is it cause this is the great deceiver's world at the moment? May those who can, have eyes to see and ears to hear.

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Maybe he takes the Dragon Peptides (https://dragonpharmastore.net/)? Or the ones made by Symbiotec? Both companies have dark missions but who am I to question? Just a soul who would like to know how these things effect humans and brains and entire beings.

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What he takes for his own health, synthetic hormones to be buff... being now we have entered into a very synthetic world... I wish I could believe in heroes... and there are so many lies... and let's see but feels like many heroes get corrupted in order to survive. And the darker forces love for all of us to fight.

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"The current mood is very cutthroat, and that serves the powers that be very well." Yes, exactly!

Now, I don't know what is in Bobby's head, and we shall all wait and see what practical steps he takes. I am prepared to wait and see.

But what the controllers are trying to do is capitalize on the fact that we have been conditioned to seek "emotional support" from political and other leaders in the form of hearing our talking points repeated back to us, and hurt really badly if we don't receive it. I believe this kind of expectation can never lead to anything but disappointment. I think at this point in history, there is no way around investing our energy into seeking wisdom and understanding how the world works. That is where our power is, not in talking points or hoping that a knight on a white horse will save us by repeating our talking points back to us. In other words, I agree with you that there is an intentional effort to keep people in a perpetually reactive state, and that is not good. We are better than that, we CAN be calm, even-headed, and actually make a difference and change the world by refusing to participate in the energy patterns handed to us by the controllers. That is what I believe based on my own life, and I stick to it.

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As it should be. The scamdemic has been going on long enough and it's way past time to sound the alarm. Millions of people have been maimed and killed and continued to be maimed and killed by these death shots, but there is still a deafening silence while there is all this other hoopla about USAID, rebuilding Trump Gaza, banning Red-40, measles outbreak, and a receny Zelensky wrestling match?

The first thing that Trump should have done was to stop the death shots and ban the mRNA technology. What does he do instead? They brag about Operation Stargate and moving forward with mRNA vaccines to cure cancer. The first thing that RFK Jr. should have done was end the "emergency" that allows the scamdemic and death shots to continue. What does he do instead? He bans a single artificial food dye that can stay on the market until 2026.

Enough is enough. If you can't smell the bullshit now, then you probably won't smell it until we are drowning in piles of it.

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Neither political candidate for President, whether it was Harris/Biden or Trump ever talked about the C*V*D Plandemic/Scamdemic, or the EUA mRNA Jabs (and their associated injuries and deaths) on the campaign trail.

From my vantage point it appears that the majority of people in the USA just want to forget all the s**t that came down starting in late 2019 up till now, around a fake SARS COV2 “virus”, the lockdowns, the mandates, and how it affected us all.

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I think that we have been swimming in BS for a very long time, and we are still swimming in it. Personally, I do not invest emotions in politicians at all, meaning, I don't think our "salvation" is coming through politics. My thought process is about the medium that actually creates change in my opinion, which is the energy we generate into this world. The people sitting at the top want us to say hysterical, wounded, scared, angry, and so on. It works for them. I refuse to participate. I think that the thinking pattern of "solving problems by vanquishing the devil" was installed centuries ago, deliberately. so that we never figure out how to actually solve problems in a world where other people with money and power seem to call the shots (no pun intended). My own experience tells me that this particular pattern doesn't bring solutions, it just torments good people. What Bobby will do in the near future, I don't know. I will make up my mind as I observe. For right now, I keep in mind that headlines and subheads are written by the editors, not by the person. I also keep in mind that sometimes ideas need to be introduced slowly. A lot of people sincerely think that vaccines are the best thing since sliced bread, and they are only going to hear a slow argument. That is the majority of people as of this second. I believe. And no true opinion is going to get through if that is what people believe. It is better to get the awakening process started on a massive scale than scare the crap out of the people who currently have great faith in vaccines, and put them into mega defense. In any case, I practice the principle of even-headedness because my experience says that it works better in the long-term. If Bobby does something great, I will be happy. If not, I will not be disappointed too much because I don't put my emotional state into the hands of politicians. See what I mean?

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I agree with you completely. My emotions aren't swayed by politicians either because I know they are all actors. Literally. I also agree with you that the power is within all of us to change not only the present, but the future. The issue if our times is mass centralization and control by the parasitic class, so the solution is obviously to decentralize by going local and working with our communities again to build a resiliency that cannot be easily disturbed by the centralized global supply chains. The obvious problem is that most people still don't recognize that there is a ruling class that has been actively culling the population for decades now, so it's that much harder to build a decentralize community when we're mostly surrounded by people who are still asleep.

With all that being said, my emotions are not easily controlled or manipulated by the powers that shouldn't be. However, it is difficult for me to not get emotional when I see tons of smart people continuing to buy into the idea that some politician is going to save any of us. People making up excuses for lying liars is what pisses me off, especially the ones that understand how much pain and suffering was caused by the scamdemic and is still being caused because the "new" rulers continue to allow it. Calling off the scam and calling off the shots doesn't need to be some gradual process as the evidence of harm is overwhelming. The scam and the shots were abrupt so the ending should be the same.

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I hear you. Here is my thought process around this. I put myself in the shoes of a person who is trying to accomplish something in the world as it is now, and it looks something like this: I want to do away with the vaccine scam, which is a long-term plan because a lot of people have been hoodwinked into believing that their livelihood depends on Holy Vaccines. Okay then, first step, do away with vaccine mandates of any sort. So I walk into a room full of people who are in the middle of their daily prayer to Holy Vaccines, and I know that in order to get anywhere with my plan to do away with mandates, I need to convince this room full of people to let go of their fear. If the first thing out of my mouth is "vaccines are a scam," it's a non-starter, and the project has failed. In fact, if I say anything remotely militant that straight out spells out that their religion is based on a fantasy, it is a non-starter. So I need to work with these people (who have been hoodwinked, and who are scared) and hold their hand and talk to them slowly, slowly, slowly. Otherwise, I may be correct and righteous a million times but I may as well go home and not even try, not gonna work. Fact do not convince anyone, ever, to abandon their religion, whatever their religion may be.

is Bobby thinking along these lines? I don't know, I am not in his head, and I am willing to observe and make up my mind as things develop.. But I do know that saying out loud things that are true only matter if people are ready to hear. There are a million things on my mind that I wish people saw and understood this very second, and I mourn it, and I feel pain that sometimes it feels like I am the only person who sees how things are in some area that I have spent a lot of time thinking about, and no one's ready to hear. But then I remind myself that patience is a virtue for a reason, and that in due time, all good things show up, as long as I keep going.

I hope all this makes some sense, I really tried :)

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"I also keep in mind that sometimes ideas need to be introduced slowly." Truth needs to be administered in homeopathic doses, or you risk injury to the patient. Do No Harm.

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It's time to PULL that band-aid OFF !

We will survive.

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How many mothers and fathers can attest to what happened to their children after receiving vaccinations? Messed up for life. The number is astronomical. Ask them. Wayyyyy more than ANY that 'may' have died from measles. I had measles and chicken pox, and all the kids and neighbors I grew up with did too and never died. They purposely leave out 'context'. Thank you Celia for bringing back 'context'. The medical profession reminds me of the 3 monkeys: 'hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil'. Of course they don't see, hear or speak. That would actually take hearing, seeing and speaking.

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I am so glad you wrote this. I wish it would go viral. I did not have time to read the whole article about Measles and now I don't have to. I get it!!! I am a big fan of RFK jr about medicine and NON-medicine. You need to read entire articles and never ever take the headline at full value. I love your father's term " an orgasm in search of a wedding". So funny and so true...I have very little respect for anything written in "the press".

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Actually, you *do* need to read the whole article - and decide for yourself.

Why would you take anyone's word for anything, even Celia's, without going to the source document?

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I have never caught her lying or mis-representing, for one matter.

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Thank you for writing this.

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Thank you for clarifying this. I can confirm no writer has control over hed and dek. Unfortunately, most people read only the headline and this manipulative practice is well aware of that and has been for decades.

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Why is it so difficult to find any information about the "unvaccinated" child who tragically died of something, a few days ago? Can the Secretary of HHS find out this information and is he "allowed" to disclose it to the public? During Covid, they kept screaming about "co-morbidities" but now there is apparently a blackout about what might have contributed to the death of a child from something which is known to be a mild condition.

Dr. Tom Cowan had a well-considered episode about "measles" the other day and what it is and isn't. Like all conditions referred to as "public health", apparently the symptoms of measles are interchangeable with various other conditions and of course the tests to verify it, are completely unscientific, unverifiable and fraudulent.

I agree that anyone hoping to influence the public from inside government, would have to do it incrementally. For those who still trust the government for scientific health information, even after the last few years, there is not much hope for them. All they need to do is bother to examine the website of Children's Health Defense and they will learn what Robert Kennedy Jr.'s contribution is to this subject.

"Public health", which does not exist", is a control psy-op which has been honed for hundreds of years and we can't hope to pry its death grip tentacles from the psyche of "the public" as easily as just presenting a completely new way of thinking of illness. The public still wants "experts" from the government to tell them how to stay "safe". Good luck with that...

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"Public health" is Marxism encoded into human biology. A means of control and subjugation.

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You are so good at breaking it down and clarifying !! Again, Celia to the rescue!! Thank you!

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Celia, I appreciate your thorough approach, not jumping to conclusions, and putting things in perspective.

That said, I read his article and found it very troubling, in spite of some good points he made.

He starts off on the wrong foot "As secretary of DHHS, I am deeply concerned about the recent measles outbreak".

WAIT. Why is he deeply concerned about this? Wouldn't we be better off if kids got natural measles when they were young? There are great long term health benefits to this.

This defensiveness has always been the Achilles heel of our movement. I am not saying that people shouldn't be allowed to get vaccinated, only that it is beyond idiotic to be browbeaten into the "Zero infections" objective of our enemies.

He then goes on to talk about the health risks to the unvaxxed being higher.

He concludes with similar comments to those he started with:

"The measles outbreak in Texas is a call to action for all of us to reaffirm our commitment to public health. By working together -- parents, healthcare providers, community leaders, and government officials, we can prevent future outbreaks and protect the health of our nation."

I find this Opinion very disappointing. I am not dejected though, because I think that the vaccine cartel is still going to lose this battle to a more powerful foe, God.

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Fair enough. In my mind, I'm asking for precision in the criticism. A was good and B was weak tea and C (the headline) was not within his control. There's SUCH a weird desire to trip him up. I sense a destructive gotcha spirit behind it, from people who never risked their own skin to stand up to these monsters. Risked their life. He who is without sin...cast the first stone..?

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I agree with you. I have great appreciation for what Kennedy has done and am not looking for an excuse to throw him under the bus.

I think that so many in our movement have been through so much disappointment and pain that they have adopted a strategy to protect themselves (from any more of the same) by looking for the first indication that anything could be amiss.

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Have heard that a review was conducted. Those who had the measles are healthier than those who received the vaccine for measles.

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Celia, FWIW, I strongly disagree with you on this. I've read it through four times, just to be sure I observe the fullness of it.

Yes, in the op-ed RFKJ pointed out other options (Vit A, do nothing). And he presented all the other points you noted.

However - RFKJ *knows* what's true about MMR (as do Wakefied, Tenpenny & others) & he has described it previously quite pointedly.

The playing field is *not* level when known truths about proven harms from MMR are not shared *in the same op-ed* in which he says this:

"Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.”

This statement is counter to what RFKJ *knows* to be true about MMR.

He is choosing to suggest that MMR is a valid choice, without mentioning proven harms from MMR.

RFKJ chose to obfuscate the truth and validate a potentially harmful (or deadly) choice.

Do you really, honestly feel that his op-ed is balanced?

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Good call & good close reading... It's insane to think that RFK Jr. would go in like gangbusters. The idea is to shift things, one by one, it's going to be a very long haul but, at least it seems to me, he's being very strategic...

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Thank you for your analysis. I had to keep reading the sub headline to understand if RFK actually said that. I would not believe he would say that. What a tangled web the media weaves. We've entered new territory of discernment. "THEY" will never stop at trying to confuse me. If I remember that first and for most, I can use my powers of discernment to find the truth. What a needle RFK now has to thread, knowing they are going to actually put words in his mouth. Something has to change with those headlines as far as who they credit for the actual text (immediately following the text). I guess if it's not in quotation marks, might be a clue. For now as always, it's constant education. I will not look at headlines the same way. It truly is the MATRIX, things are not as they appear.

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RFKJ *did* say that, though - he said it in the body of the op-ed.

He said: "Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.”

His words, not FoxNews.

RFKJ knows - and has acknowledged publicly in interviews - the profound dangers of the MMR. He mentions none of them in this op-ed.

As I mentioned to Celia above, IMO the playing field is *not* level when known truths about proven harms from MMR are not shared *in the same op-ed* in which he supports the choice to give the MMR to your children.

He made a choice to leave out some very important data in his op-ed.

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Kavita, I am actualy not arguing that RFK Jr, is not carrying water for vaccines at some level, or that he is not being contradictory. I am trying to say that those who mis charactertize that piece are mis-characterizing that piece. My argument is that they are leaving out some light, deliberately. And that means they're flirting with the dark art of propaganda. They have their thumbs on the scales. The post is about health freedom media really. As for Bobby and all his vaccine utterances, it's a very tedious subject. He has said a lot of things all over the map--but what he documented in TRAF and what he said on podcasts about the depraved corruption of the whole system is where I keep my focus, my eye on the ball.

And if you ask ed me: "Has MAHA been infiltrated and controlled?" I would answer "yes." And if you asked me "Are they avoiding the mRNA elephant in the room?" I would say "yes." I have no connection to any of it.

It's fine to say "OMG he seems to be defending MMR." But it's NOT fine to leave out his central thesis in that Op Ed.

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Thanks, Celia.

It's helpful to see the op-ed through a keen journalistic eye (yours). I appreciate you taking the time to comment and clarify.

"My argument is that they are leaving out some light, deliberately. And that means they're flirting with the dark art of propaganda."

You have depth of experience from another dark era in journalistic propaganda - the 80's / 90's "AIDS years".

I wonder if there ever was a time when journalism was free of this dark art?

Or was there a 'golden era' of greater integrity in journalism?

Thank you for your attentiveness, eagle eye, and broader view.

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"As for Bobby and all his vaccine utterances, it's a very tedious subject."

How is that "tedious"? Frustrating, yes, but tedious? Parents with children LISTEN to him, Celia. Let's keep that in mind.

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Thank you! I saw attacks on him everywhere and now I have the cause, thanks to you.

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