Nov 19, 2021Liked by Celia Farber

It's not what the media tells you but what they don't cover that really matters. We should know this after nearly 2 years of cover-up and outright lies. Nothing to see here...millions protesting, 10s of thousands dead after coerced experimental injections, a non-validated test falsifying numbers, a non-existent isolate causing common cold, and other pre-existing attributes, hundreds of thousand injured, hospitalized with life threatening damage due to experimental injections....a doctor telling "us" what to do that has a deep nefarious record; pharmaceutical companies with rap sheets a mile long. Who in the hell is Kyle Rittenhouse?

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Nov 20, 2021Liked by Celia Farber

Yes, lies by omission is their special talent.

Bob Dylan wrote these wise lines in Idiot Wind:

"You didn’t know it, you didn’t think it could be done

In the final end he won the war

After losing every battle"

I feel this time is upon us. The tyrants who can claim to have 'won' every battle are about to lose the war they have been waging against love.

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Depends what those "important consequences" are. I think in the scheme of things its very inconsequential. The media with its reach into millions of brains, simply shape behaviors and distract from countless crimes of global and national magnitude. This trial will have virtually no consequence other than to reduce those major crimes to imperceptible realities hidden behind the smoke screens of "look over there...".

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Celia Farber

How many times can they say ‘Crossed State Lines’! This ‘journey’ he took too all of a mike and a few minutes…didn’t anyone’s mom or dad drive them to something when they were teenagers without a license? I’m very happy for Mr. Rittenhouse and his family…As for all the woke MSM pundits the likes of Joe Scarborough, Chris Hayes, & the woke crew of CNN & MSNBC and all the major media news outlets, can all go F—k themselves! They are pathetic examples of a human being!

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I read that Kyle broke down in tears when the verdict was delivered. What a terrible crime this has been against this innocent man. My heart goes out to him.

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Hey RFK’s new book is awesome. Hit the nail on the head. I have about an hour left. Thank you 🙏 https://youtu.be/wBs-BKnr0aY

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