I caught the vaccine part. I love how Vargas and the doctor both come at him, and he comes back at them with one of the most coherent and rational rebuttals. How often are you paying true, rapt attention that you can't pull yourself away from when watching someone running for political office?
I agree - he did a fabulous job responding with compassion and composure. I wish I could say I’d have remained so calm - especially with robotic Vargas who seem to do nothing but try to bait him to create division.
Presidential candidate aside - he role modeled how to behave with those who remain ignorant.
Unfortunately, I think she represents masses of people who are unable snd or unwilling to entertain anything that doesn’t support what they already believe. There is no room discussion - all they do is attack despite having zero evidence to support what they believe other than what sociopathic liars have told them.
After RFK replied, “does your family agree with everything you say,” she said “you got me on that one.” I thought “he’s gotten you on EVERY one but you have no idea, do you?”
I know I “should” have compassion for her, but I don’t 😉😂
I think that doctor might be rethinking his limited knowledge on vaccines and Kennedy's obvious command of the science. (Maybe Vargas too) Kennedy's response on chickenpox/shingles is straight epidemiological evidence. The doctor was not prepared for Kennedy at all. He mistakenly believed the smears Kennedy has endured.
heather heying rethought her belief in childhood vaccines after hearing RFKjr on Rogan. she did her own research and discovered that he was right. she's in shock, disappointed and angry.
public health really created some monsters; their worst nightmares have come true
When a believer does her own research and the next day they are a truth monster or lie slayer, now that would make a good children's book about not trusting the experts.
i have a feeling that the doctor asking the question will go home and check for himself that which he had always just assumed. he will be shocked to find out what RFKjr already knows
Yes. I read comments where people have dismissed him because of his stance on Israel. So they'd rather live in a biofascist state? Because that's what we'll get with anyone else, including, I fear, Cornel West, the darling of the far left. West suffers DDS & sees fascism only on the right. RFK Jr will listen to opposing views & is open to change. He's done it his whole life.
Hedges in particular was a huge disappointment for me, how he shilled for pharma & mandates. He should know better - he's been on Gary Null's show many times.
Jill Stein has spoken about welcoming the injections and she was a physician and "homeopath" who even questioned the safety of WiFi in schools. The disappointments run wide and deep! I don't believe she welcomed the mandates.
Chomsky might just be a frightened old man who has lost touch with part of his rationality.
Richard Wolf does not trust anything about capitalism but the injections concocted by one of history's greatest corporate felons is something he welcomed as well.
However, such remarks by Chomsky, Howard Stern, the idiots on The View, and Jimmy Kimmel might inspire me to get a yellow star of David with "unvaxxed"
printed inside of it. In my view, entirely appropriate.
In an easily visible area? Or some part generally covered by clothes? I wouldn’t do anything to my body but you can make a patch and pin it on your clothes
I get it, and I'm supporting him regardless. And I am critical of his current stances on both. Personally, I'm far less concerned about the global warming thing because I think he's already changed from 9 years ago, openly looks at science, and I can't see him ever agreeing to lock down or control human beings based on their "carbon footprints." I'm far less hopeful he'll meaningfully modify or change his stance on "that other (sacred) issue."
"... think he's already changed from 9 years ago...." We need proof, not wishful thinking. This, published in 2017, is not proof: https://tinyurl.com/yc3447mm
I can't give you the proof to satisfy your distrust of him, but he is getting information all the time. He knows that the climate chaos is being exploited just like all the issues.
It's being exploited but what will he do to save the very planet in a time of dire crisis, when the science journals all tell him that drastic action is necessary? What will he do? He believes in "the science"!
1. Half-measures that are largely voluntary and won't be the necessary steps.
2. Necessary measures to flatten the curve for three years, including rationing gas and restricting us to 15-min neighborhoods, slaughtering cattle, restricting what we can buy, restricting family size (remember: the core problem is too many people,) restricting consumption? Etc. Requiring us all to be digitally monitored so that he can be assured that "we're all in this together"?
Where has he promoted the 15 minute cities and all the other stuff?
He's a real environmentalist, not the corporate kind.
He could very well know the carbon thing is a fraud, but like Israel, does he want to unsettle that hornets nest?
He's also said things that shows that he questions virus theory of disease...
Whatever happens with him it'll be better than any other politician, whether they ignore pollution or are obsessed with carbon. At least he speaks his mind, not what they tell him to say.
"Whatever happens with him it'll be better than any other politician, whether they ignore pollution or are obsessed with carbon. At least he speaks his mind, not what they tell him to say."
The whole plan might be to switch out the pandemic for the climate catastrophe. Kennedy might be just the first act until they get the real action going: save the planet, it'll burn unless you do what you're told.
Jim, I know their are people whom Kennedy listens to who think like Jim Reagan and know what you know. Kennedy will make mistakes along the way but it is my belief he will be steered away by evidence from some if not all that is being proposed for climate change.
".... my belief he will be steered away by evidence...." Like he's been steered away by massive evidence of climate science fraud?
I'm not saying Kennedy is unfit or a bad person. But every single one of us should be calling him out on his belief in pseudoscience, and if he still won't back down then that's a huge red flag. There is no catastrophic CO2 warming in exactly the same way that there was never a catastrophic Covid pandemic: it was and is all pseudoscience and the selling of a narrative.
Why is Kennedy trying to sell us a false narrative??? Yet he absolutely insists that this pseudoscience is the real science. Why?
It's hard to "prove" everything. The book was written in 2017. Have you read it (I haven't)? Show me where he endorses the WEF "sustainable development" goals in all its "smart city," "carbon footprint" details. The only recent things I've heard is criticism of the money powers behind the "Green New Deal." Does that mean he rejects it? No. But let's see where he affirmatively supports it. And even if he does, that doesn't mean support for implementing it as proposed. All it actually is is an abstract "idea."
He talks to us like we are the adults that we are! Coherently, rationally, calmly with facts to back up everything he has to say. My president! ♥ Even if they don't let him in, we're having the conversation and if it's true that 40 million people tune in to Joe Rogan, then 40 million people heard the truth they may not have known. He's like a long, cool drink of water after being in the desert for 40+years. ♥
You can’t vote for a Party anymore. They are opposing wings of the same bird, one must vote for the person. I’m Canadian and reading/watching/listening to RFKJr. literally gives me goosebumps and tears me up as he is the FIRST candidate ANYWHERE in the world that gives me hope. I pray for his safety every day, may he stay strong, healthy and continue to try to save America and hence the world.
I loved when he shot Vargas down on the idea of automatically supporting the Dem nominee if it's not him. If he were so enamored of Biden, he wouldn't be running against him. It's about time someone joined Trump in refusing to bow to the party hierarchy. It's time for party loyalty to take a back seat - way, way in the back - beyond loyalty to country.
28 minutes in I'd say he's doing well under the libertarian microscope. Decriminalize marijuana and psychedelics, tax marijuana and use money to fund low-cost drug rehab camps, support second amendment, confine military to national interest only, secure the border but allow legal immigration, would not ban Roundup but would require stringent label warnings. I wouldn't agree with everything he believes, but he is the best informed and most reasonable candidate I've seen almost in my lifetime.
1) Elizabeth Vargas “Challenged” Kennedy’s assertion, she verbally dismissed the veracity that the child hood vaccine schedule had pre-linsensure placebo studies. RFK Jr. offered to Ms Vargas the HHS documentation that there are “No” placebos in any of the routinely given childhood vaccinations. There are two people on that stage who stated what they believe are facts to support their position. Does Ms. Vargas expect to be taken seriously as an honest journalist or will she look at the black and white HHS document or is she just doing what so many others have been told to believe–Trust the experts at the FDA or AMA. Ms Vargas is badly misinformed and should make an apology to RFK Jr. if she cannot show documentation to support her belief. Otherwise Newsnation should not be considered credible.
2) Ms Vargas said that vaccine information including Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defense website would be made available at Newsnation.com. Well I have not found it. Is it there or not?
My questions are simple and respectful. I am asking for you to hold yourselves accountable to being honest brokers of the truth.
I don't understand what "the child hood vaccine schedule had pre-linsensure placebo studies" means if "there are “No” placebos in any of the routinely given childhood vaccinations" is supposed to be refuting it.
Hesperado, my point could have been clearer. Vargas responded with disbelief and insisted there were placebos to Kennedy's claim of no per-licensure placebo studies on the vaccines. There are no after licensing as well, but Kennedy was stating it in such a way that no one can weasel on the suit he and Siri brought to HHS. Does this help?
Hesperado this document https://icandecide.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/rotateq_placebo.pdf page 46 addresses the ingredients of the placebo in the rotateq vaccine. The inert placebo contained sucrose, sodium citrate, sodium phosphate, polysorbate 80 (commonly used to get cancer therapy drugs to cross the blood brain barrier) Absent in the ingredient list is saline. Also note in the same paragraph the other vaccines co-adminstered in both the placebo and vaccine group.
She was defensive because she’s been hoodwinked like most people into trusting the experts without doing the hard work of looking into it herself. Jabbing newborns with a hepatitis toxin should be shocking and is criminal. Instead she gets defensive. She can’t admit her own children have likely been poisoned and as a public person it makes her complicit in the lies and the damage that results. She even got pissed that RFK Jr claimed drugging children could be partly to blame for school shootings (Ritalin a cocaine derivative used to control bothersome school children)…she’s got limited intelligence.
Lynn--well stated. The reason this country is in the mess its in is precisely because of Vargas and all those in the media like her; and the left is clearly deranged which has nothing to do with Trump Derangement Syndrome. They are Pathologically Deranged (PD).
Just to add more to how Vargas misrepresents Kennedy's knowledge on all things FDA/CDC/HHS/Covid/vaccines/ medical industrial media corruption, read the last paragraph.
Pushing back against his vaccine views, Elizabeth Vargas said, “You’re a lawyer and an activist. You’re not a doctor or a scientist.”
Kennedy’s response: “We live in a democracy. We don’t have a priesthood here…We’re in charge of our own lives.”
That worldview clearly gets traction, especially in a United States that has just come through the national collective trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The nation has also experienced at least two seismic events in the past couple of decades where “the experts” were catastrophically wrong — the Iraq War, when Saddam Hussein was said to have weapons of mass destruction, and didn’t; and the financial crisis, where the banks were supposed to be safe, and weren’t.
But the dangers in Kennedy’s worldview is just as obvious — it places someone who has watched a few YouTube videos on COVID-19 on the same footing as, say, Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose expertise is summarized here: https://www.niaid.nih.gov/about/anthony-s-fauci-md-bio.
Do you see how they deliberately mischaracterize Kennedy's expertise and knowledge?
As an anti-vaxxer, I can still support his ideas of finally testing all vaccines against placebos. And also the vaccinated against the non-vaccinated as did Dr. Paul Thomas. You do understand why they want every child vaccinated...that is so there would be no unvaxxed control groups. They are that worried that someone will come along and expose their criminal and worthless vaccine empire.
ALL vaccines are rubbish. NO vaccine has ever saved a single life. I really like RFK, Jr. - his exchange with the Pro-vaccine doctor was excellent. The doctor was way out of his league. If you make the "vaccine companies" REALLY, TRULY test "vaccines", NONE will pass - all of them would be illegal. Go RFK Jr! He did not take the bait from the clueless host multiple times. People are actually clueless about how to deal with an honest man! Peace.
I too believe this man has a real shot. There are no reliable prognosticators in the political business anymore. The censorship industrial complex must be crushed. Maybe Kennedy will be the catalyst. By the way, I do not agree with all his policy positions. But he was right about the Covid vaccines so he’s got my attention, which means he deserves serious consideration.
I'm unimpressed with the interviewer - loud, interruptive and has a closed mind. She doesn't sound as though she has even a skerrick of ability to try and be curious and open minded - unlike Robert F Kennedy Junior!
If I was an American I would seriously consider voting for him - I am very impressed by him. I just wish that we had somebody of his calibre in the Australian Labor Party (our equivalent of your Democrats)!
There has been a civil war in the Repub party since Reagan beat Bush the Elder for the nomination. Bush "Repaid" him by killing the Reagan Revolution. Trump like Reagan is an Outsider that the Estab Repubs hate. Lyin Ryan for example.
Bolsheviks have taken over the Demokratic Party with Fixed Primaries, and total allegience to the Party Commissars' pogroms. Wokeism and the Trannie thingy is an obvious Insanity.
So, I'm no longer playing the USSA Buzzard Party "game' with it's Two Wings, democRats & rinoRats.
I caught the vaccine part. I love how Vargas and the doctor both come at him, and he comes back at them with one of the most coherent and rational rebuttals. How often are you paying true, rapt attention that you can't pull yourself away from when watching someone running for political office?
I agree - he did a fabulous job responding with compassion and composure. I wish I could say I’d have remained so calm - especially with robotic Vargas who seem to do nothing but try to bait him to create division.
Presidential candidate aside - he role modeled how to behave with those who remain ignorant.
"Robotic Vargas", yes! I found myself asking.....can this automaton hear herself. She seemed angry that she couldn't annoy him.
He never faltered, never lost his calm assuredness.
Unfortunately, I think she represents masses of people who are unable snd or unwilling to entertain anything that doesn’t support what they already believe. There is no room discussion - all they do is attack despite having zero evidence to support what they believe other than what sociopathic liars have told them.
After RFK replied, “does your family agree with everything you say,” she said “you got me on that one.” I thought “he’s gotten you on EVERY one but you have no idea, do you?”
I know I “should” have compassion for her, but I don’t 😉😂
Agree totally.
And I couldn't pull myself away from his book either.
I think that doctor might be rethinking his limited knowledge on vaccines and Kennedy's obvious command of the science. (Maybe Vargas too) Kennedy's response on chickenpox/shingles is straight epidemiological evidence. The doctor was not prepared for Kennedy at all. He mistakenly believed the smears Kennedy has endured.
heather heying rethought her belief in childhood vaccines after hearing RFKjr on Rogan. she did her own research and discovered that he was right. she's in shock, disappointed and angry.
public health really created some monsters; their worst nightmares have come true
When a believer does her own research and the next day they are a truth monster or lie slayer, now that would make a good children's book about not trusting the experts.
Pierre Kory Is another one. He believed in the childhood vaccine schedule. Now he’s dedicated to exposing it. This is what happens when you censor
i have a feeling that the doctor asking the question will go home and check for himself that which he had always just assumed. he will be shocked to find out what RFKjr already knows
I had the same reaction. Rapt attention. His lessons in history are astounding, nothing we were taught in school or read about in the local papers.
Jill Stein is usually the classiest and most intelligent person in any room.
That's why she was arrested and chained to a chair when she tried to crash the Democratic Party's debates.
They won't be able to bully RFK like they did Doctor Stein.
I've been reading critical comments about him about flaws in his platform.
Well it's our responsibility to correct RFK.
We can send comments to him when we send contributions.
I agree with Celia—and others.
It's a long time since we had such a candidate.
Let's support him!
Yes. I read comments where people have dismissed him because of his stance on Israel. So they'd rather live in a biofascist state? Because that's what we'll get with anyone else, including, I fear, Cornel West, the darling of the far left. West suffers DDS & sees fascism only on the right. RFK Jr will listen to opposing views & is open to change. He's done it his whole life.
West, and Hedges, and Chomsky, and Caitlin Johnstone, etc.
Hedges in particular was a huge disappointment for me, how he shilled for pharma & mandates. He should know better - he's been on Gary Null's show many times.
Didn't know he'd been on Null. That makes it even more mind boggling.
Jill Stein has spoken about welcoming the injections and she was a physician and "homeopath" who even questioned the safety of WiFi in schools. The disappointments run wide and deep! I don't believe she welcomed the mandates.
Chomsky might just be a frightened old man who has lost touch with part of his rationality.
Richard Wolf does not trust anything about capitalism but the injections concocted by one of history's greatest corporate felons is something he welcomed as well.
Oh so I remembered correctly.
Truly baffling.
chomsky wanted unvaccinated people removed from society
I've never had a tattoo.
However, such remarks by Chomsky, Howard Stern, the idiots on The View, and Jimmy Kimmel might inspire me to get a yellow star of David with "unvaxxed"
printed inside of it. In my view, entirely appropriate.
In an easily visible area? Or some part generally covered by clothes? I wouldn’t do anything to my body but you can make a patch and pin it on your clothes
I was not serious, Carolyn.
I agree with you about not marring the body.
I am still angry about being circumcised.
West was conspicuously silent during lockdowns and mandates. I remember searching for statements from him. Crickets.....
Well said.
Thanks for clarifying and elaborating
I thought Jill Stein backed vaccines somehow. Maybe I remember incorrectly?
If she had, I'd be inclined to support her anyway and hope she were flexible enough to evolve. I have a lot of respect for Dr. Stein.
Agree with you on both people. I voted for Stein twice.
It's amazing how the alt media obsesses over his Israel thing and the global warming thing.
He's not just repeating what he's told, he believes that himself. Beliefs can change. His did with vaccines and the government etc....
He's a human being, unlike the other zombies running.
That's why he would do great!
I get it, and I'm supporting him regardless. And I am critical of his current stances on both. Personally, I'm far less concerned about the global warming thing because I think he's already changed from 9 years ago, openly looks at science, and I can't see him ever agreeing to lock down or control human beings based on their "carbon footprints." I'm far less hopeful he'll meaningfully modify or change his stance on "that other (sacred) issue."
"... think he's already changed from 9 years ago...." We need proof, not wishful thinking. This, published in 2017, is not proof: https://tinyurl.com/yc3447mm
I can't give you the proof to satisfy your distrust of him, but he is getting information all the time. He knows that the climate chaos is being exploited just like all the issues.
I agree.
It's being exploited but what will he do to save the very planet in a time of dire crisis, when the science journals all tell him that drastic action is necessary? What will he do? He believes in "the science"!
1. Half-measures that are largely voluntary and won't be the necessary steps.
2. Necessary measures to flatten the curve for three years, including rationing gas and restricting us to 15-min neighborhoods, slaughtering cattle, restricting what we can buy, restricting family size (remember: the core problem is too many people,) restricting consumption? Etc. Requiring us all to be digitally monitored so that he can be assured that "we're all in this together"?
Where has he promoted the 15 minute cities and all the other stuff?
He's a real environmentalist, not the corporate kind.
He could very well know the carbon thing is a fraud, but like Israel, does he want to unsettle that hornets nest?
He's also said things that shows that he questions virus theory of disease...
Whatever happens with him it'll be better than any other politician, whether they ignore pollution or are obsessed with carbon. At least he speaks his mind, not what they tell him to say.
"Whatever happens with him it'll be better than any other politician, whether they ignore pollution or are obsessed with carbon. At least he speaks his mind, not what they tell him to say."
Could not agree more strongly.
This is why I fear for his safety.
The whole plan might be to switch out the pandemic for the climate catastrophe. Kennedy might be just the first act until they get the real action going: save the planet, it'll burn unless you do what you're told.
Freedom requires vigilance. Vigilance requires imagination.
He does NOT know the carbon thing is a fraud! He buys into it 100%. https://winepressnews.com/2023/04/25/robert-f-kennedy-jr-says-climate-change-deniers-should-be-jailed-as-he-officially-announces-bid-for-president/
Jim, I know their are people whom Kennedy listens to who think like Jim Reagan and know what you know. Kennedy will make mistakes along the way but it is my belief he will be steered away by evidence from some if not all that is being proposed for climate change.
".... my belief he will be steered away by evidence...." Like he's been steered away by massive evidence of climate science fraud?
I'm not saying Kennedy is unfit or a bad person. But every single one of us should be calling him out on his belief in pseudoscience, and if he still won't back down then that's a huge red flag. There is no catastrophic CO2 warming in exactly the same way that there was never a catastrophic Covid pandemic: it was and is all pseudoscience and the selling of a narrative.
Why is Kennedy trying to sell us a false narrative??? Yet he absolutely insists that this pseudoscience is the real science. Why?
It's hard to "prove" everything. The book was written in 2017. Have you read it (I haven't)? Show me where he endorses the WEF "sustainable development" goals in all its "smart city," "carbon footprint" details. The only recent things I've heard is criticism of the money powers behind the "Green New Deal." Does that mean he rejects it? No. But let's see where he affirmatively supports it. And even if he does, that doesn't mean support for implementing it as proposed. All it actually is is an abstract "idea."
He talks to us like we are the adults that we are! Coherently, rationally, calmly with facts to back up everything he has to say. My president! ♥ Even if they don't let him in, we're having the conversation and if it's true that 40 million people tune in to Joe Rogan, then 40 million people heard the truth they may not have known. He's like a long, cool drink of water after being in the desert for 40+years. ♥
You can’t vote for a Party anymore. They are opposing wings of the same bird, one must vote for the person. I’m Canadian and reading/watching/listening to RFKJr. literally gives me goosebumps and tears me up as he is the FIRST candidate ANYWHERE in the world that gives me hope. I pray for his safety every day, may he stay strong, healthy and continue to try to save America and hence the world.
I loved when he shot Vargas down on the idea of automatically supporting the Dem nominee if it's not him. If he were so enamored of Biden, he wouldn't be running against him. It's about time someone joined Trump in refusing to bow to the party hierarchy. It's time for party loyalty to take a back seat - way, way in the back - beyond loyalty to country.
Agree just about 100%. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0A1xxJaL8DRwgz4zVYP7xv7u472n7C2NhY2oHTNo5YF4bjRmuns7H1xap43cuK3Uil&id=723528522&mibextid=Nif5oz
28 minutes in I'd say he's doing well under the libertarian microscope. Decriminalize marijuana and psychedelics, tax marijuana and use money to fund low-cost drug rehab camps, support second amendment, confine military to national interest only, secure the border but allow legal immigration, would not ban Roundup but would require stringent label warnings. I wouldn't agree with everything he believes, but he is the best informed and most reasonable candidate I've seen almost in my lifetime.
This is the email I sent to https://www.newsnationnow.com/contact-us/ and I encourage others to follow suit.
1) Elizabeth Vargas “Challenged” Kennedy’s assertion, she verbally dismissed the veracity that the child hood vaccine schedule had pre-linsensure placebo studies. RFK Jr. offered to Ms Vargas the HHS documentation that there are “No” placebos in any of the routinely given childhood vaccinations. There are two people on that stage who stated what they believe are facts to support their position. Does Ms. Vargas expect to be taken seriously as an honest journalist or will she look at the black and white HHS document or is she just doing what so many others have been told to believe–Trust the experts at the FDA or AMA. Ms Vargas is badly misinformed and should make an apology to RFK Jr. if she cannot show documentation to support her belief. Otherwise Newsnation should not be considered credible.
2) Ms Vargas said that vaccine information including Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defense website would be made available at Newsnation.com. Well I have not found it. Is it there or not?
My questions are simple and respectful. I am asking for you to hold yourselves accountable to being honest brokers of the truth.
I don't understand what "the child hood vaccine schedule had pre-linsensure placebo studies" means if "there are “No” placebos in any of the routinely given childhood vaccinations" is supposed to be refuting it.
Hesperado, my point could have been clearer. Vargas responded with disbelief and insisted there were placebos to Kennedy's claim of no per-licensure placebo studies on the vaccines. There are no after licensing as well, but Kennedy was stating it in such a way that no one can weasel on the suit he and Siri brought to HHS. Does this help?
Sorry, I still don't understand :(
You probably have a good enough understanding to move forward.
Hesperado this document https://icandecide.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/rotateq_placebo.pdf page 46 addresses the ingredients of the placebo in the rotateq vaccine. The inert placebo contained sucrose, sodium citrate, sodium phosphate, polysorbate 80 (commonly used to get cancer therapy drugs to cross the blood brain barrier) Absent in the ingredient list is saline. Also note in the same paragraph the other vaccines co-adminstered in both the placebo and vaccine group.
Hesperado, This 4 minute video from ICAN should answer the placebo question for you. https://vimeo.com/325022933
She was defensive because she’s been hoodwinked like most people into trusting the experts without doing the hard work of looking into it herself. Jabbing newborns with a hepatitis toxin should be shocking and is criminal. Instead she gets defensive. She can’t admit her own children have likely been poisoned and as a public person it makes her complicit in the lies and the damage that results. She even got pissed that RFK Jr claimed drugging children could be partly to blame for school shootings (Ritalin a cocaine derivative used to control bothersome school children)…she’s got limited intelligence.
Lynn--well stated. The reason this country is in the mess its in is precisely because of Vargas and all those in the media like her; and the left is clearly deranged which has nothing to do with Trump Derangement Syndrome. They are Pathologically Deranged (PD).
I love how he came back at Vargas about his family: Bad - a - boom.
Just to add more to how Vargas misrepresents Kennedy's knowledge on all things FDA/CDC/HHS/Covid/vaccines/ medical industrial media corruption, read the last paragraph.
Pushing back against his vaccine views, Elizabeth Vargas said, “You’re a lawyer and an activist. You’re not a doctor or a scientist.”
Kennedy’s response: “We live in a democracy. We don’t have a priesthood here…We’re in charge of our own lives.”
That worldview clearly gets traction, especially in a United States that has just come through the national collective trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The nation has also experienced at least two seismic events in the past couple of decades where “the experts” were catastrophically wrong — the Iraq War, when Saddam Hussein was said to have weapons of mass destruction, and didn’t; and the financial crisis, where the banks were supposed to be safe, and weren’t.
But the dangers in Kennedy’s worldview is just as obvious — it places someone who has watched a few YouTube videos on COVID-19 on the same footing as, say, Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose expertise is summarized here: https://www.niaid.nih.gov/about/anthony-s-fauci-md-bio.
Do you see how they deliberately mischaracterize Kennedy's expertise and knowledge?
Three seconds--you might be too generous. But you are spot on and your comment did the lOl trick. Thank you!
As an anti-vaxxer, I can still support his ideas of finally testing all vaccines against placebos. And also the vaccinated against the non-vaccinated as did Dr. Paul Thomas. You do understand why they want every child vaccinated...that is so there would be no unvaxxed control groups. They are that worried that someone will come along and expose their criminal and worthless vaccine empire.
ALL vaccines are rubbish. NO vaccine has ever saved a single life. I really like RFK, Jr. - his exchange with the Pro-vaccine doctor was excellent. The doctor was way out of his league. If you make the "vaccine companies" REALLY, TRULY test "vaccines", NONE will pass - all of them would be illegal. Go RFK Jr! He did not take the bait from the clueless host multiple times. People are actually clueless about how to deal with an honest man! Peace.
just finished watching RFK Jr response to Dr. Butt (😹) on CHD
I too believe this man has a real shot. There are no reliable prognosticators in the political business anymore. The censorship industrial complex must be crushed. Maybe Kennedy will be the catalyst. By the way, I do not agree with all his policy positions. But he was right about the Covid vaccines so he’s got my attention, which means he deserves serious consideration.
I'm unimpressed with the interviewer - loud, interruptive and has a closed mind. She doesn't sound as though she has even a skerrick of ability to try and be curious and open minded - unlike Robert F Kennedy Junior!
If I was an American I would seriously consider voting for him - I am very impressed by him. I just wish that we had somebody of his calibre in the Australian Labor Party (our equivalent of your Democrats)!
There has been a civil war in the Repub party since Reagan beat Bush the Elder for the nomination. Bush "Repaid" him by killing the Reagan Revolution. Trump like Reagan is an Outsider that the Estab Repubs hate. Lyin Ryan for example.
Bolsheviks have taken over the Demokratic Party with Fixed Primaries, and total allegience to the Party Commissars' pogroms. Wokeism and the Trannie thingy is an obvious Insanity.
So, I'm no longer playing the USSA Buzzard Party "game' with it's Two Wings, democRats & rinoRats.
DJT & RFK,Jr. are Both Americans First, imo.