You're a journalist Celia. Them? Paid crisis actors.

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"The peacocks of media" is very accurate, I am still laughing! Thank you for another excellent piece.

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They are the lowest of the low. Slimey lying bastards. None of this whole fiasco would have been possible without them lying about and suppressing early treatment. They are beholden to their sponsor Pfizer. They are coconspirators.

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I often look back at June 5, 1968 as the night of my awakening. Besides being the night I graduated from high school, it was the night Robert F Kennedy was murdered and the moment when my vision of innocence received a hardened blow. 54 years later listening to his son still standing up for the human heart as decency and honor are making a serious comeback, what a great feeling I have knowing that I’m on the side of humanity which refuses to comply to tyranny and evil.

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In the summer of 2019 I encountered a review by Edward Curtin of RFK Jr's newly-published family memoir, "American Values". I realized I had to read it and ordered a copy right away. A profoundly moving book, unbearably sad in places. This marvelous work was completely buried, not a single review in the US legacy media. By Gawd, they hate him! But they can't ignore him, not any longer.

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Gee Margaret, if nobody’s forcing anyone to take the shots, why did my (federal employee) boss issue me a letter of reprimand last week, giving me five days to get the jabs or face consequences, including job termination for “misconduct”? Thanks to the Texas court enjoinder, boss go PACK SAND and leave me alone.

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Good on you holding out this long. Sounds like your boss is a jerk.

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Great post, Celia. MSM shocking yet laughable, cruel, impotent cowards with no backbone in any of them. Karma is gonna payback big time.

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Celia, I loved this writing. So brilliant, so concise. I want ALL those peacock journalists looking like Road Runner right after the cigar bomb went off!

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"When you hear them describe how “shocked” “appalled,” “disgusted” etc they are, it means the facts are dead against them. They’ve lost."

Well said. It reminded me of the following courtroom advice. When you have the facts on your side, pound on the facts. When you have the law on your side, pound on the law. When you have neither, pound on the table.

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Full edited transcript of the entire speech is here


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Thank you! It was an historical speech.

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Hi there, I can imagine how saddening these chatterboxes communicate on RFK Jr. The enlightening element here is however : people are ever more waking up to these framing tactics and stupid repetitions of the same scenarios to try to disinform the public. Yesterday in Brussels and today in the press in Belgium it has been the same load of focusing on a knowingly sponsored small number of so-called red and black flag antifa. The only purpose being to make sure the public does not hear and see the message of a peaceful gathering which numbered in the 100 thousands. Only the fact of this vast number scares them. But Truth, Liberty and Peace will prevail.

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When the TV talking heads interview each other, you know that they are propagandizing from a desperate position. No possibility of anyone scoring a hit on their points can be allowed because their points are illusory. I'm glad we had Celia to watch that 4 minutes of obfuscation, because I'm sure I couldn't have endured it.

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Too bad they didn't schedule enough time (hmmm?) For the other speakers which would have explained the totalitarianism better, like Max Blumenthal... And Jessica Rose

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Wonderful post Dear Celia! You have hit your stride!! Irony and satire are the strongest weapons against tyranny, for tyrants and their paid for lackeys are unable to laugh at themselves… If its any consolation CNN is on the ropes! Their viewership has dropped a staggering 90% in the last year! Keep us laughing with your brilliant satire and lets all say “Bon Voyage” to the tyrants and their CNN mouthpiece as they drift into the sunset, unmissed and unwanted! Oh and lets not forget to give a nod toward Gates’ minions at MSNBC, either! I see their “resident intellectual” Rachel Madcap has been rewarded with a new $30 MILLION payoff, excuse me “contract”, for her part in turning millions against Ivermectin and most likely killing hundreds or thousands who might otherwise be alive today! God! How can these creatures live with themselves??


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Thank you so much for the work you are doing!

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Is there anywhere I can buy your book "Serious Adverse Events"?

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SOON. I'm trying to decide what to do. Thank you for the encouragement.

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