From everything I can see the people of Arizona will be extra careful to keep the criminals from stealing this one. Perhaps make the election a massive demonstration of support for Kari who seems like everything anyone would want as governor. Just listening to her during this campaign I’ve honestly felt she would probably make a great president of the USA. But let’s take it one step at a time. I wish she lived in NJ. We sure could use someone like her.
Clearly she is not open to any other ideas except her own and these ideas must run continuously around in her head thereby preventing her from hearing any other thoughts except her own--scary that someone like this would hold an office that is supposed to serve the public--let's hope she is not successful!
She be like "As there's not much going on in my wee wee brain cuase it hurts my head to think, I'd best not embarrass meself any further.... I'll use silence an attack strategy; yea that should do the trick".
It's all so painfully obvious. It's as I've said before (not that it takes clairvoyance or crystal ball) but the only people that believe the establishment narrative are the ones hungry for that flavor of lies. Feel free to call me "Captain Obvious" on that one but try pitching that to your "friendly" local brainwashed liberal.
Then you'll get the other "Capt. Obvious" observation of mine: those that hold the line on the bullshit narratives (apart from being hungry for those lies) will stare you in the face, claim it's real and totally legit.
Like that Burt character on the Soap series. You can't see him because he is invisible as he'll surely tell you.
This is beyond "cognitive dissonance" which, if I understand the phenomenon, is something that occurs on an individual basis. This is straight out clinical lunacy.
Only a lunatic would seriously legitimize the degree of across-the-board censorship and then followed on by flat out refusal to debate. The only thing they have left at this point is to hold their breath and stamp their feet until they get their way. And with the absurdity of what passes for "political discourse" in this country, it wouldn't shock me to see that next.
Her opponent, Katie Hobbs is Secretary of State in which capacity, she is in charge of overseeing elections. How is it that she had not recused herself from this conflict of interest? If I am not mistaken, she is a WEF young global leader.
A local news program aired some sort of modeling stats as though they were data on the election. This fake news bit recalled the Bloomberg report on the war in Ukraine before it had been declared. That blunder was explained as a predictive scenario that mistakenly leaked or something along those lines...
From everything I can see the people of Arizona will be extra careful to keep the criminals from stealing this one. Perhaps make the election a massive demonstration of support for Kari who seems like everything anyone would want as governor. Just listening to her during this campaign I’ve honestly felt she would probably make a great president of the USA. But let’s take it one step at a time. I wish she lived in NJ. We sure could use someone like her.
Clearly she is not open to any other ideas except her own and these ideas must run continuously around in her head thereby preventing her from hearing any other thoughts except her own--scary that someone like this would hold an office that is supposed to serve the public--let's hope she is not successful!
She be like "As there's not much going on in my wee wee brain cuase it hurts my head to think, I'd best not embarrass meself any further.... I'll use silence an attack strategy; yea that should do the trick".
It's all so painfully obvious. It's as I've said before (not that it takes clairvoyance or crystal ball) but the only people that believe the establishment narrative are the ones hungry for that flavor of lies. Feel free to call me "Captain Obvious" on that one but try pitching that to your "friendly" local brainwashed liberal.
Then you'll get the other "Capt. Obvious" observation of mine: those that hold the line on the bullshit narratives (apart from being hungry for those lies) will stare you in the face, claim it's real and totally legit.
Like that Burt character on the Soap series. You can't see him because he is invisible as he'll surely tell you.
This is beyond "cognitive dissonance" which, if I understand the phenomenon, is something that occurs on an individual basis. This is straight out clinical lunacy.
Only a lunatic would seriously legitimize the degree of across-the-board censorship and then followed on by flat out refusal to debate. The only thing they have left at this point is to hold their breath and stamp their feet until they get their way. And with the absurdity of what passes for "political discourse" in this country, it wouldn't shock me to see that next.
Her opponent, Katie Hobbs is Secretary of State in which capacity, she is in charge of overseeing elections. How is it that she had not recused herself from this conflict of interest? If I am not mistaken, she is a WEF young global leader.
A local news program aired some sort of modeling stats as though they were data on the election. This fake news bit recalled the Bloomberg report on the war in Ukraine before it had been declared. That blunder was explained as a predictive scenario that mistakenly leaked or something along those lines...
BTW Hobbs was also subject to a recent home invasion by a purported ‘illegal immigrant’
What a strategy, say nothing and hope you win..
People are now too smart for that.
If it looks like it's stolen, maybe half of AZ will go on strike until it's retrieved.