Excellent troll by Putin. Move your troops up to the border; make Biden crap his pants & move the embassy. Then pull back - "Just kidding!"

Wash, rinse, repeat.

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So is the State Department gonna move the embassy back to Kiev? Or keep it in Lviv? Either way, they look foolish.


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Daily, it frightens me to hear sincere and intelligent people believe the propaganda emanating from our own government via the media. Critical thinking has been all but suspended, that is why we find ourselves in the covid mess.

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We should know by now that we can never trust the media nor the government to present the truth. Nearly everything we hear is severely "agendized" with the express purpose of censoring the truth or any opposing opinions/ideas. Or, the news is designed to make the failed politicians and agencies look good. Or, it is presented in a way to make someone look bad.

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It's more likely that the US will attack Ukraine...I heard that Biden and his Chums are desperate to get in there and destroy all evidence of their deceit before Durham opens more seals...

But that could be a Chinese whisper!


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It therefore appears that an invasion of Ukraine will occur within hours. Sources indicate that if the United States puts sanctions on Russia, the Russians will commence a cyber-attack on the U.S. East Coast. If you live on the East Coast, you might want to prepare for a major power blackout. I have no idea how serious such an attack could be. https://jrnyquist.blog/2022/02/15/hurried-notes-on-the-pending-invasion-of-ukraine/

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It just astounds me all this talk for years now about cyberattacks taking down the power grid. It is very simple minded to make the power grid immune to cyberattacks, there is no reason to make critical physical or control infrastructure connected to the internet. The only way to attack such infrastructure is to have intimate knowledge of the control system software, and physically insert nefarious code into the operating system as Israeli agents did to Iran's centrifuge control system. Easy to prevent that happening as Iran subsequently did.

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If it's easy to prevent, then it's easy for our CIA to open it up to vulnerability, and I'm sure that's what they'll do when they deem it "necessary".

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This big Cyberattack disaster many have warned will be phase II of the Davos plan. If it happens, be sure that it was an inside job, not a cyberattack, just like 9/11 & the Fedsurrection were done by the Federal gov't.

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I have read our grid could be protected from EMP for a few billion dollars and yet it never gets done?

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Maybe a bit more than that, but definitely doable.

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The last figure I heard was approx 4 to 6 Billion. Which is chump change the way our Govt spends.

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Glad to see someone else reads Nyquist.

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I have been reading him for over 20 years. Not much that Russia and China will do will be a surprise to me. I just don’t see Russia and China playing along with the Great Reset cabal. I see both these sides as evil.

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Textbook Munchausen syndrome.

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The globalists have it out for Russia because they don't buy into their narrative, including climate change, woke and gender issues, globalism, political correctness and the rest of the rot that is corrupting us. Most of all, the Russians have a clear sense of who they are and want to maintain their national identity. They are picking a fight with the wrong people.

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It is not about ideology. It is about resources and how to plunder them the old-fashioned way.

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Why would anyone believe anything Biden says about Ukraine? Is he no longer friends with the same people he gave the infamous billion dollars to? Is he no longer breaking bread with the fellas who gave his son a $1M/yr job for doing nothing but snorting coke? But I'm sure it's all on the up-and-up...

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Even the President of El Salvador is saying that the problem is not Russia / Ukraine, it's really Canada, USA, Oz, NZ, France, Austria etc. This is such an amateur attempt at a distraction it's laughable and the well trodden "Oh look at the dead bird" strategy seems to falling on deaf ears, except for those sad individuals who religiously solicit their 'current affairs' from media bottom-feeders such as CBC, BBC, ABC, CNN etc..

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That reporter is not too biased is she? That's not news she is practicing.

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Sniffy sure is showing those Russians. Don't mess with him. Sniffy is well on his way to preventing Ukraine from being invaded and saving the whole planet from a world war. Sniffy saves the world! So forget about all the mandate stuff, the vax failure, inflation, Afghanistan, the southern border,....all that stuff and more doesn't mean anything except to those ungrateful bastards who don't have any gratitude for Sniffy saving the world.

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Putin is a business man and war is bad for business, when business is other than sell weapons. In this case, Putin’s business is sell gas to Europe and Europe needs that gas through the 2 pipes in Ukraine. The American gas supply will be very expensive.

After the defeated invasion of Cochinos Bay in Cuba, the Russians “secretly” installed missiles there for the defense of their allied, but with the real intention of oblige the USA to negotiate missiles for not new intents of invasion (when the missiles were retired, I remember the news of the Cuban popular mobs crying “Nikita, mariquita, lo que se da, no se quita” – “Nikita, coward, what you give us, you must not take away”). And Cuba never was a member of the Warsaw Treaty. I presume that actually there is a similar situation about Ukraine and the possibility of its NATO membership and the installation of American missiles there. This time the Russians troops are there for the negotiation: not NATO nor missiles, not invasion now or in the future (and maybe the fall of the useful for nothing bothersome Lukashenko included as a free bonus  )

The government in Ukraine knows this and protested about the hysteria and the faux crisis that damages their business and economy, their daily life, their social peace. Perhaps they understand the political necessity of Biden of an exterior enemy that unify the nation around him to partially recover his loosed prestige (the infamous Fauci Covid19 affair, the Central American illegal immigration, the Taliban’s victory, the obliged necessary inflation as a price to economic development -in a Keynesian style- ), but certainly they understand that the other political problem behind isn’t Ukraine but Germany, the energy question that is the NATO weakness.

You can bet that actually the OPEC and the petroleum American barons are a very active part of the problem, but this time they can’t play freely the game of their interests, they can momentarily take advantage and increase the prices but the matters in the balance are too hugely important.

The war never will happen. Since the historic moment when both have The Bomb, Russia and the USA avoided a direct confrontation of their troops. When the army of one is present in a conflict, the other used the soldiers of other countries or organizations to fight for their interests. And the American political establishment (and so too the Russian) knows that, at the worst scenario, the real danger will be the Islamic or the Chinese fanaticism. They need that business return to normality and this crisis is to set the rules of the game clear. They will negotiate.

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Vyacheslav Nikonov is so relaxed, and the the Sky News woman commentator is so rushed to get her contentious-one sided rehearsed tone across, the poor man was coerced, disrespected and discredited. Here are two excellent articles for your commenters about the US, NATO, Western Europe and Ukraine situation: The Ultimate End of NATO, By Scott Ritter, from Consortium News https://consortiumnews.com/2022/02/11/the-ultimate-end-of-nato/; and The Crises in Ukraine Is Not about Ukraine, It Is About Germany, By MIke Whitney, from the Unz Review https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/the-crisis-in-ukraine-is-not-about-ukraine-its-about-germany/

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That is also true. First with pick a fight (at least on the surface) with the world'd factory: China; then we pick a fight with the world's energy producer (Russia). In the end, are they all just gangs vying for control of the neighborhood, more in agreement than conflict?

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But how will our defense industry manage without a war?

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