Welcome to "Free Ukraine". Your Tax Dollars at work. Thanks O'Biden. "Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the (CIA's NAZI) Heroes!"

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I have never witnessed such sadistic depravity from citizens.

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Horrendous video....sickening

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Blame the World Economic Forum globalist predator technocrats who are pitting both sides against each other to bring about death, chaos, destruction of food and fuel supplies so they can swoop in and implement their digital central bank control system of TOTAL SLAVERY. Then blame all the toadies 'ONLY FOLLOWING ORDERS' down the chain of command who enable this most evil CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY ON EVERY LEVEL!

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There have been reports such as this from within Donbas, for many days now. This is why members of the Azov Battalion will be executed by the DPR and the Russians, rather than be taken prisoner. Same goes for foreign mercenaries.

Here's a compilation that was posted just now on TheGatewayPundit, which includes one of the videos above. Note that Donbas civilians are stating that Azov members are simply shooting many civilians, especially those who are seeking one of the humanitarian evacuation corridors set up by the DPR and the Russians. Of course, the global corporate news is pinning these civilian deaths on the Russians.

SHOCKING Reports Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion Setting Up Offensive Positions in Civilian Areas and Using Women and Children as “Human Shields” (VIDEOS)


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We can only hope that the Azov members are executed. They are monsters.

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War is HELL, especially on civilians caught in the middle of it.

But if you consider the attacks and humiliations that the Donbass area's Russian-speaking Ukrainians have endured since 2014, it is understandable why Putin responded and these people voted for their own independent state. Over 14,000 killings have resulted during that time, about 80% of them were Russian speaking Ukrainians.

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Is that what's happening, or is all of this death and torture at the expense of both countries' citizens on the orders of global elitists? What is really going on -will we ever know?

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Great explanation, overview, predictions: https://youtu.be/6OAGgLCp7t4

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I believe we will know. For one, Putin is a nationalist. He wants Russia to survive intact as the nation it is. He's spoken out, quite at length, against the New World Order.

You might be interested in the following report from within Donbas:

Surviving among ruins: Life in a Donbass city Ukraine says no longer exists


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To me, this is a critical question. Is Putin "faking" it, collateral damage be damned, or does he really care about Russia--because he doesn't really have a great track record with the latter, at least as far as people are concerned. It's really a black and white issue--I have seen other references that have him touting the globalist agenda. Very confusing.

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Then, I would be interested in your reaction to the video in this recent article which is titled, "Vladimir Putin's Indictment Against the New World Order"

February 20, 2022

Why Putin’s Christian Faith Is Most Likely Authentic


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Thank you- hard to know what’s real.

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We absolutely can't know. All is chaos now, with such blatant corruption everywhere.

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His history says he truly cares about the Russian people, and he has contempt for the oligarchs, so perhaps he's the real deal. I suppose we'll find out soon enough.

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And to think Biden just sent these thugs 14 billion dollars in military aid.

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Billions every year for Israel...Israelis Sniping Palestinian Children


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If people had any inkling of the atrocities committed by Ukranians on ethnic Russians in the eastern provinces, they might have a different view of this war. But that would require them to get some history from other sources than the corporate media, which is unlikely.

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So who is the criminal? Getting pretty fuzzy yethink? But guess what; he Ukranian Prezzie is the new 'Hunter Biden' (they were funded by the same guy!) in that he is a protected species. Vlad the Impaler is hardly a poster boy for all things good, but he has competition.

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Theres nothing fuzzy about the fact that the same people who are lying to us about everything Covid are now telling us we need to support Ukraine. That right there is enough for this caveman.

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Pray tell, why does it seem to be obligatory for every mention of Putin to be accompanied by some variation of, "he's a horrible person, but..."? Putin is far and away the best Head of State in the world today. He has guided Russia out of lawless anarchy and into its most stable and potentially prosperous condition in well over a century. Sometimes he uses a necessary iron fist but most of the time he is reasonable, amenable, patient and restrained.

In the period of time that Putin has led Russia (out of total chaos into some kind of order) America has started full-scale wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia and probably a few more locations that slip my mind for the moment. (Not to mention America's unconditional support for Israel, regardless of that country's arrogant disregard for any accepted international standards and conventions.)

It is America, not Russia, which has murdered millions of people - mostly civilians - in pursuit of its unlawful, imperial foreign policy. Putin's Russia has mostly minded its own business and has only resorted to kinetic military action in the face of intolerable provocations.

It's admittedly hard to accept - or even consider - but any objective assessment of the known facts undoubtedly demonstrate that the Bad Guy in the 20th Century is incontrovertibly NOT Russia or Putin. It has clearly been - without a shadow of a doubt - the America of W.J. Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Hussein Soetoro-Obama and J. R. Brandon. [sic].

Given the lack of even a single Western leader with so much as a scintilla of decency, morality or principle, I am very grateful for the powerful presence of President Putin on the world stage at this time.

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All wars are Banker wars. For them a human life is just a number on a ledger.

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Without any context we can know for a fact this is public humiliation - and we can see it done by soldiers. Why would soldiers humiliate civilians? Because they want to exhibit them as not criminals (in which case they would be put on trial) but 'on the wrong side'.

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NATO’s allies

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Are these people guilty of 'wrongthink' or something? I had read they were punishing looters, but I find that unlikely.

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Someone said that they are Roma. So many unanswered questions.

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That would make sense, as in war times, certain minorities are targeted.

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It was chilling to read the justifications on twitter that these people were simply "looters" who needed to be punished.

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Yes, esp. since if you're a looter, you should be arrested and given a trial at least. Not just beaten up and tortured on the spot. What else are Americans in favor of now, besides censorship and no trial before sentencing???

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They've also included child "looters" in these sadistic displays.

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War is ugly.

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How can this be stopped? I feel sick in my spirit to see this. Who can we be angry at? The forces which brought us to this, the ones of us who are doing these things, are who to be angry at. But the ones doing them have to be stopped now. Then their masters. Celia, your bravery in bringing this horrendous truth is estimable. Thank you.

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This is huge. And unreported. Please save all the footage. I just downloaded the man and woman testifying to the fact that busloads of people trying to leave were shot. We need more footage, more vetting, this is a huge story and everyone needs to see it!

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Tell me again how we need to help these neo-Nazi animals.

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During a war, any type of war, the innocent, the bystanders, the civilians and anyone not directly involved in the conflict are at great risk. It's like there is a common hysteria that war allows anything to happen and all is permitted because, well, it's war.

People may temporarily lose there minds during "normal" times. but they go utterly berserk during wars following the crowd who believes anything goes. It's a madness driven by fear and hate that somehow surfaces during conflicts.

It's like leftist/liberal group think... the madness of losing your ability to think beyond the gang of thugs. You are part of the mob...they guy next to you is doing it, so that makes it okay for you to do it. It's war...no one is looking.

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"You are part of the mob...they guy next to you is doing it, so that makes it okay for you to do it. "

It goes a little further than thinking it's OK to join in. In fact, it becomes mandatory to join in. That's the evil behind groupthink. Anyone who was caught up in ANTIFA actions can tell you the same thing, if they would somehow become lucid after participating in any of those "peaceful protests".

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