Yes, it is unfolding according to plan. Next up, digital currencies will need to be centralized.

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Only because men are cowards today and won’t fight back.

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CBDC status by country :


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The calls... they're coming from inside of the Empire!

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Which openly defeats the purpose.

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The Khazarian Mafia living large.

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If we've learned anything over the past 100 years, it's this: CRIME PAYS big-time.

And the criminals are seldom brought to justice.

These fraudsters need to be made the universal pariah of human societies.

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The story only gets deeper from this point.

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Bankman and Bailouts- "The Greatest Show On Earth"...


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Once a mommy's boy, always a mommy's boy

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My mind is blown.

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Celia, I think its more “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” The globalist progressive actors and useful idiot pawns seem to all be doing their part in pushing the ball over the goal line.

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The crisis is always planned though. These are not accidents.

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NY Times set him up for a coming panel. Today. Nothing will be done.

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Shocking! Just shocking! 🙄 Not at all.

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

He is still speaking at that event, too.

the NYT

@dealbook summit next Wednesday (11/30)

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You all should really read that very long article in the tweet.


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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

See? Crypto needs to be banned. The only safe crypto is central bank issued!

^ what the morons are saying while others nod in agreement.

Meanwhile everyone with a brain in their head wouldn't even consider leaving crypto in an exchange instead of a personal wallet.

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SBF has supportive parents 😂.

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He stole the investors money? And yet he's not under arrest.

So what should I think?

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Man, that Matthew Crawford post is something else. Not sure I can buy all the details of his thesis but still… wow.

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