My thought was to introduce a thorough BBC documentary as a starting place for some of the indisputable facts, then to proceed from there. There is a way more excruciating film made by an Israeli that I'm also going to present, but it's potentially too painful. The Israeli settlers were induced into trance states by Ben Gurion—they too are victims. The architects are the guilty ones—the most guilty. They told the settlers things that made them go into trance. Post trauma trance after the Holocaust. It's an immense tragedy, like a gash wound that may never heal. And then what will we do?

This is an older documentary and I think it's useful to find things a little older, just listen to all the historical voices and begin to put it all together in a way that accommodates Oct 2023, by going to the roots.

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Why? The Ramaniote Hebrews are the only trace. Khazars are not Jews.

The Jewish people are gone. The lost tribes of Israel were LOST.

The Khazarians are criminals. I am told I am a Cohanim but I will not be their high priest of lies. Israel is Zionist.

The US are owned by the IMF. The Constitution is dead. 1897 The US was ended.


It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress in session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.

The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: “The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States.”

United States Congressional Record May 4, 1992, page H 2891, Senator and Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, Senator Henry Gonzalez (Texas) speaking on “NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL THIEVERY IN HIGH PLACES” “We are bankrupted. We are insolvent on every level of our national life, whether it is corporate, whether it is just plain you and I out there with the life of debt that we have all piled up, private debt, credit cards and what not, or whether it is the government. We are insolvent. How long will it take before that nasty Mega-truth is conveyed?”

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Great comment. Yes, few seem to be aware of the bankruptcy and the Emergency Banking Act. When we hear congressional critters bloviating about "Our democracy...", it is to THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION and the results of the Emergency Banking Act to which they are referring.

Next, we need to look at exactly who the bankers that own us are. The UN, IMF and World Bank did not exist for at least twelve years after the bankruptcy took place. The onion of deceptions is multi-layered and filled with people masquerading as someone else. Also, the words "Jew" and "Jewish" are bleated at us when different words such as Zionist, Israeli, Hebrew, Sabbatean, Khazarian, etc, would be more correct and less misleading - deliberately misleading.

As for the so-called "Lost" Tribes of Israel, they are more hidden than lost. Their story is known, but not taught. They left captivity in Assyria and migrated north and west across Asia Minor into Europe. After The Trojan War (which took place around 650 BC, not six hundred years earlier), two groups of refugees left Anatolia: one sailed to Etruria and went on to found Rome. The other, under Brutus of Troy, went to Britain, arriving around 500 BC. Brutus was a descendant of Aeneas, who was a son of the goddess Aphrodite and Anchises and a member of the royal line at Troy and cousin of Hector. London was not founded by the Romans. It was founded by Brutus and named New Troy. Until the Hanoverian dynasty, for whom the true history was/is politically inconvenient, there was a legal convention that British monarchs had to be descendants of Brutus of Troy.

So many mega-truths are hidden behind so many deceptions, and people wonder why I say we are living "The Truman Show"!

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Okay, but Breton Woods was 1944 and established the IMF. The UN, of course, was chartered in 1947. I think the more salient fact is the creation of a Federal Reserve, which of course is not federal at all and which did in fact turn the government over to the bankers. Period. Everything from that point forward has been a series of manipulations and failures designed to rob the people of their wealth. The Fed is the parasite wrecking the host.

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Great comment. Thanks for the info on former Congressman Henry Gonzales--I've never heard of him before. I've also heard that former Congressman James Trafficant also did a speech about the US Govt being bankrupt and in receivership.

Here's former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul's brother, Wayne Paul, talking about how the US has been bankrupt since 1933:


And on the IMF running the show, well here's what former Sec of Labor, Robert Reisch said about that:

"The dirty little secret is that both houses of Congress have become irrelevant . . . in case you hadn't noticed, America's domestic policy is now being run by Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve Board. . . Congress is out of the loop. Every so often, some senators or house members politely ask Greenspan to visit and talk about the economy . . . Then he goes back down to the Fed and runs the country. . . . America's foreign policy is being run by the IMF (Int'l Monetary Fund) . . . and when the president decides to go to war, he no longer needs a declaration of war from Congress."


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Please read this. I was brought up Jewish by parents who while deeply misinformed were decent people who taught me right from wrong and to respect all people. They like most Jews were unaware of the horrible legacy of the Khazarian klan which has infected not just our religion but the entire world. A friend shared this interview with me - Rosenthal was a young aid to Sen Jacob Javitz who seemed un shy to talk about “God’s Chosen One’s”. I had a hard time sleeping after I read what he had to say. And his masters didn’t care much for what he expressed which lead to him being murdered in an attempted airliner highjacking later that year. Their message was clear - keep your mouth shut or we’ll permanently shut it! https://historyheist.com/shocking-1976-interview-with-zionist-harold-wallace-rosenthal/

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Yes, I've heard this interview before, though I didn't know about him being murdered. Jack Bernstein is another Jew who spoke out and warned the American people about what was going on, and word has it that he was murdered by Mossad. It's been a while since I read his books, but I think the general idea was that he lived in Israel for awhile and had a Sephardic Jewish girlfriend who was not treated well because of racism from the Ashkenazi. His book is worth reading and it's a quick read. He warned that the Zionists would try to get American into a war in the Middle East and then the international bankers would collapse the economy. He was also suspicious of the Israeli role in the 1983 Marine barracks bombing. http://whale.to/b/bernstein1.html

If a Gentile exposes Zionism, they are called "anti-semitic" which is nothing more than a smokescreen to hide the Zionists actions. But, if a Jew is the person doing the exposing, they resort to other tactics. First, they ignore the charges, hoping the information will not be given widespread distribution. If the information starts reaching too many people, they ridicule the information and the persons giving the information. If that doesn't work, their next step is character assassination. If the author or speaker hasn't been involved in sufficient scandal they are adept at fabricating scandal against the person or persons. If none of these are effective, they are known to resort to physical attacks. But, NEVER do they try to prove the information wrong. - Jack Bernstein,

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What’s interesting about Rosenthal was that he was not playing whistleblower, far from it. He was boasting and very arrogant about it.

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Yes, I noticed the difference- Rosenthal proud and boasting, Bernstein angry and sick of these people, trying to warn Americans about what they were up to.

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I can't get that page to open. Brave browser. 🤬

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Here’s an audio recording on Bitchute. See if this will work. https://www.bitchute.com/video/NsLptrOjTakC/

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Thank you! After literally searching using keywords in your previous link, I did find that article. I used 3 different browers and your link it was blocked by all. ☹️

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Well that explains why our politicians have zero power and are mouth pieces only with no meat behind them!

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Delinquent Truth….steady as she goes….

Covet, possess, covet, possess. Craving for truth…..

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I feel this. What then, shall we do?

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agreed. Thanks again for this effort. This is a remarkable time when "facts" might actually overcome false claims to history. There is definitely a crack in the narratives.

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This one is newer and longer (52 minutes) but it goes deep into how the British elite are responsible for so much of the mess in the Middle East. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXfuqUhzESg. I wrote a condensed version of it here - https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/christianity-and-the-state-of-israel

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"A remarkable British documentary about the birth of Israel state which was created at the expense of palestinians who lost their homes and homeland, were driven out from their lands by Jews and suffered ethnic cleansing and genocide...."

Another piece of cleverly devised propaganda that always goes back to 1948, failing to go back 5,000 years earlier when the Jews inhabited the land, predating all the countries in the west. The only country in the world that was ever called "Palestine" is Israel. Grab an old King James Holy Bible; at the back, there's a map titled, "Palestine in the time of Christ"...it's Israel! One will also note, they had much more land than they do today. Over the past 75 years, they've been promised peace for land. They gave up chunks of land because all they ever wanted was to be back in their own homeland, to live in peace and to prosper as the rest of us. They never got any peace because Satan doesn't want them to exist! Why not?

Christ comes to Jerusalem to rule and reign in peace and harmony for 1,000 years. His first coming is historical fact, written of by many secular historians and others. His Second Coming will be even more spectacular.

These so-called "Palestinians" don't have a country, yet they have a flag?!. How can that be? Truth be told, the Gazans are either Israeli or Arab, but not "Palestinians" because they don't live in Palestine / Israel.

In 135 AD, the under Emperor Hadrian, the Romans invaded and occupied Israel. He was very anti-Semitic, and to insult them, he renamed Israel to "Palestina", and Jerusalem to "Capitolina", hoping that over time, the Jews would forget their heritage and lose their identity. They didn't.

"The Israeli settlers were induced into trance states by Ben Gurion—they too are victims. The architects are the guilty ones—the most guilty. "

I agree, the "architects" are the guilty ones, just as our own tyrannical governments are. Israel was under no more trance than we are! The next day after they entered the totally destroyed Israel, they were attacked by Muslim nations. They didn't have time to be in a so-called "trance"; they had to act fast to defend themselves, and they won the war.

How can it be... that a handful of people with two or three personal items in a paper bag could do such a thing? A duly noted historical fact: God fought and won the war for them!

The propagandists conveniently jump into the middle of most of their stories, without ever going back to the root(s). Why is that? It doesn't fit their narrative or agenda. People are like chickens. When they find a blemish on another, they will pick and pick until they see red. Then, with wild and relentless abandon, they eat it alive. That's exactly what's happening to Israel. Don't feel left out; as I've said before, it's coming to you too. History is repeating itself, thanks to the ignorance of history, its revision, and the increase of Satanism....human sacrifices...

It sickens me (and millions of others) to see just how many bloodthirsty "chickens" we have in our so-called civil society today! Some reading this post belong to that horrible flock, totally ignorant of the fact that they are about to be taken to the same chopping block...by the very ones they're supporting in protest of Israel! Yep! There's going to be a lot of blood splattered in your "hen house" in the very near future. I hope you like watching YOUR babies like being raped and roasted alive, or mercilessly carved up like a pig... The terrorists did much worse to Israel, but most cannot bring themselves to describe the horrors. It's too traumatic and vile. As long as I live, I'll NEVER forget what I just shared with you.

Despite what's happening today, the God who chose them also tells us in the Holy Bible that she will win this war AND the two or three more to follow. Their lives / existence is at stake; they're not going to take anymore abuse sitting down, and I can't blame them. What would you do if you were in their shoes? Wouldn't you do whatever it takes to spare your people of anymore barbarism, even if it meant taking out a few civilians / human shields?

The MSM and others have done a very criminal act by not reporting the truth! Payday someday! Hamas terrorists have joyfully posted their barbarianism on social media for all to see, but yet, Israel's always the guilty party according to the media. Shame on them!

Forget the propaganda documentaries! Go to the Bible and take a look at that map! Read about Israel's inception and how and when she first settled into that land thousands of years ago! It was called "Canaan", never Palestine until 135 AD.

Let's get our eyes off the war, and prepare for what's coming to us! I wouldn't want to be forced to watch my baby be roasted alive in my kitchen oven or ANY oven, would any of you? If you're not one of them, you don't have the right to live! That, my friend(s) is government-sponsored genocide! That is our future! As you said, Celia, "What will we do?"

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My late good friend Richard Kotlarz, monetary historian, when people said, "It's a lie," would say, "Then find the truth in the lie." I'm not afraid of things that present history this way or that way—I know what to extract as truth. We dive for pearls. We don't ask that entire sea bed is pearls for the taking.

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in Japan, weren't very young women the divers for pearls ? whereas now it may be that, as happened to the beds of sand-dollars on the coast of S. Carolina c. half a century ago, machines dredge them

( if you were one of Elizabeth I's pirates; e.g., "Sir" Francis Drake, you knew better than to return to England without a casket of pearls [see Muriel Rukeyser's ,

Traces of Thomas Heriot] )

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Nothing wrong with pearls; I prefer diamonds...

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How long does a group retain claim to a piece of land? It seems by your argument that a lot of people should be giving land back to ancient inhabitants. Am I interpreting your argument incorrectly? How do you tell someone that the land they were born on isn't theirs because 5000 years ago it was inhabited by someone else?

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"It seems by your argument that a lot of people should be giving land back to ancient inhabitants."

Not at all! These talks of "reparation" these days is a crock of beans. Not a single one of us is responsible for what happened 250 years or so ago. To say that we are by extension is ludicrous, and nobody would really know what piece of land belonged to which group. There has been so much movement and immigration in just these past 150 years. CT, time and people have a way of changing things and localities. Wars, victories and losses go back into time immemorial. Innocent blood was spilled on both sides; a guaranteed result of war to this very day. It's unavoidable, especially when Hamas uses its own people as human shields to hide behind. They admitted to such on Al Jazeera in recent days.

What is won in war or awarded back (as Israel was allowed to RETURN to her land) is a fair justification for standing up for one's peace and security.

Let's not forget...Israel was joyfully celebrating Yom Kippur on Oct. 7. It was also a sabbath, and they never go to war on the sabbath unless absolutely necessary (self-defense), as in this case.

My point is that people are being mislabeled as "Palestinians" who aren't Palestinian. They have no historical claims to Israel. They're either Israeli or Arab; only Israelis are entitled to wear that title. So you see, it appears that Gazan Israelis have forgotten their heritage, like most of us today.

The Jews have been captured and removed from their land many times during their 5,000 year history. They also fought many battles during that time and won it back. The Gaza strip was originally a part of Israel, as old maps clearly show. That real estate was given to the Gazans in exchange for peace by Israel. Many of them worked in Israel and developed relationships with Israelis. All appeared healthy and acceptable, peaceful and harmonious.

What Israel didn't realize was that they were being set up. The Gazans came in under the guise of workers, while scouting out the various ways Israel could be besieged. They worked their way into positions of trust where they were privy to some pretty serious information. The same thing has happened to Western governments in the past few years. Our war is just over the horizon. This took years for the Gazans to patiently set this up, and they did a great job of it. Israel now knows that, and has given them plenty of credit for it. After Israel wins this war, this will never happen again, but there will be other wars for her riches...

"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." I Timothy 6: 10

There are many more "sorrows" to come...for all of us, Jew and Gentile alike.

The point that most people are missing today (due to ignorance of history), is that Israel was given BACK their land in 1948. At that time, that land was nothing more than a massive piece of barren "God-forsaken" land that nobody wanted. None of the surrounding countries wanted any part of it; it was of no use to them. They saw no future for that useless dirt.

The infamous Mark Twain visited Israel's prior homeland and had this to say about it: "...[a] desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds-a silent mournful expanse....A desolation is here that not even imagination can grace with the pomp of life and action....We never saw a human being on the whole route....There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of the worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.” - 1867 (Quoted in Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad. London: 1881)

That land was given back to Israel not as a good will gesture, but as a means to a slow death by starvation. Here's the crux of the whole matter...in recent years, tremendous amounts of oil and natural gas was discovered in Israel. "Enough to supply them and others for at least 100 years." The Dead Sea is very rich in rare and valuable minerals. It is a very lucrative tourist site. They have developed water desalination technology...very handy for desert nations who need water. They want control of the Iron Dome defense weapon. She possesses quantum technology that is highly desired, i.e. A.I.. Israel is the richest country in the world! Her enemies want those resources, but they have to get rid of her before they can have them.

Then, there is the spiritual root of the whole issue: Satan knows that Jesus Christ will one day rule from Jerusalem. He must annihilate Israel to prevent that from happening, and now we see his greatest attempt to do that. Israel will win this war too, but she's being used as a distraction from the really big picture...the coming attacks and war on our own soil. Have a nice day!

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Israel, USA, Palestine: (from TheLIbertyBeacon


You might read:

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

The Infamous "Oded Yinon Plan". Introduction by Michel Chossudovsky


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Thank you, Edmond. I've very much aware of the corrupt "Zionist" leadership in Israel and the whole world. However, that doesn't make all Israelis anymore corrupt than we are. All of us are the "jam" between good and evil. I don't know if you've noticed it, but for the last 50 or so years, we've not been allowed to have ANY say in our governance in Canada or the USA, or elsewhere for that matter. Our governments have been hijacked by WEF traitors and thugs (Nazis).

You were kind enough to share a couple of links with me; here's a real good one (less than nine mins. long) that I'm sure you'll also appreciate: https://youtu.be/pefEIwoTEnE

The second link states a lot of "fact" but they don't disclose their testimonial sources. Propaganda? Likely. The world is pregnant with propaganda...just like it was during both world wars. Have a nice day! :)

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Why would you think that the Oded Yinon "Greater Israel" Plan would be propaganda? Apparently, you didn't really read "The second link", which is the more important link of my post. Also, note that there are 21 footnotes to "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties" which was written by Oded Yinon.

You might also consider the following:

Israel-Palestine and the Acceleration of Eternal Wars. Israel’s “Long War… Working Towards Greater Israel”


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it doesn't even go back 20 years earlier, well it does a little, brushing past lightly with a shrug the pogrom in hebron in 1929. against religious jews who had llived there a thousand years.

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No surprise there!

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at finish of "The Birth of Israel" -- you are aware I assume of "The Birth of a Nation" (and the purposes it served) ?-- we were grateful to happen upon a reminder of, from last year:


for us offering comfort, with incitement to courage and renewed resolve: so recommend its gift of an assuagingly challenging -- and pleasurable -- conversation, conducted in touchingly tentative/tender ambience

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Great comment section Celia.

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Nov 4, 2023
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Yes, excellent documentary by Mike Rivero. Once you listen, you understand why we have wars and who benefits. More info here:


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the psyop goes back to the founders of Britain. They gaslit all of the britons and bought off the more talented of them with family money handed down through the generations always financed by screwing others over in other places. Not sure that the arab leaders are not secret jews. How would we know? They'd lie if we asked them.

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OMG- I've never heard of that before! I'll add that one to the list.

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Nov 4, 2023
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Thanks mzlizzi, I second your request...

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I would like to know what the other film is as well.

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The video now rolls over—had wrong version before, sorry.

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Celia; this doesn't roll over for me, and I can't find Part 2 anywhere on YouTube...?!

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I got it to roll over originally. I'll try to find the right one.

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Recent peer-reviewed Johns Hopkins genetic research by a respected Judaic MD shows that 97.5% of Judaics living in Israel have absolutely no ancient Hebrew DNA, are therefore not Semites, and have no ancient blood ties to the land of Palestine at all. By contrast, 80% of Palestinians carry ancient Hebrew DNA and thus are real Semites, and have ancient blood ties to Palestinian Land. This means that the real anti-Semites are the Israelis who are stealing Palestinian lands in order to build Israeli settlements, and it is the Israelis who are the ones tyrannizing and mass-murdering innocent Palestinians.


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I'm rather angry at Britain, but that's my Irish side, lol.

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You can be angry at the British elite.

But us British plebs were being screwed over by the British elite the same as they were screwing over everyone else.

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Exactly. I don't blame most ordinary Brits.

Though I have to say that I got a lot of weirdness from English people about being Irish one summer when I worked in England. You can tell they have really hardcore stereotypes in their heads about the Irish. That doesn't happen in America. Irish is just normal here.

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Oh i always get shit from Irish, Scottish and Welsh people for being English.

I always feel like saying, "Don't blame me - my ancestors worked in dark satanic mills for tupennce ha'penny. We never took your land and exploited you. We had our land nicked as well."

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OK, but why do the English still put up with having "nobility" at all?

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I think everywhere has a nobility. Ours is just out in the open.

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It's not the same thing. English nobility is encoded in your law and printed on your money. Those are the descendants of the people who were abusing your ancestors. And mine.

No one should be legally classified as greater than others. Especially not them.

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No one is English; isn't it that the language of the Angles was adopted by those who exterminated them ?

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What would you call a person whose ancestors have lived in the land named England for at least 1000 years?

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England was the land of the [ Angles? ], who were exterminated by those who did adopt their language, English: I am ignorant about all this, other than to understand those who

conducted the extermination, and took over the land, were, as they continue to be called, the British

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Netanyahu is a war criminal

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Yes I have said as much. I agree. I think he is extremely mentally ill and dangerous for the whole world, obviously for Palestinians but also for Israelis and also for all Jews.

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doesn't Scott Ritter say his intention is to ignite WW3 ?

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his intention or his orders?

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I've never understood this twisted and corrupt feeling of loyalty that some people have for politicians. They clearly damage their own countries and their voters keep defending them, long after they retire.

This has to be witchcraft, too.

So I wouldn't be surprised to see Israeli citizens defending that man even decades after he ruins the country.

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So are all governments who are supporting Israel to do this.

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the gov'ts who aren't supporting Israel are destroying their own populations too. And they're doing it on purpose and they are controlled by the same people. Anarchy is good, that's why the New World ODOR has changed its meaning over the years. It's their enemy.

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The BBC is fair?!? LOL! I won't go into it tonight but anything the BBC is airing about Israel is pure hogwash.

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It's an older documentary and it has a lot of facts and interviews.

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No doubt, but citing the fact that it's BBC of whatever age will not impress those who remember that Orwell based his "Ministry of Truth" on his experience of working in the BBC.

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The BBC used to pride itself on being impartial. Whether or not that was ever actually true, I doubt. I haven't seen or heard the BBC for many years; but I have the impression that impartiality is barely even a pretense these days - if that even.

Remember how the BBC was shown to have staged its coverage of the alleged gas attack on Douma, Syria in 2013?:

"BBC Producer's Syria Bombshell: Douma "Gas Attack" Footage "Was Staged""


"Oriental Review": "One Man’s Quest To Expose A Fake BBC Video About Syria":


For me, that was the day the BBC lost its final shred of credibility.

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And didn't they use that footage to get Trump to bomb Syria?

(fwiw I couldn't pull up that orientalreview link).

As for staging, yes, they've been doing a lot of that- you always have to be careful with the atrocity propaganda. And now with the technological advances (CGI, green screen) it's easy for them to fake events. I think they used the White Helmet group to stage fake atrocities on the ground in Syria when they were trying to overthrow Assad.

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Thanks for telling me about the dead link. I've replaced it with one from the Archive. I've also found the link for the RT footage of the BBC's staging of the event, although YouTube won't allow me to see it. Maybe people in other countries will be able to view it:

"BOMBSHELL - Russian Evidence of Staged Chemical Attack in Syria"


Yes, they did use the faked Douma gas attack to fool Trump into bombing Syria. I stopped watching all mainstream news years ago, when I realized it was all propaganda and narrative creation - either truth that's been twisted out of all recognition, or complete fabrications! Once the spell is broken, it's easy to see through it all. If it weren't so dangerous, it would be funny.

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video isn't available anymore--so, I guess it was very good at truth-telling.

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Great point about england! .... england and the us gave away land they didn't own because of a problem 'they' the west created (hitler) and made third world people suffer for it

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Meh, we need to be more precise in our labeling. Mis-labeling is a big part of the problem.

It was the Zionist clique running the UK and the US who double dealt and promised what they should not have promised, and who apparently also created Hitler:



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Tirion: The Henry Makow link is hogwash! Generally I like Makow, but that particular article is written by Miles Mathis who just sort of throws stuff and sees what sticks.

You might want to watch some videos with Hitler speaking -- everything he says makes sense. Also, his story is quite well-known and in the open, so his development is quite clear. I can send some links, if you wish.

The only sense in which zionism 'created' Hitler was via WWI/Versailles treaty, and via the degeneracy of Weimar Germany.


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No, Hitler's development is not clear at all, nor is it well known or in the open - unless the only version of history you are prepared to examine is the establishment version?

Many thanks for the offer of video links, but I don't speak German and am too cynical to trust any English subtitles 🤯

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Tirion: I am fluent in German, so can assure you that the subtitles are fine, as could any German speaker. A thing to consider is that in the English world, they almost *never* subtitle Hitler speeches -- so you're left with the impression that some German gesticulated randomly... and then they killed the jews. Bill Burr even makes jokes about this.

You are right, though, to mistrust translation of Hitler in general. Any version of Mein Kampf other than Staalag, is almost worthless.

Hitler wasn't a '1000 pts of light/Hope and Change'-style politician. He was saying sensible things, and then delivering on those promises. Contrast that with Trump who also said somewhat sensible things and then delivered on a few things that are probably already rolled-back by the new regime.


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Sorry Celia. My response is, can any good thing come from the BBC?

I’ll consider what comes from you, but from them? Never.

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Decades ago the BBC did produce some surprisingly good material.

And i am as cynical as anyone.

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didn't E.M. Forster have a great deal of influence over, perhaps was in charge of, what i think was called "The Third Programme" ? many years ago i read a superb biography of Forster: I think its author's last name was Furbank ?

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Forster did broadcast over BBC during WW2, and that was about it. After the war, he lived as an honorary fellow at Cambridge. The Third Programme (BBC Radio 3) devoted mainly to classical music, was only set up just as Forster made his move to Cambridge.

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Forster as I recall from P. N. Furbank's biography -- which I'll request from library and review, in order to ascertain his role w/BBC -- will also request The BBC Talks of E.M. Forster, 1929-1960: A Selected Edition -- whose title indicates as I thought an earlier role and, I believe, notable influence ( extending beyond the BBC; I know he was involved and influential with PEN early on ) influence which he explicitly used to take the part of and bring attention to "the little man," the one whose slipping overboard into deep water could go unnoticed ). If you will tell me how to do so, I'll report to you what I discover

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You are welcome to upload any findings to: https://mega.nz/filerequest/fXHHnNYpmgQ

In my generation, the BBC figure who was rather influential was Alistair Cooke; by that time and on the airwaves, Forster was just a historical shadow.

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E. M. Forster was not in my youth, adulthood, now now, in my old age,

a historical figure -- Passage to India is one of the few books

my musician daughter "reaad, marked, learned," and keeps alive

within herself -- as do I

(( I well remember A.C.; John Berger estimated him fairly I thought )

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Aren't they the mothership of Masterpiece Theatre? If so, well I kind of like that child.

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Looking forward to viewing it. Thank you.

In the meantime, thought I would throw this into the mix - Mr. Warren offers a Catholic opinion that has food for thought, but may ruffle some feathers:


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The piece in The Catholic Thing this morning also addresses the history. I've been reading David Warren's Essays in Idleness for years now. Have you any familiarity with E. Michael Jones? He takes it all a whole lot deeper.

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So, non-Jews envy those who rejected Jesus?

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The pseudo-theological pap is reflective of the state of post-Vatican 2 Rome; it is nauseating, and ruffles not just some but all the feathers.

"To understand the phenomenon of anti-Semitism is to understand what happens when we say No. It is not something that is done to us, but rather, something that we do."

The writer is unable to grasp simple semantics (or is it Semitics in his book?), and serves as a living example of the current, ultimate, intellectual failure of the Church - which, at its core, is spiritual. He could just as well worship AI, and perhaps that is where this screed originated.

You threw it here, and it could make me throw up.

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Interesting reflection. Thanks for sharing thoughts.

I threw the prefaced article into the soup as another piece to munch on when it seems there are so many shades of thoughts on all this right now. Might as well chomp on it all.

But the real and necessary truth to be discerned here is: What is God’s holy will? What is the godly reaction?

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good piece

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I don't trust BBC .. it's Gov't run and it's propaganda. I don't trust UK City of London is still the British Empire.. they just renamed it to City of London.. all of the chaos and destruction are in their doing .. mi6/cia/Mossad created and bankrolled Taliban, Al-Qaeda Hamas and Isis. Controlled Opposition. Deep states trained and funded and teach them how to defend their countries then turn around and labeled em as terrorists to the West. All wars are false flags and all wars are for the Bankers and all wars are for depopulation. There is an globalist agenda .. their end goal is to get Russia

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Why the hell did London need to be renamed?

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from within the City of London, not to be confused with London City. City of London has its own policies, police and banking. Same as the Vatican and here in US is District of Columbia.

The Mystery of Israel - SOLVED!



I follow these two and few other independent news but here is a good start ..

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The British Empire has such an insignia of colonialism and wars they created. Just like Hitler with his eugenics which he tear a page off of US playbook but bc of Hitler eugenics.. it was rebranded as abortion and now is reproductive rights

other examples:

Pedophile = YAP is youth attracted person or MAP (minor attracted person) YAP: youth attracted person. "youth" doesn't sound as off-putting as "minor"

KKK = Antifa

Panthers = BLM

Gender Affirm = genocide

Trans woman is a woman but a real woman is Cis 🤦🏻‍♀️

Climate warming > climate cooling and now it's Climate Change. I'm sure there are more of rebranding out there.. they love their language.. so pay attention to their words.

Everything leads back to the Crown 👑 UK City of London. But they're redirecting everyone attention to China, Russia and Middle East

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“Against Our Better Judgement” by Alison Weir and “ Open Secrets: Israeli Nuclear and Foreign Policy “ by Israel Shahak have helped me broaden my understanding of Israel as a state and its relationships. I will be checking out that documentary.

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Take a look at the Israel Shahak and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 1, 2023, GlobalResearch update I posted above of

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

The Infamous "Oded Yinon Plan". Introduction by Michel Chossudovsky


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Yes, her book is definitely worth a read: https://archive.org/details/alisonweiragainstourbetterjudgment-Alison-Weir/page/n19/mode/2up

And here's a review: https://www.unz.com/article/review-against-our-better-judgment-by-alison-weir/ And I think this is her site: https://ifamericansknew.org/

And what she writes about how the Balfour Declaration came about is actually backed up by Benjamin Freedman in his 1961 speech at the Willard Hotel:


For those without the time to listen, Freedman was an insider, assistant to Bernard Baruch (yesterday's Soros/Rothschild front man) and witnessed the behind-the-scenes intrigues that got America into WW1. He explained that Germany was winning the war and offered to just end it and have everyone go home. The Zionists went to England and said you can still win this war if America comes in on your side. We can get America into the war on your side if you give us Palestine. So, they got the Balfour Declaration and then went to work on Wilson. 116,000 American men died so the Zionists could get that piece of real estate. Also, Benjamin Freedman also said that the Zionists rule over America like absolute monarchs (and that was in 1961). He also tells about what was happening in the lead up to WW2. He subsequently broke with these people, married a Catholic woman, and spent the rest of his life and personal fortune trying to warn the American people about them.

Thanks for the Israel Shahak info--I've heard of another book he wrote, but not that one.

Also, I think former Secretary of State James Forrestal may have been killed for his opposition to setting up Israel. Dave Martin writes about it here: https://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=126163

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Thank you very much for this information. I don’t feel like I can change the trajectory of our current history but at least I’ll know a bit more about how we got here. “ Old Charlie stole the handle, the train , it won’t stop going.No way to..slow..down”

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OK, I can't manage to get it to roll over. aargh

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It dawned on me about 2 years ago after a convid induced crash course in conspiracy that our history is a complete lie. Once you come to that realisation, the one historical “truth” that can’t be questioned (or you could end up in prison in some countries!) starts flashing bright red!

They have done such an evil genius job of reinforcing that event in the publics consciousness whilst at the same time demonising anyone who has genuine questions about the accuracy of the claims as a Nazi

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Yes, once I woke up to 9/11 being a false flag, I started questioning everything and came to the same conclusion. Everything has been a lie, including official history, which us just agreed upon lies and propaganda. And it seems like we are especially not supposed to question history surrounding the wars--the lies most certainly did not start with Iraq's non-existent WMDs. All wars are based on lies, deceptions, propaganda (esp atrocity propaganda), false flags--basically whatever it takes for the banking cartel to get the people to fight and die for their wars. And it also seems like these wars are all plotted decades in advance. There's a video out there with Col Fletcher Prouty and he says that when he was an air cargo pilot in WW2 he saw them setting up for the wars on Korea and Vietnam BEFORE WW2 was even over. He said that's when he realized there was a ruling elite operating behind the scenes.

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"All wars are plotted decades in advance" surely seems to apply to COVID.

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holocaust propaganda has been a good investment for jews and israel

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How nice -since Balfour and all, only thing missing is narration by Jimmy Saville - fair and balanced and “Tuck -in “ Carlson and whatnot... and yes, Virginia, there is no genocide...

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You're so endlessly cryptic.

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I have compiled a history of Palestine, mostly a timeline at this moment. In doing so it became clear to me that Britain is the one to blame for the entire mess. They apparently just wanted to get the Jews off their back, so they mentally pushed the Arabs aside in the Middle East and made room for the Jews. Voila. The ungrateful wretches blamed the Palestinians, not the British. I guess they realized they had to pick on someone smaller. I am still working on my attitude.

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Please define “get the Jews off their backs” . What was happening?

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Look up Lord Montagu, and what was happening around the time of the Balfour declaration. Himself Jewish, he was so unnerved by the Zionist agitation that he dropped dead at 45. Which may have been yet another Zionist triumph.

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