26:44 "The wall ended the exodus of refugees that had threatened the existence of the East German State, but it was a desperate measure, and like many desperate measures in Politics, it seemed a little insane."

Then, the party member Alfred, who is being interviewed, admits that the wall was built to have more time to build a socialist utopia, and he insists that things got better after the wall. The gall of these people!!!


I admire how twisted the propagandists at BBC are. I use exaggeration for comedy, they use understatments like "seemed a little insane" to induce a sense of tragedy.

Many people will miss how understatements imply a degree of support for the causal actors of the tragedy.

It's much more effective the understatement, probably because most people expect tragedy.

Mene mene tekel upharsin. From the book of Daniel. The advent of the revolution, or how bad things complete the cycle only to start again.


Musical interlude:

I don't need no arms around me

I don't need no drugs to calm me

I have seen the writing on the wall

Don't think I need anything at all

No, don't think I need anything at all

All in all, it was all just bricks in the wall

All in all, you were all just bricks in the wall

Another Brick in the Wall, part 3

by Roger Waters and Pink Floyd

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So frustrating that I can't "like" your comment Roger, or anybody's. SO TRUE, what you say. I take documentaries like this, strip away the embedded elements of manipulation, and just take the quotes. Truth comes from people's mouths, it always has. When I was a professional working journalist, I relied very heavily on quotes.

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Thanks. You're always so kind! :-D

That problem that prevents you from liking comments is rare. I hope it can be solved in some way. Maybe you need a new laptop?

Consider organizing a fundraiser just for a new laptop. Many people would help, because many benefit from your writings.

But make a backup of everything, just in case.

In regards to backing up data when migrating laptops, I will make a little bit of unpaid publicity because I'm dumb like that. There is a website called www.federated.computer that I'm considering to start using, although I've always been very reluctant to have anything on the cloud. It's a paid service, they offer replacement for all normal applications, and even Zoom, and they guarantee privacy, unlike "free" sites like the tech giants. Sounds good to me, better than the current way everyone works, where companies like adobe can spy the drawings and pictures of users to see if they are committing transgressions against the idol of copyright. It's crazy how bad things are today and how indolent people are about their privacy.

Anyway. Everyone should degoogle and demicrosoft and exorcize and rebuke everything that limits privacy on the internet.

End of the rant.

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Can't remember exactly so I'll paraphrase

The wall was built to give us more time to build the socialist paradise

Isn't it wonderful how many ideologues are ready to kill untold people "for their own good" so they can live in the "paradise" those people define. Almost without fail these people view themselves as righteous and the only bad thing is they got stuck doing the dirty work. Otherwise they count themselves as the truly righteous actors of history

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"Those people most in favor of 'Socialism',

are those who produce nothing of value".

- unknown origin

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Pink Floyd was black-pill toxin for teenagers.




Not insightful.

Not future building.

Not hopeful....about *anything*.

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That's true. I have never "understood" it. What was Pink Floyd on about and why was it so sad and dystopia? It was paralyzing.

Are they part of the plan? Are they Tavistock?

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There is a fair bit of evidence for PF being 'Tavistock' and perhaps explains a lot of the reasons for Syd Barrett's mental collapse all conveniently blamed on acid of which he was taking large amounts.

Their early years are somewhat shrouded in mystery before they 'exploded' on the scene to become the house band for the acid rock generation.

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I think there is an active demoralizing side to Pink Floyd. Perhaps by design, like the Beatles. But there is also what today would be called trolling side, or provocative side to that music. That's original from the musicians, I believe. It's more obvious the trolling of Jethro Tull, which has 90% of their appeal to the audience, all that constant satire of all the other bands. But in the end, it's all an industry, like pro-sports and tv politics.

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Yeah, socialism put to music.

Good music though.

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*Not* 'Socialism'.

A continuous stream of _Black pills_ for young, western male teens

with no mentors and, increasingly, fewer and fewer fathers.

The music baited the hook.

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Socialism is the same as demoralization.

I'm not going to argue again against people who want to salvage something from that spiritual trap of socialism. Most people won't ever see what they don't want to see. I'm fine with that and I really don't need to be right or to win an argument.

I'll just say that it's amazing that we are living in 2024 and after twelve thousand apocalypses of the many crimes committed, people still defend their totalitarian persecutors, and deny their abuse.

There is nothing good in any form of socialism, including environmentalism, feminism and fascism. It's all hate for life and the natural order of things, and pathological projection of their rotten emotions, which intoxicates everyone and corrupts everything.

You can simply dismiss my opinion saying the old universal conjure, valid for all situations: "well, like, that's just your opinion bro, lol, like, I don't care about opinions, like, give me the facts, lol" or any variation of it.

Socialism totally sucks. Great music from the socialists, though. But it's so bad!

Why can't we just enjoy music and poetry?

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I agree with you Roger.

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The music is the whore.

The listener gets the clap.

Sad what they do to music.

They have no joy.

Only pleasure.

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Music simpliciter!

That's a great t-shirt right there.

Mundane things, or things of the world, bring no real joy. And the pleasures are all accompanied with bitterness. However, when used correctly, the pleasures can help people to heal their misery, at least in part.

When people heal their misery, they can start researching true joy, which is not of this world.

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Aug 19Edited

"Run, rabbit, run

To catch up to the Sun,

But it's sinking.

You fritter and waste the hours

In an offhand way."


( mis-remembered, but effective...or... "not accurate but true" in newspeak).

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Aug 18
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That song was the first top 10 song on the charts that was not in 3 or 4.

It's in….7!

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wild time signatures, like King Crimson.

Musicians dared to try different things in the 1970s. Today, it's so rare any musician is allowed to do any experiment. It's sad and fun to contemplate how controlled is rock and pop music these days.

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I like instrumental music. Pink Floyd always had a good musical base. Any propaganda is delivered best with a good musical base.

Listen, for instance, the wonderful sound of this other commie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKjR-MNydQc

It starts at 02:15.

All this sound comes from just one player.

Here is a better recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypt5LU-V9qQ

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Aug 18Edited
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The new walls are enthusiastically being taken up by the west. Using tech instead of brick and mortar. Much better optics. No bullets no beatings no death camps etc. Just tech to surveil is and drive us mad. In the long term tech may be more effective than the Berlin wall, And it's being deployed globally. With tech you can be controlled down to the last detail. And while we snooze it is going global. Cameras everywhere, data mining everywhere. For all we know our phones & Alexis are listening to us for more than benign reasons. No need for snitches because we snitch on ourselves just by engaging in things like posting:) But not to worry, there'll still be plenty of ways we can find to disappoint our friends. Perhaps without even knowing or intending.

It appears the bullets used to enforce the new walls will be bio tech and mass psychosis brain washing. Certainly we've spent enough DARPA money on it so we can assume we'll get return for our buck. Surely everyone noticed we were bio attacked, locked down, six foot distanced, masked up, turned against each other ... And in the interlude between bio attacks (the equivalent of bullets because of the lethality) we are all getting sicker and sicker and progressively poisoned. If they can work their magic well enough well be so demoralized we'll all just refrain from thought crimes or in any other way trying to breach the constraints

Knock down the walls because the lab rats are already caged. We'll become like electric fenced bovines. Leave the fence up long enough and one day the fence comes down and the cows stay put. They've been stung too many times already to think they can get away with breaching the boundary

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This story is missing from the history of the end of WWII. The Allies were just as evil as the Axis powers we have come to despise based on spoon-fed propaganda.


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Suspect it is the story of all human struggle. You got the bad guys and the other bad guys

Don't say that to paint an equivalence because there usually are stark differences & it is often easy to pick your poison. But wickedness is in us all. Not really religious but it is one of the few things that stuck with me from religion because it rings true, none of us can claim complete righteousness & it is our job to constantly police ourselves lest we become what we say we hate.

As far as WWII. There are sooooo many stories good & bad and I personally did not live through it. Like many I was born in the rather benign aftermath of it in safe prosperous USA. So it has been mostly watching/reading history and listening to elders who were actually there. One of the most sobering things about WWII and the Nazi thing and judging the Germans (you always hear "how could such civilized people do what they did"), when you really get into the history you realize in the period leading up to Hitler the other choice was the commies. Inescapable that the Russians pretty much won the war and suffered more than anyone. But also inescapable that International Communism has a body count that measures up to anyone. And a lot of that death was starvation to the point of cannibalism. Engineered starvation to cannibalism does not give anyone the moral high ground.

The bad guys were the Nazi's, the other bad guy's were the commies, and then you got your western imperialist bad guys. If you want to be a "good guy" your number one job is to probably realize it is not really in our nature to be good guys and we must ALWAYS police ourselves.

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Right. Main weapon of propaganda is de-contextualization. I'm reading little by little about Franco, who was at war with "communists and Masons." I have friends mad at me because they think when I say "Masons" I really mean "Jews," but no, I mean Freemasons. I'm not after "Jews" and consider it part of a poison bread trap, as it serves to conceal the occult roots of all this evil. Communism, fascism, KKK, all of it, deeply occult. You're somehow not supposed to take interest in that.

Now, Franco's anti-communist anti-Masonic form of fascism centered on Catholicism, which Hitler hated about him, not sure how Mussolini felt. I think we make a mistake to think this puzzle will ever "make sense" or that the pieces will fit together perfectly. Or at all.

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Franco fought the same war against World Revolution that first destroyed Russia and created revolutions throughout the west through the likes of Rosa Luxembourg, Emma Goldman, Bela Kun etc. Because he was victorious I think that is why is still so hated especially here in Europe.

But yes I agree its all occultic which is really what the World Revolution was / is.

Without wishing to go down any rabbit holes Freemasony is often called 'Judaism for the Ggentiles' a view of I have some sympathy for.

I think it was Mackie or Pike who said that 'Freemasonry is Jewish and Jewish is Freemasonry' which considering both have Kabbalah as the bedrock of their philosophy is a fair statement. I don't think you can divorce the two.

However because of the sensitivity around this its important to differentiate between those ordinary Jews just trying to live their lives and the elite Jews who for want of a better phrase run the world.

We have 2 dominant strains of that today Communism and Zionism. Both provide the bedrock of the west's understanding and both a Jewish working towards a single goal. Henry Makow explains that in detail.

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I have a counter to your hypothesis. Although everyone has the propensity to do evil, there is a "culture of evil" most are unaware of. The Bolsheviks represent the culture of evil. They were behind the so-called Russain revolution. These name changers celebrate their "cult of evil." They are diametrically opposed to Christian morality.

Eustace Mullins wrote about their torturing and murdering nature. They murdered Christians. The Germans WERE Christians. When you study history you realize what General Patton was talking about when he said "we went to war on the wrong side."


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"You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians.

Driven by ethnic hatred, they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians, without a shred of human remorse.

It cannot be overstated.

Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time.

The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime, is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators."

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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This is why I'm alwaysringinga bells about Juri Lina.

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Aug 18Edited

1st Amendment.

2nd Amendment.


Just an old rag.

A rotten scrap of paper, ginned up by a bunch of

over-priviledged, slave-owning white guys.

I wonder if the UN could fix it...

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And then there are those who believing themselves to be good and righteous commit evil without realizing it by imposing their "righteousness" on others against their will, for their own good of course. I tried so hard to dissuade my sister, who I love dearly, from taking the covid injection. She replied to me that she thought it should be mandatory. I know she means no harm to anyone, but by being a good and obedient person no questions asked she ignorantly supported evil. I think Hannah Arendt nailed it with her 'banality of evil' analogy. Most of the herd will go along with it, because it's so much easier.

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I think the greatest evil of all of it was knowingly using the Christian ideal of charity and "helping your fellow man" to deceive them into taking the clot shot death lottery injection.

Most people of good intent would never want to kill granny and would want to protect their neighbors even if they are strangers that they maybe don't even like that much. To KNOWINGLY exploit the best in our nature and turn it to evil is beyond reprehensible and can NEVER be forgiven.

Good is hard enough to come by and to exploit the good in people in service of such an evil purpose..... No words.

And it's not the case that they did not know better. It was a results at any ethical cost sales job and they were closing the deal like any other sales person as in:

"I heard there are lots of people out there, ESPECIALLY GRAND CHILDREN who would be really upset if they thought they were responsible for killing granny. SO LET"S USE THAT. My bonus, my promotion, my salary and staying on the fast track climb up the ladder depends on it. I can not let my objectives in life be derailed by an ethical issue that may harm some people I will never see"

And what did we see? All these high credential people out there smiling and saying

"Safe and Effective"

Even after reports of Myocarditis etc in the young who never needed it

Safe and Effective

Even NOW when all the mRNA clot shots should be banned

Safe and Effective

A never forget moment if ever there was one. Tell the good people "it's for the greater good and watch the suckers line up to do good". What a cynical way to destroy the good will and faith of a culture. I used to say at the start of this "We have reached Peak Soviet" because I know lots of Eastern Europeans and they trust NOTHING because unlike Americans they EXPECT betrayal. It is their continuous history since forever.

Any young person for example who ends up chronically ill or sterile or with debilitating heart ailments like myocarditis, you can bet THEY will never forget.

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"When you go to war, do not go as the first, but as the last,

so that you may return as the first".

In the 21st century...

...we call that "Leading from Behind".

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Excellent counter and I agree with you 100%

Put with much better clarity than my rant

Destroying all the churches should be a tip off for the detached casual not very informed latter generation observer. Never good when the ideology IS the religion and it spawns slogans like "by ANY means necessary" Never good when you say you hate religion and that religion is the cause of all bad things then turn around and install your ideology as the religion. If nothing else conflict of interest logic should get one to smelling a rat. Intentionally engineered starvation to cannibalism should be another clue.

But my main thing about trying to judge those living in a insane time was "the bad guys were the Nazi's and the "good guys" were the commie Bolsheviks". Sounds like some POTUS choices we've been served up the last few decades. THAT was a very sobering thing to think on. "Choose between these bad guys or these other bad guys". When all is insanity it's almost insane to expect something insane won't come of it

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I can't help but think about how much betrayal we have ahead of us.

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“The line between good and evil runs not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either — but right through every human heart.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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Sounds like Solzhenitsyn was at the least a nominal perhaps secular Christian

As a kid the local preacher was a rather evangelical sort and one of the things he used too harp on was some Bible passage about "the human heart is desperately wicked". Never took offense to it. Whether you would be "saved" or whatever seemed more faith based but the impulse to wickedness seems self evident. Even if you don't consider yourself particularly wicked all you have to do is look around see what people have done to each other all the time. And some times they don't need a good reason. Not as if every casual act of wickedness we see is someone responding to an existential threat to their survival. So I always thought his message that "we need to police ourselves lest we stray was pretty good advice". Who knows, if we police ourselves enough we may even save ourselves from our own wickedness. People do terrible things to themselves as well as others

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We can never save ourselves 😭

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But how can we police ourselves when our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked? Most of the time we don't even know our true motivations when we do something, even if it is considered 'good and noble'. Never underestimate our capacity to deceive ourselves! 😊

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Yup. It's a conundrum. Probably good to have good people around you to help you stay on the straight and narrow. Of course who's gonna help THEM? Perhaps the best we can do is try to monitor each other ... but I am not sure of that. Something to be said for "mind your own business"

A lot of the evangelical message is centered on "by grace alone are you saved"... because you don't deserve it and you're in a state of hubris to think you can sort it all for yourself. I have no qualms with that. Nothing wrong with a bit of humility. In secular terms you might say "you don't know what you don't know" and "it's good to know your limitations". Every time you think you got it all figured out ... oops time to recalculate:)

I don't claim to belong to any of those groups nor do I reject them. But probably not a bad idea to have humility lest we start to think "I got this thing figured out".

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Our governments have betrayed us for sure. So that one's out of the way. Hard to call a bio weapon attack using our taxes to design and fund it anything but a betrayal

Now we just watch and see if the lab rats turn against each other

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Oh they will. It's their nature 🤣

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I think they're beginning to gnaw at the bars of their cages, Ray.

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I have a dear friend who was a young adult when her mother and stepfather decided to flee to the West from East Germany, West Berlin to be specific, and then two months later the wall came down...................they still live in a small apartment in Wannsee on a small pension having lived through two systems both of which betrayed them as a Germanic peoples in origin whilst living in their own home country, they have interesting stories to tell, cheers!

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Desiree have you read "Stasiland" by Anna Funder? It's brilliant. And very funny.

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Dear Celia, yes! it is one of the first books I read upon settling there,

it is interesting to look at the programming in the West and the East as well, never a dull moment so to speak, thank God peace can be found within and in our natural habitat, if porrible with some likeminded people, which I have found on both sides of the fence, so the programming does not hold water with every soul, we are on a soul's journey, I wish you a lovely day, Saludos!

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Some very introspective and incredible observations. The spiral inwards for the tour around East Germany. The rationalizations used upon themselves to justify what they've done. And the regrets that they have to live with. No wonder many people whitewash the past. It's too horrible to have their conscience pricked day after day, month after month, year after year.

Who is still free after all this?

Who is still free?

What is the price of freedom? It can be a high price. But the freedom of conscience is priceless.

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This was a beautiful movie. My father was from Berlin and the Jewish man who returned reminded me so much of my father. He went back once to dig up belongings that were buried throughout the war. I am sad that Germany traded the Stasi for the digital ID

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Question : did Stalin offer a unification of East and West Germany around the 1950's? If so, who impeded it and why? The war came to keep the Germans down, The Americans in and the Russians out, it seems. The Germans have been held hostage since 1945, the Germanic Peoples ofcourse and this was done to protect the peaceful West, you see we have had peace in the West and the West has been a force for peace, not dropping one ounce of a bomb. If you be-lie-ve it....it is so, it seems.

The East Germans were a homogenous peoples, but a caste was created to suppress the majority, t'is what systems do to keep control, and they were 'allowed' to keep their heriage as far as their language, songs, food, values, goes albeit controlled and surveilled by 'their friends', the West were mcdonalized just like the rest of the West, the name of the game is ans has always been : Divide et Impera. One system entertains you to death the other surveils you into your soul, both are systems of control, those systems have now been made redundant and with tech those will be merged into a system of 'total peace'. 'Violence can only be concealed by a lie and the lie can only be maintained by violence' Alexander Solzhenitsyn

The East Germans were taught in school that they were the victors over the West Germans, the their families, they were all family in one way shape or form. Due to that part of their propaganda they suffer less from feelings of 'guilt' from the war, although they had to pay reparations to their occupiers ofcourse as well, in their school system they analyzed the Western system to a T. The -isms are only control systems, some are easier to live in if you are still a real human being. They all spew propaganda on a 24/7 basis into the ears and eyes of the children to keep the show they are projecting alive. Real eyes realize real lies. The path is narrow. As I type this country has people couped up between four walls due to thought crimes and system questioning crimes, the crime is to question? To dare go there in your own mind. The system protects itself and is icy cold, metal like. Yes, what can be done for Reiner? And all the others? What books are you not allowed to read in your country?

Thanks for this clip Celia, it is full of gold nuggets of truth and propaganda, imagine the system we have now, oh well.....I wish you a lovely day, Saludos!

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Thanks! I’m going to watch it when I have more time to see it all.

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Thank you. Always appreciate your suggestions.

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