I find it so hard to understand how anyone can believe that our marvelous, fascinating universe could just possibly happen by chance or by evolution. This film shows again that there is an amazing Designer Who created plant and animal beings with all their intricasies. I call Him my Father, Maker of Heaven and Earth and everything therein.

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caution , comment contains sarcasm ; "don't you think man could improve upon this design, perhaps engineering it genetically , or spraying it , perhaps those scientists st beyer/monsanto could assist, or perhaps inject it with modified dna/rna ? " :-/ :-/ :-/ :-)

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The uplifting beauty of this science film brought me back decades to when I worked with Dorothy Fadiman on her psychedelic film Radiance: The Experience of Light. https://vimeo.com/25060880

Here is her description of how the film was made:

"RADIANCE was created to communicate my own experience of Light. My husband and I created a simple ritual, gazing into each other's eyes. LSD was legal at that time and we placed some on each other's tongues. I lay down, closed my eyes and as my heart opened to what I experienced as universal Love, I heard a voice: asking "'May I fill you with Light?' Whatever that presence was, I trusted it and I said 'YES'".

"With the word "YES" my entire body filled with a brilliant cascade of light. I felt electrically connected to the Universe. As the light became almost unbearably intense, Jim reached out and touched me. Suddenly, it STOPPED. His touch pulled me back. I know now that I was not ready to receive any more light. I realize now that the intention of this cascade was for me to be able to bring this light back, into my own world....and to tell people about its power.

"I spent the next ten years struggling to write a book, with pictures and words on paper, that would tell this story of Light. I found it impossible! One day, there was a knock on our door. A filmmaker (Michael Wiese) was standing there. He said, "I heard you've been trying to write a book about Light. Did you ever think of making a movie?" With his help, I made my first film RADIANCE: The Experience of Light. Since then, I have produced more than 25 films...each, in its own way, infused with the "Light". The guidance which appeared to me during the experience of light more than 40 years ago is still with me today."

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Oh my heavens. Thank you David, I shall watch Radiance, asap.

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I used to think that Lynn Margulis was a nutbag. Then covid happened, and I started looking into medical 'science' and... maybe she was the sane one?

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I knew her, loved her, was at times wounded by her, but it was in the tradition of "lacerating Jewish genius instructor and apprentice who's mind needs major overhaul/tuneup."

One day (there's that again) I will write about it all. She took me under her wing after my first psychiatric hospitalization, which I was forbidden to mention in her house. In the hallway she turned to me and said the word "depression" was strictly banned, and I nodded. She was by no means a nutbag, though her first husband may have been.

She was a genuine genius. It was as stunning to watch and listen to her as it would be a snow leopard in your kitchen. I will at least leave this tidbit: Once after we had been on the 6 am swim in Puffer's Pond, to collect "jellyballs" to study in the lab, we went to Amherst College as per usual to shower. (She did not believe so much in hot water nor heat in her house, which overlooked Emily Dickinson's house. She could recite Dickinson to perfection, from memory, poem after poem.) (And it was over Dickinson that we fell out. A book project…ah, I'll tell you later.) So as we walked toward the locker room, she stopped, I stopped, she looked at me and she said: "There are no viruses. You know that, right?"

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Celia: if you read this, could you tell me roughly what year Lynn said "There are no viruses"?

That's quite astonishing foresight, especially since it was probably based on her schema of symbiosis, which shows a remarkable intellectual clear-mindedness.

At this point I'd like to say 'if only the world had listened to her', but as your own work with Duesberg has shown... even avowed geniuses cannot take on the financial system.


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This may ne too technical for some, but for the scientists in the crowd, here is an extraordinary paper by Dr. James DeMeo investigating the ubiquitous "blue" in nature, the color signature of what Dr. Wilhelm Reich called the orgone "life" energy. DeMeo scientifically demonstrated the inherent blue fluorescence of this bioenergy - an energy observed throughout nature (blue water, blue sky, blue Earth, blue mountains, blue deep space, blue field around "red" blood cells, etc etc etc). He was able to induce in distilled water, spectrographic signatures of ultraviolet absorbance and fluorescence reactions found in natural rain waters, snow melt, "structured" waters and solutions of DNA. These discoveries can certainly lend insight into the phenomenon of bioluminescence highlighted in this fascinating film.


Anomalous “Living” Spectrographic Changes in Water Structures: Explorations in New Territory

Dr. James DeMeo

November 18, 2018

Parenthetically, I should also mention I always find it interesting when scientists make claims about visualizing the action of things like "HIV" (and "coronavirus") like they do in this video. Since "HIV" has never been proven to exist - as readers of this blog already know - it highlights how experimental set-ups and results are not always so simple and straightforward as they appear to be.

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Beautiful, Tom. Thank you!

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Nature shows kick ass! 🤘

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alicen grey is on this. esp scroll down a little https://alicengrey.substack.com/p/ugly-the-sonic-experience

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I listened to a debate between Shawn Baker and 2 vegans. One of the vegans actually said he was in favor of replacing the natural world with "human infrastructure" because nature was "morally problematic"

He has ethical issues with most animals eating, living and procreating. So his solution is to end it all.

I just don't get these people. Yes there is amazing amounts of pain and suffering in the world and yes it would suck to be a Zebra being eaten by a pride of Lions but we live in a world of abundance. Humans in the past mostly had a bounty of food available to them. Nobody planted gardens cause it was hard work and there was no need to! Food was everywhere. Then the Earth and species destroying event of ~12k years ago wrecked this.

There is far more good than bad and most animals get a decent shot at life before being eaten.

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Nov 26, 2023
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Nov 26, 2023
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I don't either but there is not an infinite choice when it comes to bioluminescence footage and documentaries. It's basically…BBC, Discovery, and so forth. I just watch the creatures light up and mostly tune out the narrative. :)

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