There is no question that Derek Chauvin did not get a fair trial. The entire scripted scenario was a "set up" and Chauvin's attorney's were inept at best. Floyd had three times the lethal amount of fentanyl in his system, plus meth complicated by heart problems. I believe Floyd was suffering from "Excited Delirium Syndrome" which is well known, and fatal in almost all cases if not properly attended to.

The other officers involved are now incarcerated too. For what? Trying to save a drug addict that was about to explode? Look at the FACTS below.


Chauvin's stabbing (22 times!) is highly suspicious as this film was released and Chauvin speaks for himself for the first time and he was CLEARLY following the training manual that the Minneapolis Police pictured to DETAIN individuals in these dangerous conditions, lest they go into trauma and DIE.

There are other parts of this trial that the film doesn't show us, but body cams show us that Chauvin was asked by another officer if he thought Floyd was suffering from EDS? Chauvin did not know for sure. The EMTs were WAY LATE in arrival (ignoring the first calls, only 8 blocks away)

At times I think I am angry at the people of Minneapolis for allowing this injustice to effect the entire nation. But I actually feel bad for them, as time will burn them, as the truth comes out, and not everybody in Minneapolis is to blame. Like all of us, we suffer from corrupt government.

I pray for Derek Chauvin that he will HEAL and be set free, along with the others, so we can recover from this jaundiced jury and court case---and deal with a fentanyl problem that kills on average 300 people a day!

George Floyd was not a hero. But he is not the only person dying in our cities with the same problem that these CORRUPT leaders want to hide! And even worse, they create racial tensions for their vile political gain.

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I am so sorry now that I thought Chauvin was guilty and posted comments to that effect. I hadn't seen the autopsy report nor the body cam footage, so I could say that's my excuse. But still, I helped to railroad an innocent man in my small way by posting on FB that I thought Chauvin was guilty. Having seen half of The Fall of Minneapolis, up to The Trial of Derek Chauvin I am too upset to go on watching it for the moment. Traitors including the mayor and others deliberately destroyed Minneapolis and meanwhile the same thing, treason, was happening all over the USA. It was treason, country wide, no doubt at all.

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Thanks so much for your open mind and honesty. We all need that.

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Your epiphany has happened to all of us, no need to be sorry. Welcome aboard!!!

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Chauvin does Not Deserve to be Epistened in the Feral USSA Gulag Archipelago. Neither the Jan 6 POW's.

CYA, is Conduct Yourself Accordingly. Never Submit, Never Surrender to Tyranny.

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Viewers watching the trial of a former Minneapolis officer charged with murder in George Floyd ‘s death may be struck by the array of prosecutors taking turns presenting their case. The choice of who does what is no accident.

While Derek Chauvin ’s attorney, *****Eric Nelson, works alone,***** the prosecution is being handled by two assistant attorneys general, Matthew Frank and Erin Eldridge, and two outside lawyers, Jerry Blackwell and Steve Schleicher. Ten more are working behind the scenes, many for free.

The Prosecution brought in powerful politically connected prosecutors who had an UNLIMITED access to $$$$


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Great observations which drive home the legal entrapment and big $$$$, that executed this charade trial.

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And, most are Jewish.

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Steve S. -

Chavin and Floyd reportedly worked as bouncers at the same Minneapolis night club.

Chavin's neighbors knew him as a realtor, claiming to have never seen him in a police uniform.

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(*Edit* - I shouldn't have commented before watching the film. Halfway through it now.

I do trust Dr Kory, the pulmonologist medical witness, to call things as he honestly sees them. But it's possible he got something wrong, or evidence was withheld from him.)



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You can hear Floyd saying, "I can't breath" while they were trying to get him seated (which he resisted) in the patrol car. They even rolled down the windows for him, when he claimed he had claustrophobia. These are signs of EDS. These are common symptoms of EDS, which usually kills about 75% of the victims in this condition.


Kory tries to make that claim that Floyd was somehow immune to the lethal amount of fentanyl (three times the lethal amount) in his system, because he had a "resistance" built up to it's effects from habitual use. Pretty absurd excuse. Kory wasn't there.

If the EMT rescue team had responded properly on time, instead of ignoring the calls they might have saved Floyd's life. Had Floyd not be out if his mind, he might still be alive. This happens to hundreds of people everyday currently. No police involved. They die on the streets and at home alone continually.

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I shouldn't have commented before watching the film. Maybe there is something Kory got wrong, or was withheld from him.

Not sure if the claustrophobia claims were real or grasping at excuses to not get in the car.

Opiates do affect people very differently depending on tolerance. Not commenting medically on the amount in his system, but in general, they do, .

I trust that Dr Kory would be honest and not follow political pressure to present findings he didn't believe were true. But, there may be more to this than he realizes.

Sorry to have commented before watching the film ...

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No worries Ellen. I think all of us have to be open to examine alternative explanations, and by no means should a differing opinion be ignored. We need people like Dr. Kory to question the facts. I think we still have to question Floyd's ability to drive the car, as the testimony came out from one of the passengers, they said Floyd nodded off and fell asleep twice, as they were resolving the fake $20 issue. The real problem with this trial, was the training, and how to handle a person like Floyd in this "condition" if he was going into EDS. The photographic evidence of the training manual, wasn't presented in Chauvin's defense, and the motive for "murder" was used as a political tool by these deviants.

The results were horrific across the nation.

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My Mom and I noticed this story the day it came out. We have been “Following the Counterfeit” for nearly 30 years and it usually starts at the casinos.

INTERNATIONAL FALLS, Minnesota — U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) says its officers seized $900,000 in counterfeit money from the International Falls Port of Entry.

The agency says the counterfeit money was found in a commercial rail shipment that originated in China.

Officers found 45 cartons of counterfeit $1 bills with a fake value of $900,000 last month during a customs inspection. The Secret Service was contacted and determined the currency was counterfeit.

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This makes so much sense. I am a citizen of a Native American Nation with large casino holdings. I looked into the casinos as I knew my nation didn't have the resources or expertise to create an entire enormous casino enterprise and I found it is the Chinese that really own the casinos. All part of Nixon's trade deal with China in the 70's that led to him issuing the Self-Determination Act that enabled the Native Americans to become their own nations within the nation of the United States and legally open the casinos.

I had thought it was just a money making scheme for the Chinese as the casinos rake in billions and billions, possible trillions, every year, but now your comment has made me see it's likely the casinos are far more than cash cows for the Chinese. They are a pipeline to devaluing the dollar with a huge influx of counterfeit paper money which has the potential to create hyperinflation to ultimately destroy the entire US economy. OMG.

Thank you so much for posting this.

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On a personal note; my dad had been the Veterinarian for 3 reservations since 1979. He has received a LOT of counterfeit money during that time. He was detained in an airport because of it on a vacation to the Bahamas in the 80’s. The counterfeit money has become a side hobby for our remote viewing for a while now. Stay Woo, love you guys!😘🥰😎😍

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Isn't your explanation enough to realize that gambling as an industry is a degenerate industry? It's Mammon Worship par excellence.

Wealth is ALWAYS created from the land.

Money is just an abstraction; the principles that support money are fluid.

Money is just a utility, but it is a personal choice to weaponize it.

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I am going over your comment and the puzzle is getting clearer all of the time. Thank you for sharing everything. The original slot machines came from Las Vegas and the Mafia. The sent in the floor bosses to train everyone from New Jersey. It’s a very small world.

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Exactly the same game plan only instead of floor bosses from Jersey, it's bosses from Beijing. Everytime I open a can it's full of worms.

God Bless.

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My Deep Thought for today: maybe the “Bioweapon” is what really killed George? There has to be a way to track it in all of the first round of deaths.

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wow. you just put some things together that I had no idea of until now. thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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I felt the same way when I read the original post about the counterfeit money and it being headed to the casinos which are perfect for laundering bad dollars.

The Native Nations, like the one I'm a citizen of, are so entwined and beholden to the Chinese by this point, I can easily see how the Chinese could pull this off.

So damn sneaky! And by flooding the US with bad dollars, all our money becomes worth less and less. No wonder the cost of everything is skyrocketing.

I really detest what the casinos have done to the Nations. Made them like fat sows ready to be turned into bacon and brought about untold misery. The casinos have become "hotspots" of child sex trafficking and drug running and miles of other horrors. All under the banners of Native Nations and "family fun" and money as god. Sickening.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

Pirate -

I visited a few casinos in Atlanic City once. Made my skin crawl.

No windows.

No clocks.

Booze, blackjack, and one-armed bandits.

I get that the tribes saw "changes in the law" as an avenue to help their people.

Seems like the parable of the frog helping the scorpion across the river.

Please know that I admire the spirit and heritage of the Native peoples of America.

We are all in need of the great Spirit's guidance.

We cannot eat gold...

and money cannot buy wisdom.

Thank you for your comments in this section of the thread.

Much appreciated.

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I appreciate your insights. I was very suspicious of seeing casinos starting to appear amongst tribes in the Southwest. it was simple pattern recognition: it was clearly incongruent, cognitively dissonant. Very sad, but not surprising.

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You triggered a memory for me with your call name. My grandfather was a co-owner of a Studebaker dealership in Kansas in the 50’s. Yea, it’s a small world!😜Bell Motor Co., \ 325 Santa Fe\ Salina, KS (C 1951) Ref... (21 Jan 2013) https://studebaker-info.org/Dealers/KSdealers.html

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Nice site. People love those old cars. They are beauties and durable as heck. One of the primary reasons Ford, et al, ran them out of business cuz Ford wanted to make cheap cars that didn't last forever like Studebakers. To make people buy cars more often.

We are all related with that last name. The first known Studebaker was a pirate who controlled the port of Hamburg which was the largest northernmost port in Europe at the time. When he got too old to hold the port (that's what most pirates actually did - rule ports), he immigrated to America and started making covered wagons which is why the Studebaker logo is the name across a wagon wheel. Like on your grandfather's website. Most of the wagons the pioneers used to cross America were Studebakers because they were so well-built. Pirate Studebaker coined the name "prairie schooner" after the ship. Anyway, the Studebakers went on to make cars and then lost it all. The name still means something to people but that and some beautiful old cars are all that's left. Though you can still have custom made Avanti built in Canada last I heard. The Avanti was a heck of a car. They all are really. Your grandfather was selling an excellent car that regular people could actually afford to buy.

Yes, My Dear, it is a very small world indeed. Amazing connection.

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My only connection to Studebaker is Zappa's character

"Studebaker Hawk" (from Billy The Mountain), I think also a model of a car.

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Ok Crew, the next step is to look at; Who ran cover for this Shitshow and Why. Every investigation has a WHO, What, where, when, why and True Issue. I am betting a beer that “All roads lead to Rome”.

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Since 2020, definitely the Fall of America. I guess the masks are never coming off, and the price of housing is never coming down, and the middle class is never coming back. At least where I live. Get your STEM slave job and take your jab and buy everything from Amazon and hyper focus on race. The new America.

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I hope your are being sarcastic.

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I’m not being sarcastic in the slightest. I feel like America has fallen over the last 3+ years, exactly as the globalists want.

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You aren't wrong. It has fallen. Note none of the 'states' (even the so called red ones) stepped up for the J6ers despite the plethora of violations of law the persecutors of the J6ers committed (all under cover of 'national security'). Nontice that none of the 'red' states revised their medical codes to avoid 'isolation camps for the sick' (in fact all 50 now have such laws - new even - on the books. Hello Gulag States for when 'misinformation' becomes a thought crime deemed worthy of the gulag camp), . The devaluation of the dollar started with the Gold Window closing in Nixon's era and the launching of 'credit cards' for the masses in the 70s, then continued on... the Fed printing out billions of TARP and QE1 and QE2...in the early 2000s, and into the 20teens, let's cue up the printing presses! The counterfeit dollars from China? Chump change at the rate we are printing (and spending) sending billions and billions to Ukraine, on Covid 'relief", etc. Just look around. Its not hard to see what's going down. Like that old song says 'the rich get richer and the poor get poorer! And the ones in the middle slip to the bottom, so at last you've got the elite and the masses and nothing between. Viva la dictatorship, viva tyranny, viva technofascism! Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. They told you what they planned, you just refused to see hear or believe it. Oh, and most Americans? Nice people, but useless when it comes to defending their rights. Ballot boxes are rigged, judges are corrupt.. the whole system is a rotting edifice. Tune out and drop out and start planning to make your life as least dependent on 'civilization' as you can. Because ours is going to go blewy, bye bye in a radioactive cloud, or die with a whimper as everyone is jabbed, shorted out, clotted up and brain shocked into oblivion...

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Unfortunately, I agree with you completely. There is a relatively small group of these demonic psychopaths steering us toward—whatnare Kutzwell’s words—“grand uniformity” or whatever. No more nation states, except when it’s convenient to get us to kill one another. Every war a psy-op (with real casualties) to launder more money and institute greater technocratic control. It’s terrifying seeing this materialize before my eyes. I pray for us.

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I just mean to say that your recommendation to acquiesce is not something of which I approve. I refuse to give in or give up.

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I’m not giving up. But I am very tired.

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I understand. We all are. They want us not only "tired," but beaten. I do not assume that you are beaten. and defeated. Time to regroup, rest, and then return to the task and the fray.

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If you have children/grandchildren, then of course you understand that no matter how tired we are we must do this for them and for the generations to come. Put sand in their tank any way you can, even if it's a little bit.

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Do not comply...just saying.

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Before the 1980s, the mafia was the FBI/CIA's go-to for foreign and domestic hit jobs. But with the psychopathic rise of cartel's like MS-13, our bureaucracies now have access to millions of expendable sicarios with little risk of connecting the killers to their contractors. In this way, a "hit" can appear like a random act of violence without connecting the bureaucrats who ordered the hit.

Now that the entire world knows of the growing population of America's political prisoners, every hour of Derrick Chauvin's false imprisonment further discredits the bureaucracies that lynched him to sanctify George Floyd as the Democrat Party's black Übermensch. To those bureaucracies, an innocent casualty like Officer Chauvin is easily resolved.

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Gen Patton moved through Sicily, Americans died in an Italian bloodbath under a 3rd rate USA Gen. Mark Clark. Many shots were fired, many died, despite the cooperation of the Mafia.

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Of course not.

Wars are depop exercises and resource and real estate grabs.

Dig up Sean Hross and

"The Horus Matrix".

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

Hross did a video at the Normandy Beach Memorial, discussed the "live rounds", (and the casualties), covered up at UK's Slapton Sands rehearsal, BEFORE the invasion.

He then discussed the fields of fire that made the landing so deadly for so many.

He calls it "The Horus Matrix".

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Apparently not in everyones' calculations.

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Depends on If you were the dead, then it could be considered "total" I suppose.

Not to worry, We will probably get to experience the "Totals" flying here in the USSA, which prudence would indicate some pre-parations, imo.

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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Everything depends on How you died. We are All Dead Men walking a Mortal road. That the "Road" repeats is another discussion, but if so, then Why the timidity in the face of Tyranny.

They say Cigars killed U.S. Grant, but then the Bell Tolls for everyone, smoker or not.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Make sure you see the Alhambra.

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Would you believe me if I told you I have direct views of it from two of my (attic apartment) windows? swoon!

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Is it snowing in the mountains?

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"The public donated over $90 million to BLM after Floyd’s death."

Oh my, don't they know how to milk the punters with their psyops.

Celia! George Floyd was a completely staged event - Nobody Died Nobody Got Hurt (NDNGH)!

This is an interesting video on the "tree" discrepancy.


Various discrepancies


Just go to Bitchute and put in George Floyd psyop / hoax and there are plenty of videos. Not saying that everything said in the videos is accurate, however, it is beyond obvious that the event was completely staged - which is the usual way. They're injuring, maiming and killing people unconscionably now with the jab (and before with the other measures) but generally speaking staged events are cases of NDNGH. And the thing is it's always the opposite - they're telling us they're saving people with the jab while they're killing them. When they tell you people are being killed that's when they're not.

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Yup, indeed. But the socialists are ALWAYS looking for pretexts to adopt their parasitic socioeconomic agenda. Derek Chauvin ceased to be a human being and became the socialists battle cry even though their narrative is pure fiction.

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What is "NDNGH"? Thanks.

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Nobody Died Nobody Got Hurt - commonly used among us hardcore psyop analysts.

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deletedDec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023
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Most are both. Real and faked in order to keep people endlessly debating which side is "right". The two pillars of duality which hold up the lies. As long as we are distracted with "who killed JFK" (for example) and argue over "who killed JFK" we will never actually know who killed JFK. Mind control.

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I think they're pretty good with following their Revelation of the Method rule so they always give signs of what the real truth is underneath the layers of propaganda - what's important to realise is that for big events they have layers of propaganda. And these multiple layers form a False Dilemma - and within that essential False Dilemma there will be dilemmas for particular elements, eg, for 9/11 we are told nuclear, DEWs, normal explosives ... when in fact I think it's pretty obvious it was normal explosives. They give us what seems as though there are two choices to believe:

A: X did it

B: Y did it

when reality is C: it wasn't a straight case of A or B, the event is entirely different from what has been put forward.

9/11 and JFK are two showcase examples of the False Dilemma propaganda strategy.

9/11 false dilemma

A. Terrrrrorists

B. Big bad US govt

when it was the Big Bad US govt (with lots of assistance) but the death and injury were staged so, effectively, 9/11 was a massive demolition job cum Anti-Terror Exercise pushed out as a real event and they TELL us this very clearly in having journalists comment on no dead or injured going to hospital, unconvincing injured people, ludicrous miracle survivor stories and ludicrous testimonies from firefighters. They completely preyed on the emotions of those who they knew would believe them and on the emotions of the people who they knew wouldn't believe their nonsense story.


JFK false dilemma

A. Lone gunman

B. Cabal

when it was C. Nobody Died Nobody Got Hurt (NDNGH) - completely staged. Neither JFK nor Lee Harvey Oswald were killed and John Connally wasn't injured. I think actually John Connally's alleged injury is such a clear testimony that the whole thing was faked. The magic bullet theory is ludicrous and there is no clear evidence of his injury. Do we really think that they would have had a sharpshooter who almost made a clear shot ... but just stuffed it up slightly so that someone else got caught a little in the line of fire? No! That is not how they conduct their psyops. Psyops are very, very controlled affairs. Regardless, the evidence clearly shows fakery from numerous angles.

I kept thinking, "Why would JFK participate in his fake assassination? It makes no sense to me," which doesn't really mean anything as I know so little about politics generally, I just have a bent for psyops, but then no one else has supplied a convincing one either. Last night a reason occurred to me, however. He was from a very Catholic family and especially at that time he wouldn't have wanted to get divorced, especially as President at that time, so maybe it had something to do with he and his wife wanting to divorce ... not really a great reason but that's all I've come up with.


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While I appreciate what you're saying people did die on 911. I was living there and I knew people who died. I do think JFK was killed. It makes no sense that any of these events are entirely false. People are killed and things are faked. Both are true and neither are the truth. That's the point. Confusion and duality. All is fake and no one died or everyone is dead at the demented hands of a lone gunman/terrorists. Then there are the many sub-truths within the pillars themselves that serve to distract and calcify the confusion.

The two pillars of duality. As long as we align with one pillar or the other we hold up the lie and the truth is never revealed.

It's interesting to hear your POV and thanks for clarifying the acronym.

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I know someone who knows someone who allegedly died - and have seen comments from people who knew people who were married to someone who allegedly died and so on - and I cannot say no one died or was injured, however, when you look at the evidence presented none of it is convincing and some of it completely undermines authenticity notably the "oral" histories from the firefighters.

1. There is no orality in these testimonies, no recording, it's just transcript - where are the recordings?

2. There is not a single reference in any of the 118 testimonies to the deaths of any of their 343 colleagues. How is that possible?

3. The testimonies give nonsense routes from fire station to WTC, say nonsense about a mask leaking from high pressure coupling when that item is hose-related not mask-related and much more.


Let's work through the logic

We can see how thousands of health professionals have been propagandised and coerced into injecting millions of people (who've submitted to it) with toxic substances on the back of over a century of fraudulent medical science ... but how do you get demolition professionals to only partly evacuate buildings before destroying them? There's no propaganda basis for that.

"Hey, guys, completely against your professional ethos we want you to only partially evacuate the buildings before destroying them for our terror story. We don't really need to kill the people for real because - after all - we're faking all the deaths of the 265 passengers in the faked plane crashes but for the buildings we want it real so just partly evacuate the buildings before destroying them so we kill a few thousand."

We can also see clear participation by media and agency staff.

What's really important to bear in mind is that propaganda works better the less it corresponds with reality and psyops aren't about doing things for real, psyops are about mind control using smoke'n'mirrors - they work on the principles of magic. They didn't want to kill people on 9/11 (whereas they clearly do now) so they didn't and it simply wouldn't have been practicable apart from other reasons.

People will know people who allegedly died, that's part of the staged death and injury hypothesis. No one died in a plane crash and people will know the alleged victims but that doesn't mean the airliners crashed - they clearly didn't and we have no evidence that the people died another way. Can you think of any reason the people you knew might be happy to disappear?

It's the evidence that counts. Check out my page on JFK which includes links to other analysts (mine isn't much).

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Hello, Two-Cents.

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Glad you are where you are! Enjoy the swoons and more. Photos, please?

Thank you for this update and film recommendation.

Setting aright the inversions is vital, recognizing the wrongs is necessary, and all of it is sometimes / often excruciating.

Far better than the alternative. I am grateful to no longer be a sleepwalker.

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Yes, the make believe world I lived in my whole life has been shattered by the psychopaths who try to control this monstrosity they’ve unleashed. It’s been an un-pleasant awakening. But! No more sleepwalking. Good times!

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Waking Up In the Matrix is Disconcerting, Staying Asleep, or as one of my favorite songs from my Hippy Dippy Daze comes true 50 years later, Prescient Indeed !!!

Pink Floyd's .... "Comfortably Numb", is the Alternative.... "Another Brick in the Wall"

Welcome to the USSA, Comrades.

PinkFloyd - 38 Sucessos


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I am leaning towards the Ramones, “I Want To Be Sedated.”

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Great reporting, Celia, thank you. All new to me. Perhaps, at last, we will come near the truth of the matter?

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How exciting Celia! All these events and info coming out now. Wake everyone up!

Organized crime is in the house.

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The US government IS organized crime now, not separate from Pfizer in any meaningful way.

Bourla is a thug, oozing oil, telling people to inject the very profitable toxxine "out of love".

It really is sickening.

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Bourla, who never took his own jab......

Ever since the FIB/ATF butchery of Americans at Waco for my "awakening."

Historically there are many Earlier awakenings ... but whenever; .....

It's What is Done with Increased Personal Awareness that matters.

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Indeed , I’m trying to sue the snake oil salesman, pursuant to the False Claims Act . the GD Federal “judge” dismissed the lawsuit because -Somehow- he “concluded” that it was one against the federal government.

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thanks for the movie, sad to see how these cops got railroaded.

Genevieve Hansen, the off-duty EMT, seems like a FBI plant. anybody notice how scripted her interaction with the cops was at the scene? and she's just as hostile during cross-examination by the defense attorney.

i wish officer lane hadn't been so confrontational from the start. floyd was obviously too high to kill anybody but himself. which he eventually did.

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Thank you so much for airing this Celia. What a travesty of justice, and the supreme court didn't have the guts to retry Chauvin based on new evidence. I'm happy for you because you are in Spain. Enjoy yourself.

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I've never watched anything about the trial before, and felt for other reasons that this was allowed to explode far too much for whipping up race issues during Trump's tenure. What I listened to in this documentary, however, was a man who I think was told he was going to die that day and he was trying to avoid getting to that point. Listening to his pleas from the get-go, and then as he was being put in the car, it sounded to me like he had previously been told he was going to die that day. It wouldn't surprise me if he'd been previously injected with something that was going to kill him regardless of what happened. They just needed a black man to die that day in order to light off a powder keg.

That the media and judge suppressed evidence to show this just shows you how much this is staged for the result to spiral out of control.

It's unbelievable what the police chief and city council people said!

Again, this is my first time watching any of this. I actually tuned it all out, and also called out BLM supporters for the organization being akin to a terrorist group. I had heard from business owners that they were being extorted by BLM for shakedown money, otherwise something bad might happen to their business.

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"Events So Horrendous, We "Should" Never Wonder If An Entire Nation Can Become Possessed."

You/Me/We "Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda" Know Better, but the Hilarity Rotten Clintoons cackle on endlessly and Kissinger smiles from beyond the pale. Justice Delayed is Justice Denied. Leaving "It All to God" is an Abdication of Your/Our Responsibility as Sentient Beings.

I wish us all Well in Hell, if you get my drift.

"If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

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The infrastructure of a psy-op was waiting. This is an integral part of deliberate destruction of this country and the West, in general. This will not stop until we take the power away from the Criminals behind the curtains. They want us to bicker about lies thrown at us. The most radical thing we can do to save ourselves is to refuse to believe anything they say, and refuse to be divided against our fellow human beings. When they open their mouths, laugh at them!

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wonder how long it takes to plan these psyops.... don;t really need to beperfect as there is the propaganda media to cover up flaws and other things also... but to expose these takes a longtime and great effort.... meanwhile the 'truth' of the psyop has become part of the foundational truth of the public mind

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So wait... A case that police folded in order to promote an agenda, which could be true...

Somehow it absolves the abuse elsewhere?

After this whole thing, police continued to be authoritarian... In France, in Canada, in the USA. So I'm gonna say this, everyone crying about police losing power, how come they can fkin shut down protests still?

Isn't that ironic? The defense of excessive force lead to them using it on people who protested covid etc.

Cause y'all Uncle Tom's defended excessive force... Back the blue, right?

Guess what, even if he was messed up on fentanyl, kneeling on the neck can kill even a sober person and that's why Chauvin didn't allow a cop to do it to him for whatever minutes, because he knows he wouldn't do well in that situation. Basic fkingg biology... Seriously, would he be cool with another cop doing that to his son? NO. So why are y'all defending him? Are you all ok with officers being able to kneel on the neck of you or your family? I dare any of you to say yes. Especially after the covid thing. Tell me you are ok with a medical stress incident like that!


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Rob, did you watch the documentary? I didn't open up a sphere of discussion here for all cops everywhere all the time.

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Read the coroner’s report.

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Read what Pierre Kory wrote.

Coroners have political and legal pressure. They can sway data either way.

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For Rob.

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In my list.

I'm not denying the point that it was used politically. It clearly was used to push an agenda.

This does not absolve the actions done which started this mess.

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Some shots I saw the leg of officer was on his upper back, not neck. Did we watch the same film? Medical stress, ?George fought the whole time, yes if my family member acted as George did, who was all drugged out, I would have to accept my family member greatly contributed to their death. Did you miss all the blatant lies , corrupted officials? All the lies? This event staged, as covid you mentioned is and the force of police with covid is just as wrong. It is ALL planned, as in on purpose. Family got 27 million, announced before trial? I stand by the officers, there needs to be a new trial for them. Wake up, this oppression is for all.

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Mary, are you addressing Rob (c137?)

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Not if Dr Pierre Kory, who we know isn't a liar... Said it was not from overdose.

The procedures killed him period. That's why they stopped it after the outroar. But still the departments are cool with excessive force like Canada did on the truckers.

Why do you automatically defend police? There's other ways to restrain a suspect, especially if he was intoxicated.

If there was proof of it not being on the neck, where's the videos?

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Why does who automatically "defend the police?" What is "automatically?" I reviewed a very evidence-centered film. Rob, I ask again, did you watch it?

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Look, it seems that our friend Rab there is a troll - emotionally driven useful idiot who doesn't want to be bothered with facts and other minor details when he can feel a sense of superiority by telling others what he just knows is the case. He is fully invested in the narrative promulgated by what are in essence the forces of evil (thus the 'useful idiot" mention) and has no desire to expand his worldview to include reality.

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You're right. He writes the same unfounded junk everywhere. He's a tool whether he knows he's a tool or not. Probably not even getting paid.

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Well, to be fair, spending the 12 minutes to watch the movie means he would miss what, about 25 or so TikTok videos? And that would mean the CCP won't be able to indoctrinate him further...

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Notice the additional lack of logical reasoning that this Rob (c137) uses. For example: "Not if Dr Pierre Kory, who we know isn't a liar... Said it was not from overdose." This is childish reasoning. One does not have to impugn Dr. Kory's honesty in order to question his medical conclusions --- which I do by the way.

I just responded above to this Rob (c137) fellow, but I will not any longer. HE is not adding to the rational discussion. And we need to have a rational discussion and inquiry. This story is a mess on multiple levels and I am open to multiple hypotheses until things clarify themselves.

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I do not automatically defend the police, but in this incident, seeing video cams that were not released for trial, and all the rest, it is so obvious what this was. Anyway I am glad police are here, like recently when my car was vandalized, at this stage of the world's collapsing, I am glad they are there, knowing some are rotten, but still glad they are still here.

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I read Kory's faulty and distanced "diagnosis" I disagree. But then again, I don't take toxic jabs because people in the health industry demand them. Did you actually WATCH the film?

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People are being emotional not having watched the film.

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That the were some views of a need on a shoulder blade does not preclude the knee being on the neck for an extended period of time. The knee on the neck is not likely to kill, as people even here -- and elsewhere -- keep repeating.


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Mr. "Rob (c137) Please do some homework.

Your statement, following, is irresponsible: "Guess what, even if he was messed up on fentanyl, kneeling on the neck can kill even a sober person and that's why Chauvin didn't allow a cop to do it to him for whatever minutes, because he knows he wouldn't do well in that situation."


I am, however, open to levels of deeper inquiry, some of which are very curious indeed.

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If you wanted the easy proof of your side or mine it's simple.

Chauvin should have volunteered to have done to him what was done to Floyd.

If he is fine after that, he's innocent.

If not, we know that stance is fucked up.

Hey, instead of Chauvin, how about you volunteer in his place to prove your point?

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Yeah...let's get rid of all law enforcement. I'm sure we will all fare well under the rule of the mob not the rule of law. That's the ticket...

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Where did I or others say that we want to get rid of law enforcement?

My point is that these types of holds are dangerous.

There's no need for him to put weight by his neck, especially when he was under the influence and facing a panic attack. There's other methods used by police all over the country and the world that have less risk of causing injury or death.

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