You didn't hear? This is fine now. I just went to a ranch in Wyoming and changed the locks. Now I own it. It belongs to someone called Liz, the daughter of war criminal Dick Cheney. Come on over, I'm having a BBQ this weekend.

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Was just gonna say “when can we throw Chelsea out?” what about Obamas kids? Hell,all of them. THE WORLD IS INSANE

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Political property seizure is never going to end well!

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Trudeau set the standard, now even NATO & the EU are following.

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We are all Ukraineburgers now!

Got to sign off now for my morning two minutes of hate.

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I think we can work out what happens when folk lose property rights, ye know, like Canadian Truckers. I for one have divested investments I had with RBC, who seemed surprised at my reasons for this - duh! In essence when we lose trust ih the institutions that we are supposed to trust, well then we're no better than any banana republic.

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We ARE no better than a 'banana republic'. It seems all hell is lose now and no government is any better than the formerly known as .... In fact I am considering moving to one. At least they did not oblige their citizens to take poisonous jabs

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Handy if you want a villa.

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In Klaus' 4th Reich, you will own nothing and be happy. May as well start at the top.

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Doesn't apply to the Aristocracy of butt-kissers who will all live in the lap of luxury as long as they show total puppy dog obedience.

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I find it hard to believe Putin's daughter hasn't got one single, solitary security guard to protect the prroperty, in time of WAR ...

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I’m sure the folks doing the seizing are just perfect little angels

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property only has value if property rights are respected.

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...if property rights are enforced by the police. So why aren't police doing that? Because the ppl breaking in work for MI5, or the CIA, etc., I'm guessing.

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I might like to have one of their yachts, but I can't afford the gas🙄

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Why so few bathrooms.

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"Random", my ass.

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I am expecting the dwellers in the tent cities of the USA (formerly referred to as Hoovervilles) to start seizing physical assets of Amazon, Tesla, Google, Apple, and Micro$oft any moment, to the total indifference of our "authorities." (Bonus question - Who was Elon Musk's Canadian grandfather?)

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More likely, they will seize the houses and other physical assets of you and I instead, and it will be deemed justice.

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Elon Musk is one of the good guys. He is on the side of the people and hated by the Parasite Class of Banksters & Bean-Counters. Imagine someone acquiring great wealth by actually producing something useful instead of financial trickery and the extraordinary gift of private money creation.

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I completely disagree. None of the stuff he is making is useful to people.

1) Tesla Motors - making a low quality self-incinerating electric car. Totally tied to the fake “climate change” psy-op. Electric cars are necessary to install instructions from central headquarters such as “I am sorry, Dave, but I cannot do that.” Why does this company which produces a tiny percentage of the world’s cars have a vastly greater capitalization than Toyota?

2) Space-X - contracted to put into orbit 10k or more satellites spraying us with 5 and 6 G radiation whether we want it or not.

3) Neuralink - welcome to the world of involuntary perceptions via microwaves.

Musk only appears to be a "good guy" because he appears to be “cool” to many of the millennials. You really think that the purported richest man in the world can obtain this fortune in about 10 years without having Schwab’s global young leader booster rockets welded to his ass?

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1) Nope. Electric vehicles are far superior to ICE vehicles. Why do you think all the major Auto companies are changing to EVs? Once the charging infrastructure is in place, you have to consider whether you are willing to spend 6X as much on fuel, an amount as you know is rapidly increasing. And much higher amounts on maintenance. Much lower reliability. And much lower total vehicle mileage for a vehicle that has greatly inferior performance. Go to DragTimes on Youtube and see how superior the Model S Plaid is to ICE vehicles. They usually ban them from competition due to how badly they beat big gas guzzling ICE vehicles.

So that has nothing to do with climate change mitigation. It is compatible with that as a happy coincidence.

2) Nonsense, in fact it replaces 5G and does not emit radiation. He's build rockets 5X faster, 1000X cheaper($/lb to orbit) and 4X more capable than the Aristocrat run Big Military Industrial Giants.

3) Neuralink is potentially a way to allow paraplegics to regain some use of their limbs. A laudable goal. Give up on this nutty Transhumanism fable being spread by Know-Nothings. Some people read too much Sci-Fi. Maybe, hopefully, possible one day Neuralink will be a method to have a better typewriter. So you can mentally transmit text to a computer. It would be handy dandy. But no I ain't interested in getting a hole in my head in order to type faster.

The REAL "transhumanism" of concern by a factor of a 1000X is this mRNA DNA editing (compulsory through vaccine mandates) which even the Covid vaccine does. That is a dangerous path that is right here, right now. Believe it. Forget Neuralink.

Musk has been the exact opponent of the Davos Bankster Parasite Psychopaths:

1) Against the Covid lockdowns, masks & vaccines right from the beginning. He wouldn't wear a mask, if he had to he wore a Texas bandanna which he just lifted up over his nose. Said he got tested 4 times in one day and got 4 different results. Moved his base from California to Texas due to their stupid lockdowns

2) He calls for INCREASING human population NOT drastically reducing it.

3) Remember he developed PayPal. He states that money is just information, a metric that measures the relative value of goods and services. The exact opposite of the criminal Banksters who demand we worship money as a god that only they control.

4) Musk promotes Dogecoin as the "People's currency". And states he wants to use that as a decentralized Mars currency. No central bank needed. No Bankster criminal parasite monopolists wanted.

5) Opposite to the Malthusian Davos Bankster birdbrains, Musk believes in expanding the human species, not contracting it, colonizing Mars and other worlds. The Banksters advocate "Limits on Growth", "Club of Rome" enforced World poverty for the people (except for them & their Toadies who will live in the lap of luxury). They want population reduction and a feudal society.

6) Musk strongly advocated for the Trucker Convoys and their message of freedom. The Banksters despised them with a passion and demanded their funding be stolen.

7) Musk runs his companies the exact opposite of these snot-swallowing, ivory tower, Aristocrats do. He is old school. He gets right down & dirty with the shop floor employees. He will sleep at the factory and get his hands dirty on the assembly line. Most of the Corporate execs nowawdays are just bean counters & aristocrat stooges, only interested in profiting through financial trickery.

8) While the Davos gang is advocating for reducing energy consumption via their "Great Reset" and ESG plan. Musk is calling for more gas drilling, reopening Nuclear power plants, expanding energy production. He wants economic growth, they want economic contraction.

9) For Mars Governance Musk is advocating for a decentralized Direct Democracy. The exact opposite of what the Davos Elitists want. They want centralized Tyranny of the most incompetent = Them.

10) Musk is creative. He is a builder. He makes things. The Davos Bankster criminals only destroy, create one economic recession or depression after another. They are the penultimate Parasites, produce nothing, good for nothing, extraordinary Wealth just because of who they are not because of what they accomplish which is much, much less than nothing. If we got rid of all these Davos Bankster Financialization creeps the World be a far better place in every way.

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We will just have to agree to disagree (on many points in your last comment) and let readers here decide and the years to pass unfolding the truth.

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I'm with you on this one. Like Mark Zuckerberg, Musk is an Intel creation while playing the role of independently wealthy entrepreneur and government critic. Feigns being an opponent of “all government subsidies” (https://www.mic.com/impact/elon-musk-build-back-better-tesla-subsidies) while receiving billions in government subsidies. He has publicly stated that he’s against the insane Build Back Better Act and other climate-change-based socialist programs, but…he’s as pro-climate-change as anyone given his “climate change is the biggest threat that humanity faces this century” and pro-carbon-tax stance. Obvious controlled opposition.

He’s reportedly worth $151 billion. Fortunately (or depending on how you look at it), you don’t get to be that insanely wealthy without help. To wit, by 2015, Musk had received $4.9 billion in government subsidies (https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-hy-musk-subsidies-20150531-story.html) and since then, the largesse from governments both state and federal has only grown (https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-list-government-subsidies-tesla-billions-spacex-solarcity-2021-12?op=1#spacex-signs-a-653-million-contract-with-the-us-air-force-in-2020-2). In 2021, for example, NASA gave SpaceX $2.89 billion. But, alas!, he’s down on subsidies as he pretends to bite the hand that feeds him.

He’s also been linked to Mike Griffin, Administrator of NASA from 2005 to 2009 and former COO of In-Q-Tel, which is a company that “invests in high-tech companies for the sole purpose of keeping the Central Intelligence Agency, and other intelligence agencies, equipped with the latest in information technology in support of United States intelligence capability” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In-Q-Tel). Wiki gives us this on the connection between Musk and Griffin: “In 2002, Griffin was President and COO of In-Q-Tel, a private enterprise funded by the CIA to identify and invest in companies developing cutting-edge technologies that serve national security interests. During this time, he met entrepreneur Elon Musk and accompanied him on a trip to Russia where they attempted to purchase ICBMs. The unsuccessful trip is credited as directly leading to the formation of SpaceX. Griffin was an early advocate for Musk calling him a potential ‘Henry Ford for the rocket industry.’”

Incidentally, the first name of Elon Musk’s oldest son is Griffin.

I think it’s pretty obvious the guy is a plant.

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So I’m the dummy..Who!?

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Here's hoping. (But I'm not holding my breath.)

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Sorry Jill, I forgot to end my comment with an irony mark.

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Mar 14, 2022
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IMHO it's more of a divide-and-conquer tactic, to make (ordinary) ppl believe other ordinary ppl are looters, so (ordinary) ppl are going to be fearful of other (ordinary) ppl, as w/ BLM. Meanwhile, it's agents provocateurs who are doing the looting, probably to provide an excuse for ramping up the police state. Prove me wrong.

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Yeah, this is critical. Propaganda via gov’t-based media platforms like FB and Twitter works by exploiting the non-thinking types who are so readily susceptible to this kind of garbage. Simple messages delivered through short text or media posts such as on Twitter result mostly in emotional reactions from people who are really just robots. They’ve been trained to only read and react – “read” meaning of 2–3 sentence messages, images, and short videos — and they’ve been inundated by this evil stuff for years. It also enables “organizations” like Antifa (Intel operations, actually) to be created with a ready set of members. Those members are outright thugs or otherwise indoctrinated lunatics (“libtards”), full to the brim with the basest of emotions and who can act only through verbal (screaming and shouting) and physical attacks. We’ve seen it over and over (even here on occasion in the comment sections). Gov’t propaganda exploits these types and Intelligence operations can use them to effect whatever outcomes they want.

It also reveals what the gov’t’s real agenda is: destruction of civilization.

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Destruction of civilization FOR THE 98%.

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Mar 14, 2022
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YES; BUT Trudeau did that, not ordinary folks.

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