Cassidy "aye." !!!!! That's it? Right?

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They sit there with their great concerns over Kennedy’s lack of “medical” expertise, yet a corrupt pedo like Gates is allowed to inject anyone or any being with anything.

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So why are none of our representatives in either house questioning Gates' apparent freedom to impose his own policies on the American people - without any checks or balances?

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I have the same question. I think we’ll get our answer once we see how this new administration handles Gates.

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Like any billionaire, he can pay anyone to do anything.

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He’s poisoning people. He’s poisoning animals and the earth. So many people oppose his actions! I’m waiting to see what happens with new leadership.

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Trying to figure out how Gates saved Portland......? Guess I don't watch enough TV....lol

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Excellent point ELLE310

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Confusionus say: Don't count your chickens until they've been confirmed.

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Don't count your chickens until they've been bird flu'd.


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On point. I know the formula.

Bob had a 1,000,000 chicken's X they all had "bird flu" sez the USDA 0 = how many chickens did Bob really have.

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Wish it were funny.

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RFK Jr: Chief Justice threatens a $5.6 Quadrillion Lawsuit vs Vaccine Injuries, Covid Measures & Crimes Against Humanity? vs Bernie Sanders in Senate Hearing citing VAERS & VSAFE (NurembergTrials.net) https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-announces-56-quadrillion-lawsuit

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14-13. [edit] what happens now?

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He's still now got to go to the full Senate vote, which may be another tie-breaker for Vance to resolve if Collins, McConnell and Murkowski vote against him which seems likely. Still, I think he will squeeze through.

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If not, Trump will do on out of session appointment, screw 'em.

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Nicole Shanahan now knows who to fund their challengers come the next time they are up for reelection. Warnock, the POS from Georgia, is a big target.

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The reason why Nicole Shanahan's promise will be threatening is that Nicole is not seeking a ROI - Return on Investment for a campaign contribution. Most (all!) wealthy donors want some favor from their politician, it's rare that a challenger will get a blank check to defeat an incumbent.

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I'm not really interested in his testimony since he emphasized over and over that he supports vaccines and all his kids are vaxxed, etc. etc. etc. One can opine that he is saying what he needs to in order to get in. But people already knew his stance, he should have stuck by what he has said before, that he opposes most of the childhood vaccines. FFS, he is the one who backed a study - the first study ever done - proving that unvaccinated children are much healthier.

I have not watched the entire hearings, but from what I could see, he's just on the defense while a bunch of harpies and demons scream at him to protect their cushy big pharma donors. This is like a bad shit-show/circus.

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It's definitely a circus, but it's worse. To watch that hearing, and Tulsi's & Kash Patel's (though to a lesser degree) these hearings were not just partisan theatrics but hazing rituals. RFK Jr. knows how to play politics and that's what he'll do before being able to get anything worthwhile done. Trump has already set the tone toward tearing things apart and rooting out a lot of the rot in DC and IF Kennedy gets in he'll get to work. People need to keep in mind that they're up against deeply entrenched organized crime with its roots in weapons of war.

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"Trump has already set the tone..."

Yep, he filled the Swamp, AGAIN.

Trump appoints Deep State.

That tells me RFK Jr is Deep State.

Oh, and who did he appoint to the most powerful position in DC? Susie Wiles, the lobbyist for PFIZER!

Time to take the red pill.

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Of course he is. He's an elite. RFK, Jr. is surrounded and part of the Hollywood elite. Mump (Musk-controlled Trump) is also. To be honest, I've listened to my gut on these people and I just don't like them. I can like some stuff they do, but I'm also aware of their larger agenda. Frankly, RFK, Jr. gives me the creeps. I didn't like his family trashing him - and I get that they are probably controlled by big pharma - but they might also have legitimate reasons for being on the outs with him.

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Stop eating all those black pills. It's politics-- no one of sane mind would go in try to do everything they wish to do without having some consensus support in Congress, and yet Trump is already beginning to dismantle a lot in very little time. The grifters and phonies are terrified and it's palpable. This is unprecedented in I would hazard to say in anyone's lifetime in this country.

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All you have to do is look at Trump's appointments. Especially Acosta.

Was it really just coincidence that Diddy exploded at the same time that the Prime documentary on Prince Andrew and Epstein came out, because the 17 year old girl, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who brought sexual charges against Prince Andrew, testified that she was taken to Mar-a-Iago by Ghislaine Maxwell, and that she was “recruited from Mar-a-Iago” to have sex with Prince Andrew. Because from Mar-a-Iago to Epstein’s island is a boat ride.


Alexander Acosta is the corrupt U.S. State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!

And what happened to Acosta as a result???

In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!

By President Donald J. Trump.

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Are you being serious? Um, that was 8 years ago prior to Russiagate, a stolen election, the incessant and insane lawfare, assassination attempt, and anything and everything else I'm leaving out. Whole new ballgame, and the best phrase to keep in mind because politics is a dirty game-- always has been and always will be: "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good."

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Yep Benny, that was 8yrs ago, and one of the first things Donald Trump did in office, was to reward the corrupt U.S. State Attorney that let Donald's frat bro Epstein off, who was pimping girls to and from Mar-A-Lago, and Trump rewarded Acosta with a PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENT!

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Yes, the move towards total authoritarianism technocracy, smart cities and one world control, has never been attempted 'til now. If you don't think Mump is in on it - I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

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It's one thing to be skeptical at all times, or agnostic, or even cynical (been there and am always skeptical), but living as though life is just black is no way to exist. If that's your mind set why even pay attention or comment? If that's your outlook why are you staying alive? Sad. Just walk away and don't pay attention.

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Excuse me? You are so off it's beyond laughable. Go try your pseudo psychology on someone else.

Sheesh, what a moron.

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Sure. 5D chess, right?

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But more like the Art of War

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"The Art of War"

Keep your enemies closer right?

What a great idea!

Appoint your enemies to run your administration and govern America.

What a great idea!

Although I doubt Sun Tzu would think so. ;)

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THANK YOU. I didn't have the energy...

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Agree 💯

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We’ll said and far seeing.

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And if he openly said he was against vaccines, his nomination would be dead in the water.

Get through this circus and get the job, THEN do what is necessary.

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It's a clown show.

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Agree 💯 It is a clown show. On both sides. But he advances, so good news, while exposing the clowns 🤡 who screeched and said no.

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he doesn't oppose vaccines; he just wants them safe. since they haven't been and maybe can't be, made safe he's "lying" with facts

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that IS a good way to put it; unfortunate it has to "be" but, necessary . . .

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Hear! Hear!

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WELL said Mary Rose.

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Remember friends:

He clearly stated prior to this nomination:

One of his goals was:

"To reduce vaccine HESITANCY"....

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It's almost as if people refuse to hear what their savior of choice says, once they've decided to support them.

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Isn't it amazing?

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- “Vaccines have saved millions of lives.”

- “I want to increase vaccine uptake.”

- “I want to protect vaccines.”


- “Operation Warp Speed was an extraordinary success.” - RFK Jr.

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Sad that some of these senators think the only thing wrong with our healthcare system is getting more affordable care. They aren’t thinking in terms of getting healthy and needing no or less medical care…. Just how can people pay for it. They have no real vision. Grateful RFK is in even if it takes some time get things moving, he will move us in the best direction.

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I'm excited because I suspect they're going to make a big public show of stopping the children's vaxxines so it looks like Trump and RFK Jr. are kicking Big Pharmacide butt, because with the infertility mechanism in the vaxxines, they're isn't going to be a big market for children's vaxxines. So no real loss to Big Pharmacide...as long as they can avoid liability. ;)

Stopping the lobotomizing childrens vaxxine protocols would be HUGE!!!

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He already testified that he believes in the CDC vaccine schedule.....


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Why not wait and see what he does.

Not stab him in the back for what he maybe needed to say.

His actions will reveal whether he is there to clean house, or there to tear it down.

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No need for me to be let down (again and again). His boss captain warp speed, at best, will do a bait and switch. It's the art of the deal....."Take it, it's good"

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"...wait and see"

I have seen RFK Jr in action, Harry.

I worked for years against the Autism-causing children's vaxxines and I remember believing RFK Jr when he told us how together we could stop the poisoning of our children.

But that never happened.

What did happen is that in the years that RFK Jr has been portrayed to us as 'The Champion Of Anti-Vaxx', the Autism-causing children's vaxxine protocols have TRIPLED.

As has Autism in America.

I lost faith in RFK Jr years ago.

To me, he and Trump both are just lying Deep State actors and pharmaceutical reps.

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"Operation Warp Speed was an extraordinary success" - RFK Jr.

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The clot shot is not a vaccine. It's a gene therapy, as admitted in Big Pharma documents. It was designed and built by technocrats and eugenicists to reduce world population, and move survivors along the road to transhumanism. In their eyes, the project was a success. https://rumble.com/v6gpi2y-alex-jones-interviews-dr-david-martin-emergency-warning-to-trump-and-maga-f.html?e9s=src_v1_mfp

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right on. That is an outstanding interview, and David Martin knows what he is talking about, having "followed the money" for years now. This is going to DRASTIC if it is not stopped immediately!

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Oh. Peggy. I remember Peggy and her highly inflammatory newsletters . In fact when Covid was around and I was living in Oregon , she wrote an article stating the all of Trader Joe’s employees had to be vaccinated or lose their jobs. I called a number of Trader Joe’s and it was not the case. So I wrote to Peggy and she acknowledged my information and didn’t update or research further into the matter. I call bullshit.

And yes. I understood what he said. There’s much more out there contradicting that video , including his testimony at these hearings, to give credence to that one video. Eyes wide open.

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There were plenty who lost their jobs for noncompliance of the "mandate". Like cops, firemen, teachers, health care workers.....etc . Whom BTW, she trying to help.

Sorry your upset about TJ's "misinformation" But your evidence of one phone call leaves me wondering if your conclusion is accurate.

I see, discredit Peggy......good conclusion....ignore what's being said.

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No. I certainly made more than one phone call. She’s advocated for important issues, such as the one you mentioned , and I’m totally aligned with. I personally can’t relate to the “drama” in which it’s reported and if something is incorrect- well, rectify it.

I suppose my questioning her , by your standards, is not so different than her questioning RFK as being untrustworthy based on one report when by all other statements (and actions) he’s highly credible.

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Peggy Hall does write and present on important issues, but often takes ripples and turns them into big waves, her point-of-view, an honest opinion but I wouldn't assume it as fact.

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I think there's another way to go about stopping the vax into kids. Parents take their kids out of public schools and find/start schools of their own. The govt only has the public education system to force this on kids. If parents don't mind taking care of injured children, let them. If they're that stupid, maybe sterilization is a good thing. Keep fighting with school boards that get them nowhere, or they do nothing at all. Their choice. Everybody just say NO!

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When I was raising my kids, years ago, I had a religious exemption and every school and camp and doctor I dealt with wasn’t “ pleased” but it was legal. I still regret not homeschooling my children.

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You did the next best thing. You did what you could to protect their health.

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Whitney Webb just published a new article on "Unlimited Hangout" and was interviewed on "Redacted". She revealed that Trump has appointed the person who would be under Kennedy and "managing" operations at HHS and he is an mRNA Pharma shill. All the circus might be a moot point.

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I guess that's one way to shine a light on a rat.

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That would be Jim O'Neill. Should listen to what Whitney has to say about HIM.


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This interview was also on the "Redacted" YouTube channel 3 days ago.

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Look over here...... and see Bobby! That's what he's there for....To keep hope alive ;~(

Can't wait for all Bobby bashing parroted verbatim BS from the sheeple and talking heads.....UGH!

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We have to fight to get a half truther in office while the duopoly tows the line and continues to propagate the scientific fraud that is virology and vaccines.

I know , I’m preaching to the choir.

Thanks for posting the link .

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Choices are limited as to who would be allowed to fill the position, but some just want anarchy I guess like that will work, or fix anything for that matter.

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First let me correct my diagnosis. We have demons in all three houses. It is obvious, and the demon is Mammon. For it is clear the root of all evil is the love of money.

I know not of the organizations and the processes of which you speak but am aware of the US being a corporation.! Guess you’ll have to start there.

I’m into educating just as you are.

I’m trying to help people understand this is going to get worse before it gets better.

Maybe your solution is the only bone that makes sense. I don’t know.

Maybe it’s a supernatural solution.

Maybe it’s both.

Keep fighting the good fight and thank you for the info.

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Well if you have a demon in your house,

you perform an exorcism.

In this case, you have demons in both houses, so let’s just pretend something good will result from everyone pretending there are no demons.

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So do your exorcism then, or join the American States Assemblies and stop being a U.S. Citizen correct you status and become a State National and then complete your 928's to become a part of the 2nd body of the American government and learn the difference between Lawful and Legal, they have one for each state


Or at least offer an alternative, anyone can bitch about things and continue doing nothing.

So what are you doing then??

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The same guy who just called Operation Warp Speed “an extraordinary accomplishment”? Come on.

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and yet, Warren herself has taken $10.4 million from the healthcare industrial complex! Save your breath Ms. Warren.

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most of that is for reparations and the rest is for the blackjack tables at the casinos.

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Why do I feel sick to my stomach, when I watch our congress "in action"?

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Because you are witnessing the fraud called "our democracy". Hey, it's the best democracy money can buy!

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It ain't over till it's over. If Bobby wins, I hope he directs attention to the jabs. He will be up against the DoD. Here's why:


[Sasha is a former pharma R&D executive]

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This just in: "Fauci's exposure will collapse the entire medical infrastructure that's against you."- the Lord, God of hosts

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Hooray! Robert F.Kennedy, Jr. has been confirmed as HHS Secretary.

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The establishment, anti-humanist/globalist cabal is trapped in an existential conflict with "the light."

Opposing Bobby is another front of the larger war, which they are losing. Big time.

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