Thank you for sharing Cat’s perceptive comment, Celia. What she demonstrated is that she possesses the situational awareness and self-preservation instinct that most people have had educated out of them.

The lesson I take away from the 9/11 and Maui attacks is: THOSE WHO DISOBEYED SURVIVED.

There is no better illustration of this principle than the ordinary hero Rick Rescorla, who saved 2,700 individuals by leading them in a life-saving act of disobedience:


Below is the text for those not on Twitter:

This man's name is Rick Rescorla. 22 years ago today, Rick disobeyed orders, and saved 2700 lives. Rick was the head of security for Morgan Stanley in the South Tower of the World Trade Center. He warned that the Towers' basements were vulnerable to attack. His warnings fell on deaf ears. Then the 1993 attack happened, and people started listening to him. After that attack, Rick implemented regular evacuation drills, using his megaphone to direct the thousands of employees out of their offices, down the stairwells, and out of the building to safety. Born in Cornwall, Rick would sing Welsh and Cornish songs from his megaphone, as he directed the employees out of the building. He would routinely tell all of the employees: in an emergency, no matter what chaos is happening around you, no matter what anyone tells you, leave your offices, go down the stairwells, and leave the building. Rick told his wife Susan that he suspected another attack on the World Trade Center would happen, this time by air. And 22 years ago today, on September 11, 2001, that attack happened. When the first plane hit the North Tower, the Port Authority announced over the South Tower's speaker system "Please do not leave the building. This area is secure." Rick ignored them. "The dumb sons of b------s told me not to evacuate," he said to his best friend Dan. "They said it's just Building One. I told them I'm getting my people the f--k out of here." And so Rick picked up his megaphone as he had done so many times before, told his employees not to listen to the orders, and directed them out of the building. His Cornish songs helped keep their nerves calm as they evacuated, even after the second plane hit their Tower. Once he had successfully evacuated his employees, Rick went back to look for survivors. But first, he called his wife Susan. "Stop crying. I have to get these people out safely. If something should happen to me, I want you to know I've never been happier. You made my life." Rick rushed back to the South Tower. That was the last time anyone saw him alive. All but 6 of the more than 2700 Morgan Stanley employees survived. Had they obeyed the Port Authority, they would all be dead. Thankfully, they listened to Rick instead. Rest in Peace, Rick. Thank you for your service.

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""Stop crying. I have to get these people out safely. If something should happen to me, I want you to know I've never been happier. You made my life."

We can only hope to have that kind of courage and love in our lives....

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As an interesting side note, Rick Rescorla is also featured in the book “We Were Soldiers Once . . And Young” which was the basis of the Mel Gibson movie. He was a mercenary fighting with the American forces at Ia Drang in the first major battle of the Vietnam War. One brave sonofabitch was Mr. Rescorla.

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Wow, thank you for that back story, JohnS!

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I TRULY wish there was MORE focus on the "Family" system and Community. The dysfunction and "FAILURE" is right there at the scaled down level. I know it's Not a pleasant topic but, that means we need to look at tit even more. That is what, how I "woke up" since 1970. The Health DESTRUCTION by those RIGHT around you can easily run circles around ANYTHING the Criminal, Pedo Sociopaths can do to you!

More people are finding out what those abused at "home" and community as Children have lived for decades and was normalized. Thank you All!

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Thanks for relaying that very uplifting story.

Some would call him foolhardy......

Rick saw it as duty.to his fellow man.

Thank God there are men like him amongst us.

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Absolutely, wendy. If there were more courageously disobedient heroes like him, we wouldn't be in the situation we are in today.

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I loved Cat’s comment also. I was across the river in New Jersey when it happened. I had worked in General Aviation for 15 years and flew a lot. There was no doubt in my mind that people who were barely able to fly single engine airplanes would be able to maneuver jet liners as precisely as those planes apparently were that day. To this day, I have no respect for the government that continues to lie about what happened. After that (and the JFK, MLK, and RFK assassinations in the 60’s) why would anyone expect them to tell the truth about anything.

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Not just 911. America is a LIE and always has been. Some good but mostly bad. The cognitive dissonance on the bloodline information shows that we are mostly catatonic and in denial.

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I think about this every time I fly and have to participate in TSA’s security theater.

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I hate their theater... and having precheck is just bribing them so you don’t have to unpack and take your shoes off.. so freaking stupid

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Sep 12, 2023
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I find you to be an awesome human! This is was my 3yo granddaughter says, "you are a good human"

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Yes and Amen, George Carlin was so right about that "You have to be asleep to believe it"

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Incredible Cat. I'm 100% in agreement!

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Appreciate her sharing her experience and insights.

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Yes Cat it’s all a huge orchestrated lie! I have said for years now start with building 7 and work backwards. Many, many very professional, experienced people have said the freefall of 7 could only happen if the building was prepared for demolition. So, this takes months to prepare. Could any foreign country (Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan ha) somehow get into lower manhattan with work crews, demolition equipment and gain access to a building full of CIA and other government offices? No way. Those work crews had a green light to do their work. And then the building falls The Same day as the towers? What a coincidence! Nothing hit it.

If this is true then the towers were also prepared for demolition. And if this is true then everything else “was prepared”. Pentagon. To hit the building where impact occurred would mean a jet’s engines would have dragged across the lawn leading up to the building and there’s virtually no plane debris. Dick Cheney and George W will have to answer to Jesus for the lives they sacrificed on that day. Ironically they could be forgiven if they asked to be forgiven. I’m with you Cat.

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Cat is correct. I’ll never know how Bush and Cheney could be apart of this, but they were. It was well planned and a mass murder event. I want God to throw all these evil people -who have listened to Satan -to be thrown into the Lake of Fire for all eternity.

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Loved Cat's comment.

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There is something creepy about memorials. Like when the governor of Hawaii thought that somehow a memorial was what was needed to appease the rage of those who lost relatives to a live cremation would find comfort in a “memorial”. People stand around. There are those designated to talk and what they have to say just reinforces the narrative. I believed the narrative of 911 myself for at least three years, that is, until we invaded Iraq to get those non-existent weapons of mass destruction because of… the buildings exploding. So sad, really.

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I believed the 9/11 narrative until the 2000+ page Patriot Act was passed about a month later. It was introduced a few days after 9/11. Hmmm, it was already completely written? I remember arguing with one of my friends about how it was going to be used against Americans, which he denied with every ounce of effort he could muster.

I haven't voted since.

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I studied this event thoroughly , DrJudy Wood, Christopher Bollyn , Robert David Steele, and all the rest we all know by now. I live in NJ across the water, saw the 2nd plane come in and the two "lucky larry" investments crumble. . I lost a personal friend that day, and I have not been down in that area since. I don't care about the ceremonies, the lights and so on. Just my opinion and feelings on it.

And not to divert, but beyond the actual event, the abhorrent disgraceful reaction by government to the Maui fires, the families, the children, the suffering, the indifference to it all?? Its mind boggling !

This is our government , we pay their salaries! What is going on here?

Billions going to you know where, and a feckless imposter if even "faking it", doesnt have the sense to show care or concern to any of it.

"America, where are you now, dont you care about your Sons and Daughters?"


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I lived in NJ & we lost alot of people in our commuter towns. Kids I went to high school with, my ex lost friends from high school. Everyone knew someone who was killed..

I’m still trying to process what I’ve been learning since Covid started.

It’s quite the shock

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Sep 12, 2023
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well, not the ENTIRE population..just the 80% or so which the Ruling Elites don't need for doing Their dirty work for Them. (Picky me)

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RE Rick Rescorla. Thank you to the commenters for bringing back the memory of this real life hero. Especially among pained experience of reliving the memories of that day with my new-found shades of cynicism and distrust of my government in this Plandemonium post-constitutional era.


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Dear Cat and Celia, Phronesis is the art and skill of integrating BOTH theoretical and practical knowledge of how to act. BOTH are necessary. Emphasis on one or the other to the exclusion of the other is folly.

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“The spirit of liberty is the spirit that is never too sure that it is right.” Bobby Kennedy echoes this consciousness when he encourages us to heal the divide, to speak and listen to each other with dignity, respecting and considering all opinions and conclusions, with no one adamantly certain they are right and the other wrong, knowing as the poet says (Wendell Berry), we live in mystery by miracle...

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This particular conspiracy theory has the same problem a few others do as well (the biggest example being Covid/Vaccines) -- and that is that the determination of the core issue (in this case, the way the buildings fell + anomalies with the Pentagon crash as well) requires expertise beyond the knowledge of probably 90% of the world's population, including most certainly me. Faced with this problem, the layperson is forced to find experts they can trust, and the trust obviously cannot be based on the mere fact that the experts have expertise, nor can it be based on matters pertaining to that expertise, since you can't judge stuff you don't have sufficient knowledge about. Because of this dilemma, I remain agnostic if I want to be honest with myself. However, one thing has become clear to me since 2020: I can no longer trust the Mainstream (= all institutions including governments of the entire West) on important matters, especially when they hyperventilate about them (e.g., Covid, Ukraine, Trans, Race, etc.).

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from the-who-knew dept... https://www.oldsaltblog.com/2023/09/on-the-22st-anniversary-of-9-11-remembering-the-great-new-york-boatlift/

On the 22st Anniversary of 9/11, Remembering the Great New York Boatlift

Rick Spilman 9/11/2023

An updated repost. There is a line from a Paul Simon song, “these are the days of miracle and wonder.” One might not think to apply that lyric to the events of 9/11, 22 years ago today. Yet for at least part of that strange and horrible day, they fit.

The great New York boatlift was part of the “miracle and wonder.” The wholly unplanned boatlift was the spontaneous maritime evacuation of an estimated 500,000 people trapped in Lower Manhattan in less than 10 hours. The boatlift has been under-reported by the media, which is all the more reason to remember the mariners of New York who stepped up to perform what has been called the largest sea rescue in history.[...]

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Yes, Celia! I would love to hear your story!

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I will tell it when come back. or at some point. Thank you for this encouragement.

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