It's so big and so deep, is there really a way out of this? "Presidents" of major countries yucking it up at the NWO platform NATO, including Giorgia Meloni whose campaign speeches so eloquently promised her people sovereignty and seemed to give us hope that individual countries would not comply and push back. Apparently not. And Biden's (i.e, shadow govt's) HAARP earthquake (2 to be precise) was all it took to get Turkey on its knees, abandon BRICS and endorse NATO. Unprecedentedly.
I just don't think we realize the amount of money and power behind the forces controlling our world. There is no way out for anyone--not countries, and certainly not people. Now we'll have another war, in addition to billions being laundered, to reinforce those powers and ensure continued control.
Sad as it is, this is how the world has always been, since we started living in organized, hierarchical societies. People don't like it when I write or point that out to them, but it's true.
This is nothing new at all...and hundreds of millions, that cam before us, lived through many of the very same issues.
The "we're winning...never again...there are more of us than them..." crowds are buying into the same self delusion, those hundreds of millions of yester year did.
Yes, you can make a difference in your own sphere and adjacent ones - which is like ants rebuilding the mound after a deluge.
However, as you astutely observed - many do not realize the forces, power and level of orchestration behind what truly steers the world. We get glimpses - Klaus telling the WEF leaders "we will determine the future", or tech moguls openly managing global organizations/NGOs, in their health directives and experiments. But that really isn't it the top tier, because you could wipe all those actors from the face of the earth and this would still happen again and again.
The true orchestrators are much like a gang of omnipotent and devious kids with a fire hose, who flood the ant hills over and over again. The ants - US - never understand the true mechanism behind the never ending cycles of destruction.
We of course just rebuild and go about our days - until the next mysterious deluge happens.
Sad, but true. A hard topic because when hope is lost, it gets too dark to discuss. Ironically, I find the premise a little relieving in that I have to just live the life I have, love the people in my life and get the most out of it for me and my children. There's a freedom in that. Of course, one must still be vigilant and navigate around all the pitfalls.
I agree, once you understand - or better stated accept - what the battlefield looks like, you can then plan accordingly.
It's the price we have willingly paid for those organized and "convenient" societies. We made trades over time, that while relieving us of the responsibilities of self governance and survival - it cost us our freedoms, liberties, sovereignty, wealth and long held societal truths/norms/morals.
There are many examples of the devastation of these trades, but one is the increase in the U.S. Debt ceiling by 1 Trillion in 5 weeks. By comparison, it took from Washington to Reagan to reach 1 trillion of national debt...this latest Trillion took 5 weeks.
It affects all of us and our kids, grand kids...but there wasn't and isn't anything you, I or anyone at our level can do about it.
However, we can budget, save and plan wisely in our smaller spheres and do just fine, for the time we have left in the ant colony, before we head to the big mound in the sky.
Of course there is a way out. Once a sufficient number of people understand the full picture, then the new world order will fall in a heartbeat. Keep educating.
Great- we’re at about 5% now after the most ludicrous scam in our lifetime. I’m not so hopeful these others will ever see the light and I’m surrounded by them.
The last person Trump would choose as his VP candidate would be RFK junior. Trump, being the worlds most insecure human being, would never choose a VP candidate who would upstage him as RFK would certainly do.
Ever since Reagan and Thatcher, the successive presidents have just expanded the security state, deregulated everything, and pushed globalization in favor of corporations.
Only one candidate calls out the corporate capture and the war machine.
Rfk Jr. Oh and he's pretty much said that the globalists are manipulating climate change... Obviously we know carbon doesn't cause it and I sense that if he looked into the things we know, he would change his mind.
We'll never see a "real" person in office. It will never happen.
RFK recently interviewed said he has known Biden for years and "likes" him and has an enormous amount of respect for him. If that is true, and I assume it is since he said it, he is a charlatan just like the rest.
Yes, we can’t have somebody in office who will actually do anything about the wildfires that are destroying the west, the record-breaking heat that’s frying Texas and the south, the sea level rise that is destroying property values along the coast, and will lead to the migration of millions of people Away from the coasts
heaven, forbid someone would actually want to address those issues rather than burning or gas or the oil accelerating our suicidal destruction.
Spain has 160° land temperatures Siberia is literally burning down, and more and more places on the planet just being outside threatens one’s health.
But that’s all a figment of the liberal imagination I guess.
I realize that your tribe would rather stick its head in the sand and cheer on the destruction of everything we all value than to face reality.
Tell that to the hundreds of millions of people who are suffering all over the planet from wildfires drought, record-breaking heat, sea level rise. Do you really believe that? What is like to have your mind inhabited by these absurd evidence free conspiracy theories ? I am so fortunate that I don’t live in a world that believes that up is down. Fiction is truth and reality is an illusion with beliefs that so many millions are now afflicted with?
I can't talk to the people who populate your fantasies.
Extreme weather events have not increased
CO2 levels are not at historic highs or anything close to it.
EVs are vastly more polluting than ICE, and ICE could be easily and cheaply converted to clean burning natural gas and could have been converted 50 years ago.
That by itself shows clearly it is a totally bogus scam.
If they pull off this Gteat Reset, you will find out what hunan suffering looks like.
Wow--that's happening every where except where you live huh? Arson has caused most all of the fires and record breaking heat has occurred for centuries, particularly during summer. Imagine that? Droughts are manufactured or simply made up in the PAPER.
He is as far from Biden as you can possibly get. He's as far from any politician in Congress as anyone can get. If you think he's just a guy who repeats climate change mantra bullshit, you clearly know nothing about him. He doesn't want poor people poorer, like everyone involved in climate change politics. He is a champion for the poor, by protecting them from corporate harm, including pollution, vaccines, garbage ingredients in food, etc.
Does that sound like Biden part 2? When has anyone accused Biden of doing anything for anyone except for the people paying him?
RFK Jr has *already* done this for his entire life. If he were just Biden Part 2, mainstream media would love him instead of endlessly fight to destroy him.
RFK has already said - not a (snowball's) chance. Sy's fanciful speculation (?) only caveat being Biden and the evil war lords pulling his strings - all paranoid and represent every kind of personality disorder (deep state diversity).
I HOPE YOU = ALL PATRIOTS , WE THE PEOPLE HAVE RIGHTS TO SERVE OUR COUNTRY BY STOPPING TREASON IN OUR GOVT. UNITE BECAUSE WE ARE OUR HOMELANDS ONLY BACKUP WITH MORALS / FAMILY TRADITIONS IN GOD WE TRUST. Declaration of Independence, which declared that “whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.”
The photo of Zelensky in his come-as-you-are outfit standing alone and small, while nearby all the VIPs ignore him: he's doing an impersonation of Chaplin's "Little Tramp" character - maybe hoping to be selected for the role if there's a remake of the silent movies?
AT LEAST he adopted a summer outfit, instead of the usual sweatshirt. The man has no class at all, unless a polo shirt has class, which if you are a classy golfer, I guess it does. Damn, there goes my premise...
Good read, but for my money, there's no way RFK Jr. would shame himself as Trump's running mate. A better Democrat or Independent ticket would RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard. Or Tucker Carlson. Or Ron Paul. Trump is probably the best the Republicans can do, far better than Biden, but also far from an ideal president. Warp speed is unerasable stain on his legacy.
Seymour "New York Times" Hersh lost me at "Biden's anxieties". Biden has no anxieties, other than his worry now and again -- whenever his percipience rouses into momentary lucidity from its usual fitful fog of dementia -- that his Handlers may withhold his access to "pizza".
On a related note, I can't trust any analyst who has a glowing Wokepedia entry: Notice their first sentence treats him with respect and doesn't call him a "kook" or "conspiracy theorist".
"Seymour Myron "Sy" Hersh (born April 8, 1937) is an American investigative journalist and political writer."
If you watch the video by Dr Steven Greer, the recent one held in DC, he had a Raytheon guy on who worked down in the Antarctic, talked about the weapon they have there that can pinpoint direct earthquakes anywhere on the Earth. worth watching!
The Bastard in Chief and the treasonous bastards that surround him grow dastardly in leaps and bounds every day. The deranged destructive path they pursue really is shocking.
Colonel Moore had to make a tough call because the men of the 7th Cav were being overrun. No one is coming to save us. No air support. There will be no heroic rescue. The Biden administration will stop at nothing to further the destruction of this country if not the world.
Here are the coordinates 38.9072° N, 77.0369° W
Putin, do as you must "Broken Arrow, Broken Arrow" before the Biden administration blows up the world
Muslims are currently like cockroaches sidestepping the far more powerful Kuffar all around them while trying to figure out the best ways to maneuver as they bide their time for their Jihad, and they've more or less been this way for at least the past two centuries. Probably the more intelligent among them realized when the Covid Psy-Op overtook the world revealed the breathtaking power of the Kuffar (just think of it -- the Hajj was shut down TWICE because the Kuffar told them there was a "pandemic"!). But Muslims are very patient. They waited, prayed, sermonized and hoped for centuries to realize their dream of conquering Byzantium -- and they finally realized that dream in 1453.
The Conquest of Constantinople: A Jihad Planned in Prayer for Centuries
It's so big and so deep, is there really a way out of this? "Presidents" of major countries yucking it up at the NWO platform NATO, including Giorgia Meloni whose campaign speeches so eloquently promised her people sovereignty and seemed to give us hope that individual countries would not comply and push back. Apparently not. And Biden's (i.e, shadow govt's) HAARP earthquake (2 to be precise) was all it took to get Turkey on its knees, abandon BRICS and endorse NATO. Unprecedentedly.
I just don't think we realize the amount of money and power behind the forces controlling our world. There is no way out for anyone--not countries, and certainly not people. Now we'll have another war, in addition to billions being laundered, to reinforce those powers and ensure continued control.
Well said.
Sad as it is, this is how the world has always been, since we started living in organized, hierarchical societies. People don't like it when I write or point that out to them, but it's true.
This is nothing new at all...and hundreds of millions, that cam before us, lived through many of the very same issues.
The "we're winning...never again...there are more of us than them..." crowds are buying into the same self delusion, those hundreds of millions of yester year did.
Yes, you can make a difference in your own sphere and adjacent ones - which is like ants rebuilding the mound after a deluge.
However, as you astutely observed - many do not realize the forces, power and level of orchestration behind what truly steers the world. We get glimpses - Klaus telling the WEF leaders "we will determine the future", or tech moguls openly managing global organizations/NGOs, in their health directives and experiments. But that really isn't it the top tier, because you could wipe all those actors from the face of the earth and this would still happen again and again.
The true orchestrators are much like a gang of omnipotent and devious kids with a fire hose, who flood the ant hills over and over again. The ants - US - never understand the true mechanism behind the never ending cycles of destruction.
We of course just rebuild and go about our days - until the next mysterious deluge happens.
Sad, but true. A hard topic because when hope is lost, it gets too dark to discuss. Ironically, I find the premise a little relieving in that I have to just live the life I have, love the people in my life and get the most out of it for me and my children. There's a freedom in that. Of course, one must still be vigilant and navigate around all the pitfalls.
I agree, once you understand - or better stated accept - what the battlefield looks like, you can then plan accordingly.
It's the price we have willingly paid for those organized and "convenient" societies. We made trades over time, that while relieving us of the responsibilities of self governance and survival - it cost us our freedoms, liberties, sovereignty, wealth and long held societal truths/norms/morals.
There are many examples of the devastation of these trades, but one is the increase in the U.S. Debt ceiling by 1 Trillion in 5 weeks. By comparison, it took from Washington to Reagan to reach 1 trillion of national debt...this latest Trillion took 5 weeks.
It affects all of us and our kids, grand kids...but there wasn't and isn't anything you, I or anyone at our level can do about it.
However, we can budget, save and plan wisely in our smaller spheres and do just fine, for the time we have left in the ant colony, before we head to the big mound in the sky.
There is one thing you can do. You can change citizenship.
That's the only way off the hook.
Most any financial advisor site will tell you what possibilities are open and where and compare features and drawbacks.
It's a big thing with the moneyed set.
"i.e, shadow govt's) HAARP earthquake (2 to be precise)" ha ha you're hallucinating.
And you’re asleep.
You're still withdrawing form your stupor. It's clear
Of course there is a way out. Once a sufficient number of people understand the full picture, then the new world order will fall in a heartbeat. Keep educating.
Great- we’re at about 5% now after the most ludicrous scam in our lifetime. I’m not so hopeful these others will ever see the light and I’m surrounded by them.
Courage. Despair is a weapon of the enemy, and it wins no battles.
Neither is relevant to what we are discussing. You’re on some other topic.
Nonsense. Trump rebuffed RFK when he was president and could have helped against big pharma. Zero chance RFK runs with Captain Warp Speed.
The last person Trump would choose as his VP candidate would be RFK junior. Trump, being the worlds most insecure human being, would never choose a VP candidate who would upstage him as RFK would certainly do.
Few worse fates could befall our nation than a Climate Change Kennedy Presidency.
He would be a disaster.
We need a change, not Biden Pt.2
Biden pt2 lol.
No, we're on the 11th term of REAGAN.
Ever since Reagan and Thatcher, the successive presidents have just expanded the security state, deregulated everything, and pushed globalization in favor of corporations.
Only one candidate calls out the corporate capture and the war machine.
Rfk Jr. Oh and he's pretty much said that the globalists are manipulating climate change... Obviously we know carbon doesn't cause it and I sense that if he looked into the things we know, he would change his mind.
It's been centuries longer than that, and Kennedy's record isn't nearly as spotless as you imagine.
He is also a gun grabber advocate and his views as a whole have changed markedly.
I believe it is called ,"Campaigning".
He lost me when his organization tried to sell me a perpetual energy machine certain to cut my electric bill in half.
When I complained that such is not possible, they doubled down and insisted if I followed the plans it would work.
That was enough for me.
Never heard them of selling a machine... But whatever.
Who would you rather see in office?
We'll never see a "real" person in office. It will never happen.
RFK recently interviewed said he has known Biden for years and "likes" him and has an enormous amount of respect for him. If that is true, and I assume it is since he said it, he is a charlatan just like the rest.
Somebody who doesn't regularly make a mockery of the Anti Vax movement by making faulty claims that are easy for Pharma to debunk, for starters.
Someone who doesn't advocate more money for Psychiatry.
And for sure, someone who is not a Huckster selling plans for perpetual energy machines to augment their income.
Yes, we can’t have somebody in office who will actually do anything about the wildfires that are destroying the west, the record-breaking heat that’s frying Texas and the south, the sea level rise that is destroying property values along the coast, and will lead to the migration of millions of people Away from the coasts
heaven, forbid someone would actually want to address those issues rather than burning or gas or the oil accelerating our suicidal destruction.
Spain has 160° land temperatures Siberia is literally burning down, and more and more places on the planet just being outside threatens one’s health.
But that’s all a figment of the liberal imagination I guess.
I realize that your tribe would rather stick its head in the sand and cheer on the destruction of everything we all value than to face reality.
Climate Change Is based on manipulation of statistics and is NWO fiction designed to facilitate the Great Reset.
There is no trace of validity in any of it.
Tell that to the hundreds of millions of people who are suffering all over the planet from wildfires drought, record-breaking heat, sea level rise. Do you really believe that? What is like to have your mind inhabited by these absurd evidence free conspiracy theories ? I am so fortunate that I don’t live in a world that believes that up is down. Fiction is truth and reality is an illusion with beliefs that so many millions are now afflicted with?
I can't talk to the people who populate your fantasies.
Extreme weather events have not increased
CO2 levels are not at historic highs or anything close to it.
EVs are vastly more polluting than ICE, and ICE could be easily and cheaply converted to clean burning natural gas and could have been converted 50 years ago.
That by itself shows clearly it is a totally bogus scam.
If they pull off this Gteat Reset, you will find out what hunan suffering looks like.
Wow--that's happening every where except where you live huh? Arson has caused most all of the fires and record breaking heat has occurred for centuries, particularly during summer. Imagine that? Droughts are manufactured or simply made up in the PAPER.
LOL you've bought the fear agenda, hook, line and sinker. You have no evidence of any of this other than what you've read in the PAPER. Jeesh.
Clearly you know nothing about him and have never listened to him speak.
Clearly, you are a pompous ass and an Idol Worshipper with nothing to contribute to the conversation.
He is as far from Biden as you can possibly get. He's as far from any politician in Congress as anyone can get. If you think he's just a guy who repeats climate change mantra bullshit, you clearly know nothing about him. He doesn't want poor people poorer, like everyone involved in climate change politics. He is a champion for the poor, by protecting them from corporate harm, including pollution, vaccines, garbage ingredients in food, etc.
Does that sound like Biden part 2? When has anyone accused Biden of doing anything for anyone except for the people paying him?
RFK Jr has *already* done this for his entire life. If he were just Biden Part 2, mainstream media would love him instead of endlessly fight to destroy him.
Your presumptuous attitude is assinine
As well as completely wrong.
As I clearly stated , I followed his site for years, and am still on the mailing list as I write this.
Now it's my turn to presume, and I am going to presume your knowledge of Mr Kennedy stretches back about as far as his campaign announcement.
You probably don't remember the famous shot of him spitting an ice cream cone into a Policeman's face.
I do, and lots more through the decades since.
You can vote however you want to.
And so can I.
Agree-anyone who even moderately believes this, believes Trump is not 100% part of the deep state agenda.
RFK has already said - not a (snowball's) chance. Sy's fanciful speculation (?) only caveat being Biden and the evil war lords pulling his strings - all paranoid and represent every kind of personality disorder (deep state diversity).
I HOPE YOU = ALL PATRIOTS , WE THE PEOPLE HAVE RIGHTS TO SERVE OUR COUNTRY BY STOPPING TREASON IN OUR GOVT. UNITE BECAUSE WE ARE OUR HOMELANDS ONLY BACKUP WITH MORALS / FAMILY TRADITIONS IN GOD WE TRUST. Declaration of Independence, which declared that “whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.”
The photo of Zelensky in his come-as-you-are outfit standing alone and small, while nearby all the VIPs ignore him: he's doing an impersonation of Chaplin's "Little Tramp" character - maybe hoping to be selected for the role if there's a remake of the silent movies?
AT LEAST he adopted a summer outfit, instead of the usual sweatshirt. The man has no class at all, unless a polo shirt has class, which if you are a classy golfer, I guess it does. Damn, there goes my premise...
Not really. If you are a classy golfer you are a dork who wastes a large part of his or her life chasing a ball around.
If that's classy, my dog is the Prince of Class.
Presumably the walking is good for you...but yeah, the rest seems sketchy...
Another image comes to mind:
Zelensky in his The Little Tramp outfit awaits an invitation to audition for the main role in The Great Dictator silent movie...
(you've gotta admit: Zelensky, the actor, cultivates an image of The Little Tramp)...
That was great until the paywall of Siberia
Why I don't subscribe to Hersch
Someone else will tell me what he says tomorrow or later
Good read, but for my money, there's no way RFK Jr. would shame himself as Trump's running mate. A better Democrat or Independent ticket would RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard. Or Tucker Carlson. Or Ron Paul. Trump is probably the best the Republicans can do, far better than Biden, but also far from an ideal president. Warp speed is unerasable stain on his legacy.
Seymour "New York Times" Hersh lost me at "Biden's anxieties". Biden has no anxieties, other than his worry now and again -- whenever his percipience rouses into momentary lucidity from its usual fitful fog of dementia -- that his Handlers may withhold his access to "pizza".
On a related note, I can't trust any analyst who has a glowing Wokepedia entry: Notice their first sentence treats him with respect and doesn't call him a "kook" or "conspiracy theorist".
"Seymour Myron "Sy" Hersh (born April 8, 1937) is an American investigative journalist and political writer."
I would love to know what Briben, I mean Biden, was thinking right when that photo was taken....
Probably, when is my nap?
Where is my ice cream cone?
I don't know about Trump having rfk Jr as vp...
Trump screwed rfk Jr and Aaron Siri by "listening to bill gates advice" and denied them access to vaccine safety datalink.
What a scumbag lie.... If it was safe, they wouldn't have found proof.
Could the earthquake have been caused by DEW? It would fit perfectly into a weather war scenario.
If you watch the video by Dr Steven Greer, the recent one held in DC, he had a Raytheon guy on who worked down in the Antarctic, talked about the weapon they have there that can pinpoint direct earthquakes anywhere on the Earth. worth watching!
An $11 billion line of credit from the IMF...Hmmmh, do you think Hunter will get a finder's fee?
Read this essay this morning. I love SH's writing!
Hopefully, he will gain a bunch more subscribers. He has so much important to say. It's sad how the MSM/corporate media try to cancel him.
If this article continues on Hersh, I can't find it.
The Bastard in Chief and the treasonous bastards that surround him grow dastardly in leaps and bounds every day. The deranged destructive path they pursue really is shocking.
Does anyone remember the scene "Broken Arrow" from We Were Soldiers?
Colonel Moore had to make a tough call because the men of the 7th Cav were being overrun. No one is coming to save us. No air support. There will be no heroic rescue. The Biden administration will stop at nothing to further the destruction of this country if not the world.
Here are the coordinates 38.9072° N, 77.0369° W
Putin, do as you must "Broken Arrow, Broken Arrow" before the Biden administration blows up the world
Is that Saint Giorgia Meloni hobnobbing with Biden and Zelensky?
I said-ah Giorgia... Giorgia...
no peace, no peace I find...
just an old sweet song...
keeps Giorgia on my mind....
Muslims are currently like cockroaches sidestepping the far more powerful Kuffar all around them while trying to figure out the best ways to maneuver as they bide their time for their Jihad, and they've more or less been this way for at least the past two centuries. Probably the more intelligent among them realized when the Covid Psy-Op overtook the world revealed the breathtaking power of the Kuffar (just think of it -- the Hajj was shut down TWICE because the Kuffar told them there was a "pandemic"!). But Muslims are very patient. They waited, prayed, sermonized and hoped for centuries to realize their dream of conquering Byzantium -- and they finally realized that dream in 1453.
The Conquest of Constantinople: A Jihad Planned in Prayer for Centuries