How Much Can We Take? What Comes After The Project Veritas Video With Pfizer Man?
A Reader's Comment On How Walker's Identity Was Confirmed; Reflections On Journalism, The Matrix, And Claustrophobia
Always these days, a bull charging through the curtains of lies is followed immediately by our wondering out loud whether the whole thing might be staged, whether we are being had. The carousel never stops. We’re queasy.
I never believed the not-to-be-believed Mr. Walker was anything but “real,” (as in his core identity as a Pfizer man) because James O’Keefe has advanced verification standards. I think we must conclude the opposition is somehow not intelligent yet runs everything. Like everything else— enormously distressing.
The story should not be mistaken for being one about “gain of function;”
It’s an open door to the squalor culture at a large “pharmaceutical company.” Demoralizing in the extreme, and very important—also not at all surprising.
You can’t “arrest” people, unfortunately, for being trendily out of their minds, for pushing Frankenstein Science, AI drivel, “synthetic biology,” Neo-Darwinism, Bottom-Barrel Atheism—for being lost souls preying on domination, money and lies.
Why Dr. Malone is the only scientist interviewed to address the shocking things confessed I can’t say but I wish O’Keefe had broadened his horizons. Now we’re mired in the Malone Thing again.
“How do you address a morass without becoming part of it?”
—Serge Lang
I invite you to read this, my most important interview, I think. “The Machine Model Of Biology” is the name of the Beast, and we know its origins, which date back to WW1.
They are militant atheists, in a lineage that my friend Dean Esmay informed me started with a Stalin cult called The League Of The Militant Godless.
Atheism, or Godlessness, is not benign, and certainly not sitting still, minding its own business. I can’t even visit my homeland, Sweden. Too scared.
James O’Keefe, like Julian Assange, is a figure who grew his own branch of “investigative journalism” (as the dull name has it) because he needed one. The rest of the apparatus (composed of millionaires,) each time he exposes something huge, huffs and puffs and says he’s not a real journalist, by which they mean: Never caught a rabbit. Not breaking a story, ever, is the way to be in the club.
The fates of O’Keefe and Assange have been markedly different. Why does O’Keefe have guardian angels, and Assange does not?
We are all children caught in a very ugly divorce between Truth and Lies.
Those who do serious truth-questing are punished with permanent melancholy, social isolation, cellular shame, especially when the story was accurate. The most curious thing about this era, to me, is that people are making a living telling the truth. I think that’s good news.
How does James O’Keefe stay sane and motivated?
It’s ugly, sulfurous work, like Fr. Malachi Martin always said about exorcisms. I can remember reading in one of his interviews with Bernard Janzen this line that made me sad for him: “After your first exorcism, you’re never the same. You’ve lost something, and you’ll never get it back.” (Paraphrased from memory.) You do battle with the Ugly Thing and it strikes back, taking an eye, so to speak. Not only that it “takes” a part of you, it deposits a part of itself, a dead part. You want to return “home,” like Odysseus, but creatures from the sea are livid with you.
You… can’t go home.
A shadow forms. Friends wonder what happened to you. You rarely smile, you’re “too serious,” and you can’t seem to stop. Sometimes you wonder if you are as deluded as a person at a casino feeding quarters into a slot machine—certain you will soon break through any minute now.
I always said there is no such thing as a journalist and that we are all "journalists.” Doctors, scientists, academics, school teachers, nurses, bus drivers, all are capturing and revealing, all the time, now, it’s a golden age for truth. The less the identity as “journalist” the purer the information. The age of the whistleblower.
So why aren’t we free?
I used to have this notion that I was pious and good because I never did entrapment or gotcha journalism. No Sir-ee. Just my brand of introverted transparency, half-Swedish earnestness. It worked with Mr. (Orenthal James) Simpson, and I never ‘burned’ him, despite Hearst PR professionals all but imploring me to. I mean in “media training” rooms in a basement in midtown Manhattan. They needed me to generate a certain hostility, lose that tone of faint empathy, and when I didn't, they decided to only let me do three TV interviews. Fine.
I didn’t get to have the Prozac discussion and maybe it was the wrong direction anyway. (But yes, he was on a big dose of Prozac at the time.) This was my way of explaining why he was telling a certain truth when he said he didn’t “do it.”
Maybe he didn’t, what do I know.
None of my business.
That was one time (1998) when I stood atop journalism’s highest peak (Esquire) having caught the heaviest, shiniest story fish, also the one everyone wanted, and I was never more sad. Nor could I solve the crime, or make anything better.
”If I killed her, it would have been because I loved her very much, right?”
When he said it I felt anything except journalistic glee. As usual, struggled to find a pen. My son was two, and was unhappy, crying, in the living room. “I’ll be right there…”
There it was: Journalist and source, issuing shock quote, four gold bars lining up, and the journalist has a chance to convert it all into lessened shame about how or her birth origins, invariably not good.
Here’s the story.
I was certain throughout my so called career, (which is a word that gives me a lot of trouble,) that one must never deceive a person in order to get them to reveal something.
Never betray. Never act nice with a “source” only to turn on them in public. Obtain your gains with transparency.
I’ll never forget my friend Peter Olsen telling me that as a boy in Sweden, he went to smoke at a deer feeding station and got to know them. One day, only blood, no more deer. He was devastated. And rightly furious. That was the day he learned about betrayal, and lost his innocence.
I’m not saying O’Keefe betrays.
This is not an underhanded rebuke of James O’Keefe, at all. He’s his own thing, a mystery of life force. He uses dark alchemy to bring light. He catches bad guys, for real, with a precise formula. Nobody knows why they keep falling for it, in dark restaurants. The protected class are aptly named. Imagine being one of these people!
We want out.
The terms of this wrestling with this Matrix are dangerously claustrophobic. The thing you’re looking at is looking at you looking at it. Like PCR, it makes infinite copies of itself, strangling us in our beds.
“Somehow there was a cat, but it wouldn’t jump.”
D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterly’s Lover
My father collected stories of unlikely heroes, mostly from World War 2, the resistance. When he died he was trying to publish one last book of them. I must have it, somewhere.
His brand of journalism was: Find interesting people, get them on the radio, have them tell their stories, and prioritize obscure heroes. James O’Keefe also prioritizes heroes. But when will the heroes triumph?
I’m not depressed, I’m just flattened, like Road Runner.
This kind of thing makes me despair. Came from punching in “Directed Evolution” on Twitter to try to locate that 3 hours talk with Project Veritas last night.
Synthetic Biology, “synbio” and Artificial Intelligence “AI.” Make way for the new brats who must have their way.
One of my father’s many quips was this favorite of mine:
”Great idea! Let’s forget it.”
—Barry Farber
8:19 am.
Today we all wake up to a world in which that guy is a high paid Pfizer executive with enough clout to dream up ways to destroy us with Frankenstein Science.
I’ll be damned.
After I thought about all this, still in bed, I realized I have to take a break. I am “reporting” shards of the simulation, from inside the simulation, asking you all if anybody knows where the hem of “reality” might be, and feeling increasingly like hard won mental landscapes are at risk. Too many things entering and exiting mind. Loss of self.
I like this Tweet:
I plan to take a break from posting here for 4-7 days.
I will probably/possibly not be able to, due to compulsion.
Something will happen that I have to address. I’ll try to stay put though, and wait until I have something genuine and new to contribute, not just frisbee-ing bits of the weirdness movie to you all and publishing nothing but floating question marks.
When I come back, I want to shift to reporting on how to come back from a devastating health crash: What I know, what worked for me. The beat is: How to transcend myths about detox—a few things I know for sure. And I will write stories about people—people I meet today and people I met before who live in my memory. And I will admit “defeat” about the big stuff. I’ll go granular about what I actually know.
A few samples:
—Heal gut first or else detox backfires
—Methylene Blue
—No sugar, no alcohol, few carbs, no lectins
—Anti-parasitics when you are ready, Ivermectin for animals seems to be saving many lives, don’t care how angry that makes some people in our movement who are anti- Ivermectin. We will address this, in due course. Countless testimonies at Dirt Road Discussions on Telegram. (Anti-Ivermectin people have not listened to these testimonies or they would, I believe, drop their case. )But heal your gut first.
—Grounding, prayer, spoken words of gratitude, (attempts at) atonement for sins and radical kindness all heal.
—3 minute ice baths
—Sulfur (MSM)
—Lemon water
—No processed poisoned food
—Avoid doctors and definitely avoid vets.
—the Bible will ground you, you don’t have to know what you believe
Why am I trying to fix everybody???
How arrogant.
A comment from a reader:
“Walker’s identity was verified by a number of people.”
Here’s a short report, from “Legallady4,” who was on the call, following the Project Veritas bombshell, last night:
Legallady4 commented on your post Was Jordon Trishton Walker a Pfizer Executive? .
“I was on the call for 3 hours. Walker’s identity was verified by a number of people. His LinkedIn profile was still up. More video being released Thursday..O’Keefe’s encounter with Walker. Also, Pfizer closed down all comments. The call was excellent. Many doctors weighed in, Tom Fitton was on discussing the legals, and Brett Weinstein did the closing at about midnight...remarks about our broken institutions and dire consequences for humanity.”
PS: I don’t think they’re broken; I think they’re diabolical.
Last word, for now:
“There are more things to admire in men then to despise.”
—Albert Camus, The Plague
What if they used Veritas to keep us hooked into the virus creation terror campaign? Of course mine is just another conspiracy theory but they're making the antidote too! It's germ theory on steroids!
Good for you! Take time off to heal yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. From my own experience, the emotional component is the most challenging. I'm adding you to my prayer list and sending you all the love and good vibes. We'll be here when you come back. ♥