Silent Spring: Hundreds Of Millions Of Animals Die From…Vegetable Crop Production? This Might Be The Single Most Controversial Video I Have Ever Posted
"The Amount Of Death And Destruction That Has To Happen For A Vegan To Eat Their Salads With a Multitude Of Vegetables In It, Is INSANE."
I am sharing this in the spirit of: “This I had never known, or thought of, so let’s examine it.”
When you share a video, as a curator/editor— it need not be the be all end all final truth.
Rather, a new direction, a new way to study a field of possibilities.
I saw this a few weeks ago and I knew I'd have to think about it, not out of cowardice—just sit with it a while. It’s shocking.
Many in the carnivore community apparently felt Kerry broke the golden rule: To not alienate plant based people. They attack us, we do not attack them. We pride ourselves on not being the accusatory ones, rather, they accuse us of moral monstrosity.
After all, they hold the moral high ground, do they not?
I always thought so—until I watched this video.
In this video, Kerry issues a strong and clear accusation: Vegetable crops, he says, issue mass death, just in a different way. They destroy entire eco-systems and millions and millions of animals that once lived in these eco-systems.
SILENT SPRING, by Rachel Carson, tells the same tale.
I always believed vegans and vegetarians were correct in the central argument which is the argument against killing animals. I believed their way of eating was more moral, more pure, and I just wished I could do it without descending back into the hell of so-called depression, which tormented me for so many years.
As you know, I love animals.
I consider veganism especially, to be a very dangerous diet, but many people can sustain it for years and even decades. They get sick a lot, they’re very anxious, but they seem generally “ok.” The ones who eat eggs are way better off.
But this video below, really shocked me, and I had to consider whether it is entirely fair, or maybe just poorly researched hyperbole.
Veganism might not even spare animals?
Kerry says veganism and vegetarianism kills MORE animals by far than ethical meat production, but if you factor in factory farming, I wonder if the two aren’t just about even. The new radical idea to me is that vegetarianism kills any animals at all. I just never thought of it.
Listen to the video and tell us what you think. Is he on target? Is he exaggerating?
Kerry argues that vegetable crops lie at the root for the destruction of entire eco-systems, because of the pesticides.
So I ask again: Please take this as a starting point for a very important possibility. Please don’t mistake it for a position I am ready to entirely defend, or validate, scientifically. I do however, take the position that he was 100% in the right to start the conversation.
We’re adults, after all.
Fruits & vegetables don't HAVE TO be grown w/ pesticides; that's just the big agribusiness way of doing it; it's to minimize the amount of labor they have to hire, to put small, ecologically-friendly farmers out of business so the big agribusinesses can buy up their land for pennies on the dollar, & probably also to launder illegal drug money. Anyway, it's ELECTRICITY which is making everyone obese, sick, anxious, etc. & the more I hear this guy rant about food the more I wonder who's paying him to crunch through lovely snowy woods in a T-shirt (??) & rant about pesticides, & whether, in a couple of years, he'll still be ignoring the elephant in the room & ranting about how bugs are the only safe thing to eat.
I've said it for decades, monocrop industrial ag is devastating to biodiversity including human community.