"Fear no more the heat o’ the sun,

Nor the furious winter’s rages;

Thou thy worldly task hast done,

Home art gone, and ta’en thy wages:

Golden lads and girls all must,

As chimney-sweepers, come to dust."

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Thank you Celia, one of my favorite songs. So profound. I watched many of her interviews over the course of her life. She was a beautiful soul, tortured no doubt from her horrible childhood and Hollywood/music industry.

R.I.P. Sinead.

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The father of one of her children, a girl I think, is the journalist John Waters, formerly of the Irish Times. He is a vocal opponent of the world wide agendaespecially in Ireland where it has been implemented at "warp speed".

I wonder if their falling out was related to his conservative views, which wouldnt be welcomed by a person manipulated by the entertainment industry. I only know her from the songs back n the day, God Bless Her.

Did she have the jabs? No use looking at the obit. That vital information is NEVER given. Rest in Peace Beautiful Lady. This is very sad news.

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Her grief over her son's suicide was heartbreaking. Now she is healed and whole again in the place I call home.

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She's in Jenna now, where she can minister to her husband while he has eternal sex with houris.

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wow! where did that come from? lol ... would that be a perpetual menage-a-trois or an eternal peek show?

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Islamic doctrine. One amusing detail of Islamic Paradise (Jennah) is that the wives who get there (if they aren't damned -- Muhammad said Hell is filled with women) will be able to slap their husband's houris around. That's one perk for women in Paradise, you can physically abuse your husband's 72 mistresses.

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Hesperado, vile wellspring of calumny, spite, malice, and malicious gossip.

You sound ready for the next Crusade.

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Another tragic waste of a human life.

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We all have our own individual paths. Whatever her choices, she gifted us with her beautiful voice and lyrics.

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Sinead O'Connor sang me through a rough time... she was a spiritual sister who never failed to vocalise the thoughts of an entire generation. She is not gone as long as we continue to hear her. Thanks for the lovely link, it is beautiful.

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By E. E. Cummings

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in

my heart)i am never without it(anywhere

i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done

by only me is your doing,my darling)

i fear

no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want

no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)

and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant

and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows

(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud

and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows

higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)

and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

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That was horrifying :(

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Reminds me of the so-called "butcher cover" of the Beatles LP "Yesterday and Today" (1966), which had to be withdrawn from record store shelves shortly after its release:





[my apology for using links to a garbage psy-op music rag]

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Vile subhumans

Bite the hand that feeds them.

I'm so over

"Poor oppressed blacks"

Filth will be cleansed.

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Jul 27, 2023
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Hard times make hard people

Soft times make soft people.

We have been living in soft times since the end of open hostilities known as WWII.

I have very little use for artist in general, modern artist that is.

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That poor tortured soul.

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I wonder if she talked against it like Eric Clapton spoke of it with RFK Jr.

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No, she and her son were vaccinated.

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I realized that but so was Eric Clapton and he had so many problems. That's why he went on RFK Jr's site to talk with him about it.

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Oh yeah! Sorry, I must be getting senile.... I forgot that bit!

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If she converted to Islam, chances are her Leftist Virus was fatal (i.e., she became a Branch Covidian fascist).

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I think we would have heard if she did... She and her son took the jabs...

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Maybe but the talk was 11/10/2021 and today is 7/27/2023, almost two years later.

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Yes... many woke up a little too late to question the "authorities" and get the "informed consent" they would be wise to get before willingly being injected with a dna modifying injection.

Maybe she woke up to the truth after her son died, but her being a big sellebrity, I didn't hear anything from her warning anyone about the vaxxes.

If she did, no one cared or paid attention.

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Yes, yes, yes!

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She was a muslim. Just tossing that out there. RIP

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I've known some cases where people convert to Islam because of the bad treatment by self-called Christians, which reminds me that the way we treat/love others is the only Bible most are going to read... a big burden!

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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She blamed all the human created misery in her life on God. You fail to understand that God gave us all the freedom to choose. Those that choose evil inflicted it on others, not God. She was abused by people that did not follow God's word.

She LOST her victimhood when she had at least 3 abortions.

Did she mourn the death of those 3 innocent lives she snuffed out..?

Not likely.

You think islam, a religion that throws gays from tall buildings and stone women like o'conner to death in their countries is a good thing...


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Appreciate the correction and links... I jump to conclusions a lot easier these days... lol.

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Humility shows we are on the right track to Heaven.

Those who chose hell are the ones incapable of saying "Oops, I was wrong, I'm sorry".

May God fill you with blessings!

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“Christ may be said to be a fiction in the four senses that 1) it is quite possible that there was no historical Jesus. 2) Even if there was, he is lost to us, the result being that there is no historical Jesus available to us. And 3) the Jesus who "walks with me and talks with me and tells me I am his own" is an imaginative visualization and in the nature of the case can be nothing more than a fiction. And finally, 4) "Christ" as a corporate logo for this and that religious institution is a euphemistic fiction, not unlike Ronald McDonald, Mickey Mouse, or Joe Camel, the purpose of which is to get you to swallow a whole raft of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors by an act of simple faith, short-circuiting the dangerous process of thinking the issues out to your own conclusions.”


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Study the Holy Shroud of Turin: VERY REAL

Study the earliest Gospels: nothing changed

Now make sure you watch and read all this, but first say this:

"Jesus, if you are the Son of God, send your Spirit to me so I can understand with an open heart"

Mathematical proof of God’s mind


Scientific proof of God and the soul:


Scientific proof of religion


What do you believe comes after death (Science backs religion)?



Why aren't atheists convinced by miracles which happened, and are scientifically proven?


Which is the true Christianity?


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I attended a Lutheran college and studied religion for two years.

Have studied the bible and Christian theologians.

Forgery, lies, and gobbledygook comprise the bulk of Christian literature.

Christianity is Bronze Age, recycled mythology.

In order to believe in the Gospels and Christ the Magic Savior, you must first believe in one of the two versions of Genesis, with its talking snakes, magic apples, Free Will trumping omniscience and omnipotence, and God walking around an idyllic garden in shorts.

You need geniuses like Justin Martyr to explain that stories are of pre-Christian gods, whose lives and resurrections are similar to that of Jesus, were created by the devil; and other "apologists" like Eusebius, Origin, Tatian, Athenagorus, and Irenaeus to explain how 1+1+1+1; how wine turns to blood, and crackers turn into flesh; how virgins get artificially inseminated with God-sperm; how cadavers get up and walk around after three days; and why the whole Jesus carnival was necessary to cleanse the human soul from the Original Sin of eating an apple.

You need an Inquisition to punish any unenlightened fools like Giordano Bruno and Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de' Galilei and to burn witches, infidels, and heretics.

Believing in evolution doesn't require apologists or an Inquisition.

Just common sense.

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You just defended her coversion to islam by attacking Christians.

Get fucked.

She openly mocked Catholics on SNL year and years ago.

She was a mental case, MKUltra sweetheart.

She shaved her head and defied it all.

She wore her mental issues on her sleeve and her masters loved that.

She screwed the minds of so many young impressionable girls with her mental antics.

The you poorly attempt an Alinsky style of attack on me with your "treat/love others" portion of your comment.

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Your awareness might benefit from reading Frederic Martel's "In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy" to come to terms with what double standards, iniquity & crimes are committed in the name of Catholicism by many in the church's hierarchy to a systemic degree. It's beyond a few bad apples or one period of exposure & reform. You might come to find that Sinead's audacious critique, if certainly not deserved by every Catholic, was reliably earned by some of them in spades. Much evil is done in the name of good people. That's human nature. People like Sinead are the products of the violations perpetrated upon them, that is, products of the church itself, which protects its own abusers. If the good people of Catholicism are unable to police their ranks, it falls on people like her to expose it.

Here's an except:


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I do understand how Sinead confused the people of the church with the founder Jesus Christ, and in her confusion blamed their sins on Him

It is a weapon used on us to make us walk away from “The truth, the way, the light”

Believe me, I hope God in His mercy saved her and she will walk with Him eternally

But while on earth she made choices including aborting children and in some sort of convoluted, backhanded way, she perhaps did not even know that is what she was doing, was to justify her choices by telling everyone some people high in the church are just like her unfaithful.

Duh we are all sinners and without God’s grace, capable of the most atrocious evil, and that includes people in His church. His apostle Jude should help us all to see that.

Just because they lept off the cliff into darkness we must strive not to follow

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Find time to watch this

Highly researched and tells what the world was like when. Jesus walked among us and the night to day shift after


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Oh look another tard blaming Christianity

I'm a former Catholic Now I follow Christ not Rome.


islam diddles little boys, ask the afghanis

islam makes women submit and cover up

islam is the last religion this dead dumb woman should have chosen

but alas she chooses like shit

she chose to take the jab

she chose to mock Christianity

she chose to be a weak mind and weak soul

her choices and the way she was, was so toxic her kid killed himself

she basically sucked at everything she did

You're here defending her choice to go to islam...Get educated

I was an altar boy and didn't get diddled in a Catholic church so stick your attack where it belongs

I have little patience for people like you

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That's some mighty anger you have there, Mr. Follower of Christ, Not Rome. Are you so lacking in creativity that you can't imagine how such blanket invective and selective criticism appears to other people, including Christians? From whence derives your profound pain that you need so fervently to find objects upon which to project your anger and blame for its origin?


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"Much of Christianity's success in establishing itself as the state religion of Europe was due to the exuberant intolerance of its adherents. In a sense, the faith itself was founded on the idea of war in the spiritual realm—the titanic war of Good against Evil, God against Satan. And within the faith non-belief was equivalent to anti-belief. To tolerate skepticism regarding Christianity's central tenets, therefore, was to diminish in power the belief itself. Non-believers, in sum, were seen as willing the death of the Christian God."


Page 174

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Your Alinsky tactics are wasted upon me.

I'm allowed to be angry.

Get behind me.

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Hope you read my reply. And also watch the video.

It will help turn you anger in responding to compassion as to what we are all up against.

Thank you for remaining faithful. We need people like you to shine lights brightly so those in darkness can see the way


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Trish thank you.

I ask God everyday to forgive my tongue.

The impatience I have with these faithless creatures is a personal issue.

God Bless

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Yes, we need all the facts before we all go George Floyd over her...

Before becoming a muslim. she was a "priestess" in some obscure religion... Gotta wonder about that.

She also had at least 3 abortions.

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She was a flaming Leftard AND a Muslim. Only those who still have the Leftist Virus inside them are going to withhold condemnation of her.

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not catching your toss? do go on...

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Of course you can't catch the toss.

When your head is up arse it can be hard to see.

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Now, now Chewy. I expect more of my Wookiee warriors.

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Just blowing off steam Barbarian...

The Climate Crisis has me hot and bothered /wink

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I feel you. Every crisis makes it more difficult to keep my Shyriiwook to myself. All the best.

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5/27/21 https://www.irishpost.com/entertainment/sinead-oconnor-fans-gobsmacked-after-singer-posts-picture-of-her-17-year-old-son-who-looks-just-like-her-213505

SINÉAD O'CONNOR shared a rare photo of her 17-year-old son on social media this week and fans were stunned by how much they look alike.

The Irish singer, who goes by the name Shuhada Sadaqat, took to Twitter to announce that she had received her second Covid-19 jab.

She noted that her son Shane had gone with her, and alongside of photo of him, she wrote: "2nd vaccine today, my lovely 17 yr old son coming with me :) Behold Nevi'im Nesta Ali Shane O'Connor."

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2 mRNA shots... not much difference to committing suicide...

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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These are good links. Thank you!

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Nice. May she now rest peacefully.

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I hope she’s in peace now with her boy.

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It would seem she punished herself more than her abusers ever could... she was haunted and hunted by the specters she entertained. Life is Light and life is Darkness. Do some of us grow too fond of our pain and troubles - unable to pretend or transcend our way through this confusing material existence? The spirit and body struggling to connect and make life make sense... her disoriented struggles created a certain kind of brutal brilliance fleshed out and beautiful in its still moments of clarity only to be extinguished when the portal of connection would snap shut and darkness would surround her once again. Our struggles can create madness or wisdom or both may exist in parallel. I don’t normally feel any emotions over celebrity deaths but, to me, she was a reflection of the deep places few souls would ever dare to travel. Her choices, however unsightly to many, were hers to make and she knows now... she knows everything now. And so too will we all.

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